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Official Character Competitive Impressions - Tourneys, Tiers, Theories, Tactics

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Experiment. Innovate. Improve.
Jul 8, 2015
Sure it would.

The reason many lower tiers are where they are is because ZSS and Sheik so directly invalidate a sizable number of characters.

The distance between the other characters you listed and the other lower tiers is MUCH closer than the distance between the lower tiers and Sheik/ZSS. Nerfing them would effectively be buffing nearly every other character in the game.
I don't think ZSS and Shiek are prominent enough to completely negate that many characters.

Sure they beat them, but even low tier characters can beat top tiers.

Eventually, Shiek and ZSS can negate those MU's, but not yet, they aren't advanced enough and the game isn't advanced enough IMO.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2009
The caffeine-free state
I'd like to get a cookie for every time someone says a character loses to shield. How does a character that throws so much safe stuff on you that you are forced to react have a problem with shield? It's the same as saying Cloud loses to shield (how does a character with a normal grab lose to shield?!) or that Yoshi loses to shield (-7 fair on shield that kills 1/3 of your shield, super mobile command grab, dair takes 3/4 of a shield away)

I think if a character "LOSES" to shield, he would be bottom tier because you know, he would actually lose to shield. But there is no character that single handily loses to shield. They have either an normal grab, safe strong aerials, a projectile game that forces your reaction or other ways to play arround it.

He has in fact the worst grabs in the game. Samus is close second. But he has at least tools that set-up grabs.
I'll admit that difficulty with shields may be a personal weakness, since FAir and BAir are safe on shield when spaced, axe does almost a half of a shield, and Lloid can help with pressuring shields or pressuring characters into shields. But even with his trapping tools I don't find it easy to get grabs (and from what I've seen of high-level play this seems consistent when people are better than me). The axe isn't exactly spammable, either, since it takes a little time to get it as an option, the move has bad end lag, and it isn't a permanent option. Slingshots aren't even totally reliable since short characters force Villager to forgo the autocancel to hit with them, giving him more lag for the opponent to punish.

His grab needs a little more range or a speed alteration to make up for the fact that it only has two active frames IMO.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Geez lol, all those requirements you guys listed. All i thought of was
a versatile set of normals that can cover space all around you
a decent recovery at least
powerful and reliable smashes (or any move that gives you the proper % for a read). Having multiple ways to reliably deal damage ala sheik, Luigi, metaknight, Ryu, and such are a bonus imo. Mario is top tier and he only has Dthrow Utilt combos (does a lot of damage, but what about after that?).
Dthrow to easy follow ups into any aerial up until the early 100% for most of the cast. Mario's dthrow is not only one of the best set up throws in the game but one of the best positioning throws in the game too. Beyond this, dthrow to super coin punch is a true combo on most of the cast until the mid 70's.

Also, how does Mario struggle to kill? All his smash attacks are fairly dependable, bthrow can kill at 160-170 if kept fresh, uair is fairly effective, and bair can kill in the 140-150 range. These are just his move kill options; keep in mind that he also has some of the best edgeguarding tools in the game with not only the cape and FLUDD but also one of the best ledge trump bairs.
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Smash Champion
May 28, 2014
Middletown, Ohio
Dthrow to easy follow ups into any aerial up until the early 100% for most of the cast. Mario's dthrow is not only one of the best set up throws in the game but one of the best positioning throws in the game too. Beyond this, dthrow to super coin punch is a true combo on most of the cast until the mid 70's.
Right, maybe I should had listed somebody else (rosa and sonic maybe?).


Smash Ace
Jan 1, 2016
The Empire
I don't think ZSS and Shiek are prominent enough to completely negate that many characters.

Sure they beat them, but even low tier characters can beat top tiers.

Eventually, Shiek and ZSS can negate those MU's, but not yet, they aren't advanced enough and the game isn't advanced enough IMO.
On the contrary IMO.

For most characters, either:4sheik: or :4zss: represents their worst matchup, and often end up being a clear roadblock towards a top placing.

Those mid & low tiers would likely not win the whole thing (they'd definitely still have troubles winning-:4jigglypuff:is eternally irrelevant). But pretty much all characters would enjoy a boost in viability with a nerf on those two. As punishes become better I can only see this trend continuing over time.


