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Character Discussion Thread

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The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
Dr. Mario needs to function differently than Mario. I'm also sure Lucina and Dark Pit will get new animations.
Mario and Dr. Mario could share a slot, but that wouldn't work on the 3DS - the woes of small screens - and switching via costume selection would be tedious to some and annoy others that the Dr. should have gotten his own slot. On the Wii U, Dr. Mario & Mario and Pit & Pittoo sharing character slots is possible, but I don't know how people would feel. This wouldn't be like picking which Pokémon Red would throw out first or whether Zelda or Sheik starts.
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Smash Lord
Jan 31, 2010
Y'know, seeing how hostile and chaotic the forum is here, I wonder what the Melee and Brawl days were like. Was there any massive leak that spoiled everything and made half of the community go rabid? It's fascinating.
People freaked out over brawl's roster, mostly because ROB's a goon, still no Ridley, Mewto cut, etc.

The commnity was a lot smaller and more niche at the time of melee, but there was a CCS leak that people refused to believe because of the spacing, and people were not big on the clones (mostly Young Link because "who needs two links?, Doc because its still Mario, and Pichu because well pichu is lame) but they got over melee probs real quick and turned it into one of the most played competetive games out there, and I feel like they would have gotten over Brawl's roster had it been a better game (ala melee)


Smash Ace
Aug 10, 2013
Name me some fitting content from DKC that Sakurai can add in Smash Bros while also overlapping the amount of KI content has.
I can see where Diddy is coming from with the lack of DK content so far in this game. From what I've gathered up, Kid Icarus has:
3 Characters
2 Stages
16 Smash Run ememies
2 Assist Trophies
6 Items
4 Trophies (7 for the 2 Pits and Palutena)

Compared to DK which has:
2 Characters
1 Stage
2 Smash
No Assist Trophies
2 Items (3 If you want to count the Peanuts from Diddy's Popgun)
2 Trophies (4 for the Kongs)
If I'm missing more feel fee to let me know.
Let's do this. If you think the Tropical Freeze is too recent, you can easily replace it with lots of older stuff from the the first 4 DKC games + DK64.


Choose one or the other. If DK > Kid Icarus, choose both.


From Donkey Kong Country: Returns - Sunset Shore

From Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze - Windmill Hills

Smash Run Enemies:

Zingers + Buzzes, Mini-Neckys + Neckys, Tiki Torches, Rawks / Awks, Frogoon, Tucks, Archies, Hootzes, Waldoughs, Fluffs, Buckbots, Mole Guards, Klaptraps, just to name a few from all 5 DKC games.

Assist Trophies:


Animal buddies!

It's not too hard to find this much stuff to represent Donkey Kong. It's just Sakurai choice if he wants to give Donkey Kong some love or not.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
I would down a bottle of Dr. Mario approved pills and tear my Sakurai poster off of the wall. But seriously, I would be mildly disturbed as Dr. Mario was one of my more frequently played characters whereas Mario was not used at all. I do not like Mario's character in the slightest; however, Dr. Mario makes everything okay. I suppose my hipster pride enables me to enjoy his character over Mario's. F.L.U.D.D attenuated my enthusiasm for Mario and the pills were my favorite projectiles in Smash, I say this as a Link main, mind you.

I would probably not even use the costume as it would not feel like Dr. Mario to me.
It does seem that the main reason why people are in favor of Dr. Mario being a different character is if the F.L.U.D.D was gone. I never liked it, because it never had that much use to me, only if it gets a buff is when I will try to main Mario again.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Brawl speculation was ridiculous lol. Everyone had their expectations way too high, making 50+ character roster predictions and what not, people set themselves up for disappointment. This time around, people accepted that we will never get 25 newcomers in one game.
I do admit that expectations were at times unrealistic, but all we wanted was Krystal and Geno. Was that too much to ask? :054:
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Gre ninja'd

Smash Apprentice
Aug 4, 2014
Dallas, Texas
Do you know what people told me about Toon Link? Rosalina? Solo-Charizard? Phantom Zelda? Robin? Lucina? Dark Pit/Dr. Mario? They all said the same thing, albeit they were not as kind. They thought that those characters (or in the case of Phantom, attack) were impossible for no reason whatsoever, they blatantly disregarded our good friend, logic, in favor of their preconceived notions on what the roster was apparently shaping up to be.

