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Celebrity Rehab Mafia: Day 5 Begins! Deadline is Monday, May 28th at 11:59 PM EST!

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
OS, I read your plan and I don't see how it's helping town. It's not just that, I don't see what your argument for how it would help town is

First of all, you give scum way too much information to plan with going into the night. When that happens it's easier for them to manipulate town. It's not like it'd be hard for mafia to fake claim cop, they already know whose scum and whose not. It's unlikely that even if a cop were to CC down the line, we wouldn't be able to prove their cop-ness based on their results because both would have valid results.

And why should the potential real cop target the same people that we're telling X1 too? thats ****in dumb. like I mentioned earlier, the real cop and scum-XI would likely have the same results because scum already know who town is.

The only useful info we obtain from that is who potential scum-X1 decided to choose and why. If he was scum, his choices might provide us with some valuable (tho wifomy) information. However, limiting the choice is dumb and it's better to not give him choices and have him choose from everyone on his own. we'd be giving him an easier out for why he chose someone (just has to explain why he chose one person over the other) It'd net us less value than knowing his pick out of all of town.

Also, we'd want to limit the possibility that the real cop choose the same person that x1 did, or else we'd be getting less information. That really doesn't make sense.

If we decide allow a potential real cop cc now, then he could cc down the line. Deciding which cop to choose would be much harder if we limit the choices that BOTH cops should make.

Anyways, the jist of this is that your plan gives scum too much information to plan around. It's even worse since we don't know the possible roles in the game. Plan's make more sense if we can out game the setup and have an assured or highly likely path to victory but its unlike that.

also, why did you choose yourself as one of the potential targets? Why are you so concerned with 'clearing' yourself or atleast acting like it? If you were town, you'd know that having them investigate you would be worse off that having them investigate someone else simply because you'd already know you were town and the new information wouldn't help you. Also you'd know that getting a scum report is better than getting a town report (which the cop would get if you were town). Assuming you're town and you've realized this simple concept, then that means that you believe that town thinking that you were town/clear is more inportant than the infogain that you'd get and more important than town having a chance to get a scum report. why do you feel this way?

This sort of self preservation and focus on appearing clear is more important to scum. It's also introduces this ****ty wifom, you could suggest it to seem town even if the town didn't go along with your plan. But if they did, you'd risk (only 50/50 tho) yourself being investigated and coming off mafia (unless, like you already mentioned, you were the godfather).

This is not the first time you've done something like that either.

however, i do feel you on not forcing a potential real cop to cc right now. I think that whether a cop should cc is completely dependent on the who the cop is. and since we don't know who it could be, the cop should make their own decision on whether or not to cc.

Request Deadline Extension

Not for the whole "See if other cop CCs"

I want to OS's plan come into fruition. Though there could be some flaws, it seems to eliminate most of the possibilities for X1 as scum.

Though I have to ask, why Macman and yourself?
I'd like dark horse to explain why he thinks the bold. Ideally overswarm would wait till dh responded to this before he responds to my post. I don't want dh's response to be derivative from OS's further explanation. But in the interest of time, OS can respond before if he feels like it lol

also DH, you mentioned that youd much rather vinyl die over kantrip, does that imply that you think kantrip is scummy but vinyl is just a better choice? Or does he lean more town to you

I think the decision on whether to lynch X1 should be completely dependent on whether he seems scummy enough to deserve it. Him potentially being a cop does come into play but I think the decision should be primarily based on scumminess. I personally don't think he is scummy enough to merit the lynch after the cop claim, my read on him isn't strong enough to deny the potential info gain we get if we keep him a live.

so unvote: x1-12

Can someone point me to some posts outlining the case for Kantrip-scum? I've been skimming too much.

anyways, im down with the vinyl lynched, plus I have to keep the totally real and not sarcastic marshy-macman TA alive.
vote: vinyl

and really would like to hear from rockin and rajam before the lynch since we got that extension. (also lol at your last post rajam)
orbo is still non existent to me

ugh didnt mean for this post to be so long.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Let's say we ignore all of OS's walls and random examples for a moment. It boils down to guaranteed scum VS cop results.
It boils down to X1 town or X1 scum. Not guaranteed scum vs. cop results.

What if there are two cops? What if we have a naive cop and a real cop? Paranoid and naive? Paranoid and real? Insane and real? Any combination at all, really. Why couldn't we have two?

How stupid would it be to have one cop claim because he got put to L-1 simply because people couldn't find anyone better and, hey, he's V/LA so why not, and then have yet another cop claim?

We lynch X1, get a cop flip. Mafia kills someone else. We say lol oops and lynch the other claimed cop, get another cop flip. Mafia kills someone else. We're down four players. No more information that we had on Day one.

Sounds like a stretch, right? That's how I feel when people say "mafia has a RB and plus we must have a doc that can protect the cop if he CCs" followed by "I trust gorf to not have "follow the cop" in his setup", which is completely blind and ********. You don't meta the mod.

But hey, it's a possibility. We could have two cops. It's been done on more than one occasion. By the logic being presented so far, that means we should throw the whole thing out the window because hey, maybe.

HOW STUPID IS THIS? What do cop results give you? Near guaranteed scum. NOT EVEN fully guaranteed scum. What does the CC give us? Even MORE guaranteed scum with WAY fewer risks. OS is suggesting a plan in which we take away a potential guaranteed scum and give one player (himself) the power to decide where the cop goes, making us very susceptible to misdirection from multiple sources. It's the stupidest thing I've heard yet, and that's including things I've said.
You're an idiot.

A CC cop doesn't necessarily give us scum, that much I stated above. But it's true, it's likely enough to where I'd be down for the lynch.

But if X1 isn't scum, then mafia are going to be doing their damned hardest to try to eliminate him or his ability. There is no reason mafia would attempt to keep him alive and able to investigate, and if they have a roleblocker we have a strong possibility of catching their roleblocker N1 if we have an observation role look at X1. That's a gamble mafia has to take, and it's a pretty good gamble. As FF stated, if they have a roleblocker and they spam it on X1 all game that means the other power roles can do as they please. If he gets caught, great. If he doesn't great, they'll keep wasting their roleblock on one guy.

If X1 is scum, we have a strong possibility of catching him with our observation roles unless he does what we say, if we've got 'em. Again, gamble scum has to take. Even without observation roles, a fake cop becomes pretty easy to catch down the road.

Leaving X1 alive today does not mean leaving him alive toMorrow, or the Day after that. When we do lynch him, we get his results... assuming he dies by our hand rather than a mafia NKill. As town or mafia, that's information. When he does and flips, if he flips mafia we get Days worth of posts instead of him being v/la for days and him ignoring people voting for him.

Now, why is OS suggesting we leave X1 alive with no CCs, with the condition that OS can direct him?

OS Town: Actually wants the power of directing the cop to targets he finds scummy. Doesn't realize that the result is so susceptible to framing/tailoring/etc.

OS Scum: Directing the cop to targets such as his framer scumbuddy's target, his godfather buddy, his tailor scumbuddy's target, or just to someone way off base so cop is guaranteed not to find mafia.
Again, you're an idiot. Or scum.

I'm town, and my reasoning is pretty simple. Directing the cop normally results in mafia saying "that's easy" and killing the resulting person the cop was directed to. It becomes 50/50 for the doc; do they protect the cop or the investigatee?

This way, protecting the cop becomes obvious and if mafia does kill who I suggest, they're expendable players. Macman and I were both expendable at the time of the suggestion.

I can trust myself, but I can't trust anyone else. I can trust X1 to do as he's told if he's town, and I know that he's risking his life by not doing it as Mafia. If X1 is actually an indie SK with a cop safe claim or a mafia something or other just trying to get a cop CC before he dies, either way he's stuck doing as he is told. Because if we don't order him around, he chooses whoever he wants. If he's watched and is visited, so what? He can say he chose to visit whatshisface and it's just a coincidence that that person died, was roleblocked, whatever.

Directing him limits his power. He can visit only macman or myself tonight; any big bad mafia powers he may have are limited too. Unless he wants to gamble. But really, why should he have to? He knows the alignment of both myself and macman as "not scum" if he's mafia.

I'll put this in simple terms you can understand:

If X1 is town and we lynch him, we're lynching our cop.

That is the only thing we get. We gain no information because no case has been presented on X1 and he is just what random emergency lynch that happened to emerge.

If X1 is town and we let him live, we get his results.

Insane or roleblocked or whatever, it's better than absolutely nothing. One way or another we'll get X1's flip and we'll SEE if he's naive or paranoid or mafia or what have you. That's a guarantee. Plus, we get any bonuses we might get from making mafia's movements predictable. If we have a watcher and we see X1 claim RBlocked and then someone visited him, we get to kill the mafia RB and still have the cop.

If X1 is mafia and we lynch him, we get a scum lynch that we would have gotten anyway by letting him live.

If X1 is mafia and we let him live, we get his fake results and his posting history when we lynch him later to guarantee his results. Plus, we get any bonuses we might get from making mafia's movements predictable.

Another cop CCing changes very little of the above. The only thing it does is guarantees that we put a cop in danger if he isn't already, and we get a scum lynch on D1 instead of a later phase.

The only reason at all that we should be worried about leaving X1 alive is if he's mafia and he has some really good one-shot ability that would hurt town. That's it. That is literally the ONLY way leaving him alive for a phase is bad for us... and there's no way we can know that he would have such a thing. We'd be guessing that he's scum with a superpower simply because he claimed cop at L-1.

This way gives us more information to plan with in the Night, and that puts us on more even ground with mafia.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
I didn't finish reading this last post os, but you're definitely wrong on one thing. If x1 is fake claiming we do NOT have a large chance on catching him with potential investigation roles. The only way that would make sense is we had a tracker and the tracker watched him, thats really really easy to get around as it's likely that mafia could have a directional pr. Also relies on the existence of a tracker. Watcher is hit or miss, he'd have to choose between the two choices you gave him each day but he'd also have 50/50 potential of watching the wrong guy. PLUS you'd be directing the watcher and yet again limiting their power and giving scum too much info. It doesn't make sense for a cop to investigate x1 one because you told him not to, 2 because he's already a ****in cop and he should think x1 is scum.

so no, if x1 is not a cop than we don't have a good chance of finding that out


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
also, why did you choose yourself as one of the potential targets? Why are you so concerned with 'clearing' yourself or atleast acting like it? If you were town, you'd know that having them investigate you would be worse off that having them investigate someone else simply because you'd already know you were town and the new information wouldn't help you. Also you'd know that getting a scum report is better than getting a town report (which the cop would get if you were town). Assuming you're town and you've realized this simple concept, then that means that you believe that town thinking that you were town/clear is more inportant than the infogain that you'd get and more important than town having a chance to get a scum report. why do you feel this way?
I'll wait for Dh to respond to the rest.

I chose myself because they're not just investigate targets, they're kill targets. You've done jack this entire game, and up until people went ******** on X1-12 and didn't even ask for a deadline extension I hadn't either.

I don't believe a guilty is more or less important than a town result. Regardless of godfather/miller shenanigans, getting a scum result gets us one lynch and then we go back to square one. Getting a town result means we have someone that we can trust, assuming no godfather. Getting two means we can trust at least one of them.

More importantly, if X1 is mafia and is claiming cop and we let him live, the optimal strategy for him is to visit myself or you because he was ordered to do so, then claim guilty on one of us. This would result in our lynch or X1-12's lynch, more likely ours. Then X1-12 the following day.

Given that we are mostly useless in this game at the time of my suggestion, I put us on the proverbial chopping block so X1-12 can't pick a more useful player to get town to lynch.

I don't leave things up to chance.

#HBC | marshy

wanted for 3rd degree swag
May 21, 2006
os you oughta vote vinyl

i think thats how i get you to follow

mm wait os votes vinyl

or maybe proxy vote vinyl

how do i shot web

wanna follow through on vinyl lynch without a claim unless we are on a conquest to expose power roles



is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I didn't finish reading this last post os, but you're definitely wrong on one thing. If x1 is fake claiming we do NOT have a large chance on catching him with potential investigation roles. The only way that would make sense is we had a tracker and the tracker watched him, thats really really easy to get around as it's likely that mafia could have a directional pr. Also relies on the existence of a tracker. Watcher is hit or miss, he'd have to choose between the two choices you gave him each day but he'd also have 50/50 potential of watching the wrong guy. PLUS you'd be directing the watcher and yet again limiting their power and giving scum too much info. It doesn't make sense for a cop to investigate x1 one because you told him not to, 2 because he's already a ****in cop and he should think x1 is scum.

so no, if x1 is not a cop than we don't have a good chance of finding that out
You're thinking from town's perspective.

Think from mafia's perspective.

What would YOU do if your teammate was considered a cop by town?

Why would you do it? I bet the answer is "so we don't get caught".

Town has a myriad of ways of catching scum if they gamble, just like scum has a myriad of ways to mess with town if they plan. And vice versa. You can't predict that. You can predict their thought process though, and their actions tell us more than enough to determine X1-12's legitimacy.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
gawd OS, I keep seeing more holes in your logic. I like FF thought(still do) you were pretty mafia smart

why the **** would you want to limit the x1's power? thats stupid. If he was a mafia pr and he did direct his power to the choices you gave, and we did have a watcher/tracker like you must be hoping for in order to determine whether x1 is town, than x1 would be pseudo clearing himself as mafia. You value limiting mafias scumpower over pseudo clearing them?

x1 and the potential cop should have options completely open to give town the most benefit of info. info that will help town, cuz a mafia cop claim wouldnt dare lie, and his choice would also be valueabel info if a cc occurred


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Marshy, I'll vote Vinyl per your request, but closer to deadline.

I don't seem to recall your case on Vinyl though. Can you link me to the post?

I don't remember too many of Vinyl's posts, to be honest. Funny, that.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
gawd OS, I keep seeing more holes in your logic. I like FF thought(still do) you were pretty mafia smart

why the **** would you want to limit the x1's power? thats stupid. If he was a mafia pr and he did direct his power to the choices you gave, and we did have a watcher/tracker like you must be hoping for in order to determine whether x1 is town, than x1 would be pseudo clearing himself as mafia. You value limiting mafias scumpower over pseudo clearing them?

x1 and the potential cop should have options completely open to give town the most benefit of info. info that will help town, cuz a mafia cop claim wouldnt dare lie, and his choice would also be valueabel info if a cc occurred
There are no holes in my logic given the information given. I don't fancy the idea of hypothetical power roles influencing what is actually shown to us in reality.

All we know is there are 17 people in this game, one of them claimed cop, and his wagon had no reasoning on it whatsoever.

That's it.

Allowing X1 to visit anyone he chooses means that he can't be held accountable for his actions. This will not be the case. He'll visit who I chose, or he'll die.

The short sightedness of some people. Really.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
I'll wait for Dh to respond to the rest.

I chose myself because they're not just investigate targets, they're kill targets. You've done jack this entire game, and up until people went ******** on X1-12 and didn't even ask for a deadline extension I hadn't either.
You didn't really respond to my point. I wasn't asking why you picked me, I was asking why you picked yourself. They are only kill targets if scum wanted to kill them, there is no reason to believe that scum would decided to kill either of us just because we're getting investigated. Plus the choice gives scum way too much info to make a decision that suites them best.

Even if they were kill targets and mafia would choose one of them, why choose yourself?

I don't believe a guilty is more or less important than a town result. Regardless of godfather/miller shenanigans, getting a scum result gets us one lynch and then we go back to square one. Getting a town result means we have someone that we can trust, assuming no godfather. Getting two means we can trust at least one of them.

More importantly, if X1 is mafia and is claiming cop and we let him live, the optimal strategy for him is to visit myself or you because he was ordered to do so, then claim guilty on one of us. This would result in our lynch or X1-12's lynch, more likely ours. Then X1-12 the following day.

Given that we are mostly useless in this game at the time of my suggestion, I put us on the proverbial chopping block so X1-12 can't pick a more useful player to get town to lynch.

I don't leave things up to chance.
we're mostly useless is your reasoning for picking yourself? but if you know you're town, why would it matter? is it only to show that unbiasness of your plan? Why do you put yourself on the drawing block, I'm not seeing a clear reason.

It reeks of self preservation bro, you've done this before

regarding to town reads being more valueable than scum reads. I definitely disagree but I can see your argument

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
There are no holes in my logic given the information given. I don't fancy the idea of hypothetical power roles influencing what is actually shown to us in reality.

All we know is there are 17 people in this game, one of them claimed cop, and his wagon had no reasoning on it whatsoever.

That's it.

Allowing X1 to visit anyone he chooses means that he can't be held accountable for his actions. This will not be the case. He'll visit who I chose, or he'll die.

The short sightedness of some people. Really.
what he'd be held accountable for his actions either way. Who he chooses out of the entire town he'll have to give his reasoning for why he chose. giving him choices makes him less accountable because you give him an easy out. he can direct an action on one of your choices that is most convenient for him/scum


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
FF is approaching this from the standpoint that X1-12 is scum and needs to be proven innocent. I'm doing the opposite.
That's not particularly true. With no CCs X1 stays alive as an innocent. Giving other cop claims the OPPORTUNITY to CC means:

1. No one can try to do it later.
2. We get a guaranteed scum between 2 people.

It also doesn't affect anything if no one CCs. We let X1 live for the time being and carry on our business.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
It's the opposite of self-preservation.

