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Character Discussion Thread

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Venus of the Desert Bloom

Cosmic God
Super Moderator
Writing Team
Jul 30, 2007
While I would love to talk about Robin Williams' amazing filmography library (as a big Robin Williams fan and someone who woke up to this tragic news); this thread is for characters and not a discussion thread for Robin Williams.
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Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Let's talk about Alice the Balloon Kid making an appearance in Smash.
Intriguing prospect. I did support Balloon Fighter for Brawl (I was very young, you see) and I suppose I have always wanted him to make an appearance past a trophy. He has gotten a few allusions here and there, his own stage, even! I was not even aware that Alice was a character to be honest, I would be genuinely interested in having her as a playable character. She probably :urg: has the same issue that Balloon Fighter has, however.
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Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2014
I guess I didn't really consider any other Toon reps. I guess she would rank somewhere after Impa, maybe before Vaati. But I'd prefer her in Tetra form. Three Zelda LoZ reps seems a little overkill now that transformations are scrapped. I've been feeling either a second Ganon so we have two complete Triforces, or Impa.
I personally never thought that three different Zeldas was an issue. Especially after almost having four in Brawl.
I agree that seeing her in Tetra form would be cool, and while I believe that Tetra is still a contender, I think Toon Zelda has the most going for her in terms of precedence, hints, and likelihood.


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2014
I personally never thought that three different Zeldas was an issue. Especially after almost having four in Brawl.
I agree that seeing her in Tetra form would be cool, and while I believe that Tetra is still a contender, I think Toon Zelda has the most going for her in terms of precedence, hints, and likelihood.
What hints are you referring to? Enlight Arrow me.
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Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
Why you do this?

But anyway, maybe I should repost my old Muddy move set for the new folks.
I would be interested, I am not necessarily new, but I have not yet seen this move-set for him. I could always go to his thread, but that would be too reasonable. Muddy Mole is one of those characters that I never knew existed until I joined this site. So that is usually a sign that the character is going to be playable. :awesome:


Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
I'm pretty sure it was due to balance. In the case of Olimar, it's probably to make him less suspect to camping, which seems to be a goal of sorts this time around. Other characters like Pit, King Dedede, Fox, and Samus have adjustments that make their projectiles more situational too.

Though the transformations in general suffer from the factor that is no flow between characters. Like a shoddy attempt at making a stance based moveset, though forgetting the fundamental rules that it's supposed to be a tool instead of characters and making sure they actually complement each other instead of polarizing.
I dunno, all these characters getting their gimmicks that weigh on the hardware more reduced or removed, with a game Sakurai has already commented about technical limitations proving an issue for some characters seem to point to a reason other than balance. I mean he could've removed the transformation gimmick last time, but he expanded on it. Now it's cut entirely, resulting in the likely omission of two original characters and the idea for a gimmick Sakurai has held since Melee. You yourself just raised how these new gimmicks could very possibly interfere with the balance of it all, now you think it's a priority of Sakurai's? Look at all the new gimmicks he's added already, if he could've kept the old ones I suspect he would've, he kept other gimmicks.

The one thing he says time and time again is that what the character does or brings to set themselves apart is what he looks for most, I doubt he would cut a gimmick that exemplifies uniqueness unless he had to, considering in the past it out-prioritized the balance that would've come with individual characters.

With a director that prioritized balance more I'd agree with you, but you know how much Sakurai cares about those silly gimmicks. And it's not like people were clamoring in droves for separation of transformation characters either like they were with removing tripping.
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Gone Exploring
Jan 6, 2008
Why you do this?

But anyway, maybe I should repost my old Muddy move set for the new folks.
Ehh, I don't have much to say about Muddy. Looking at the ATs so far it's pretty clear what his role is likely to be this time, which is perfectly adequate representation for him everything considered.

Maybe he'll be revealed soon.


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
For those who wanted it, this was made two years ago. :p

Muddy Mole

A: Right Claw Swipe 2%
AA: Left Claw Swipe 3%
AAA: Alternating claw barrage. 2% per hit
A Side: Muddy does a small punch. Can be performed in quick succession. 8%
A Up: Muddy holds his hands up like a goal post and jumps up. 12%
A Down: Muddy gets low and kicks at the opponent’s feet. 14%
Dash A: Muddy does a leaping somersault forward. 13%

Smash Side: Muddy does a strong headbutt. 18%
Smash Up: Muddy spins upward corkscrewing his claws.22%
Smash Down: Muddy spins low to the ground kicking up a small wave of dirt to both of his sides. 20%

Air A: Muddy does a small midair cartwheel for weak damage. 5%
Forward Air A: Muddy slaps the foe weakly in midair. 4%
Backward Air A: Muddy roundhouse kicks in midair. 7%
Up Air A: Muddy sweeps his claws in an arc. 4%
Down Air A: Muddy kicks the opponent down with both feet. Meteor-Smash. 9%

Grab and Pummel: Muddy grabs the foe and knees them in the torso. 4%
Forward Throw: Muddy kicks the foe ahead of him. 10%
Back Throw: Muddy spins the opponent and throws them back, similar to Mario. 8%
Up Throw: Muddy digs under the foe and hits them with a tack from underneath, sending them upward. 15%
Down Throw: Muddy slams his foe into the ground, kicking up some dirt in the process. 12%