Banned via Warnings
Jul 27, 2006
Somewhere... overthinking something
Right, maybe I should had listed somebody else (rosa and sonic maybe?).
Of the top/high tiers, Ryu/Wario probably have the worst throws when it comes to follow ups/positioning but the trade off is that they do a fair amount of damage. Sonic's throws are awesome for positioning and so are Rosalina's. Of the whole cast, I'd argue the worst throws go to Jigglypuff and Bowser Jr both for follow ups and positioning.

Das Koopa

Smash Master
Writing Team
Jun 13, 2014
So, I've been slowly and semi-meticulously designing a tier-list as of last couple of weeks. Which leads me to something I've considered...

...I don't think, at the moment, that Mii Fighters are really something that can accurately ranked, even when compared with some of the rest of the more unused cast members. The inability to play Fighters on For Glory and their lack of iconography or potential attachment as true "characters" reduces their wide exposure.

-Mii Brawler has done okay-ish; AFAIK, M2K placed 17th at a National with him.
-I don't know of any Mii Gunner mains. Random bias intuition leads me to believe Gunner is actually the least usable of the Mii Fighters, but I can't argue this point well considering it's just a haphazard guess based on how the character "Feels" to me.
-Trela is the only Mii Swordfighter player I know of. He won a GF, but it was a 39-player tournament, so that needs to be taken with a huge grain of salt.

An additional problem is that their placement is dramatically different depending on the availability of customs. For example, what if customs are a trait that TOs allow specifically for Mii Fighters? That complicates things even further, by taking already scarcely played characters and giving them additional matchup options in their moveset that might change things a lot when compared to the 1111 moveset.

*I'm not trying to get too much into the discussion of ruleset preferences, btw, just the implication certain moveset rulesets might have on Mii Fighter's matchups. For example, if Swordfighter has Gale and Chakram, would that make him a more viable zoner, compared to him not having either or both?
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1/Sympathy = Divide By Zero
Oct 26, 2008
Rochester, NY
The only high level Mii Gunner users to my knowledge are myself and Wii Twerk Trainer. I haven't really used Gunner much in tournament since Ike got buffed in August, but I still practice him. I definitely think that Gunner definitely has the tools to compete as a viable tournament threat. I just don't think that no one has displayed the "easy" way to be good with her just yet and many are still figuring things out. Heck, some people have barely gotten past the "spam fair" phase.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 29, 2015
Somewhere in Mexico
On the contrary IMO.

For most characters, either:4sheik: or :4zss: represents their worst matchup, and often end up being a clear roadblock towards a top placing.

Those mid & low tiers would likely not win the whole thing (they'd definitely still have troubles winning-:4jigglypuff:is eternally irrelevant). But pretty much all characters would enjoy a boost in viability with a nerf on those two. As punishes become better I can only see this trend continuing over time.
In theory yes every single character would become more viable, but on paper you wouldn't see much chance on a national level, because there still the others top tiers, the low tiers and some of the mid tiers are unviable because of the sheer numbers of bad matchups remember there are 15 to 20 who are considered high tier and top tier.

These are the ones who will benefice more, not your random low tier mid tier character who now need to know more matchups because now:4sheik:,:4zss: doesn't stop :4ryu:,:rosalina:,:4sonic:,:4fox:,:4mario: and these characters are still advancing their metagame, thing that the low tiers and mid tiers cannot do because top players don't use them and probably never unless they are buffed to high tier status, is because of this that is better to buff everyone to atleast high-mid tier and then balance sheik and zss to reach high tier status, i think this is what the balancing team are doing, because like you say Sheik and ZZS are less priority that the other third of the cast, so they are buffing them to at least stand a chance sorry if yesterday i didn't explain myself correctly i was sleepy.


Smash Champion
May 28, 2014
Middletown, Ohio
Of the top/high tiers, Ryu/Wario probably have the worst throws when it comes to follow ups/positioning but the trade off is that they do a fair amount of damage. Sonic's throws are awesome for positioning and so are Rosalina's. Of the whole cast, I'd argue the worst throws go to Jigglypuff and Bowser Jr both for follow ups and positioning.
I was arguing that having that set play ability where the pace of the match is decided by your execution (implying that you've won the neutral already) is a bonus and not a necessity (though it really helps take a load off you). Mario is heavily read-based and has nothing that is complete nonsense that helps him absolutely dominate games, while characters like metaknight and Ryu dominate games solely on their punish game and then there's diddy Kong, sheik, pacman and villager whose heightened abilities in the neutral help command an oppressive sense of helplessness.