And if I'm mafia, the only way this would make any sense is if I was a godfather. As I mentioned before, this is obvious. The only other possibility is that X1-12 and I are scummates.

It is highly unlikely that X1-12 and I are scummates given that X1-12 is a high profile target and I would be condemning myself. It is even less likely that I am scum and X1-12 is town with the exception of me being a godfather; I could have just allowed the lynch and it would have occurred. Big win for mafia.

With me so far?

We've whittled it down to OS godfather or OS town.

Mafia's best course of action without a roleblocking ability is to kill those who they think is being investigated. The best kill targets I could think of for town would be myself and you, given our lackluster contribution to this game, as I've said many times before. The kill blocks the investigate, making X1 worthless. Even if X1 is mafia, the best course is for mafia to kill one of us and have X1 say he investigated the dead player.

what he'd be held accountable for his actions either way. Who he chooses out of the entire town he'll have to give his reasoning for why he chose. giving him choices makes him less accountable because you give him an easy out. he can direct an action on one of your choices that is most convenient for him/scum
Putting town in a position to simply guess at his logic's source and determine whether to lynch him off of that is foolish. It gives X1 mafia the ability to visit anyone he chooses, and allows him to disobey direct orders. More importantly, it gives him the ability to lie freely without being contradicted. It is unacceptable.

Assuming that my two choices are somehow convenient for scum assumes I'm scum. I'd think you'd be grateful for me revealing my hand so early.

Being scum in this game would be ridiculously easy, as I stated earlier. You just let town rip themselves apart and suddenly... poof. Mafia wins. You don't even really need to involve yourself. Just kill people that are active and not considered mafia.

Take a step back and realize how ridiculous town is being.

If X1 actually had a strong case against him, he might be a viable lynch... but he's not. He's a claimed cop with no real case on him. I still haven't seen one person bring up that case, and now they're doing the same thing to Vinyl with the exception of X1, and his case is so weak it isn't worth being posted.

Despite this, I'm the only person other than Dark Horse who isn't saying "hey guys, maybe X1 is scum and we should lynch him even though he claimed cop because HOW AWESOME WOULD IT BE IF HE WAS SCUM, RIGHT?!". No one else is saying "wait a minute, if X1 is town we'd be throwing away a huge advantage".

No, they're saying "X1 is scum and is trying to get the cop to CC, so we should let the cop CC so we can lynch X1" or "X1 is town, but scum's entire roster might be built around screwing with the cop so they could have redirectors, roleblockers, godfathers, and a whole slew of abilities that mess with the cops result. Or his results are worthless because he's insane! We should lynch him just to be sure".

It's ridiculous.

The cop is far and away the most powerful role commonly used in mafia. That's why there are so many variants and that's why there are so many setup "rules" that have to be observed when a cop is introduced.

If we have someone claim cop, we let the cop live and we use his results. We're smart enough to take them with a grain of salt, and if he's town mafia is going to focus their efforts on killing him ASAP, as will indies. If he's mafia, we get to control his every move and eventually lynch him anyway and then get a nice long paper trail.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
see the thing about real cop ccing right now is that the cop could instead cc whenever they wanted down the line. Extending the amount of info town got. If the cop cced later, we'd be in exactly the same scenario as we are now and there is no reason to deal with the scenario now when we get just wait and get info for another day or two.

only issue with this is that this gives mafia the oppurtunity to fake claim later on when mislynch potential town-x1 could lose us the game. however, I don't think that's nearly as important.

ff/kantrip: whats the best reason for handling the scenario now instead of later?


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
That's not particularly true. With no CCs X1 stays alive as an innocent. Giving other cop claims the OPPORTUNITY to CC means:

1. No one can try to do it later.
2. We get a guaranteed scum between 2 people.

It also doesn't affect anything if no one CCs. We let X1 live for the time being and carry on our business.
I'm not sure what your point is.

Giving cops the opportunity to CC now or not, doesn't mean they couldn't do it tomorrow. If I was a cop, I'd probably investigate tonight, see what X1-12 did, then CC cop tomorrow with my inno/guilty and lynch X1-12 and get more information based off of X1-12's response. It's the most optimal play assuming you don't want to gamble.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I'll respond to your simple outlining.

If X1 is town and we lynch him, we're lynching our cop.
Why are we lynching him? No one is suggesting blindly lynching the claimed cop. I see where you're coming from with there being multiple cops in the game, something I didn't consider previously, though.

That is the only thing we get. We gain no information because no case has been presented on X1 and he is just what random emergency lynch that happened to emerge.

If X1 is town and we let him live, we get his results.
We're letting him live regardless as it stands now. You're acting like giving people the opportunity to CC means X1 is still getting lynched. A scum lynch is more valuable to me than the life of an outed PR that is highly susceptible to manipulation, but I can see why your priorities might be different. Barring the miniscule chance that X1 gets a CC and they're both town, what you're saying just won't happen.

Insane or roleblocked or whatever, it's better than absolutely nothing. One way or another we'll get X1's flip and we'll SEE if he's naive or paranoid or mafia or what have you. That's a guarantee. Plus, we get any bonuses we might get from making mafia's movements predictable. If we have a watcher and we see X1 claim RBlocked and then someone visited him, we get to kill the mafia RB and still have the cop.
Banking on a watcher, here. All your scenarios that you use to counter the idea of CCs are so situational and reliant on roles, and when people say "there may be a doc" you choose THEN to shut it down? Just when it suits your argument, right?

If X1 is mafia and we lynch him, we get a scum lynch that we would have gotten anyway by letting him live.
We'd only lynch him with a CC, naturally. The difference is getting the scum lynch a Day earlier. Not every lynch is a scum one you know, so postponing it is not pro-town.

If X1 is mafia and we let him live, we get his fake results and his posting history when we lynch him later to guarantee his results. Plus, we get any bonuses we might get from making mafia's movements predictable.
"Letting mafia live" never seems like a good idea. I realize here you have a purpose, but with X1 knowing your purpose, you know how easy it is to WIFOM the fake results up and whatever else you'd be looking at? I can't imagine you making letting mafia live a viable option in this scenario.

If X1 receives no CCs he lives as un uncc'd cop.
If X1 receives CCs it is very likely there is a maf there. Two cops, while possible, is more negligible than there being a doctor. But hey, while we're playing the "banking on roles game", we can get our tracker to track one of the CCs and let them both live!


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
My point is that CCing earlier means a scum lynch earlier. I mean, a cop with a guilty could postpone sharing their result so that they can get more, right? But why do that when you can out your guilty and get a scum lynch earlier?


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
see the thing about real cop ccing right now is that the cop could instead cc whenever they wanted down the line. Extending the amount of info town got. If the cop cced later, we'd be in exactly the same scenario as we are now and there is no reason to deal with the scenario now when we get just wait and get info for another day or two.

only issue with this is that this gives mafia the oppurtunity to fake claim later on when mislynch potential town-x1 could lose us the game. however, I don't think that's nearly as important.

ff/kantrip: whats the best reason for handling the scenario now instead of later?
Best reason: Getting a scum lynch earlier. That's what I can think of. Letting someone who fake claimed live longer just doesn't seem worthwhile to me.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
It's the opposite of self-preservation.

And if I'm mafia, the only way this would make any sense is if I was a godfather. As I mentioned before, this is obvious. The only other possibility is that X1-12 and I are scummates.
not true, youre taking a 50/50 risk of not getting investigated by providing 2 options instead of 1. you could also be relying on offering yourself as a target would make you seem town swaying the choice away from you.

more importantly, you could be taking a risk that noone will go along with your plan which IS very likely. Proposing yourself as a target gives you the benefit of yet again seeming town even if your plan doesn't go through.

in both scenarios, by choosing yourself you're trying to make it seem as you're town. you're trying to make it seem like you're condemning yourself(bolded below) when in actually you;re just taking a risk that easily works out in your favor. You've made a similar statement before. My issue with this is that why does it matter if you seem town to town? You should instead be trying to give town/yourself more info and direct them to a target that isn't you.

ofc this is not even taking into account the possibility that you're godfather.

It is highly unlikely that X1-12 and I are scummates given that X1-12 is a high profile target and I would be condemning myself. It is even less likely that I am scum and X1-12 is town with the exception of me being a godfather; I could have just allowed the lynch and it would have occurred. Big win for mafia.

With me so far?