His Neutral B would be the iron ball. Press B once, and it spawns, and stays on the ground in front of you. You can keep it there, and it will act as an unbreakable wall. However, if you press B again when you are close to the ball, you can throw it at your opponent! It will be very slow and not very powerful at first, but if you hold B, Muddy will charge up the throw, increasing the speed, distance, and damage. However, if the opponent hits you during start up, you will drop the ball. The ball will eventually disappear if A.) Too much time passes without you throwing it, or B.) You hit the opponent. Only one Ball can be present at a time per Muddy Mole. It does 15% when pushed forward with no charge, 22% when charged. Going backwards, it does 20% uncharged, and 30% when charged.

His Side B will be the Hole Trap. Muddy would crouch low, dig a small hole, and then be able to leave the scene. The foe wouldn't know where the pitfall spot is, under normal circumstances. When it is stepped on, they fall into a pitfall. Muddy cannot get trapped by this move. So yeah, it's the pitfall item, essentially. Muddy can have up to two of these out on the stage at any given time. 0%

His Up B would be the cabbage jump. After Muddy Mole defeats a boss in his games, he saves one of his children, who pop out of a giant cabbage that falls from the sky, and leap up with a corkscrew-like jump. Muddy would essentially do the same. A giant cabbage would surround him, and he'd pop out using a Wario-like Corkscrew. If used in Midair, the cabbage will fall to the ground, potentially doing damage, and possibly a meteor-smash. When used on land, it disappears after use. I guess you can call it a mix between Wario's and Sonic's. 16% with the corkscrew, 10% if the cabbage hits you.

Muddy Mole's Down B would be Burrow. Going underground was key in Muddy Mole's adventures, so naturally Smash should reflect that. He would dig a hole, and go underground. If used on a passable platform, he'd fall through it. While underground, he can move around very fast, but at the expense of not being able to see where he is. By releasing B, he will pop out of the hole, causing minimal damage. However, you only have a three second time frame to stay underground, otherwise you are forcefully removed from the dirt. This would make up for Muddy's lackluster aerial game.

Finally, his Final Smash would be the Mole Family. When the Smash Ball is obtained, Muddy whistles loudly. His children and wife appear by his side and burrow into the stage. Going with Muddy's theme of stage control, his family makes the entire stage shake with violent tremors. To make matters worse, if the foe gets hit by one of the descending moles, they will be put into a Pitfall state. Every two or so seconds, the tremors cause 6% damage to any foe on the ground. Tripping is also slightly more likely. The effect only lasts for 15 seconds, but Muddy himself is free to move about and perpetuate the foe's agony by keeping them grounded. After 15 seconds, the family emerges. Muddy's wife puts the baby moles in their wagon, and they disappear.

Taunts: Up: He adjusts his sunglasses with a shine and smiles. (With the clichéd *ding* sound of course)
Down: He digs a small hole and pulls out a small cabbage. He proceeds to eat it.
Side: He holds out his paw and extends his claws.

Kirby Hat: Kirby dons a pair of shades and a handkerchief.

Codec Conversation: Snake: Colonel, who's the mole wearing sunglasses?
Colonel: That's Muddy Mole, Snake.
Snake: Never heard of him. He's probably no big threat.
Colonel: Be careful, Snake, Muddy here can do something that no one else here can do. He'll dig right beneath you and hit you from the other side.
Snake: That's pretty cheap, wouldn't you say?
Colonel: Coming from the man who's fighting a mole, while using a ton of explosives...just make sure to watch out, Snake.
Snake: What else is there to watch for?
Colonel: Besides digging, Muddy can also launch giant iron balls. And bombs, too.
Snake: ...Ugh.
Playstyle: Basically, Muddy Mole is your trap user to the extreme. Block off certain spots with the Iron Ball, dig underneath it, and hit the foes on the other side is a pretty good tactic. If time is running out on it, throw it for good damage. Being a mole, Muddy is best on the ground, of course. Many of his smashes and throws are powerful. That being said, if you’re playing Muddy in the air for any reason other than recovery, you’re using him wrong. Muddy is just plain bad in the air. Low fall speed, bad aerials, and semi-lightweight an aerial fighter does not make. All in all, Muddy is an interesting character to play as, and will leave the opponents guessing as to which move he’ll use next.
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Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2014
What hints are you referring to? Enlight Arrow me.
I think the biggest thing is that we know that she was considered to be in Brawl. That to me makes it seem like she might get considered again due to the fact that a big game involving her (Spirit Tracks) has since released. She could also be used to market the Wind Waker HD. If the Wii U version gets a Wind Waker stage, Toon Zelda could be there to represent a Zelda stage on both versions.

I posted a thought I had in the Toon Zelda thread a few days ago after I saw the Phantom Trophy in the Pic of the Day. I think that it's very possible that the Phantom model used in the Trophy could be the model that Toon Zelda would use for her version of the Phantom Slash move. My reasoning being that it resembles the Phantom that Toon Zelda would use in Spirit Tracks, and they could have just used the model that Zelda's Phantom Slash uses, but they created another model for the trophy instead.