Wolf might not "look" like he is coming back because he was not showcased on our precious leak. However, no one can counter his inclusion with a rational reason. Wolf was a popular veteran who is prominently featured within his own series. He is not going anywhere.
It's not just the leak to me, it's the fact we don't have any other star fox character officially announced that worries me, and falco is more popular than wolf, so it makes me believe that wolf will be cut, the leak only made that belief stronger. I'm going to church so I'll pray for Lucas wolf snake and ice climbers ;_;
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The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
I do admit that expectations were at times unrealistic, but all we wanted was Krystal and Geno. Was that too much to ask? :054:
I remember an IGN article - I'm pretty sure it was IGN - talking about wanted characters. It might have been fan-input, but there was stuff like Cloud Strife, Sora, Riku, and maybe even Master Chief.

Nowadays, nobody mentions third-party characters of that nature. Stuff like Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Shadow, Amy, Snake, and Megaman are okay, but saying you want Scorpion from Mortal Kombat might make everyone laugh at you.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
Oh sorry, I didn't choose the correct words, what I'm trying to say is that Lucas didn't deserve to get over Dr.Mario in the first place, Toon Zelda, Dixie and the rest of the forbidden 7 deserved the spot more...except Roy
Mewtwo and Dixie are a must still I feel. They made Lucina Roy's spiritual succesor, and I hope they do the same with Toon Sheik and Impa. They brought back Dr.Mario, so Mewtwo should be back to.


Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
It does seem that the main reason why people are in favor of Dr. Mario being a different character is if the F.L.U.D.D was gone. I never liked it, because it never had that much use to me, only if it gets a buff is when I will try to main Mario again.
I mainly wanted Dr. Mario back out of the forbidden 7. . .frankly because:
  1. He was a solid clone character
  2. For that reason, Dr. Mario was actually good, arguably better than Mario in game-play terms.
  3. Pills son. Get well soon son.
  4. That white sheet was so got dayum hotness
  5. First time in Smash history that a lingering aerial like N-air doing more damage / knockback than the initial first hit.
  6. Did I mention Dr. Mario was viable in tournaments & not Pichu Roy & Mewtwo, but Ganondorf & especially Falco did just fine?
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The Light Music Club

Smash Master
Dec 25, 2013
Knoxville, MD/Elizabethtown, PA
Even if they do get new animations, it'll only be a number of them. They'll still share a majority of the animations with their source character. Hell out of everything we've see of Lucina, only the taunt and side step animation was unique.

Wolf and Lucas on the other hand have to be made from scratch. Lucas only shares the FSmash animation with Ness.
You wouldn't have to make them from scratch, you could always make them less original then what they were in Brawl. I'd prefer to have Wolf more like Fox, over getting another Mario and Pits clone with no Wolf at all.

And since Dr. Mario is so easy to make, how come Lucas and Wolf made it in before him in Brawl?
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Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
It's not too hard to find this much stuff to represent Donkey Kong. It's just Sakurai choice if he wants to give Donkey Kong some love or not.
Exactly. And Sakurai is known for having a bias. Anyone remember this on the Super Smash Bros Dojo website?:

My song choices for this game were made very carefully after surveying song popularity, using opinions submitted to the Smash Bros. web site and listening to the songs themselves.

But there are also some songs I added based entirely on my own whims. This one song is from a Japan-only Game Boy game called X. If a song is good, that’s enough for me.

Of course, there is no X stage in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, but this time, the songs in Smash Bros. aren’t limited only to those series represented by characters and stages. We’ve pulled some that are from completely unrelated games.

Can you expect to hear this song or that song? You’ll just have to wait and see."


Even though the game is Nintendo owned, in the end, what Sakurai wants to add will make it in, because those things get priority.

Edit: Even if we did not get the song in the final product, the fact is that Sakurai's bias effects what he pays most attention to when making decisions.
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The Light Music Club

Smash Master
Dec 25, 2013
Knoxville, MD/Elizabethtown, PA
Exactly. And Sakurai is known for having a bias. Anyone remember this on the Super Smash Bros Dojo website?:

My song choices for this game were made very carefully after surveying song popularity, using opinions submitted to the Smash Bros. web site and listening to the songs themselves.

But there are also some songs I added based entirely on my own whims. This one song is from a Japan-only Game Boy game called X. If a song is good, that’s enough for me.

Of course, there is no X stage in Super Smash Bros. Brawl, but this time, the songs in Smash Bros. aren’t limited only to those series represented by characters and stages. We’ve pulled some that are from completely unrelated games.

Can you expect to hear this song or that song? You’ll just have to wait and see."


Even though the game is Nintendo owned, in the end, what Sakurai wants to add will make it in, because those things get priority.

Edit: Even if we did not get the song in the final product, the fact is that Sakurai's bias effects what he pays most attention to when making decisions.
I take that as a promise for Idolm@ster Music on Pac Mans stage.