EDIT: oh and bjr' throws has some use. FThrow and Uthrow is good for position and bthrow for killing.
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Sleek Media

Smash Lord
Jan 29, 2006
There's no question that nerfing Shiek and ZSS would make mid tiers like Mega viable, if not still very disadvantaged. Shiek is the worst MU for so many characters it's ridiculous.
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Teshie U

Smash Lord
Jan 13, 2013
So, I've been slowly and semi-meticulously designing a tier-list as of last couple of weeks. Which leads me to something I've considered...

...I don't think, at the moment, that Mii Fighters are really something that can accurately ranked, even when compared with some of the rest of the more unused cast members. The inability to play Fighters on For Glory and their lack of iconography or potential attachment as true "characters" reduces their wide exposure.

-Mii Brawler has done okay-ish; AFAIK, M2K placed 17th at a National with him.
-I don't know of any Mii Gunner mains. Random bias intuition leads me to believe Gunner is actually the least usable of the Mii Fighters, but I can't argue this point well considering it's just a haphazard guess based on how the character "Feels" to me.
-Trela is the only Mii Swordfighter player I know of. He won a GF, but it was a 39-player tournament, so that needs to be taken with a huge grain of salt.

An additional problem is that their placement is dramatically different depending on the availability of customs. For example, what if customs are a trait that TOs allow specifically for Mii Fighters? That complicates things even further, by taking already scarcely played characters and giving them additional matchup options in their moveset that might change things a lot when compared to the 1111 moveset.

*I'm not trying to get too much into the discussion of ruleset preferences, btw, just the implication certain moveset rulesets might have on Mii Fighter's matchups. For example, if Swordfighter has Gale and Chakram, would that make him a more viable zoner, compared to him not having either or both?
Note that Trela did this before Mii Swordfighter got a couple of notable buffs (and I guess a nerf to default side b). He also didn't just do well that one tournament like when he used Doc once. He was fairly dominant with all of his underrated mains, but I think Swordfighter was better than Mewtwo/Robin/Charizard back then and he dominated the TX scene with all of those characters too.

There are also scarier things a top level player can do with the alternate specials too.

Problem with the Miis is that only Swordfighter is constructed as a well rounded complete character where the alternate specials dont feel like desperately needed upgrades. The other 2 Miis have only done well with their customs.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2016
There's no question that nerfing Shiek and ZSS would make mid tiers like Mega viable, if not still very disadvantaged. Shiek is the worst MU for so many characters it's ridiculous.
Wait I thought Megaman was already considered (questionably) viable. I mean ScATT has been doing some amazing stuff with the character, and I have seen increasing number of megaman users (stylesx2 comes to mind) that doing better and better in tournaments. As megaman's meta evolves even further, I don't see why he would not be considered viable. Sheik also basically invalidates luigi for the same reasons that she invalidates others, except luigi has it even worse because poor range, poor mobility, and no effective projectile game to keep out sheik (he has fireballs, but sheik has her needles), and luigi is still considered viable by many and even unquestionably solo-viable by some people (which at this point I think is completely unreasonable and false, but w/e). Also I have seen mario somewhat pose the same problems as sheik, plus he also has his up smash to always threaten megaman's landing. Would you be in favor of nerfing mario too?

I think the reason for nerfing sheik and ZSS to make more low tiers valid/viable is dumb and decreases the meta potential. There is no reason to nerf characters that are highly technical and interesting to learn and play (but not always play against). As stated before, sheik really only needs some nerfs on her recovery to make it less safe, but no other nerfs should be considered for her IMO since she does not have nearly the same super-abusable tools that other high tier characters had in melee or brawl (i.e. melee and brawl marth's range basically invalidates and shuts down any and every mario and luigi's approach games completely X__X).
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Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
I just watched John Numbers totally negate an Ike n-air combo starter with WFT's low profile crouch, which reminded me of another match (it might have been Nairo on his personal stream) where a Sheik ducked under Ryu's n-air. Seems like crouching could really stand out now for some of the cast, when shielding was almost obsoleting it prior to the shieldstun update.
With how long Ike's N-Air hits, and how the Ike can just FF into a crouching opponent

It sounds like the Ike just flubbed, as you're almost 100 percent of the time FFing it so you don't stay in the air too long.