Speaking of Zelda, have you noticed that many have been complaining about nerfs and changes that they gave her in Smash 4? You know that people also complained about Marth feeling nerfed in certain areas as well? Guess what we got a few weeks later. That's right. A Marth clone in the form of Lucina. I feel as if they changed up Zelda in too many areas that wasn't necessary. My theory is that she might be receiving a better air game, while Toon Zelda receives a better ground game, assuming she's on the roster.

Lastly, there are so many reasons people say that certain, more popular Zelda candidates won't get in. Ghirahim being in one Zelda game, Vaati not being relevant anymore, Ganon being just a Final Smash. I've seen almost no arguments that goes against Toon Zelda's potential inclusion, besides the regular three Zeldas being too many. Even that is just a conjecture. I have some more points, but I think you get the gist of it. The pieces of the puzzle are there, but nobody wants to put them together.

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
Muddy would be cool, but I don't think he's playable. I think the closest we'll get to a "retro" newcomer is either Pac-Man or Little Mac. I'm entirely fine with that too.

Then again, if I get Snake and Shulk, then I don't even care who else gets in the game.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
For those who wanted it, this was made two years ago. :p

Muddy Mole

A: Right Claw Swipe 2%
AA: Left Claw Swipe 3%
AAA: Alternating claw barrage. 2% per hit
A Side: Muddy does a small punch. Can be performed in quick succession. 8%
A Up: Muddy holds his hands up like a goal post and jumps up. 12%
A Down: Muddy gets low and kicks at the opponent’s feet. 14%
Dash A: Muddy does a leaping somersault forward. 13%

Smash Side: Muddy does a strong headbutt. 18%
Smash Up: Muddy spins upward corkscrewing his claws.22%
Smash Down: Muddy spins low to the ground kicking up a small wave of dirt to both of his sides. 20%

Air A: Muddy does a small midair cartwheel for weak damage. 5%
Forward Air A: Muddy slaps the foe weakly in midair. 4%
Backward Air A: Muddy roundhouse kicks in midair. 7%
Up Air A: Muddy sweeps his claws in an arc. 4%
Down Air A: Muddy kicks the opponent down with both feet. Meteor-Smash. 9%

Grab and Pummel: Muddy grabs the foe and knees them in the torso. 4%
Forward Throw: Muddy kicks the foe ahead of him. 10%
Back Throw: Muddy spins the opponent and throws them back, similar to Mario. 8%
Up Throw: Muddy digs under the foe and hits them with a tack from underneath, sending them upward. 15%
Down Throw: Muddy slams his foe into the ground, kicking up some dirt in the process. 12%

His Neutral B would be the iron ball. Press B once, and it spawns, and stays on the ground in front of you. You can keep it there, and it will act as an unbreakable wall. However, if you press B again when you are close to the ball, you can throw it at your opponent! It will be very slow and not very powerful at first, but if you hold B, Muddy will charge up the throw, increasing the speed, distance, and damage. However, if the opponent hits you during start up, you will drop the ball. The ball will eventually disappear if A.) Too much time passes without you throwing it, or B.) You hit the opponent. Only one Ball can be present at a time per Muddy Mole. It does 15% when pushed forward with no charge, 22% when charged. Going backwards, it does 20% uncharged, and 30% when charged.

His Side B will be the Hole Trap. Muddy would crouch low, dig a small hole, and then be able to leave the scene. The foe wouldn't know where the pitfall spot is, under normal circumstances. When it is stepped on, they fall into a pitfall. Muddy cannot get trapped by this move. So yeah, it's the pitfall item, essentially. Muddy can have up to two of these out on the stage at any given time. 0%

His Up B would be the cabbage jump. After Muddy Mole defeats a boss in his games, he saves one of his children, who pop out of a giant cabbage that falls from the sky, and leap up with a corkscrew-like jump. Muddy would essentially do the same. A giant cabbage would surround him, and he'd pop out using a Wario-like Corkscrew. If used in Midair, the cabbage will fall to the ground, potentially doing damage, and possibly a meteor-smash. When used on land, it disappears after use. I guess you can call it a mix between Wario's and Sonic's. 16% with the corkscrew, 10% if the cabbage hits you.

Muddy Mole's Down B would be Burrow. Going underground was key in Muddy Mole's adventures, so naturally Smash should reflect that. He would dig a hole, and go underground. If used on a passable platform, he'd fall through it. While underground, he can move around very fast, but at the expense of not being able to see where he is. By releasing B, he will pop out of the hole, causing minimal damage. However, you only have a three second time frame to stay underground, otherwise you are forcefully removed from the dirt. This would make up for Muddy's lackluster aerial game.

Finally, his Final Smash would be the Mole Family. When the Smash Ball is obtained, Muddy whistles loudly. His children and wife appear by his side and burrow into the stage. Going with Muddy's theme of stage control, his family makes the entire stage shake with violent tremors. To make matters worse, if the foe gets hit by one of the descending moles, they will be put into a Pitfall state. Every two or so seconds, the tremors cause 6% damage to any foe on the ground. Tripping is also slightly more likely. The effect only lasts for 15 seconds, but Muddy himself is free to move about and perpetuate the foe's agony by keeping them grounded. After 15 seconds, the family emerges. Muddy's wife puts the baby moles in their wagon, and they disappear.