We've whittled it down to OS godfather or OS town.
read what I said above. You're not actually condemning yourself. So the logic that you're trying to lead me down is incorrect. town-os and godfather-os is a false choice. What I'm wondering is if you're already well aware of this or if you truly think your logic holds.

Mafia's best course of action without a roleblocking ability is to kill those who they think is being investigated. The best kill targets I could think of for town would be myself and you, given our lackluster contribution to this game, as I've said many times before. The kill blocks the investigate, making X1 worthless. Even if X1 is mafia, the best course is for mafia to kill one of us and have X1 say he investigated the dead player.
No it's not. I mentioned this in a previous post, but it does not logically hold that mafia killing one of the targets is the best choice. Mafia might not care about whose being investigated. They might just decide they'll kill the targets later on, theres no reason to assume theyd decide to kill them tonight.

This is not even considering potential mafia power roles that can be used to even further muddy the plan/manipulate town into believing false ****.

So yea again, youre logic doesn't hold. Do you really not see the holes in your logic?

Putting town in a position to simply guess at his logic's source and determine whether to lynch him off of that is foolish. It gives X1 mafia the ability to visit anyone he chooses, and allows him to disobey direct orders. More importantly, it gives him the ability to lie freely without being contradicted. It is unacceptable.
no, I think his investigation picks are only useful is another cop ccs. We wouldn't use the info to determine whether to lynch him. We'll take him on his word until we get a CC or he appears to be scummy down the line(in this case we can use him investigate choices to help this cause).

Also don't forget to explain your reasoning behind having a potential real cop investigate the same people as scum-X1.

Assuming that my two choices are somehow convenient for scum assumes I'm scum. I'd think you'd be grateful for me revealing my hand so early.
I don't understand what youre saying here

Being scum in this game would be ridiculously easy, as I stated earlier. You just let town rip themselves apart and suddenly... poof. Mafia wins. You don't even really need to involve yourself. Just kill people that are active and not considered mafia.

Take a step back and realize how ridiculous town is being.

If X1 actually had a strong case against him, he might be a viable lynch... but he's not. He's a claimed cop with no real case on him. I still haven't seen one person bring up that case, and now they're doing the same thing to Vinyl with the exception of X1, and his case is so weak it isn't worth being posted.

Despite this, I'm the only person other than Dark Horse who isn't saying "hey guys, maybe X1 is scum and we should lynch him even though he claimed cop because HOW AWESOME WOULD IT BE IF HE WAS SCUM, RIGHT?!". No one else is saying "wait a minute, if X1 is town we'd be throwing away a huge advantage".

No, they're saying "X1 is scum and is trying to get the cop to CC, so we should let the cop CC so we can lynch X1" or "X1 is town, but scum's entire roster might be built around screwing with the cop so they could have redirectors, roleblockers, godfathers, and a whole slew of abilities that mess with the cops result. Or his results are worthless because he's insane! We should lynch him just to be sure".

It's ridiculous.

The cop is far and away the most powerful role commonly used in mafia. That's why there are so many variants and that's why there are so many setup "rules" that have to be observed when a cop is introduced.

If we have someone claim cop, we let the cop live and we use his results. We're smart enough to take them with a grain of salt, and if he's town mafia is going to focus their efforts on killing him ASAP, as will indies. If he's mafia, we get to control his every move and eventually lynch him anyway and then get a nice long paper trail.
Like I said before, I agree with you on that a potential real cop shouldn't be forced to cc right now. I also think a cop is too valueable. Even a fake cop is too valueable because theyre inclined to tell the truth about peoples roles.

Though this last segment of yours doesn't address my main issues with you.

I am Zim!

Smash Rookie
Feb 3, 2011
Deadline set for 4/13 at 11:59 PM! With 17 alive, it takes 9 to lynch!

frozenflame751- (0)
KevinM- (1) Overswarm
X1-12- (3) Macman, Kantrip, KevinM
Rajam- (1) Orboknown
Rockin- (1) Chaco
Dark Horse- (0)
Macman- (0)
marshy- (0)
Vinyl.- (7) Kafkaesque, X1-12, J, Marshy, Dark Horse, Kantrip, Macman
Pink Lemonade (Ranmaru/July hydra)- (0)
Kafkaesque- (0)
J- (0)
Red Ryu- (0)
Orboknown- (1) Rajam
Kantrip- (4) Rockin, Vanderzant, Frozenflame, Pink Lemonade
Vanderzant- (0)
Overswarm- (0)

Not Voting- (0)

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
Best reason: Getting a scum lynch earlier. That's what I can think of. Letting someone who fake claimed live longer just doesn't seem worthwhile to me.
besides possibly getting rid of a scum powerrole, why is getting the scum-X1 lynch earlier more valueable? Is this more valueable than the pontential of having the real cop and the fake cop giving town results, that are bound to be real results because it'd be ****y for the scum-X1 to give a wrong fake investigation. We'd be getting more info from a real cop and a pseudo real cop in x1.

why can't we delay this cc scenario until tomorrow or the day after?

why is getting the scum lynch earlier more important?

please try to really understand what im getting at. If my logic is false lemme know, but it seems like you're missing out on a potential advantage if the cop doesn't cc right away.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
also really interested in what ff has to say about my last two posts to kantrip.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I see what you're saying, but I guess it comes down to what is more valuable:

-An extra innocent on a townie


-The 1 or 2 town players that don't have to die while we let scum live

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
First of all, I have not been saying we should lynch X1 even without a CC. If you think that, I seriously have no idea where you got that idea, because if my unvote on him wasn't evidence enough, I DON'T want to lynch him UNLESS there is a CC. All I've been arguing for this entire time is for the REAL COP, if he IS NOT X1, to COUNTER CLAIM X1.

Again, all I'm asking for is the real cop to come forward and CC X1 IF YOU EXIST. I'm NOT saying we should lynch X1 without a CC. If there IS a CC, then I say we lynch X1.

Got it? Now let's go through this analysis.

If the cop CCs, it means a cop that wouldn't normally have to claim is out in the open. If X1 is the cop, he's already out in the open and we can't DO anything about it.
Yes, it does mean that. But the benefit is, we know that X1 is scum, and have secured a D1 scum lynch. Sure, our newly claimed cop is in the same situation as X1 is now, but as I've already described for you, we have PLENTY of ways of catching scum trying to screw with the cop if they try to. If we have a watcher, we can catch and RBer going for him. If we have a doctor, we can possible soak up night kills. ALL the ways you've described that we have for dealing with protecting X1 against kills/using X1 as bait to catch scum WILL STILL APPLY TO THE NEWLY CLAIMED REAL COP IF HE EXISTS. I don't see why this is hard to understand. If X1 is the cop, he is already outed and exists in a WIFOM scenario for scum to deal with. If X1 get's CC'd, we now have our real cop in the exact same scenario, EXCEPT we now KNOW that he's the cop, and that X1 is scum, netting us a free scum lynch, which constitutes a distinct and direct, guaranteed town boon.

They're apples and oranges, FF. You can't say "oh, well one guy is in this situation but he might not be town. If he is it's a bad situation, but it could be a scum ploy! Let's put another townie IN THE SAME BAD SITUATION just to catch him!" when we can catch him in a multitude of other ways WITHOUT having our cop CC.
You can catch scum in other ways using your plan yes, but YOUR plan requires FAR more assumptions than my plan does. Your methods of catching scum requires all sorts of town power. We need a tracker to catch X1 misbehaving. We need a watcher to catch scum trying to RB/Kill him or his investigation targets, and even if we have that, it relies on those powers outguessing the scum. We need a doctor or jailer to possibly soak up a night kill, which again, requires scum to fall into the trap. NONE of that is guaranteed. You know what is far closer to guaranteed than ANY of those plans? Catching and lynching X1 as scum in the face of a CC IF someone does in fact CC. That's what I'm saying. My plan nets us scum far quicker, far more reliably, and with very little sacrifice.

Why is it very little sacrifice? I'll explain that in greater detail when I get to you whole spiel on how I'm "paranoid".

If we think he's the cop, we shouldn't lynch him.

If we don't think he's the cop, the cop shouldn't counter claim.

There are many other ways to find if he's telling the truth or not, and we'll definitely be able to lynch him further days down the road if he survives that long.
I don't know why you even said those first two sentences. The whole point of calling for a CC is WE DON'T KNOW WHETHER OR NOT HE IS REALLY COP. Last time I checked, we hadn't reached a consensus about whether or not we thought he was legit, and we really have no method of telling OTHER than just general reads. And regardless, even if we think he's the real cop now, and he's not, we're better off with a CC and nipping our wrongness in the bud before it gets out of hand. Again, NONE of your plans are anywhere CLOSE to netting us guaranteed scum as a DIRECT COP CC is. Having multiple cops in a game just straight up isn't likely. I think I may have played in ONE game in my entire mafia career that had more than one cop in it, and I couldn't even tell you what that was. It just straight up isn't likely at all. If you're going to accuse me of being paranoid for speculating about anti-cop PRs, you can absolutely **** off with this **** about "omg there might be two cops durr hurr".