Cloud doesn't 'lose' to shield, he just can't punish as well as others when you DO shield because his reward on getting a grab is like...bottom 5. Nothing guaranteed, everything relies on you reading your opponent and not reacting to what you do out of down throw. Cloud is safe on shield but doesn't really beat shields like other characters, as he won't be breaking shields anytime soon without limit, and his throws aren't rewarding.
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Smash Champion
May 28, 2014
Middletown, Ohio
I think the reason for nerfing sheik and ZSS to make more low tiers valid/viable is dumb and decreases the meta potential. There is no reason to nerf characters that are highly technical and interesting to learn and play (but not always play against). As stated before, sheik really only needs some nerfs on her recovery to make it less safe, but no other nerfs should be considered for her IMO since she does not have nearly the same super-abusable tools that other high tier characters had in melee or brawl (i.e. melee and brawl marth's range basically invalidates and shuts down any and every mario and luigi's approach games completely X__X).

If the top tier technical characters are oppressing the lower ends of the stick, we need to adjust those top tiers regardless of who they are. And comparing sheik's strength to previous smash games is fruitless since the entire cast of viable characters in the previous games are all juiced up far beyond the strength of these characters. It's not comparable.

And you could be watching pacman, mega man, rosaluma, Rob, greninja, pikachu, oilmar, villager, diddy Kong, peach and some more if you're craving for a technical character fix.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
I feel like our new villager overlord will start doing extremely well with any Sheik nerfs.

Ranai in particular basically only has loses to Sheiks in JPN tournaments, and if he does lose at Genesis, I expect much of the same.

Sheik looks extremely straight-forward, but at the top level Sheik is extremely technical in just how many different tools/options she has and how she has to use them extremely well to not start getting punished, as she's perfect for comboing, since she doesn't fall too fast, but isn't a floaty. It's a far cry from MK in Brawl, who did have the insane amount of options but they were extremely more oppressive to the point where everyone got annoyed seeing him 24/7.

Teshie U

Smash Lord
Jan 13, 2013
Ranai lost to Earth twice at the most recent tournament I saw. I think certain toolkits counter Villager well enough, while villager handles much of top tier just fine. I think its doubtful a "random sheik" could take Ranai on this side of the planet. No one is really ready for that kind of Villager play I think. It might take more of a counter to get him early.

Is Megaman struggling because of Sheik? He probably just loses slightly like most characters. I don't see how ZSS is bad for him though. He strangely falls out of Up B (extremely dangerous when things like uptilt and Dsmash can kill her at 60-70 percent) very easily and can keep her out pretty well. He is probably more viable than even the most optimistic speculators give him credit for, its just tough to get high level mains that don't get bored of shooting at people for hours (or days for big nationals).


Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
If you legitimately think Gunner is the least usable of the Mii Fighters, you've never seen a competent Gunner.


World Warrior
Nov 25, 2015
Canberra, Australia
If you legitimately think Gunner is the least usable of the Mii Fighters, you've never seen a competent Gunner.
Doesn't like all of Japan rate Gunner to be the most viable when set to default? I'm not 100% sure but I remember they were at least mid-to-high tier on the recent tier list placings from The Land of the Rising Sun.


Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
Doesn't like all of Japan rate Gunner to be the most viable when set to default? I'm not 100% sure but I remember they were at least mid-to-high tier on the recent tier list placings from The Land of the Rising Sun.
B- to be specific. That's because she is the best of the three when it comes to their 1111 sets.


World Warrior
Nov 25, 2015
Canberra, Australia
B- to be specific. That's because she is the best of the three when it comes to their 1111 sets.
Makes sense. As an Australian, we get default Miis with their whole moveset. I've never played a Mii Gunner but I have played against M who plays Mii Brawler with a 1122 set. He actually seems pretty viable to me. Not like high-tier but still pretty good.