I was fine with Sakurai bias, in till this leak happened.
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Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
I mainly wanted Dr. Mario back out of the forbidden 7. . .frankly because:
  1. He was a solid clone character
  2. For that reason, Dr. Mario was actually good, arguably better than Mario in game-play terms.
  3. Pills son. Get well soon son.
  4. That white sheet was so got dayum hotness
  5. First time in Smash history that a lingering aerial like N-air doing more damage / knockback than the initial first hit.
  6. Did I mention Dr. Mario was viable in tournaments & not Pichu Roy & Mewtwo, but Ganondorf & especially Falco did just fine?
Well Dr. Mario's main support now comes from being Mario from Melee's glory days.

Though, I think the whole solid clone character talk mainly associates to either Tournament Play or Tier List, correct?


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
You wouldn't have to make them from scratch, you could always make them less original then what they were in Brawl. I'd prefer to have Wolf more like Fox, over getting another Mario and Pits clone with no Wolf at all.

And since Dr. Mario is so easy to make, how come Lucas and Wolf made it in before him in Brawl?
I agree, I would not mind Wolf as a Fox clone if it meant having him in the game; actually, to be utterly honest, I would prefer it.


Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
I hope Dr. Mario doesn't share the final smash with Mario
I actually don't know what Dr. Mario's FS could or would be. Snap. . . .Idk:ohwell: It must involve a OD joke on something.
EDIT: @ Ffamran Ffamran 's Snivy :4greninja:'d me. What a twist.
Well Dr. Mario's main support now comes from being Mario from Melee's glory days.

Though, I think the whole solid clone character talk mainly associates to either Tournament Play or Tier List, correct?
To what it boils down to mostly, perhaps. I was not in that association with Mario's series back then. I was a "hack n slash" player.
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Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
He'll send out a spiral of pills. Man, everyone's going to OD on that. Great... More fuel for controversy.
That is the problem though. To what extent is Sakurai going to differentiate characters? Will he just make Dr. Mario act a little different from Mario and call it a day like he does with Toon Link?

I believe, since Toon Link and Link share the same Final Smash, that Dr. Mario and Mario will share the same one.

It just seems to be the least labor inducing decision that Sakurai would take.

True Blue Warrior

Smash Hero
Oct 4, 2013
United Kingdom
The community was actually more united when the Brawl leak came out, because practically everyone agreed the roster blew. This leak is a little more polarizing. It appeals to a good amount of people, yet disappoints a lot of others as well.

I was only kidding. Truthfully, I agree with you.
In hindsight, how the heck did the roster for Brawl blow?! It was easily a great roster.
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The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
That is the problem though. To what extent is Sakurai going to differentiate characters? Will he just make Dr. Mario act a little different from Mario and call it a day like he does with Toon Link?

I believe, since Toon Link and Link share the same Final Smash, that Dr. Mario and Mario will share the same one.

It just seems to be the least labor inducing decision that Sakurai would take.
Well, Dr. Mario's (and Dr. Luigi's) games were a bit like Tetris. So, couldn't the Dr.'s Final Smash just be his game falling downward and hitting everyone? Or a giant pill from the sky murdering everyone. Actually, that'd be an easy Final Smash to make. Just scale a pill and turn it into a meteor.

Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
I hope Dr. Mario doesn't share the final smash with Mario
I predict that the Final Smash and Down B will be the only unique moves Dr.Mario will have from Mario. If you don't count the Pills.

I also hope Dr.Mario will be bottom tier, and worse than Mario so that people will finally stop justifying Dr.Mario's inclusion because of those reasons.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
I predict that the Final Smash and Down B will be the only unique moves Dr.Mario will have from Mario. If you don't count the Pills.

I also hope Dr.Mario will be bottom tier, and worse than Mario so that people will finally stop justifying Dr.Mario's inclusion because of those reasons.
People justify a character's inclusion based on their tier? I have no seen that as of yet.


Treasure Hunter
Sep 6, 2010
You wouldn't have to make them from scratch, you could always make them less original then what they were in Brawl. I'd prefer to have Wolf more like Fox, over getting another Mario and Pits clone with no Wolf at all.
But then this'll even be MORE problematic because everyone will complain that they downgraded Wolf's moveset.
And since Dr. Mario is so easy to make, how come Lucas and Wolf made it in before him in Brawl?
Because the situation is totally the same right now as it was in Brawl

what kind of argument is that holy ****


Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
People justify a character's inclusion based on their tier? I have no seen that as of yet.
'Well at least Dr.Mario was better than Mario.'