Taunts: Up: He adjusts his sunglasses with a shine and smiles. (With the clichéd *ding* sound of course)
Down: He digs a small hole and pulls out a small cabbage. He proceeds to eat it.
Side: He holds out his paw and extends his claws.

Kirby Hat: Kirby dons a pair of shades and a handkerchief.

Codec Conversation: Snake: Colonel, who's the mole wearing sunglasses?
Colonel: That's Muddy Mole, Snake.
Snake: Never heard of him. He's probably no big threat.
Colonel: Be careful, Snake, Muddy here can do something that no one else here can do. He'll dig right beneath you and hit you from the other side.
Snake: That's pretty cheap, wouldn't you say?
Colonel: Coming from the man who's fighting a mole, while using a ton of explosives...just make sure to watch out, Snake.
Snake: What else is there to watch for?
Colonel: Besides digging, Muddy can also launch giant iron balls. And bombs, too.
Snake: ...Ugh.
Playstyle: Basically, Muddy Mole is your trap user to the extreme. Block off certain spots with the Iron Ball, dig underneath it, and hit the foes on the other side is a pretty good tactic. If time is running out on it, throw it for good damage. Being a mole, Muddy is best on the ground, of course. Many of his smashes and throws are powerful. That being said, if you’re playing Muddy in the air for any reason other than recovery, you’re using him wrong. Muddy is just plain bad in the air. Low fall speed, bad aerials, and semi-lightweight an aerial fighter does not make. All in all, Muddy is an interesting character to play as, and will leave the opponents guessing as to which move he’ll use next.
Interesting move-set, I have to be honest, it is reminiscent of Villager's move-set; albeit, you made this before Villager's reveal. It just reminds me of him, I suppose. The Final Smash is similar to Nook's family, the ball is vaguely similar to the tree that he plants (minus the throwing aspect, of course), the side-special is like the shovel (minus the... utility)... cabbages vs. turnips. I am not asserting that it is the same, it just reminds me of Villager. Okay, maybe it is nothing like Villager. That was just the sentiment that popped into my mind. The digging mechanic sounds interesting. However, I might be inclined to agree with N3ON. The digging ability is one of the only aspects of his move-set that is inherently different and specific to him. So he might be better suited as an assist trophy.

Regardless, it was a great read and I am inspired to make a move-set for one of my most wanted characters, Dark Pit. :shades:
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Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2014
I think the biggest thing is that we know that she was considered to be in Brawl. That to me makes it seem like she might get considered again due to the fact that a big game involving her (Spirit Tracks) has since released. She could also be used to market the Wind Waker HD. If the Wii U version gets a Wind Waker stage, Toon Zelda could be there to represent a Zelda stage on both versions.

I posted a thought I had in the Toon Zelda thread a few days ago after I saw the Phantom Trophy in the Pic of the Day. I think that it's very possible that the Phantom model used in the Trophy could be the model that Toon Zelda would use for her version of the Phantom Slash move. My reasoning being that it resembles the Phantom that Toon Zelda would use in Spirit Tracks, and they could have just used the model that Zelda's Phantom Slash uses, but they created another model for the trophy instead.

Speaking of Zelda, have you noticed that many have been complaining about nerfs and changes that they gave her in Smash 4? You know that people also complained about Marth feeling nerfed in certain areas as well? Guess what we got a few weeks later. That's right. A Marth clone in the form of Lucina. I feel as if they changed up Zelda in too many areas that wasn't necessary. My theory is that she might be receiving a better air game, while Toon Zelda receives a better ground game, assuming she's on the roster.

Lastly, there are so many reasons people say that certain, more popular Zelda candidates won't get in. Ghirahim being in one Zelda game, Vaati not being relevant anymore, Ganon being just a Final Smash. I've seen almost no arguments that goes against Toon Zelda's potential inclusion, besides the regular three Zeldas being too many. Even that is just a conjecture. I have some more points, but I think you get the gist of it. The pieces of the puzzle are there, but nobody wants to put them together.
Solid. I'll add her to my "don't be surprised if ____ shows up" list. haha


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
I absolutely want a character who digs in through the ground.
It does not need to be muddy mole.
I think first we need a character who truly flies.

Honestly, just environmental-altering characters intrigue me.
Isn't this what Mach Rider/ Excite Biker would be?
Sakurai said he could not figure out how to make a character who 'would need ramps on every stage,' so I'm pretty certain he could have figured that out by now (make him summon ramps, ta da, how hard is that?)

Honestly, let's get one of each. A land, air, earth. One who alters and plays well in each! Environmental players, go!