I feel like they should be legal because they add more variety to the game but that's for a different discussion :p You obviously main Miis, at least that's what it says on your profile, which would you say is the most viable?
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Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
With special moves they are all viable. But Gunner and Brawler are better than Swordfighter because of their mobilty.
Swordfighter is pretty much combo food.
Brawler is technically the best because of the easy kill setups and better frame data, but I play MiI Gunner the most and she is by far the most difficult to understand how to use, but I work with it and do pretty okay with it.

I'm not a top player or someone with all thw money and time to entet tourneys, but at the same time san. and Wii Twerk Trainer have no plans to use her unless they have specials. I go with whatever I can get and do moderately okay. I usually only lose to Marios / Sheiks and PR players here in SoCal so I must be doing something right iunno.

I think Gunner has the most potential, she's just got the bigger learning curve, and because of it nobody else plays her seriously.
Another thing is that Miis are designed for free use of any special, since a huge part of the character is just restricted it just kills it for people.

I play Miis for the ability to play as whoever you want. With that gone at most big tourneys and stuff it loses its luster for me too. Definitely the hardest character to main ever since everything surrounding these three are so divisive.
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Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2014
Looking at your face
Also, how does Mario struggle to kill? All his smash attacks are fairly dependable, bthrow can kill at 160-170 if kept fresh, uair is fairly effective, and bair can kill in the 140-150 range. These are just his move kill options; keep in mind that he also has some of the best edgeguarding tools in the game with not only the cape and FLUDD but also one of the best ledge trump bairs.
140% and above are not good kill percents.

His smashes are safer than a lot others but they are still punishable on whiff. D-smash is weak, F-smash is unsafe unless spaced (And if you hit a shield at all), U-smash is reliable, but it comes out from behind Mario and has a blindspot on its front.

Mario's ledge trump B-air is... bad. If it was one of the best, Luigi's would be overpowered. Mario also tend to struggle edgeguarding characters who recover below the ledge, which a lot of character prefer.

I think the reason for nerfing sheik and ZSS to make more low tiers valid/viable is dumb and decreases the meta potential. There is no reason to nerf characters that are highly technical and interesting to learn and play (but not always play against). As stated before, sheik really only needs some nerfs on her recovery to make it less safe, but no other nerfs should be considered for her IMO since she does not have nearly the same super-abusable tools that other high tier characters had in melee or brawl (i.e. melee and brawl marth's range basically invalidates and shuts down any and every mario and luigi's approach games completely X__X).
Sheik has needles that invalidate some characters' approaches, Sheik has a frame 5 F-air that stretches 'till the horizon... Toning down those, like I said, will not move her to the trash can. Nerfing those are completely fine because they aren't adding depths to the character, they're just plain dumb moves that shouldn't be there in the first place.

I'm sure a character with excellent mobility, damage racking ability, and safety is not balanced when they are also equipped with the best camping/zoning projectile in the game and an extremely fast aerial that outranges a sword on a character with outstanding SHFF game and a very generous AC window.

By the way, nerfing one or two characters are way easier than buffing 30+ characters. Nerfing Sheik (And perhaps ZSS)'s main goal is, IMO, NOT to make low tiers viable, it's in order to erase those 'REALLY high in X's favor' or '80-20, maybe 70-30' matchups. 6:4 means the disadvantaged character needs to work harder, but winning is still highly possible. Winning 7:3 MUs are kinda rare in top level unless there's a huge skill gap or matchup inexperiences (Take Luigi vs Sheiks for example).

Besides, buffing every low tier to high tier level is a tall order because each character need thoughts to actually rise them up on the tier list. You can't just add in 1% on some random Zelda's moves and expect her to take a regional tommorow. Each character is different, and buffing one tend to differ from buffing another. Even the seemingly simple buff of Hoo Hah needs some thought. Will the kill setups be too overpowering for low to mid players to fight against? How often this characters will get grabs or how good this character's grab is? Those are just a few examples.
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Teshie U

Smash Lord
Jan 13, 2013
B- to be specific. That's because she is the best of the three when it comes to their 1111 sets.
what do you think gives gunner the edge? i think brawler is pretty flawed with the ugly up b, poor range and lack kil kil setups. gunner seems to be nearly as limited with a linear recovery and not much to kill aside from raw punishing with smashes.