You really think X1 as a cop would actually survive for more than a few night phases? I'd personally love to see them roleblock him every night or miss their kill once or twice when a doc protects him. I think that'd be fantastic. Much better than killing one scum and saying "okay now what". Know what's even better? Killing X1 on a further Day phase when we discover he's not a cop while our real cop is still alive, and then lynching X1 with several days worth of X1 posts to read over. That's better.
What does this have to do with anything? If X1 really is the cop, ALL of those good things you want to happen are likely to happen. Again, I DON'T want to lynch X1 if NO ONE CCs. But guess what happen if someone DOES CC? We lynch X1 and nail scum. Then, if scum still try to go after the real cop, ALL OF THOSE GOOD THINGS YOU TALKED ABOUT IN THE BOLD STILL HAPPEN. You're making it sound like if we lynch X1 as SCUM WHO ISN'T REALLY THE COP as a result of a CC, somehow none of that WIFOM business will go on with the CCer, who is the real cop. KILLING X1 AS A RESULT OF A CC IS NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE WITH WIFOM BENEFITS (such as pulling constant RBer aggro, potentially stopping kills, watching scum try to RB or otherwise mess with the CCer, etc.). Why the **** do you think it is? Want to know what I think is better than everything you've suggested? Literally getting all the things in bold that you said you would love to have happen IN ADDITION to getting a free scum lynch D1.

You act like having X1 posts to read over if he is scum is our golden ticket to finding the rest of the scum. It's not. You're providing ZERO concrete benefit with that analysis. You're just saying that sifting through X1's posts will net us guaranteed scum. It won't. It just won't. It would be useful yes, I won't contest that, but not NEARLY as useful as literally lynch a free scum right away. Your future prospects that you espouse so dearly are reasonable, but no where even close to as concretely beneficial as a guaranteed scum lynch. You just can't make that argument. You can be wrong. I can be wrong. ANYONE can be mislead. Don't try to act like you will net guaranteed scum by following X1's potential paper trail if he's scum. There's no way to definitively quantify how much more likely we are to catch scum by leaving X1 around than we are likely to be fooled by him. Watch has far less room for error and doubt, is that is X1 gets CC'd, we're getting scum. It's far, far more likely and IMMEDIATELY beneficial.

But the initiation of the situation is NOT the same. X1 was pushed into a corner and you're asking for one of the strongest roles in mafia to commit suicide. We don't know if they can RB just like we don't know if we can protect or observe. All we know is that mafia would ALWAYS want the cop dead more than just about anyone.
By your definition, if X1 is the cop, he's already committed suicide. So literally, by having the cop CC, we're in the exact same position we think we are in now, but with a revealed scum. Obviously we don't know what exists in the game. So even if that argument is a wash, my argument still stands over yours in that I provide us with a very real concrete benefit with no loss relative to our current situation.

And I seriously can't believe you actually think a cop is ALWAYS the best role for mafia to target. That's just straight up wrong. The strength of power roles in a setup is always relative to what else is in the setup, and with regard to the cop, largely dependent on what tools the mafia has to deal with it. If the mafia has a lawyer/tailor/GF/framer, cop easily moves from being an incredibly useful info gathering role to an incredibly dangerous misinformation spreading role. And all that ASSUMES the cop is sane, which isn't guaranteed. I'm not saying it's more likely that the cop isn't sane than it being sane, but what I am saying, is that that possibility in conjunction with the very real and reasonable possibility that scum have tools to deal with or even manipulate the cop (which are far more prevalent than most other scum roles that are meant to "deal" with other town PRs btw. I'm pretty sure you'd have a hard time coming up with a bigger list of roles that are all specifically devoted to dealing with a single town PR, than the list of roles that exist that specifically mess with the cop), means that cops just straight up are not that reliable, and thus, NOT that powerful relative to other roles in the situation we are in now (i.e., we know virtually nothing about the setup). I could agree with you that in certain circumstances where you can reasonably establish probably sanity and are confident that there exist no roles in the game that could manipulate cop results, that cop is a ****ing fantastic role. I might even agree with you that's the best. But to say it is flat out the best in this situation is ****ing delusional dude, it really is.

IMO, I think this early in the game, watchers, trackers and voyeurs are all far more powerful than the cop, because they can net us greater amounts of information with greater reliability, since straight up fewer roles exist that can mess with them, thus, their propensity of being messed with is lower since we know nothing of the setup. This is especially true if we follow your mantra and don't try to meta the mod, since then all we can go on is the sheer numerical capacity for mishaps to occur, which simply doesn't fall in cop's favor.

Occam's razor. If a cop gets an inno, you don't lynch an inno. Plain and simple. Yes, he could be multiple things. You could also be a hidden mafia member and not know it until your trigger is set, like Spiderman in Villains mafia. Maybe you should modkill yourself?
Again, what does this have to do with anything? Now you're trying to put words in my mouth. I never said anything about what we should do if a cop gets any given result. All I'm saying is cop results straight up AREN'T RELIABLE if you know nothing about the setup. I'm with you on Occam's razor. Without reason to believe otherwise, I'd probably be ok with accepting a claimed inno as an inno. That doesn't mean I won't always be wary of the likelihood that that result just straight up isn't anywhere close to guaranteed to be true. You're literally trying to rope me into arguing we should completely disregard cop results when I never, ever said anything like that. Want to stop debating dirty anytime soon?

Playing the guessing game is idiotic. A cop clear is a cop clear. You want to lynch someone who is given an innocent? You lynch them further down the line, because nine times out of ten his stuff is legit. More importantly, you can figure out pretty quickly what the cop's thing is when he gets an inno on one guy and a guilty on another.
Again, never said we should "play a guessing game" or just throw cop investigations out like they're meaningless. I'm just trying to bring your inflated sense of how good cop investigation are back to ****ing reality. Want to substantiate that 9 time out of 10 statistic? That'd be a ****ing joke. You seriously can't be this naive about how easy it is for scum manipulate cop investigations even if the cop is sane.

You're grasping at straws. What if the watcher is paranoid and receives bad results? What if the doctor actually is a beacon and moves the night kill to that player? What if X1 claimed cop but is actually a princess and gives mafia the win on Night 1 if he is lynched on D1?

You don't know the setup and the options are limitless.

Occam's Razor. The simplest solution is more than likely correct, and the simplest solution is that X1 is a cop and we can use that to our advantage REGARDLESS of his alignment.
You have the balls to say I'm grasping at straws and then give counter examples like paranoid watcher, ******* mod beacon doctor, and instant win for scum town princess? You have got to be ****ting me. I know you're just trying to make me look ridiculous by acting as if those comparisons are anywhere even close to my examples of tailor/framer/lawyer/GF. I think everyone in this game knows that those roles I just listed are very real, common, and reasonable roles to expect to be in a game. Your roles on the other hand are ****ing way beyond the realm of reasonable. Possible? Yes. Reasonable to expect? Hell no. Just because the options are limitless doesn't mean we can't make reasonable predictions about what's in the game. I think its is VERY reasonable to assume that one or more roles in this game exist that can **** with the cop's reliability, even if we assume the cop is sane. If you are calling me paranoid for being simply wary of these types of roles and weighing their reasonable likelihood of existence against the reliability of a cop's power, you're completely out of your mind. That's not being paranoid, that's called being being reasonably aware.

You are REALLY stuck on investigations not being reliable and wanting to lynch X1. You're being a little paranoid here; no one here is going to agree with you and say "yeah man, cop is a bad role". It's the most powerful role town can ever have, period, end of story. There is not a single standard role that is better.
No, I'm not stuck on lynching X1. I ****ing unvoted him.

But yes, I amm stuck on cop investigation not being reliable, because they ****ing aren't without more information about the setup. Again with you strawmanning me. I never said cop was a bad role. I said it wasn't the BEST role like you've be saying. I think most people in this game would agree with me on that stance. Saying cop is always the best role, end of story is completely ****ing delusional dude, it really is. I seriously can't believe you actually believe that. It just empirically is NOT true. Unless of course you have some completely ****ing absurd definition of "standard" roles.

I can't say it definitively. I'm just smart enough to know that on Day 2 or Day 3, I can. You're wanting to throw a weapon out an airlock because you just aren't quite sure how big a bang it's going to make. That's foolish.