'Dr.Mario's pills >> fireballs'

'I never liked the F.L.U.D.D. anyway.'

'Dr.Mario at least was competitive viable, Mewtwo wasn't.'

I see too many posts like these. And those reasons are all full of ****.


Smash Hero
Jul 31, 2013
In hindsight, how the heck did the roster for Brawl blow?! It was easily a great roster.
It was viewed as horrible, because of all the characters that could have made it in the game.

  1. A character that people claimed was barely known about: :rob:.
  2. :ganondorf: not using a sword to have a different moveset from :falcon:.
  3. People who believed Super Smash Brothers went down hill because it wasn't about Nintendo's All Stars anymore since :snake: and :sonic: got in.
  4. The delays of the game, and the inclusion of :sonic: delaying the game.
  5. :mewtwomelee: was cut from the game.
  6. Highly requested characters such as Little Mac, King K. Rool and Ridley did not make it in the game in playable roles.
  7. :toonlink: was claimed to have taken another Zelda newcomer's "potential spot". Reaction, why did we get another Link clone instead of [insert Zelda character here].
  8. :zerosuitsamus: forced :samus2: players to switch between the two characters when using Final Smashes.

Well, Dr. Mario's (and Dr. Luigi's) games were a bit like Tetris. So, couldn't the Dr.'s Final Smash just be his game falling downward and hitting everyone? Or a giant pill from the sky murdering everyone. Actually, that'd be an easy Final Smash to make. Just scale a pill and turn it into a meteor.
The thing is, if Sakurai gave :fox:, :falco:, and :wolf: the same Final Smash, then would he give Dr. Mario a different one? Would he find it necessary?
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The Smooth Devil Mod
Aug 25, 2014
People justify a character's inclusion based on their tier? I have no seen that as of yet.
There's Pichu. Granted, I just checked a wiki and Kirby's dead last in Melee. Going that route, Ganondorf, Kirby, Zelda, Samus, Link, Captain Falcon, Bowser, and a bunch of other characters should have been kicked off long ago.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
'Well at least Dr.Mario was better than Mario.'

'Dr.Mario's pills >> fireballs'

'I never liked the F.L.U.D.D. anyway.'

'Dr.Mario at least was competitive viable, Mewtwo wasn't.'

I see too many posts like these. And those reasons are all full of ****.
F.L.U.D.D and his pills are not relevant to his tier though (I suppose that is inherently true), those are move-set based arguments. Albeit the first and last reasons are suspect.


Smash Crusader
May 5, 2014
'Well at least Dr.Mario was better than Mario.'

'Dr.Mario's pills >> fireballs'

'I never liked the F.L.U.D.D. anyway.'

'Dr.Mario at least was competitive viable, Mewtwo wasn't.'

I see too many posts like these. And those reasons are all full of ****.
So Basically:
"Peole had more fun using the Doc?, that obviously is a sin, becuase fun doesn't mean anything, only REPS, IMPA 4 SMASH"
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Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
'Well at least Dr.Mario was better than Mario.'

'Dr.Mario's pills >> fireballs'

'I never liked the F.L.U.D.D. anyway.'

'Dr.Mario at least was competitive viable, Mewtwo wasn't.'

I see too many posts like these. And those reasons are all full of ****.
Despite my earlier post listing off most of this because, well, it's all true for the most part(?), F.L.U.D.D was actually good utility imho. People would be mindful of it if they always kept a FC water spray on handy if it was a bit better, LIKE THIS WATER GUN USER:squirtle:
EDIT: Eh Cape was better than FLUDD anyways. I still used it, but I'm in the minority on that.
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Diddy Kong

Smash Obsessed
Dec 8, 2004
Switch FC
F.L.U.D.D and his pills are not relevant to his tier though (I suppose that is inherently true), those are move-set based arguments. Albeit the first and last reasons are suspect.
Let me just point it down to this: People justify Dr.Mario's inclusion over Mewtwo's due to their Melee viability. Amongst other bull**** reasonings.


Smash Crusader
May 5, 2014
Let me just point it down to this: People justify Dr.Mario's inclusion over Mewtwo's due to their Melee viability. Amongst other bull**** reasonings.
People justify him because they like playing as him, but of course then everyone is all like "THEZE CHARACTERZ ARE MORE DEZERVING THIS IS BULL****!" and make it seem like the roster is some sort of elitist member club with serious discrimination issues :c, wich is especially ridiculous because everyone has their own vision of an "ideal roster".
I could state many reasons of why i think having Impa over Ganon would be bull****, but it would lead to nothing but pointless subjective arguments, wich is what you're pretty much doing here with the Doc fans.
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