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Character Discussion Thread

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Smash Rookie
Dec 26, 2013
I know this is pretty random, but any guesses as to who the last revealed newcomer(s) are going to be? They tend to be the hardest to choose from (as far as I'm aware of). The only characters I can even think of guessing of are Mama (from the Cooking Mama franchise) or a Smash representative (either Sandbag or a Primid; that really common green enemy that appeared in SSE mode)


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
I know this is pretty random, but any guesses as to who the last revealed newcomer(s) are going to be? They tend to be the hardest to choose from (as far as I'm aware of). The only characters I can even think of guessing of are Mama (from the Cooking Mama franchise) or a Smash representative (either Sandbag or a Primid; that really common green enemy that appeared in SSE mode)


Smash Apprentice
Feb 18, 2014
I've been playing around with the roster maker a bit the last few days, and here's the (admittedly inflated) roster I came up with. I had trouble making it look good, so I definitely added filler here and there. The characters at the side are the "transformations" of others, kept intact from Brawl.

My Roster.png

My most wanted character (second only to the recently revealed Little Mac) is Paper Mario, preferably based on the first two PM games (I'd settle for SPM references too). I always felt he'd be a fun take on an older character in the game. Realistically, though, I feel if there is another Mario rep, it would be Bowser Jr, but I picture him being a Luigi-style clone of Bowser. Quicker, weaker, but with something other than the fire breath attack.

Moving to the DK series, I expect Diddy to return, and I expect Dixie to join as well. I don't like the idea of them as a tag team though. I will be surprised if K. Rool makes an appearance, but I added him based on how often I hear about how much he's wanted. He's been all but ignored in the DK series for quite awhile now, so I think we'd be lucky to see him as an assist trophy.

The Kirby series is perfect as is, and I don't know enough about the Zelda series to really decide on a newcomer, so I left it alone. If I was to add anyone it would've been Tingle, and that just feels silly.

Joining Olimar as the Pikmin rep, I brought it Alph. I feel he could be a little quicker, and rely more on the winged and rock Pikmin. Maybe increase the chance of him getting certain Pikmin over Olimar? I feel if they take a base of Olimar and play with it, another rep could be fun. But realistically, Olimar is perfect on his own there. It's just kind of a wishful thinking slot. I would've preferred Olimar to be replaced with "Pikmin Explorer", which is just Olimar with different character skins (Alph, Brittany, Charlie, Louie, President...), but that's not happening. It does seem strange that none of the newer Pikmin types made any appearance though...

If Bowser isn't too big, than neither is Ridley. I picture his stance to be closer to the NES game than anything else, but that's just for spatial reasons. He'd likely be more of an air fighter. Little Mac's nightmare!

I feel if Wolf's specials are adjusted a bit more, he could be deserving to return. Though I am (still) surprised he was included in Brawl over Krystal. Change his and Falco's final smashes, while we're at it. Hated the repeats...

I don't know anything about the Fire Emblem series. I liked Ike's Brawl playstyle well enough. If there's a new FE representative, (s)he'll probably take Roy's place.

As far as I see it, Palutena is in. Leak or not, she's gained in popularity since Uprising. Seems like a shoe-in. Though that would require giving Pit a new FInal Smash...

I want Pokemon Trainer back with his Brawl Pokemon. I liked that trio. I also fully expect to see Mewtwo return. The only cut Melee character I expect to see, to be honest. Dr. Mario would be cool as a costume, as would Pichu in a Pokeball though. And Jigglypuff was one of the originals. She isn't going anywhere.

Dillon or Mallo seem to me to be the perfect rep for Nintendo's eshop ventures. While I haven't played a Dillon game yet, I think he'd make a better fit than Mallo though.

I admit I didn't get very far in Earthbound, but I really liked the jokiness of Porky in the first part of the game. That, and how he's apparently a villain, could make for an interesting character. I'd rather see Lucas cut and Porky added than the other way around, but I don't expect him or Ness to go anywhere.