Thread Title Changer
Aug 10, 2011
This Thread
Switch FC
SW 2859 6322 5208
Interesting move-set, I have to be honest, it is reminiscent of Villager's move-set; albeit, you made this before Villager's reveal. It just reminds me of him, I suppose. The Final Smash is similar to Nook's family, the ball is vaguely similar to the tree that he plants (minus the throwing aspect, of course), the side-special is like the shovel (minus the... utility)... cabbages vs. turnips. I am not asserting that it is the same, it just reminds me of Villager. Okay, maybe it is nothing like Villager. That was just the sentiment that popped into my mind. The digging mechanic sounds interesting. However, I might be inclined to agree with N3ON. The digging ability is one of the only aspects of his move-set that is inherently different and specific to him. So he might be better suited as an assist trophy.

Regardless, it was a great read and I am inspired to make a move-set for one of my most wanted characters, Dark Pit. :shades:
You know, would it be odd if I said I thought the same at first when I saw Villager? :p

I've been trying to get a different Side Special, especially, since then, but if I give him the Elbow Pipe, that's just another reflector. :/

As for the tree, I'd like to think that Muddy's iron balls are more permanent than the tree is, which fades quickly, and can't be moved around, giving Muddy a more stage control-like style.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Forgive me for asking, but is it even necessary that Mach Rider is on his bike at all times? Why can't he whip out a motorcycle that weighs hundreds of pounds at his own convenience like Wario?

Scoliosis Jones

Kept you waiting, huh?
Writing Team
Aug 7, 2012
Buffalo, New York
You know, would it be odd if I said I thought the same at first when I saw Villager? :p

I've been trying to get a different Side Special, especially, since then, but if I give him the Elbow Pipe, that's just another reflector. :/

As for the tree, I'd like to think that Muddy's iron balls are more permanent than the tree is, which fades quickly, and can't be moved around, giving Muddy a more stage control-like style.

Muddy disconfirmed. Sakurai would never allow something like that in Smash.:troll:


Smash Lord
Apr 18, 2014
Mushroom Kingdom
While I would love to talk about Robin Williams' amazing filmography library (as a big Robin Williams fan and someone who woke up to this tragic news); this thread is for characters and not a discussion thread for Robin Williams.
If it was just about anyone else, I'd agree... but... it's Robin Williams.

For those who wanted it, this was made two years ago. :p

Muddy Mole

A: Right Claw Swipe 2%
AA: Left Claw Swipe 3%
AAA: Alternating claw barrage. 2% per hit
A Side: Muddy does a small punch. Can be performed in quick succession. 8%
A Up: Muddy holds his hands up like a goal post and jumps up. 12%
A Down: Muddy gets low and kicks at the opponent’s feet. 14%
Dash A: Muddy does a leaping somersault forward. 13%

Smash Side: Muddy does a strong headbutt. 18%
Smash Up: Muddy spins upward corkscrewing his claws.22%
Smash Down: Muddy spins low to the ground kicking up a small wave of dirt to both of his sides. 20%

Air A: Muddy does a small midair cartwheel for weak damage. 5%
Forward Air A: Muddy slaps the foe weakly in midair. 4%
Backward Air A: Muddy roundhouse kicks in midair. 7%
Up Air A: Muddy sweeps his claws in an arc. 4%
Down Air A: Muddy kicks the opponent down with both feet. Meteor-Smash. 9%

Grab and Pummel: Muddy grabs the foe and knees them in the torso. 4%
Forward Throw: Muddy kicks the foe ahead of him. 10%
Back Throw: Muddy spins the opponent and throws them back, similar to Mario. 8%
Up Throw: Muddy digs under the foe and hits them with a tack from underneath, sending them upward. 15%
Down Throw: Muddy slams his foe into the ground, kicking up some dirt in the process. 12%

His Neutral B would be the iron ball. Press B once, and it spawns, and stays on the ground in front of you. You can keep it there, and it will act as an unbreakable wall. However, if you press B again when you are close to the ball, you can throw it at your opponent! It will be very slow and not very powerful at first, but if you hold B, Muddy will charge up the throw, increasing the speed, distance, and damage. However, if the opponent hits you during start up, you will drop the ball. The ball will eventually disappear if A.) Too much time passes without you throwing it, or B.) You hit the opponent. Only one Ball can be present at a time per Muddy Mole. It does 15% when pushed forward with no charge, 22% when charged. Going backwards, it does 20% uncharged, and 30% when charged.

His Side B will be the Hole Trap. Muddy would crouch low, dig a small hole, and then be able to leave the scene. The foe wouldn't know where the pitfall spot is, under normal circumstances. When it is stepped on, they fall into a pitfall. Muddy cannot get trapped by this move. So yeah, it's the pitfall item, essentially. Muddy can have up to two of these out on the stage at any given time. 0%

His Up B would be the cabbage jump. After Muddy Mole defeats a boss in his games, he saves one of his children, who pop out of a giant cabbage that falls from the sky, and leap up with a corkscrew-like jump. Muddy would essentially do the same. A giant cabbage would surround him, and he'd pop out using a Wario-like Corkscrew. If used in Midair, the cabbage will fall to the ground, potentially doing damage, and possibly a meteor-smash. When used on land, it disappears after use. I guess you can call it a mix between Wario's and Sonic's. 16% with the corkscrew, 10% if the cabbage hits you.