You want to assume X1 has an awesome mafia ability? Cool. But we don't know he's mafia. He doesn't even have a case presented against him that I've seen.
I seriously don't even see how anything you said here applies to the passage you quoted of mine, but I'll address it anyway.

I don't want to throw any weapon out of the airlock. I'm saying if there is a cop, they should CC X1. X1 could be the real cop. If he is, no one will CC and this won't matter. But if he isn't, it's better for us to know NOW.

I NEVER assumed X1 had a kickass scum ability. I said he might. And if he gets CC'd and we lynch him, we DIRECTLY benefit from his removal with bonus points if he DOES have a kickass scum role.

But we gain nothing, absolutely nothing, from putting our cop in danger now. We can kill X1 later and get more advantages than killing him now. The only exception is if X1 has some super mafia ability that's going to wreck us, but again, it's a gamble for him to use it. If he uses one of his abilities on someone we don't want and is observed doing so, he'd be dead on D2 and our cop is still hidden.
Yes we do, because for all we know, our cop is already in danger now, so the real cop CCing doesn't change our perceived scenario other than NETTING US FREE SCUM. So if the real cop CCs, if X1 ISN'T the real cop, then it's STILL a gamble for mafia to try and mess with the real one who is now taking X1's place of being in danger. All the tools you're assuming we should have to catch X1 slipping up as a scum faking claiming cop in the future, can similarly be used to catch scum trying to mess with our real cop IF he CC's.

Because leaving the cop hidden is the smarter, safer option.
Yeah because just saying that makes it true.

We have a watcher or tracker. Suddenly, they lose their roleblocker mafia when before we would have just lynched the town cop D1 and gotten absolutely nothing for it.

But that's just wrong. If we actually have a tracker or watcher, we can catch their roleblocker or whatever role they're using to try and mess with the CCer, ON TOP OF having already LYNCHED A SCUM (X1) THAT GOT CC'd. We wouldn't have lynched the town cop! Where the hell did you get that from! Again, the whole point of this is we would only lynch X1 now if he gets CC'd!

Do you have better players? I picked good choices, and added myself as insurance. If I can be investigated, that gives info to everyone about me doesn't it?

And it's "or". Godfather or partnered with x1. Giving away either would be foolhardy.
Saying "well do you have a better idea" does not a good argument make. It doesn't matter if I do or not. All I'm saying is that you don't get to make the call just because you think you know what's best. If the town happens to agree with you, that's fine, we'll go with those picks. What I'm trying to communicate to whoever the cop is, X1 or not, is that decisions like these shouldn't be made unilaterally without discourse or affirmation. That's just asking to be manipulated unchecked.

Not when I'm scum, no. I would decide for you.
haha so fahnny joke

You're contradicting yourself pretty readily.

If X1 is the cop and they roleblock him, he can't investigate. You're fine with that. If we have observation roles which are just as common as a cop, we can SEE WHO VISITS X1, which should be no one but observation roles.

If I can see who visits X1 and I see Marshy visit X1 and then X1 is roleblocked, we find a scum.

We don't know if we have observation roles, and we don't know if they have a roleblocking role. The danger for them is that they don't know if we have one; the danger for us is that we don't know if we can catch them.

If they don't? They are left with no choice but to hope he's insane/naive/whatever... or kill him. But if we have a doc and the doc protects X1, which he should given that his odds are 1/16 during the night phase of picking the right one at random but pretty damn high if X1 is really the cop, the mafia lose a NKill AND we get a clear AND we get a cleared cop. That's a 3 man swing FF, and that's huge.
How does any of this prove that I'm contradicting myself. I didn't contradict myself AT ALL. You literally just described all the potential benefits we gain from having certain power roles in the game if the mafia are fixated on our cop, whether or not X1 is the real cop or not. Again, I'm NOT TRYING TO LYNCH X1 without a CC. If he get's CC'd we lynch him, nail scum, and now the CCer who is the real cop just takes X1's place as the object of scum's fixation. I seriously don't see how anything you just said up there contradicts anything I've said, or proves how I've contradicted myself I've literally been saying all of that the entire time.

If we have a watcher, I'm also ok with creating a scenario where mafia risks getting seen targeting the cop (whether it be X1 or the CCer if one comes forward). If we have a doctor, I want to create a scenario where mafia risks that "3 man swing" by trying to outguess the doc. I've said all of this consistently. You aren't damaging my case at all, you're actually agreeing with it.

We don't know if the scum has an RBer. Who cares? All I was explaining is that if they do, worst case, we don't have a means of seeing them block our cop and our cop gets shut down. Oh well. All of our other powers are working behind the scenes without hindrance. We're really only in a terrible position if we have neither watcher nor a protective role, in which case there's nothing we can do any way to stop the scum from killing the cop regardless so all of this is moot.

If X1 is mafia ****ing with us, he's gotta keep up this charade all game. If there's an observation role watching who X1 visits and he visits one guy and says the alignment of someone else, he's toast. Visits two people? Toast. Visits someone we don't tell him to visit? Dead man walking. He can't gamble on it as town or mafia.

In other words, the moment we want to kill him we can. If mafia are killing his clears, hooray for us. We're determining who they kill. Also huge. If mafia aren't, then the mid game is going to be X1 and all of his clears; at that point X1 is a viable lynch just to see his flip, and suddenly we get a barrage of clears or a scum flip later in the day.

Leaving him alive gives us the most options and the most power. The scum have to guess just as much as we do, except they know his alignment. Advantage them, sure. But if we lynch him and he's the cop we're just doing their job for them and we gain nothing.
You're literally just saying that it's ok to leave X1 alive un CC'd because you think we can just assume we have the powers to check to make sure he's using his role like we want him to, and if he doesn't we lynch him. That's a BIG assumption. We basically NEED a tracker for that to definitely keep him in check. We can half reliably check him if we have a watcher or a voyeur. That's about it.

Of course we can kill him the moment we want to. We can almost always kill someone the moment we want to, exceptions being unlynchables and whatnot.

What I'm saying is that we can KNOW DEFINITIVELY RIGHT NOW WITHIN REASON whether or not X1 is lying, and if he his, we kill him. That's what the CC does, and we're basically just doing what you want to do (lynch him when we catch him as scum), but earlier. We don't lose much at all by doing this, because all of your alleged benefits of dealing with him later don't stand up like you think they do.

You say that scum will be killing the way we want them to because they'll have to kill our clears. Not necessarily true. If X1 is scum, no need. If they have a framer/tailor/lawyer, no need. If they have a GF in the pair, no need. If they have a ****ING ROLEBLOCKER they don't give a **** about who we want X1 or the CCer to clear, HE WON'T GET ANY RESULTS. Hell, if they have reason to believe he isn't sane, no need. Scum are by no means bound to go after our investigation pairs.

And by all this logic, there's no reason for us to assume that X1 or the real cop who CCs him will have the magical list of clears in the future. Again, this is all predicated on these investigations going off without a hitch AND the mafia not having tools to deal with it. BIG assumptions.

But us nailing X1 as scum if someone CC's him ISN'T a big assumption at all. It's near guaranteed.

None of your long term benefits that you claim are unique to keeping X1 alive AND not having a potential real cop CC him even if he [X1] isn't the real cop are actually anywhere close to as real as you claim them to be. All of benefits we gain from my plan, both short term and long term from having the real cop CC X1, if he exists absolutely stand up, and your concurring analysis of the mafia WIFOM resulting from us having an outed cop going into future nights shows that pretty clearly.


People need to be reading this and understanding this analysis. It isn't that complicated. We need to encourage the real cop, if it isn't X1, to make the right play an CC. OS, for whatever reason, is literally encouraging far from optimal play.

#HBC | FrozeηFlame

Jul 26, 2005
Albuquerque, NM
@ Macman I'll get to that stuff in a bit, I need a ****ing break after writing all that. Apologies to everyone for the wall but I would not write that much if it wasn't necessary to provide adequate clarification and analysis


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Mac, my point is that a scum lynch day 1 is a HUGE advantage for Town in itself. Like, in the event that x1 is scum, I'm 100% backing myself to nail the rest of the scum team upon a reread and I don't see why other people shouldn't either. At the very least, Town's direction will be a lot more focused with a scum flip in mind. I'd rather put faith in having a strong Day 2 then a few extra cop investigations which we have no way to know for certain are 100% reliable. However, this is all despite a CC is looking less and less likely.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
fair point but I still think you guys are over blowing the importance of having an x1 scum flip day 1. Its useful in that we can use x1's connections during d1 to find the next scum/clear people. But if you hold off a day or two, x1 will accumulate even more connections. He'll also accumulate fake investigations that imo are really important. So if/when he gets cced and lynched in a day or two, the amount of info we'll get from his flip will be much higher. In addition to getting information from the real cop.