Mii just makes sense to me. Plus, (s)he was part of the original leak that seems to be shaping into the truth.

As for third party characters, well, I expect Pac-Man to show up regardless of that initial leak. My first reaction to hearing of Namco's involvement in the game was the basic "Haha, Pac-Man confirmed!". But the more I think about it, the more I like the idea. I also would like to see Rayman appear to. His Origins/Legends moveset can be Smashified pretty easily too. And then there's Snake. He's the number one Brawl newbie I expect to see cut. But if he's toned down a bit more, he'd have a nice playstyle. Though if there was to be a Konami rep, I think Simon Belmont makes the most sense.

tldr: Look at my bloated roster! LOOK AT IT!!!

Headcrab Jackalope

Smash Ace
Dec 17, 2013
Switch FC
No Anthony Higgs? I honestly wouldn't mind Mother Brain, but she is already an assist trophy. I don't know who Rundas is... and also... Kraid is TOO BIG. :troll:
I would accept Anthony as well.

Heeeeeey. Don't insult Kraid like that. He gets angry. He prefers the term "plus-size."


Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
@Opossum: Please don't treat me like I'm you're kid telling me to "Watch my mouth". I have every right to accuse anybody of simply not telling the truth. I did not call you a name.

You said Rosalina did not have anything to suggest Luma would be controlled in her move set. That is simply not true. Stuff doesn't just not exist because you don't recognize it.
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Smash Lord
Jul 31, 2012
There is a pattern for newcomers. Besides the dojo colors, the pattern is

Smaller Smash speculated character (Villager, Rosalina)
Big Smash speculated character (Megaman, Little Mac)
WTF Character (WFT)
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Smash Journeyman
Jan 30, 2012
Ladies and gentlemen, sorry for missing the train. What is the consensus on Year of Not Luigi beginning presumably on March 19th versus the Smash Bros. here on Smashboards?

EDIT: typo
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Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Then would you be fine with an Ancient Minister alt costume for ROB as your Smash rep ?
Considering Smash Bros is about Nintendo All-Stars and not spawning it's own playable characters, I'd say that's more than enough. I mean c'mon, it's not as if Smash can pull off it's own Ruby Heart or anything along those lines.
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Smash Dreamer
Jun 22, 2012
U.S., Maryland (Eastern Time, UTC - 5hrs)
Okay, well since I had a lot of time on my hands, and the pac-man forum was kinda quiet, I decided to post my updated pac-man moveset here.

Here is my updated moveset. Implementing a 4-directional movement moveset, and various elements from almost all of his games.

Please Enjoy, and Feel free to give me Feedback!