Muddy Mole's Down B would be Burrow. Going underground was key in Muddy Mole's adventures, so naturally Smash should reflect that. He would dig a hole, and go underground. If used on a passable platform, he'd fall through it. While underground, he can move around very fast, but at the expense of not being able to see where he is. By releasing B, he will pop out of the hole, causing minimal damage. However, you only have a three second time frame to stay underground, otherwise you are forcefully removed from the dirt. This would make up for Muddy's lackluster aerial game.

Finally, his Final Smash would be the Mole Family. When the Smash Ball is obtained, Muddy whistles loudly. His children and wife appear by his side and burrow into the stage. Going with Muddy's theme of stage control, his family makes the entire stage shake with violent tremors. To make matters worse, if the foe gets hit by one of the descending moles, they will be put into a Pitfall state. Every two or so seconds, the tremors cause 6% damage to any foe on the ground. Tripping is also slightly more likely. The effect only lasts for 15 seconds, but Muddy himself is free to move about and perpetuate the foe's agony by keeping them grounded. After 15 seconds, the family emerges. Muddy's wife puts the baby moles in their wagon, and they disappear.

Taunts: Up: He adjusts his sunglasses with a shine and smiles. (With the clichéd *ding* sound of course)
Down: He digs a small hole and pulls out a small cabbage. He proceeds to eat it.
Side: He holds out his paw and extends his claws.

Kirby Hat: Kirby dons a pair of shades and a handkerchief.

Codec Conversation: Snake: Colonel, who's the mole wearing sunglasses?
Colonel: That's Muddy Mole, Snake.
Snake: Never heard of him. He's probably no big threat.
Colonel: Be careful, Snake, Muddy here can do something that no one else here can do. He'll dig right beneath you and hit you from the other side.
Snake: That's pretty cheap, wouldn't you say?
Colonel: Coming from the man who's fighting a mole, while using a ton of explosives...just make sure to watch out, Snake.
Snake: What else is there to watch for?
Colonel: Besides digging, Muddy can also launch giant iron balls. And bombs, too.
Snake: ...Ugh.
Playstyle: Basically, Muddy Mole is your trap user to the extreme. Block off certain spots with the Iron Ball, dig underneath it, and hit the foes on the other side is a pretty good tactic. If time is running out on it, throw it for good damage. Being a mole, Muddy is best on the ground, of course. Many of his smashes and throws are powerful. That being said, if you’re playing Muddy in the air for any reason other than recovery, you’re using him wrong. Muddy is just plain bad in the air. Low fall speed, bad aerials, and semi-lightweight an aerial fighter does not make. All in all, Muddy is an interesting character to play as, and will leave the opponents guessing as to which move he’ll use next.
I think Muddy may put our cute-to-gritty ratio back on track.


Smash Ace
May 26, 2014
Forgive me for asking, but is it even necessary that Mach Rider is on his bike at all times? Why can't he whip out a motorcycle that weighs hundreds of pounds at his own convenience like Wario?
Not necessary, but it would be a cool way to make him unique. Animation might be a bit harder for him, but if you ask me it would be worth it.


Overkill Sarcasm
Dec 24, 2013
The Fabulous Friendly Super Sparkle Train
So I had an idea for Paper Mario where he has different partners following him, changing them with your Down Special will change your standard special move. They wouldn't actually attack opponents of have hitboxes, so they would easy to implement by themselves.


True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
Not necessary, but it would be a cool way to make him unique. Animation might be a bit harder for him, but if you ask me it would be worth it.
Completely agreed. He wouldn't necessarily need ramps either to jump and platform comfortably, too. We can suspend our disbelief for a Smash Bros game.


Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
I absolutely want a character who digs in through the ground.
It does not need to be muddy mole.
I think first we need a character who truly flies.

Honestly, just environmental-altering characters intrigue me.
Isn't this what Mach Rider/ Excite Biker would be?
Sakurai said he could not figure out how to make a character who 'would need ramps on every stage,' so I'm pretty certain he could have figured that out by now (make him summon ramps, ta da, how hard is that?)

Honestly, let's get one of each. A land, air, earth. One who alters and plays well in each! Environmental players, go!
I'd like a character such as Knuckles who does that just fine. Jill Dozer seems to be AT status again, to me anyways, could be wrong & don't mind that at all. The one who flies, will be MK? His wing-span seemed titanic compared to his size, despite it looking small in the 2D platforming. Stage-altering environment-dexterous characters are interesting & approve of any further additions AT's would bring, especially any newcomer ATs. @ ~Krystal~ ~Krystal~ 's idea of the inspiration from Mach Rider whipping out the bike like Wario does, is approved in my book. It's not automatically making Mach Rider full-blown clone either.

For environmentalists, you made this too easy.

Groudon Kyogre & Rayquaza for Sm4sh Captain Planet for SM4SH!
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Smash Journeyman
Jun 17, 2014
I wish Transformations had stayed. Although Pokemon really suffers the most out of it being removed, plenty of other characters could've been added with it, namely Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario, and a Paper Mario, that could function like the RPGs he's from


Smash Lord
May 20, 2014
I wish Transformations had stayed. Although Pokemon really suffers the most out of it being removed, plenty of other characters could've been added with it, namely Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario, and a Paper Mario, that could function like the RPGs he's from
paper mario still has a ton of unique options imo. it didnt really hurt him much at all in my opinon.


Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
I wish Transformations had stayed. Although Pokemon really suffers the most out of it being removed, plenty of other characters could've been added with it, namely Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario, and a Paper Mario, that could function like the RPGs he's from
Or Super Sonic or any of his spin-off storybook transformations including DarkSuper Sonic.

Beign serious transformations kind of made MU's difficult yet implemented counter-measures in those same MUs that were originally complicated.
Brawl example being Zelda = killpower / meaty hitboxes with Magic while Seik = damage racker / rush-down.

Transofrmations being removed may have been for the best in the end.
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True American Heroine
Nov 6, 2007
I'd like a character such as Knuckles who does that just fine. Jill Dozer seems to be AT status again, to me anyways, could be wrong & don't mind that at all. The one who flies, will be MK? His wing-span seemed titanic compared to his size, despite it looking small in the 2D platforming. Stage-altering environment-dexterous characters are interesting & approve of any further additions AT's would bring, especially any newcomer ATs. @ ~Krystal~ ~Krystal~ 's idea of the inspiration from Mach Rider whipping out the bike like Wario does, is approved in my book. It's not automatically making Mach Rider full-blown clone either.

For environmentalists, you this too easy.

Groudon Kyogre & Rayquaza for Sm4sh Captain Planet for SM4SH!
Captain Planet, he's our hero. Gonna take pollution down to zero.


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
[Interior; Miami Apartment- Computer Logged onto Smashboards]

Ten thirty-two PM, August 11th.

I was just going on my day, delightful as it was, a few months past transformations being declared null. I was no longer making arrangements to send a basket of roses to the delightful soul who propagated a certain Mario ..... delight... as a character, years ago.

I wish Transformations had stayed. Although Pokemon really suffers the most out of it being removed, plenty of other characters could've been added with it, namely Bowser Jr./Shadow Mario, and a Paper Mario, that could function like the RPGs he's from
Shucks, looks like they would have to give Bowser Junior a move set that actually represents his character, personality, and originality; a move set that reflects more than 1/230 of the Mario series; a move set that actually holds merit as differentiating itself from that of the other Mario characters we currently have. Gosh!
That's a shame. I was really hoping for a Jr/Shadow combo, because if a planned clone isn't good enough, a clone who transforms into another clone is just too much better.

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Smash Lord
May 19, 2014
Or Super Sonic or any of his spin-off storybook transformations including DarkSuper Sonic.

Beign serious transformations kind of made MU's difficult yet implemented counter-measures in those same MUs that were originally complicated.
Brawl example being Zelda = killpower / meaty hitboxes with Magic while Seik = damage racker / rush-down.

Transofrmations being removed may have been for the best in the end.
I really hate Sonic X.


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2014
I only mind clones if they have potential to be a very unique character. Take Ganondorf for example. He has many tools to work with yet he's stuck as a Falcon semi-clone. Same with Luigi, where half of his specials are made up.
So I had an idea for Paper Mario where he has different partners following him, changing them with your Down Special will change your standard special move. They wouldn't actually attack opponents of have hitboxes, so they would easy to implement by themselves.
Great idea! Who would you like to see? I'm too bias because I'd only pick partners from the original Paper Mario and TTYD.
I also thought that his customization could implement the various badges from the games. For example:

And for those who do not know, these are various badges that can be equipped to his hammer. Fire Drive, Hammer Throw, Head Rattle, Ice Smash, and Quake Hammer all cause different affects. There's more, but I find these the most suitable for Smash.
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Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
I really hate Sonic X.
But you'll love this. (btw skip to 8:00 if you wanna see why I'd post this & help change your mind, implying you haven't watched this yet).

To everyone, I wanna see Mario LoZ & Pokemon get 7 slots each. Yoshi get a semi-clone of himself being Yarn Yoshi, Dreamland & FE having 4 slots, as far as the more noted franchise Universes go.
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Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Warning Received
So gais, someone just leaked the Brawl roster to me...
[collapse="Warning, it is Spoiler Heavy!"][collapse="Warning, it FULL OF SPOILERS!"][collapse="Spoilers Lay Ahead!"][collapse="Spoilers Incoming!"][collapse="This is a Spoiler!"][collapse="Beware of Spoilers!!"][collapse="Spoilers Are Near!"][collapse="(not really)"][collapse="It's a (Spoiler-Filled) Trap!"][collapse="Always Report Spoilers!"][collapse="These Spoilers are Heavy Man!"][collapse="I Always Use Just One Exclamation Point!"][collapse="People on /v/ know nothing about Smash!"][collapse="This Leak is GameFAQs-proof!"][collapse="Warning: Spoilers!"][collapse="Spoilers Beware!!"]
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Smash Lord
Feb 13, 2014
*Reads past pages talking about clone characters*

I guess I will never be able to agree with most clone inclusions. The only clones that I ever thought were actually well designed were Melee Falco (despite the surface-level similarities to Fox), Jigglypuff (very debatable if she can even be considered one, but the term "clone" is arbitrary anyway), and Luigi to an extent. The rest I felt were either a completely unnecessary inclusion or didn't need to be clones at all and could have been expanded to something greater.

