hey banki can you put another update on what we have left to do? im getting lost on gameplay updates (speaking of which i havent seen camelot in a wile) with all the after effects stuff. or does anyone know where we are at in the modle hacking? or css slots? b/c it seems like they should be getting close with one of those by now.
and with the victory poses, i say wait until we can get ikes down taunt ( i think thats it) where he sticks his sword in the ground and just add some fire and it would be good.
Yeah, I agree with you for the victory poses. Getting Ike's schtuff in would be rather cool.
Also, I'd say we can expect a playable Roy model sometime within the next two months, seeing as Pharrox will be releasing his beta model importer quite soon. As for CSS slots and voice clip editing...not so sure on those. Kyral is working on Smashbox, and I've heard nothing so far regarding progress on the additional CSS slots =/
Ok, here's the list:
***Updated List of things ta Doo:
Current .pac fixes:
-Flare blade forward scoot while on ground--needs to go
-Work on frame speeds (now possible yaaay!)
General Stuff:
-Modifications to sword swing sounds ALONG with striking sounds
-Counter damage multiplier needs adjustment
-Flare blade needs a full charge recoil of 10%
-Find a good replacement for the upward stab victory pose
Completed Schtuff:
-Slow down Roy's Nair along with his other aerial moves?
-Possible blazer dmg reduction?
-Uthrow--75 degree angle (leafgreen386)
-Bthrow should be given a much higher angle and some pretty decent growth Basically... make it a reverse of the new uthrow with a slightly lower angle (leafgreen386)
-Taunt fixes--specifically down taunt, which is too...Marth exclusive (voice already taken care of)
-Change victory poses (possibly set them to either side taunt or up taunt?)
-Find a way to use PSA to adjust frame speeds
-Refine down taunt and victory poses (timing and camera issues are main concerns)
And for anyone who wants to take a look at Camelot's comprehensive changelist, I'll post the link here. Of course, this is subject to change as Camelot sees fit/when he actually comes out with newer .pacs, etc: