Last place talk? I love last place talk!!
Honestly I think there isnt a single "worst" character, not at this point at least. Rather we have a group of solidly underwhelming fighters that were waiting to see something impressive from before we can remove them from that list.
From my own group Ive removed G&W and Lucina, and Puff looks to be next but I still havent seen much from her.
My own 'last place' list looks like this:

Too light to be consistent is her biggest downside, and rest can be punished on KO if they dont get sent to the fore or background. Has some decent potential though.

Dont feel great putting her here but her kit just doesnt flow well to me. Good kill power but poor setups and poor speed really hold her back.

Way too slow, combo food, and doesnt get enough off of good reads to warrant using over some of the other heavies. Maybe dash claw can save him but someone needs to prove it.

Another victim of a poor kit, default specials are pretty lack luster, charge shot is threatening but predictable. Again, hopefully someone can put her customs on display and make her work.

Their difficulties are well documented, recent buffs may help but its yet to be seen by how much.

Going to mention her strictly for customs off, we all know she has potential with them on. Just not much to fear from her without them though.

Honestly I dont see him having any success. Way way too slow, gets juggled for days, one of the worst specials in the game, predictable recovery. Good disjoints cant make up for all his glaring flaws. IMO he is the worst, I dont understand what kind of masochism drives people to main him. Why, Smooth Criminal, why?!