Pac-Man Eats the Competition!
His speed is now around Mario's, but when he dashes, he takes out his roller skates and goes at diddy kong's speed. He has traction that allows him to stop on a dime and turn faster than anyone In smash. His first jump is pretty average matching foxes's, but his second jump is when he uses his magic boots from pac-land and he goes pretty high, surpassing Mario's first jump in height. He can also, cling to the stage and wall jump His aerial speed is above average and can easily connect aerials for great combos. He can glide with his hang glider from pac man 2. His falling speed is at about falco's speed surprisingly knowing that he eats everything. His power in moves is actually surprisingly above-average after a long history of chasing ghosts and duking it out with other spectral creatures and monsters. Can match mr.G&W's power in a fight. He focuses on exploiting weaknesses in the opponent and gimps them. He also keeps the opponent running since most of his attacks pressure shields and have good spacing. The most interesting and unique mechanic is pac-man's emergency slo-mo turning mechanic. Whenever Pac-man is near an opponent when he is at 100% or higher, the game slows down around pac-man, and this gives him time to either turn around or use a bomb. Pac-man gains three bombs to use when he reaches 100% and can be activated while pressing A while in slo-mo mode. The bomb does no damage, but blasts the opponent away with high knockback. This makes pac-man the ultimate hit-and-run character and allows him to survive a very long time.
  • Size: 3/5 (Mario height)
  • Weight: 2.5/5 (average weight)
  • Power: 3.5/5 (Above average, rapid chomps)
  • Ground Speed: 2/5 walk, 4/5 run (dash speed at diddy kong's level)
  • Traction: 5/5 (stops and turns on a dime)
  • Jump Ability: 3.5/5 (first jump is average, second jump is very good)
  • Air Speed: 3/5
  • Fall Speed: 3/5
B: CHOMP!- Pac-Man eats the opponent and gains 5% back to his percentage bar. Pac-Man can still walk around normally and do any attacks that don't involve eating like his forward smash(He doesn't slow down like Kirby) for up to 5 seconds until Pac-Man then has to shoot the opponent out of his mouth in the form of eyeballs that turn back into the foe after knockback is done. This move can be aimed in 4 directions, akin to the vertical/horizontal gameplay of the original. Aiming it downward on the ground lays the opponent down like G&W's down grab. When jumping in the air, the downward aim spikes. This move's knockback can not be DI'd out of, but is affected by percentage making this a great KO move.
Side B: Maze Teleport- Pacman walks into an empty void like he does in the arcade game. After one second, he comes chomping out of the opposite side of the map, in the opposite direction he went in, with 4 ghosts behind him. Pac man and the ghosts do damage to the opponent while pac-man goes chomping in the air for about 1.5 seconds. The ghosts then turn to eyeballs and disappear. does 5% per chomp of pac-man's mouth, ghosts do 3% per hit. A very good vertical recovery move.
Down B: Butt Bounce- Pac-Man jumps up and bounces back down with his...Butt. Can be use 3 times in a row after the first bounce. Meteor smashes in mid-air, 3rd hit pushes opponent away like toon link's d-air. Can be moved side to side across the whole stage. 3rd hit makes a shock wave that does 5% on contact (1st hit does 9%, 2nd does 10%, and 3rd does 13%. ) From Pac-Man world 2
Up B: Pac-Dot Chain- Pac-Man throws out a red pac dot and eats it. He turns back into 8 bit form and a ghost chases him while he is eating. When he does a line of pac-dots form in mid air. You can control where the pac-dots turn. It can also latch onto the stage. Pac-Man eats the dots as fast as a fire fox's speed. The hitboxes in this move are pacman and the ghost. From Pac-Man world 2
Forward smash- Chomp #2:
Pac-Man leans back while charging, and leans forward and chomps when the move is executed. Little to no start-up lag(throwback to the pac-man games where pac-man's chomps are always super quick). Pokes the hell out of shields like Mr.G&W's back aerial when tippered(which is the sourspot) and freezes the opponent like wolf's forward tilt while a gulping noise plays(Throwback to the games when a ghost was eaten, the game would freeze and points would show). Can also slip through shields at times. 19-30% fully charged at sweepspot
17-27% fully charged at sourspot. High knockback. (Being one of the best forward smashes in the game makes pacman's forward smash stand out)

