He should be.
Anyway, I've sort of unofficially third-ed Charizard since vBrawl came out, but I've really only used my main and secondary, Falco and Sonic, in even remotely competitive situations, and I'm looking to increase my repetiore. Since Smash 64, I've always dreamed of a Charizard fighter, and I'm glad B+ has made him not only able to go solo, but usable.
Now my question is this: Falco has a few matchups where...well, while not unbeatable, are just aggravating to fight. Sonic does nothing to help this, so I'm wondering whether I could use Charizard to patch up these holes. I am of course talking about ICs/Kirby/Squirtle, and maybe ROB/Marth as well (though the latter two I could probably use Falco for once I learn match-ups and play smart).
I know it's a bit early to be talking matchups right now, especially with the full game not even out yet, but I would appreciate some input, even if not specific matchup advice, as to how Charizard fairs against these characters and whether it would even be worth it to pursue using Charizard as a CP to those matchups.
If not, I can always just use Marth lol.