World Warrior
Nov 25, 2015
Canberra, Australia
With special moves they are all viable. But Gunner and Brawler are better than Swordfighter because of their mobilty.
Swordfighter is pretty much combo food.
Brawler is technically the best because of the easy kill setups and better frame data, but I play MiI Gunner the most and she is by far the most difficult to understand how to use, but I work with it and do pretty okay with it.

I'm not a top player or someone with all thw money and time to entet tourneys, but at the same time san. and Wii Twerk Trainer have no plans to use her unless they have specials. I go with whatever I can get and do moderately okay. I usually only lose to Marios / Sheiks and PR players here in SoCal so I must be doing something right iunno.

I think Gunner has the most potential, she's just got the bigger learning curve, and because of it nobody else plays her seriously.
Thanks for the info! :4miibrawl: is actually relatively scary to face, even in a default setting, because of Hurricane Kick and its crazy kill potential. I've NEVER seen a good :4miigun: play.. but it'd definitely be interesting. Do you know where any videos are of good sets? Furthermore, what gives Gunner the edge over Brawler?

:4greninja:'d by Teshie :p
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Mii Fighter
Jun 16, 2009
what do you think gives gunner the edge? i think brawler is pretty flawed with the ugly up b, poor range and lack kil kil setups. gunner seems to be nearly as limited with a linear recovery and not much to kill aside from raw punishing with smashes.
Seems doesn't mean is lol, I would explain in more detail but still being awake at 5 am isn't necessarily something I want to keep doing right now.
Thanks for the info! :4miibrawl: is actually relatively scary to face, even in a default setting, because of Hurricane Kick and its crazy kill potential. I've NEVER seen a good :4miigun: play.. but it'd definitely be interesting. Do you know where any videos are of good sets? Furthermore, what gives Gunner the edge over Brawler?

:4greninja:'d by Teshie :p
Okay well I mean, you're a literal bullet hell. You have fair, for movement, charged shot setups, flame.Pillar for edge guarding, reflector to challenge reflectors, etc.

Gunner is just more balanced to handle any given situation more than Brawler is. If you had to face somebody who keeps you in hitstun like 90% of the match Brawler is probably better because he can Nair out of things but Gunner can keep her distance if she's not on FD or something.

I am told I am good at running away, so I assume that is thing she should be doing?? There are a few ways to play the character.

And I'll take a predictably safe recovery over a ledge snap-less lack of recovery. I usually recover low since that makes the most sense with Lunar Launch.

Everything I know about Gunner is just from me playing the character. Nobody else seems to play her like I do from what I've seen from like Mik or san. Never seen Twerk's Gunner, so I can't really compare.

Don't want to pull a special snowflake card or anything like that but I just call it as I see it.


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2015
Honestly, nerfs to Sheik and/or Zero Suit Samus could actually HURT Kirby instead of helping, since then the thing of going even aganist the obvious top two isn't as good, as they could possibly be not be top 2 (Or one of them). Although, it woudn't really harm him if the matchup became Kirby's favor.

Also, IMO Mii Gunner is the best Mii customs off. His projectiles do really good, better than Mii Swordfighter sword advantages, and IIRC he has the best recovery out of all the default miis (Could be wrong though)
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Teshie U

Smash Lord
Jan 13, 2013
Seems doesn't mean is lol, I would explain in more detail but still being awake at 5 am isn't necessarily something I want to keep doing right now.
Okay well I mean, you're a literal bullet hell. You have fair, for movement, charged shot setups, flame.Pillar for edge guarding, reflector to challenge reflectors, etc.

Gunner is just more balanced to handle any given situation more than Brawler is. If you had to face somebody who keeps you in hitstun like 90% of the match Brawler is probably better because he can Nair out of things but Gunner can keep her distance if she's not on FD or something.

I am told I am good at running away, so I assume that is thing she should be doing?? There are a few ways to play the character.

And I'll take a predictably safe recovery over a ledge snap-less lack of recovery. I usually recover low since that makes the most sense with Lunar Launch.

Everything I know about Gunner is just from me playing the character. Nobody else seems to play her like I do from what I've seen from like Mik or san. Never seen Twerk's Gunner, so I can't really compare.

Don't want to pull a special snowflake card or anything like that but I just call it as I see it.
i'd like to hear more about this when you feel up to explaining it. pm me or tag me if you are willing to go more in depth about gunner's meta


Smash Ace
Jul 16, 2014
Makes sense. As an Australian, we get default Miis with their whole moveset. I've never played a Mii Gunner but I have played against M who plays Mii Brawler with a 1122 set. He actually seems pretty viable to me. Not like high-tier but still pretty good.

I feel like they should be legal because they add more variety to the game but that's for a different discussion :p You obviously main Miis, at least that's what it says on your profile, which would you say is the most viable?
We have a Gunner in my region (our only Mii Fighter, so I mightn't have enough experience to accurately compare across Fighters), I think I'll agree with Mii Gunner sitting above the other Miis (in 1111). Like you said about your Brawler - Gunner is not high-tier, but pretty good. Gunner has decent projectiles in B, side-B, fair, and up-B shoots a shot downwards - it works with the fast fall speed. Uair has so many active frames that it's hard to airdodge, fsmash catches rolls and spot-dodges incredibly well.

With customs, Gunner gets better tools, but I think Brawler takes the #1 spot because Brawler's other up-B and down-B options are amazingly good.
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Gordeau Main Paint Drinker
Sep 29, 2013
Canada, where it's really cold
i'd like to hear more about this when you feel up to explaining it. pm me or tag me if you are willing to go more in depth about gunner's meta
Tag me as well, while you're at it AEMehr AEMehr ! I love hearing about underrated/unexplored characters, it's always very amazing to see what they can do. It's easy to miss the more subtle aspects of character attributes and whatnot sometimes.
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Teshie U

Smash Lord
Jan 13, 2013
We have a Gunner in my region (our only Mii Fighter, so I mightn't have enough experience to accurately compare across Fighters), I think I'll agree with Mii Gunner sitting above the other Miis (in 1111). Like you said about your Brawler - Gunner is not high-tier, but pretty good. Gunner has decent projectiles in B, side-B, fair, and up-B shoots a shot downwards - it works with the fast fall speed. Uair has so many active frames that it's hard to airdodge, fsmash catches rolls and spot-dodges incredibly well.

With customs, Gunner gets better tools, but I think Brawler takes the #1 spot because Brawler's other up-B and down-B options are amazingly good.
Unfortunately this is my big problem with Brawler. I'm wondering if this character is meant to just do everything into UP B, or did someone attempt to test 1111 Brawler and decided it was a threatening well balanced character. He feels almost like a mockery of Fox, where everything almost works but hilariously backfires.


Smash Lord
Jul 28, 2008
Sheik's F-Air has the main issue that the move got changed from Melee/Brawl *Correct me if it got changed in Brawl and not Smash 4*

It basically has the same data as Melee, but it does so much less damage that it went from a killing move to basically the best combo move in the game, while still keeping the exact same data.

It's still Frame 5
Still auto cancels frames 1-4 and >11
Still has a big disjoint

However OTHER characters lost range, which is huge. Now you have to have a great sword to outrange Sheik's F-Air, which makes it way more abusive in practice.

I think this escaped the developers when they designed the move to be a combo tool. I know the developers want Sheik to be a speedy, safe combo machine, but they gave her way too much range for a move that is so safe already, kinda like how they made Diddy's up-air a frame 3 nuke that ALSO had an absurd hitbox, however that got toned down, but Sheik's F-Air stayed basically the same, I don't care if the damage got nerfed, the damage wasn't the problem, it was the fact it could be used almost liberally + combo people without combo breakers across the entire stage basically due to not having any SDI to really get out of the strings.


Too Drunk to Smash
Aug 11, 2006
NH, Discord: SB#6077
Switch FC
SW 5369-1969-6280
I don't think ZSS and Shiek are prominent enough to completely negate that many characters.
Thing is, with these characters being mained by some of the highest level players out there, their metas are extremely advanced, so much so that they pretty much have a game plan for every matchup with lower tiers and know how to decimate them.

These are the ones who will benefice more, not your random low tier mid tier character who now need to know more matchups because now:4sheik:,:4zss: doesn't stop :4ryu:,:rosalina:,:4sonic:,:4fox:,:4mario: and these characters are still advancing their metagame, thing that the low tiers and mid tiers cannot do because top players don't use them and probably never unless they are buffed to high tier status,
This argument can go both ways: The characters you listed are where they are because they're some of the characters that aren't completely invalidated by Sheik/ZSS (or not invalidated at all).