Up Smash- Uppercut:
Pac-man jumps upward and does an uppercut. The hitbox is from the ground to the tip of his fist with the sweetspot and sour spot being like marth's up smash (15% uncharged 22% fully charged.). Start up fast and drags foes inward and upward. average knockback. from world series
Down Smash- Metal Pac: Pac-man jumps upward and slams down on the ground causing a shockwave. Noticable start-up lag. inspired by user bridgeswithturtles. from the world series (14% uncharged 18% fully charged.) average knockback.
Standard Attacks
AAA combo: Punch, Punch, KO- Pac-man throws a left hook, right hook, then a jab that pressures shields and blasts opponents away at semi-high knockback. (2%, 4%, then 6%.)
example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UFMBujNRfs 5:12 - 5:15. From Pac-Man world 3
Dash attack: Pellet trail- Pacman flies forward and bites opponent 3 times. Moves pac-man at the speed of captain falcon's run. Pressures shields on all hits like Kirby's dash attack. Comes out fast and doesn't slow down his run. Also, has no visible lag at the cool down. (1st hit 2%, 2nd hit 3%, 3rd hit 5%. 10% in total)
F-tilt: Sonic Wave - pac man sends out a sound wave from pac and pal that does little damage but stabilizes opponents for a quick second. (4%)
U-tilt: Jump Chomp- pac man jumps up and chomps opponents. Very good for juggling and shield poking when right next to opponent. ( 6%)
D-tilt: Cherry Bomb- pacman places a cherry on the ground that blows up after a second. High knockback (7%)
ledge attack: Pac-man comes up with a frontflip and hits opponent with both his fists. average knockback (5%)
100% ledge attack: pac-man comes up slowly and then chomps the opponent. Pokes shields (10%)
Floor attack: Pacman rises up like Dracula out of a coffin and punches both sides of him. short range, but comes out fast. low knockback (5% each side)
100% floor attack: Pac-man comes up and chomps both sides of him. Good and fast surprise attack. average knockback (10%)
U-air: Skate Slice- Pac-Man does a flip kick with skates on and does slicing damage, like a blade. Does upward knockback on starting frames, but ending frames cause sideways knockback. Cuts through air dodges and shields. Very high knockback (does 10%)From Pac-man world 2.
D-air: Galaga - Pac-Man pulls out a galaga ship and shoots downward with it. The ammo goes down really fast and if it lands on the opponent at all, on any part of their body, they are meteor smashed.(does 13%) Meteor smashes. High knockback.
F-air: Pellet blast - Pac-man shoots pellets out of his mouth while moving his head up and down. Barrages foe and hits above, below, and in front of pac-man. Shield pressure. 11% damage. medium knockback
B-air : Ghost - Pac-man turns back and chomps backwards while being chased by a ghost. It turns pac-man around and does multiple hits with shield breaking capabilities. Comes out fast and the hitboxes are the ghost and pac-man. The ghost blocks projectiles. (10% damage) average knockback
N-air : Smiling Spin - pac-man spins around in a circle and hurts opponents while facing the screen. (does 4% on first hit, 1% on any other frame but the first.) average knock back on first frames, but no knockback after that.
Z- air : Grappling Hook - pac man pulls out his grapple from the old pac-in-time game and lunges it forward like link's. The tip can hit multiple times on starting and ending frames but only the tip does damage. The rope will push the character into the tip however. (5%)
Grab: Pac-man sends out a dig-dug pump and catches the opponent. Very fast start-up with no ending lag.
Pummel: Inflation - Pac-man inflates(lol) the opponent (3% each hit) The special aspect of this pummel is that after about 3 pummels the opponent is automatically released with high knockback, but if you don't throw them, or pummel them again after about .5 seconds, the opponent is simply released in front of you and left immobile for 1 second.
F- throw - Pellet shoot : pacman throws opponent up, and blasts them downward with rapid-fire pellets. Can hit nearby opponents. Great for blasting opponents off the stage. Does multiple hits (does 12%) High knockback
D-throw: Ribbon-loop - pacman spits the opponent on the ground and eats a ribbon loop pellet. The opponent stands up while pac-man circles around the opponent. A circle appears around them and then closes in on them, exploding on contact. (does 10%damage) does high knockback and sends them careening upwards.
U-throw - Flip kick: pacman spits out opponents upward and flip kicks them. average vertical knockback(7%)
B-throw- toss: pacman tosses opponent diagonally backwards and chomps opponents as they go upward. Does three hits. (1st hit 2%, second hit 4%, 3rd hit 4% damage) average knockback
Up-taunt - pacman turns back into 8 bit and does his dying animation with the death music.
Down taunt- pac-man turns and gives a thumbs up to the audience
Side-taunt- pacman throws and kicks a pac dot around like a soccer ball then eats it. From pacman world series
Final Smash
Pac-man eats a power pellet and everyone turns blue. Some people even revert to ghost forms (like boo Mario and luigi). if he chomps you then it is an immediate KO while points show up on the screen after every kill. Lasts for about 10 seconds and everyone turns back to normal with pac-man being brought back to his 3d form.
When defeated: Pac-man sits on the ground like this only without armor while scratching his head.
When Pac-man wins: the pac-man opening theme plays while pac-man is chasing a ghost, and he finally eats it and gives a thumbs up.
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The Light Music Club