How about waiting until the game's out before determining whether or not a character is unviable.
To be fair, Robin's entire mechanic is restrictive at face-value in an environment where you would want all your tools at your disposal (and where most of your enemies will have all their viable tools ready for them to use); you're limited in what sword/tome you can use, and when your Levin Sword and tome breaks, you must wait for them to recharge and be in danger of being stuck with an inferior sword and tomes possibly disadvantage to the situation (Has there even been confirmation whether you can control what Tome you will swap to when another breaks?). It's reasonable to be a little worried and not far-fetched to think that he may end up completely impractical in the long run. Of course, straight up claiming that he will objectively be unviable without us knowing Smash 4's meta-game is going a bit too far, but I can understand Xenoblaze's concerns.

Doesn't change my opinion of him though; character-selection wise, he was the only logical choice from Awakening that offered anything worthwhile. I'm hoping his mechanic works out. I really don't want him to be the next Pokemon Trainer.

Forgive me for asking, but is it even necessary that Mach Rider is on his bike at all times? Why can't he whip out a motorcycle that weighs hundreds of pounds at his own convenience like Wario?
I would think Mach Rider always being mounted on his bike would be a far more interesting since your entire playstyle would be based around your vehicle's speed and momentum, especially momentum from dashing. I think that would be better then just whipping out the bike just to perform a select number of moves from time to time.
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Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
So gais, someone just leaked the Brawl roster to me...
[collapse="Warning, it is Spoiler Heavy!"]
[collapse="Warning, it is Spoiler Heavy!"]
[collapse="Warning, it is Spoiler Heavy!"]
[collapse="Warning, it is Spoiler Heavy!"]
[collapse="Warning, it is Spoiler Heavy!"]
[collapse="Warning, it is Spoiler Heavy!"]
[collapse="Warning, it is Spoiler Heavy!"]
[collapse="Warning, it is Spoiler Heavy!"]
[collapse="Warning, it is Spoiler Heavy!"]
[collapse="Warning, it is Spoiler Heavy!"]
[collapse="Warning, it is Spoiler Heavy!"]
[collapse="Warning, it is Spoiler Heavy!"]
[collapse="Warning, it is Spoiler Heavy!"]
[collapse="Warning, it is Spoiler Heavy!"]
[collapse="Warning, it is Spoiler Heavy!"]
[collapse="Warning, it is Spoiler Heavy!"]

Another present wrapping journey!


Smash Hero
Mar 24, 2014
Miami, NYC
Switch FC
SW 3124 9647 8311
To everyone, I wanna see Mario LoZ & Pokemon get 7 slots each. Yoshi get a semi-clone of himself being Yarn Yoshi, Dreamland & FE having 4 slots, as far as the more noted franchise Universes go.
I super agree; except for Yoshi. I wanted Kamek. Now I fear Babies. And while they actually could be a really good team, I just would have preferred Kamek.

Not that 'who I want' even matters.
I would WANT Pokemon to get Red, Sceptile, and Mewtwo, and for Mario to get Captain Toad and Um... honestly, I used to hate Bowser Jr, but the Koopaling Clown Car substitution really made me love them, because it is a brilliant idea to have them all substitute in, as the Clown Car was not that original (meaning, I could have guessed it), but subbing in as the Bowser kids really seems to represent the new Mario games, the old ones, and just, an entire element of Mario that is missing and is fresh.
So I think that if THAT is what were to happen, I'd want it more than Paper Mario :X
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Yeah Shulk, get stuck in!
Apr 10, 2010
Independence, MO
So what characters do you guyd think are most likely for DLC if it happens?
Typing my post out there because of Business decision.
Mewtwo competiting with Ridley for # 1 DLC. Guaranteed to make them $$$ profit.

But Pokemon's slot capacity limit being higher than 6 is believable & isn't too ludicrous.

I super agree; except for Yoshi. I wanted Kamek. Now I fear Babies. And while they actually could be a really good team, I just would have preferred Kamek.

Not that 'who I want' even matters.
I would WANT Pokemon to get Red, Sceptile, and Mewtwo, and for Mario to get Captain Toad and Um... honestly, I used to hate Bowser Jr, but the Koopaling Clown Car substitution really made me love them, because it is a brilliant idea to have them all substitute in, as the Clown Car was not that original (meaning, I could have guessed it), but subbing in as the Bowser kids really seems to represent the new Mario games, the old ones, and just, an entire element of Mario that is missing and is fresh.
So I think that if THAT is what were to happen, I'd want it more than Paper Mario :X
I can very well live with this post. No Yarn Yoshi for Yoshi Universe is do-able for me. Kamek is also a decent character I'm fine with if Yoshi gets another slot. Yoshi & baby is. . .no. Mario & Yoshi like the Melee trophy? NOPLS, but a combination duo combo for Team Battle strategies, YESPLS. Bowser Jr. is approved by me. But the koopalings aka koopa kids. . .only as palettes for Bowser Jr..
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