Top players aren't going to work to advance the meta for a character that they know is invalidated by a top tier. For people who just want to win tournaments, there's LITERALLY no point.
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~ Gheb ~

Life is just a party
Jun 27, 2008
ZSS isn't actually played all that much. There are very few prominent ZSS mains out there.



Too Drunk to Smash
Aug 11, 2006
NH, Discord: SB#6077
Switch FC
SW 5369-1969-6280
ZSS isn't actually played all that much. There are very few prominent ZSS mains out there.

Nairo, Marss, Bengal, and Choco, just to name a few off the top of my head.

And they've pushed the metagame for her pretty damn far.

By the way, nerfing one or two characters are way easier than buffing 30+ characters. Nerfing Sheik (And perhaps ZSS)'s main goal is, IMO, NOT to make low tiers viable, it's in order to erase those 'REALLY high in X's favor' or '80-20, maybe 70-30' matchups. 6:4 means the disadvantaged character needs to work harder, but winning is still highly possible. Winning 7:3 MUs are kinda rare in top level unless there's a huge skill gap or matchup inexperiences (Take Luigi vs Sheiks for example).

Besides, buffing every low tier to high tier level is a tall order because each character need thoughts to actually rise them up on the tier list. You can't just add in 1% on some random Zelda's moves and expect her to take a regional tommorow. Each character is different, and buffing one tend to differ from buffing another. Even the seemingly simple buff of Hoo Hah needs some thought. Will the kill setups be too overpowering for low to mid players to fight against? How often this characters will get grabs or how good this character's grab is? Those are just a few examples.
Exactly this.

It is thousands of times easier to say, "What's making these two characters too good against these 30?" than it is to try to say, "What's making these 30 characters too weak against these two?"
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Experiment. Innovate. Improve.
Jul 8, 2015
Nairo, Marss, Bengal, and Choco, just to name a few off the top of my head.

And they've pushed the metagame for her pretty damn far.
That is one good ZSS per country... Mars is English right?

There are many more Shiek mains, but really only five good ones.


Sep 4, 2015
Brooklyn, NY
This is my personal opinion on greninja's worst matchups:
1. :4sheik:
2. :4sonic:
3. :4fox:
4. :4pikachu:

none of the of the other's really matter that much. Greninja already is even with ZSS because we can shadow sneak out boost kick (which if we do, gives us an opportunity for foot stool combos :) ) and we also like to play out of her range with shuriken spam. Pikachu is truly not THAT bad, it's just frustrating to fight the tiny little guy when he has high mobility.
That's kinda the root cause of a lot of Greninja's bad MU's. They have equal mobility / better mobility and/or don't care about shurikens. Greninja likes to play outside of your range with his shuriken, condition you, then abuse his high mobility to rush in with his (awesome) dash grab and get a combo started.
At least, that's how I play him :upsidedown:



Smash Champion
May 31, 2015
I'm not saying that Sheik and Zero Suit don't need slight nerfs or that it wouldn't help at all, just that it's not as if the mid and low tiers would suddenly all become hella viable if Sheik and ZSS got nerfed. Most mid and low tiers don't struggle with just those 2, and that's partly why they're not generally considered highly viable characters. To use :4robinf: as an example, she doesn't struggle with just those 2. She also has issues with :4mario::4diddy: and possibly :4sonic::4fox::4falcon:(and some others).....none of which are uncommon really. So even if you nerf the top 2 enough that those 2 MUs aren't bad anymore, there's still several other characters that are major obstacles for you anyway.

We're also (slowly) getting closer and closer to the point where it's more the character's design that holds them back than them needing buffs. Not everyone can be :4myfriends:. Ike's problem was never that he had a poor design, just that he was horribly undertuned and had a bad hitbox or two at launch. Now that that's all fixed, he's considered viable. Unless you nerfed her into oblivion, fatties will always struggle with ZSS, because their large size and general sluggishness makes it easier to get the grab and hit them with Uair, not to mention that they're the only characters that don't have a chance of falling out of Boost Kick. There's really not much you can reasonably do about that. Like, you could give Robin Mario-level mobility, but just think about that for a moment.....think about how terrifying it might be to fight Robin if she had good mobility. So that's not happening and it'll always be something that holds her back a bit.
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