Smash Master
Dec 25, 2013
Knoxville, MD/Elizabethtown, PA
There is a pattern for newcomers. Besides the dojo colors, the pattern is

Smaller Smash speculated character (Villager, Rosalina)
Big Smash speculated character (Megaman, Little Mac)
WTF Character (WFT)
Notice how all of those characters had something to do with the Wii. (I don't think New Leaf was out when Villager was confirmed.)
Villager- Newest Game was City Folk (Might be wrong)
Wii Fit Trainer- Well, Wii is in her name.
Little Mac- Came back to life on Wii
Megaman- Stayed around thanks to the VC
Rosalina- Born on the Wii Console.

Clearly they are focused on Wii and DS series this time around, and hopefully not 3DS and Wii U characters. *cough* Chrom *Cough*

Also, even if the Palutena leak does some how end up being fake, Kirby might be Sakurai's child, but Kid Icarus is his Step-Child, so he will push to have some KI character playable.

EDIT: New Leaf came before SSB4 was announced, but a few months after Uprising was finished (When they said SSB4 development started)
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Curious Villager

Jun 24, 2012
@ Nu~ Nu~ I think you would get more discussion if you posted that moveset in the Pac-Man support thread.

Also I'm not sure if that kind of post should really be in this thread anyway...


Smash Master
Dec 5, 2012
Hiding in Microsoft Headquarters
Ganondorf is Demise as much as Zelda is Hylia.
Ganondorf just doesn't know that. He is an incarnation of Demise's hatred.
He is passing his evil power and hate to a different person, Gannon's power reflects demises power but is only a potion of demises almighty form. They definitely different, Zelda and hylia are different as well, one being a goddess and one being a human with godlike power.


An old friend evolved
Jul 8, 2013
Getting geared up for the 20th
EDIT: New Leaf came before SSB4 was announced, but a few months after Uprising was finished (When they said SSB4 development started)
Animal Crossing representation takes some cues from New Leaf though with examples like Isabelle being present on the Smash Bros poster, so it had an influence regardless.
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Banned via Warnings
May 20, 2012
New Jersey
No matter what Fire emblem is in this game someone is gonna get upset over it so might as well reveal it and get it over with
Nobody will ***** about Ike returning (Except for the scrubs that don't know about the shield button), hence why I would rather bring him back then shoehorn in something people don't want.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Oh, okay. I thought character discussion meant movesets too. my bad...
Move set discussions are allowed but maybe yours was a little too detailed and thorough hence why you may not get as much feedback. I suggest bringing this to the Pac Man thread or the General Move Set thread.


Smash Dreamer
Jun 22, 2012
U.S., Maryland (Eastern Time, UTC - 5hrs)
Move set discussions are allowed but maybe yours was a little too detailed and thorough hence why you may not get as much feedback. I suggest bringing this to the Pac Man thread or the General Move Set thread.
Ok, well thanks. A member some time ago said my moveset wasn't detailed enough so I took it upon myself to heavily elaborate on everything. I'll try to stick to my way next time and generalize more.


Smash Master
Jun 16, 2013
In an Endless Spiral of Depression
Okay, well since I had a lot of time on my hands, and the pac-man forum was kinda quiet, I decided to post my updated pac-man moveset here.

Here is my updated moveset. Implementing a 4-directional movement moveset, and various elements from almost all of his games.

Please Enjoy, and Feel free to give me Feedback!

