Smash Cadet
OohUsing the oft-used criteria for Top 10 (Sheik, ZSS, Rosa, Pika, Ryu, Mario, Sonic, Fox, Ness, MK, Diddy), I'll give exactly my opinions on these MUs.
Loses to Sheik (duh, who doesn't?)
ZSS is thrown around the bush, though I think this could be slightly in ZSS's favor
Beats Rosa probably (though with Raptor vs Dabuz at SSC, maybe we were wrong)
Goes even with Pika (initially I believed this to be Yoshi's second worst MU, but in recent days, I may have been thinking too pessimistically).
Beats Ryu (hold no regrets)
Goes even with Mario
Seagull thinks Yoshi beats Sonic, though I don't know what to say for myself
Beats Fox
Goes even with Ness
Ghostbone is such a soul-crusher
Loses to Diddy
I mean, with a spread like this, I see no reason why he would fall into obscurity results not withstanding. All I would like to see is more rep and better play.
I kinda want to add to this a bit since I main Rosa and secondary Fox and have played Raptor's Yoshi irl in tourney bracket on multiple occasions and in some friendlies and have taken games off of him somewhat consistently with both Rosalina and Fox.
To start with Rosa vs Yoshi, I hear a lot of conflicting feelings from Rosa and Yoshi players on this MU with both character players stating its a hard MU for them. Honestly I'm inclined to believe on personal experience that it's a pretty evenish MU and actually slighly in Rosa's favor when she plays the neutral properly.
Rosa can safely tack percent onto Yoshi a bit more easily than he can to us because many of his options are somewhat limited against her. Eggs, which are a huge part of Yoshi's game-plan, lose to Gravitational Pull at long/mid range, and Rosa's dash attack lowers herself and covers a good distance which can punish eggs thrown when she is pretty close to him. Also with Yoshi's fair, the move extends his hurtbox, and Rosa can easily beat the move completely with a well timed up smash because of her head invincibility so spacing with this move against her needs to be done very cautiously if used.
Most of Yoshi's options are limited against shield and this still holds true and with Yoshi's slow grab that yields very little reward, this only adds to his issues against her. Even Egg Lay is limited as potential followups are hindered by the presence of Luma because buffered options can knock Yoshi away before he can capitalize for much.
Rosa also beats Yoshi pretty well if we manage to get him up in the air as disjointed uair can give him a hard time landing and it easily beats mixup options such as down b or b reverse Egg Lay provided spacing is proper, and even the aforementioned dash attack which covers a lot of ground can just pop him back up or off the stage completely. I've talked to Yoshis about the Rosa MU and have been told by many that it can be very difficult for Yoshi to land against her.
While Yoshi does possess tools that can get ride of Luma pretty well such as dash attack, these options are generally not without some form of punishment from Rosa as many are unsafe on shield. And then it just stems back to the issue of what Yoshi can do to a shielding Rosa without Luma is pretty limited in itself.
I can definitely understand Rosa mains finding this MU a bit hard if they don't fully understand it and even I don't think I have all of its quirks known, but I think if Rosa plays to her defensive strengths, this MU is definitely doable and even good for her.
Now this MU is definitely one that based on my own experience REALLY comes down to patience from both players. Overall I think this MU is in Yoshi's favor by a bit but not by a significant margin.
Similarly to the Rosa and Yoshi MU, Yoshi's use of egg is a bit limited onstage because of Fox's fantastic movement. But offstage the move can seriously threaten Fox's recoveries due to how linear side b is and how we don't like having to use Fire Fox because of its startup and susceptibility to edge-guarding. So this is definitely something for Fox to be cautious of in the MU.
For the onstage game and neutral, Fox can tact on damage pretty well with his combos and utilt (baiting for Yoshi to nair by mixing shield after utilt at low % is a good idea from my experience) but Fox's by virtue of fast fallers also gets combo'd pretty hard by Yoshi and as a featherweight character, this can be pretty scary as Yoshi's weight and survivability outdoes our own so keeping a good % lead over him is definitely gonna be needed.
Now when I said the MU has to be played very patiently, I specifically mean once we start reaching kill percents. We all know Fox has a multitude of kill setups and kill confirms but the thing is none of these come off of grabs and he has no kill throws. So we need to be able to find an opportunity for something like soft nair or landing dair but this can be rather difficult against patient players and the risk of getting up smashed OoS by a rage Yoshi when Fox is so light is very high.
Yoshi also doesn't have the most simple of ways with killing against patient players as he has no kill throws and no combos into kill moves off of throws afaik. (is rage dthrow>uair a thing on Fox?) So ultimately every time I play this MU the most difficult part on both ends tends to be killing but I feel that Yoshi's weight and use of rage and ability to edgeguard Fox pretty hard is what ultimately gives him the slight edge in this MU.
And that's my take on these MUs based on my own experience playing these characters against Raptor's Yoshi.