If the real cop ccs now, he then has a target on his head and we'd have to be lucky and have a watcher in order to make him being cop useful.

ff: I agree with most of what you responded to OS with. I think hes presenting false statements as being logical and his reasoning for keeping the cop hidden isn't that great. (When you take into account the plan he has that would limit the cced cops power, it's scummy that he tryna keep the cop hidden. Since his plan basically neuters the cop).

I think my argument for let the cop make the choice on whether he should cc and not making it mandatory is valid tho. There is a potential gain in waiting a day or two.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 24, 2008
Beneath my dreaming tree
Yo, I'm out of town currently in Florida, but I'll be back on Monday.
Those who jumped on your idea are now on my radar. Clever, Zen.
@PL: Jumping quickly onto a something that "implies" you as town, in an alliance, is more than likely to have a scum member jumping on. Therefore, I marked the joiners on my radar, because I feel this is highly likely. Like voting patterns yknow? Middle of wagon; more likely to be scum. That doesn't necessarily hold as true as it once did, but with this being a a play on that "law", I feel it would do well to take interest in those who jumped on.
Just returned from a hellish car drive....

And no, I was in Panama City. Got arrested too while there. Whoo!

Anyways, Kafk, I was skimming on my phone and thought that they jumped onto Zens idea. And yeah, it is a mechanical way to look at things, but had they jumped on it, it pulse held merit. However, it's nothing.

I'll read more than the last page shortly.
Because it would have been a starting point to look at those who jumped on, however, it holds no merit because I failed to see that Zen invited those two on boards rather than them joining of their own accord. Think of it like this, by itself it's nothing, but with further evidence it's everything. Just like small tells, they catch your eye, but without backup and further reasoning it's merely nothing. Get where I'm coming from?
Ew, no. He's like it to much.
After actually reading his post, I agree with this. Rockin said a whole lot of nothing, except defending OS, ofc.

Unvote; Vote: Rockin
That's what I saw, and that's why I claimed it as more of a defense. Because with mentioning you, he's actually bringing the subject matter back onto you and questioning those who are curious about you. But not adamantly enough to mean anything. It's just like he's throwing it out there, now what I mean? Leaving a ghost of a stance with a question to your pursuers.
Well, if you're noticing it, question the specifics on it, maybe? Because, just throwing a blanket question will do absolutely no good and will leave you with nothing to say. I doubt anyone would even take that question seriously, like I said, it feels like there's nothing behind it.
Tell me what the dumb is that you are seeing. I've ignored the Dooms walls, so if you mean those, by gods I agree.

@OS: Holy mother of wall text.
....hahahahahahahahahahaha. Old school dGames jokes mayne, everyone knows we give Rockin flak about being gay. The "ew, no. He'd like it to much was in response to the way Kevin stated his post. As in everyone jumping on Rockin, this game is primarily guys, 1+1=2.
...this post reeks of scum. Subtle halt on Rockins wagon with a blanket defense of somwthing he's already admitted, then an OS note as well. So you're trying to buddy up to OS, and defend Rockin. Cool.
@X1: Cause they're all ridiculously long, and unnecessary. Concision is pro-town.
I entirely agree with what I bolded, and I totally agree with where you're coming from. However, you can convey these points in a much simpler format than writing out a massive wall and fluffing it up all the while. Bullet points make excellent break downs with a minimum point, and you expound upon it if requested and need be further explained. However, pouring out your heart and soul into a novel, is just plain annoying and it hurts us cause no one wants to read it. They begrudgingly read it when they do, because it's a pain in the *** to go through someone's walls when it is highly unnecessary. I agree they leave a distinct information trail, but a similar one can be obtained through concision. Essentially you're looking for augmented information throughout these walls, correct? I agree the more they flesh it out the easier it is to check its accuracy, but you can flesh it out in a less wordy manner. It's gets to the point where it's easy to hide behind walls, cause no one looks closely enough at them, that's why concision is pro-town. If your evidence is compelling enough, and the tells are there, then you do not need to lay the framework to build up your idea. You with me?
That's (the framework) probably why no one ever follows me when I have a good read on someone. The way I present it is usually god awful, even though the facts are there.
Did I really? It's been so long since I played with you. But really, the only case I see is a case of air.
So I'm scummy for not scum hunting? Kafk, all you're doing is reaching. If you can prove me otherwise I'd love to see it. Kevin, you have nothing, once again other than I haven't been posting my reads. Oh, big surprise there. That's just ****ing stupid.

And I haven't even caught up, I've been at work every day since I've been back. So, guess what I'm doing now? Apparently people forget this running I work a **** ton on top of school. It takes me a minute sometimes. Jesus.
And you've commented on nothing, but are only popping in with side-commentary. You've shown no scum hunting whatsoever, and attack me for showing no scumhunting, when in fact what little I've shown is far more than you. Anyone can post a bull**** reads list, with absolutely no backing, and when they do it be utter crap. Just like yours.

You dismiss OS's atack on you, which is legitimate, and you only dismiss it because you have no answer for it whatsoever. He nailed you on the head, and there's nothing you can say about it but act like it's just him criticizing your play.
Also, laughing at me getting called out on mechanics talk when the last two pages are riddled with it.

More reads coming, hold onto your pants.
To be honest, I asked if you saw where I was coming from, and you didn't respond. So that's your fault for thinking I'm avoiding conflict, but like I said, it's because I didn't read and just skimmed that I didn't see he invited them. Voting patterns are legit, and applied derivatives of. So, what's your point here? Oh wait, none.
@Mod: Request replacement. I apologize Gorf, but I'm really just to busy to play.

Looking back on Chaco, it's hard to draw anything conclusive because all he really did was vote Rockin, pick out a post of DH's that looked scummy and react badly to being told he's done nothing. But I guess I'm fine with him dieing toDay :cool:

The reason why chaco didn't do anything is because he was busy, as everyone is, of course.

I'm still catching up, but the wall of text is just makes me feel like it's boring.
Unfortunately, thanks to Os, I now have an easier way on who I can take suspicion on.
We can see clearly that you didn't intend on being fully caught up before the deadline. So give us a full read list before we lynch you :bee:

Pink Lemonade

Smash Rookie
Feb 28, 2011
Yes you saw me viewing. I use my android to view the thread half the time so mostly that is why you'll see me viewing, even at times like this. I just woke up.

I think OS's plan is dumb, imo. I mean, I would rather the cop CC so we can have scum D1. I can see that OS's intent is to direct the cop to investigate whatever X1 will investigate (If x1 = scum). I don't see how he can get the info he wants that way (Nor have I tried to really read into his numbers to see if he can get the right info). Also, I really don't care for it because it kind of seems game breaking... I'm not in this game to follow the cop easy GG's. I want to scumhunt. Earlier on I felt like X1 dying asap was ok because it seemed like he claimed cop late just to **** with the town, but realizing he was v/la for that whole time changed it for me. I'm ok with X1 living since I had a slight town read on him, and plus I have no reason to believe X1 may not be cop except:

1. He didn't defend himself
2. His wagon and claim seemed setup

I can see his argument for not defending himself just be something I disagree with. At the time I had the mindset he was just trying to bull****, but upon a slight re-read I can tell he wasn't just sitting around. I just felt that if X1 were scum, that at least one of RR/Macman/Marshy would have been scum with him. My other head agrees with how he dealt with the pressure... by not doing anything about it, since it was stupid. I slightly disagreed because I felt X1 could at least have given attention to those dudes and have shifted the momentum onto them, instead it just stalled.

Even so, my other head disagrees and thinks it is the other way. She doesn't like OS, but I have to keep an eye on OS to see what he really is planning over the long run.

Do I see scum intent from it? Nah, not really. It just feels like he is trying to take control of that role, and possibly help town. I will keep this as a null tho because at this time I don't know what to think of it. I always have to make sure OS isn't just doing this for the wifom.

How about town intent? Sure, there could be some. But I wouldn't bank on it until later.

The two things I worry about are:

1. Jann hitting the cop at night if there is a jannitor
2. A newb cop forgetting to counter claim all game and losing the game for us (This happened in BiM4, basically Luxor wanted to investigate some more but he lurked off the site or something?)

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
I already gave that opinion Ran haha. ^^"

However, I will actually move to Kanty for toDay as long as this is implemented. Chaco's slot gets shot toNight or something hits him. If that happens, I'm more than fine with having Kanty be lynched.