Pac-Man Eats the Competition!
His speed is now around Mario's, but when he dashes, he takes out his roller skates and goes at diddy kong's speed. He has traction that allows him to stop on a dime and turn faster than anyone In smash. His first jump is pretty average matching foxes's, but his second jump is when he uses his magic boots from pac-land and he goes pretty high, surpassing Mario's first jump in height. He can also, cling to the stage and wall jump His aerial speed is above average and can easily connect aerials for great combos. He can glide with his hang glider from pac man 2. His falling speed is at about falco's speed surprisingly knowing that he eats everything. His power in moves is actually surprisingly above-average after a long history of chasing ghosts and duking it out with other spectral creatures and monsters. Can match mr.G&W's power in a fight. He focuses on exploiting weaknesses in the opponent and gimps them. He also keeps the opponent running since most of his attacks pressure shields and have good spacing. The most interesting and unique mechanic is pac-man's emergency slo-mo turning mechanic. Whenever Pac-man is near an opponent when he is at 100% or higher, the game slows down around pac-man, and this gives him time to either turn around or use a bomb. Pac-man gains three bombs to use when he reaches 100% and can be activated while pressing A while in slo-mo mode. The bomb does no damage, but blasts the opponent away with high knockback. This makes pac-man the ultimate hit-and-run character and allows him to survive a very long time.
  • Size: 3/5 (Mario height)
  • Weight: 2.5/5 (average weight)
  • Power: 3.5/5 (Above average, rapid chomps)
  • Ground Speed: 2/5 walk, 4/5 run (dash speed at diddy kong's level)
  • Traction: 5/5 (stops and turns on a dime)
  • Jump Ability: 3.5/5 (first jump is average, second jump is very good)
  • Air Speed: 3/5
  • Fall Speed: 3/5
B: CHOMP!- Pac-Man eats the opponent and gains 5% back to his percentage bar. Pac-Man can still walk around normally and do any attacks that don't involve eating like his forward smash(He doesn't slow down like Kirby) for up to 5 seconds until Pac-Man then has to shoot the opponent out of his mouth in the form of eyeballs that turn back into the foe after knockback is done. This move can be aimed in 4 directions, akin to the vertical/horizontal gameplay of the original. Aiming it downward on the ground lays the opponent down like G&W's down grab. When jumping in the air, the downward aim spikes. This move's knockback can not be DI'd out of, but is affected by percentage making this a great KO move.
Side B: Maze Teleport- Pacman walks into an empty void like he does in the arcade game. After one second, he comes chomping out of the opposite side of the map, in the opposite direction he went in, with 4 ghosts behind him. Pac man and the ghosts do damage to the opponent while pac-man goes chomping in the air for about 1.5 seconds. The ghosts then turn to eyeballs and disappear. does 5% per chomp of pac-man's mouth, ghosts do 3% per hit. A very good vertical recovery move.
Down B: Butt Bounce- Pac-Man jumps up and bounces back down with his...Butt. Can be use 3 times in a row after the first bounce. Meteor smashes in mid-air, 3rd hit pushes opponent away like toon link's d-air. Can be moved side to side across the whole stage. 3rd hit makes a shock wave that does 5% on contact (1st hit does 9%, 2nd does 10%, and 3rd does 13%. ) From Pac-Man world 2
Up B: Pac-Dot Chain- Pac-Man throws out a red pac dot and eats it. He turns back into 8 bit form and a ghost chases him while he is eating. When he does a line of pac-dots form in mid air. You can control where the pac-dots turn. It can also latch onto the stage. Pac-Man eats the dots as fast as a fire fox's speed. The hitboxes in this move are pacman and the ghost. From Pac-Man world 2
Forward smash- Chomp #2:
Pac-Man leans back while charging, and leans forward and chomps when the move is executed. Little to no start-up lag(throwback to the pac-man games where pac-man's chomps are always super quick). Pokes the hell out of shields like Mr.G&W's back aerial when tippered(which is the sourspot) and freezes the opponent like wolf's forward tilt while a gulping noise plays(Throwback to the games when a ghost was eaten, the game would freeze and points would show). Can also slip through shields at times. 19-30% fully charged at sweepspot
17-27% fully charged at sourspot. High knockback. (Being one of the best forward smashes in the game makes pacman's forward smash stand out)

Up Smash- Uppercut:
Pac-man jumps upward and does an uppercut. The hitbox is from the ground to the tip of his fist with the sweetspot and sour spot being like marth's up smash (15% uncharged 22% fully charged.). Start up fast and drags foes inward and upward. average knockback. from world series
Down Smash- Metal Pac: Pac-man jumps upward and slams down on the ground causing a shockwave. Noticable start-up lag. inspired by user bridgeswithturtles. from the world series (14% uncharged 18% fully charged.) average knockback.
Standard Attacks
AAA combo: Punch, Punch, KO- Pac-man throws a left hook, right hook, then a jab that pressures shields and blasts opponents away at semi-high knockback. (2%, 4%, then 6%.)
example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0UFMBujNRfs 5:12 - 5:15. From Pac-Man world 3
Dash attack: Pellet trail- Pacman flies forward and bites opponent 3 times. Moves pac-man at the speed of captain falcon's run. Pressures shields on all hits like Kirby's dash attack. Comes out fast and doesn't slow down his run. Also, has no visible lag at the cool down. (1st hit 2%, 2nd hit 3%, 3rd hit 5%. 10% in total)
F-tilt: Sonic Wave - pac man sends out a sound wave from pac and pal that does little damage but stabilizes opponents for a quick second. (4%)
U-tilt: Jump Chomp- pac man jumps up and chomps opponents. Very good for juggling and shield poking when right next to opponent. ( 6%)
D-tilt: Cherry Bomb- pacman places a cherry on the ground that blows up after a second. High knockback (7%)
ledge attack: Pac-man comes up with a frontflip and hits opponent with both his fists. average knockback (5%)
100% ledge attack: pac-man comes up slowly and then chomps the opponent. Pokes shields (10%)
Floor attack: Pacman rises up like Dracula out of a coffin and punches both sides of him. short range, but comes out fast. low knockback (5% each side)
100% floor attack: Pac-man comes up and chomps both sides of him. Good and fast surprise attack. average knockback (10%)
U-air: Skate Slice- Pac-Man does a flip kick with skates on and does slicing damage, like a blade. Does upward knockback on starting frames, but ending frames cause sideways knockback. Cuts through air dodges and shields. Very high knockback (does 10%)From Pac-man world 2.
D-air: Galaga - Pac-Man pulls out a galaga ship and shoots downward with it. The ammo goes down really fast and if it lands on the opponent at all, on any part of their body, they are meteor smashed.(does 13%) Meteor smashes. High knockback.
F-air: Pellet blast - Pac-man shoots pellets out of his mouth while moving his head up and down. Barrages foe and hits above, below, and in front of pac-man. Shield pressure. 11% damage. medium knockback
B-air : Ghost - Pac-man turns back and chomps backwards while being chased by a ghost. It turns pac-man around and does multiple hits with shield breaking capabilities. Comes out fast and the hitboxes are the ghost and pac-man. The ghost blocks projectiles. (10% damage) average knockback
N-air : Smiling Spin - pac-man spins around in a circle and hurts opponents while facing the screen. (does 4% on first hit, 1% on any other frame but the first.) average knock back on first frames, but no knockback after that.
Z- air : Grappling Hook - pac man pulls out his grapple from the old pac-in-time game and lunges it forward like link's. The tip can hit multiple times on starting and ending frames but only the tip does damage. The rope will push the character into the tip however. (5%)
Grab: Pac-man sends out a dig-dug pump and catches the opponent. Very fast start-up with no ending lag.
Pummel: Inflation - Pac-man inflates(lol) the opponent (3% each hit) The special aspect of this pummel is that after about 3 pummels the opponent is automatically released with high knockback, but if you don't throw them, or pummel them again after about .5 seconds, the opponent is simply released in front of you and left immobile for 1 second.
F- throw - Pellet shoot : pacman throws opponent up, and blasts them downward with rapid-fire pellets. Can hit nearby opponents. Great for blasting opponents off the stage. Does multiple hits (does 12%) High knockback
D-throw: Ribbon-loop - pacman spits the opponent on the ground and eats a ribbon loop pellet. The opponent stands up while pac-man circles around the opponent. A circle appears around them and then closes in on them, exploding on contact. (does 10%damage) does high knockback and sends them careening upwards.
U-throw - Flip kick: pacman spits out opponents upward and flip kicks them. average vertical knockback(7%)
B-throw- toss: pacman tosses opponent diagonally backwards and chomps opponents as they go upward. Does three hits. (1st hit 2%, second hit 4%, 3rd hit 4% damage) average knockback
Up-taunt - pacman turns back into 8 bit and does his dying animation with the death music.
Down taunt- pac-man turns and gives a thumbs up to the audience
Side-taunt- pacman throws and kicks a pac dot around like a soccer ball then eats it. From pacman world series
Final Smash
Pac-man eats a power pellet and everyone turns blue. Some people even revert to ghost forms (like boo Mario and luigi). if he chomps you then it is an immediate KO while points show up on the screen after every kill. Lasts for about 10 seconds and everyone turns back to normal with pac-man being brought back to his 3d form.
When defeated: Pac-man sits on the ground like this only without armor while scratching his head.
When Pac-man wins: the pac-man opening theme plays while pac-man is chasing a ghost, and he finally eats it and gives a thumbs up.
It's not bad, really detailed and well thought out. I actually redesigned my own Pac-Man moveset lately as well, let me know what you think of it:

And I must say, the way people have lost love for movesets in this thread does make me a bit sad. :c
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Let me know when I'm supposed to laugh, okay?
Aug 12, 2011
Snooping as usual
Notice how all of those characters had something to do with the Wii. (I don't think New Leaf was out when Villager was confirmed.)
Villager- Newest Game was City Folk (Might be wrong)
Wii Fit Trainer- Well, Wii is in her name.
Little Mac- Came back to life on Wii
Megaman- Stayed around thanks to the VC
Rosalina- Born on the Wii Console.

Clearly they are focused on Wii and DS series this time around, and hopefully not 3DS and Wii U characters. *cough* Chrom *Cough*

Also, even if the Palutena leak does some how end up being fake, Kirby might be Sakurai's child, but Kid Icarus is his Step-Child, so he will push to have some KI character playable.
I don't mean to disappoint you about Chrom, but don't dig too much into it We have little reason to think that we're not getting 3DS or Wii-U character except from that loose list you got there. (And, I'm sorry, but the Mega Man thing is kind of grasping at straws.) I suppose the most we can say is there's a correlation between having something to do with the Wii and being playable, but don't go too far with that, as it means little since we only know five out the who-knows-how-many new characters.

Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
Ok, well thanks. A member some time ago said my moveset wasn't detailed enough so I took it upon myself to heavily elaborate on everything. I'll try to stick to my way next time and generalize more.
I would consider a detailed yet generalized move set to consist of specials, basic attacks such as tilts and jabs, aerials, smashes, and throws with maybe a brief (if any) description behind each attack.

Going back to Metroid....

I fully support Dark Samus but only if she is not regulated as a clone which can be done if Sakurai wants to put forth that effort. If she is a clone, I don't want her. A Wolf-like semi clone is cool with me though.

Other than that, Sylux is the next big one but even him is kinda....meh. I never liked Other M so Anthony is not a huge thing for me. Cool guy, tho.

I also toyed around with a Mini Kraid and even made a move set for him but....it was just a joke.
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Banned via Warnings
May 30, 2013
As probably the biggest Pac-Man hater on this site, I think Pac-Man has a really good chance of happening. So much that he was on the alt of my last roster. Disclaimer: I do not AT ALL base my proposal of Pac-Man on anything related to the coincidental fact that Namco is working on the game.

What's funny is that Pac-Man could actually have a pretty unique move set. The most unique thing being the ghosts. So if people thing Pac-Man can't be unique, try to focus more on the game's source material and not just the character itself.

I actually would not hate Pac-Man if he used his classic design. Which of course he would if he was in.
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