Looking over Chaco's posts, yes I still support my reasoning for him being a scum-read because in those posts that Vandy has quoted, there is literally no scum-hunting really within them. His voting history+reasoning to back up said votes are not the greatest plus the biggest post he has in there revolves around a mechanic reasoning against OS which seems arbitrary to actually finding scum. Basically the lack of town intent in his posts is appalling to me.

Speaking of, I also disliked Kanty's attempt to try and dissuade the oncoming wagon against him by trying to seem like he is dropping PR inklings like "guys it isn't best if we go my way today. Please." Baseless things like that make me wanna push it.

Vote: Kanty


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I'll respond to your simple outlining.

Why are we lynching him? No one is suggesting blindly lynching the claimed cop. I see where you're coming from with there being multiple cops in the game, something I didn't consider previously, though.
What? WHAT? Are you high. -_-;;

I brought up the "there could be more than one cop" as a ridiculous example. It wasn't meant to be taken seriously. It was meant to show how ridiculous it is for people to not want to leave a cop alive because "scum might mess it up".

We're letting him live regardless as it stands now. You're acting like giving people the opportunity to CC means X1 is still getting lynched. A scum lynch is more valuable to me than the life of an outed PR that is highly susceptible to manipulation, but I can see why your priorities might be different. Barring the miniscule chance that X1 gets a CC and they're both town, what you're saying just won't happen.
Except if the cop does CC, then we lose the cop when we otherwise would just get the X1 lynch AND the cop's results later. X1s lynch from the CC wouldn't have to occur today. The cop wouldn't wait until lylo as town, either. Little to no risk. Extremely high reward.

Banking on a watcher, here. All your scenarios that you use to counter the idea of CCs are so situational and reliant on roles, and when people say "there may be a doc" you choose THEN to shut it down? Just when it suits your argument, right?
Oy. The point is you can't predict what roles are in the game. That's why I've been listing every role under the sun both for and against. You don't know what role is in the game. All we know is that X1 has claimed cop. That's it.

We'd only lynch him with a CC, naturally. The difference is getting the scum lynch a Day earlier. Not every lynch is a scum one you know, so postponing it is not pro-town.
This makes no ****ing sense. Getting a scum lynch D1 or D2 doesn't matter in the slightest when they're put in the limelight on D1. Losing a cop on N1 or N2 does.

"Letting mafia live" never seems like a good idea. I realize here you have a purpose, but with X1 knowing your purpose, you know how easy it is to WIFOM the fake results up and whatever else you'd be looking at? I can't imagine you making letting mafia live a viable option in this scenario.
You don't know he's mafia unless he is CCed. If he is CCed, it doesn't have to be on D1. That would be an automatic death sentence for the cop. You know what that cop could do? CC later, and have actual results to show for it.

If X1 receives no CCs he lives as un uncc'd cop.
If X1 receives CCs it is very likely there is a maf there. Two cops, while possible, is more negligible than there being a doctor. But hey, while we're playing the "banking on roles game", we can get our tracker to track one of the CCs and let them both live!
If X1 is CCed, there is a 100% chance our cop has been made known to mafia. Currently, he's only made known if X1 is town. If X1 is mafia, lynching him does absolutely nothing more for us on Day one than it would on Day two.

The only way X1 mafia would claim cop is to get a counter claim.

How can you not see that?

If X1 is mafia, he either has a cop safe claim or he expected completely to die and figured "I'll try to take the cop out before I go". That's the entire plan for X1 scum.

CClaiming plays into mafia's hands. It gives them the cop, we lose the investigations, and we gain absolutely nothing that we couldn't have gained from the cop CCing on D2 or D3.

Plus, the cop might not even have to CC. If there's an SK indie out there, he might take out the mafia taking cop for us. Or random luck could see our cop getting NKilled, and then X1 would be an obvious lynch; if we're lucky, our cop would have some investigations out there crumbed in a post or something.

If I was mafia and I claimed cop, the only reason I'd do that is if I had a safe claim for cop or I wanted town's cop to claim so we could take him out early.

There's nothing we can do about a mafia safe claim of cop, as that means there wouldn't be a cop in the game anyway, so no CC meaning no lynch.

Get your head screwed on straight Kantrip, and stop dealing with hypotheticals. Deal with the information available.

#HBC | J

Prince of DGamesia
Feb 14, 2010
Cop debate:

I really find this debate to be rather silly when your posts could be better used for other things. I'm looking at OS for causing this terrible debate between FF/Macman/OS because it is just distracting from actually looking for a lynch toDay and moreso just looking at people being meh around "What do, Copper?" when in reality it is the cop's decision to do as they please if they were to CC, however, at this point in time there is nothing to suggest that anyone is going to CC so this debate has yeilded nothing for us other than opinions on a hypothetical situation.

Another note about the cop and I'm done talking about it tbh. X1 will decide on his cop picks for investigation on his own. This game has goodness knows what in the background of Mafia PRs and the like so directing the cop is a no-go for me. Giving suggestions are fine but literally telling him who to investigate is a nuisance. X1's decision is final for that.

I find it amusing I got ninja'd by OS. xD

Speaking of that particular person, he's moved down to null also I'm moving FF to replace him in my town list. Idk about Macman cuz he's a curious one because I don't really ever recall reading a game where he was this active, and had so much to say. However, I'd like it better if his posts were more directed towards scum-hunting instead of this cop debacle. Trying to decide which one of Macman/Marshy I like more. I like Marshy's train of thought, dislike his lack of substance. Macman has substance but not towards scum-hunting yet his train of thought is like that of Marshy's. *shrug* Reads for another time.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
mac said:
No it's not. I mentioned this in a previous post, but it does not logically hold that mafia killing one of the targets is the best choice. Mafia might not care about whose being investigated. They might just decide they'll kill the targets later on, theres no reason to assume theyd decide to kill them tonight.

This is not even considering potential mafia power roles that can be used to even further muddy the plan/manipulate town into believing false ****.

So yea again, youre logic doesn't hold. Do you really not see the holes in your logic?
If mafia says "we'll kill those people later", then we get a large following of inno's. By D3, we'd have two people that were confirmed town, if not a guilty. Any mafia that leaves an investigated townie alive is pretty stupid, and if there's a watcher in this game that's a death sentence because it basically guarantees that one of the confirmed townies would go to lylo because it'd be too dangerous to NKill them.

Trust me when I say no one with any experience playing as mafia would allow an inno'd town to live, ever. The one thing more powerful than a cop role would be a confirmed townie, because you can't manipulate around that.

no, I think his investigation picks are only useful is another cop ccs. We wouldn't use the info to determine whether to lynch him. We'll take him on his word until we get a CC or he appears to be scummy down the line(in this case we can use him investigate choices to help this cause).

Also don't forget to explain your reasoning behind having a potential real cop investigate the same people as scum-X1.
The real cop can investigate others if he wants. It does help to cross reference X1's claims though; believe it or not, as mafia he doesn't know everyone's alignment. This also helps prevent any mafia gambling of "I'll just investigate a partner and confirm them town". Having three players investigated by the time X1 dies, he flips mafia, and listed all 3 as town? Headache.

I don't understand what youre saying here
If my two choices are convenient to scum, it's either by random chance or I'm of the scum alignment. Those are the only two options.

Like I said before, I agree with you on that a potential real cop shouldn't be forced to cc right now. I also think a cop is too valueable. Even a fake cop is too valueable because theyre inclined to tell the truth about peoples roles.

Though this last segment of yours doesn't address my main issues with you.
And those would be?

FF said:
es, it does mean that. But the benefit is, we know that X1 is scum, and have secured a D1 scum lynch. Sure, our newly claimed cop is in the same situation as X1 is now, but as I've already described for you, we have PLENTY of ways of catching scum trying to screw with the cop if they try to. If we have a watcher, we can catch and RBer going for him. If we have a doctor, we can possible soak up night kills. ALL the ways you've described that we have for dealing with protecting X1 against kills/using X1 as bait to catch scum WILL STILL APPLY TO THE NEWLY CLAIMED REAL COP IF HE EXISTS. I don't see why this is hard to understand. If X1 is the cop, he is already outed and exists in a WIFOM scenario for scum to deal with. If X1 get's CC'd, we now have our real cop in the exact same scenario, EXCEPT we now KNOW that he's the cop, and that X1 is scum, netting us a free scum lynch, which constitutes a distinct and direct, guaranteed town boon.
We gain absolutely nothing from lynching scum on D1 that we wouldn't gain from lynching him on D2 or D3, and we lose our cop's anonymity and more than likely we'd lose our cop immediately.

We get the "free scum lynch" later on a cop CC, except now we have investigates and several days worth of information and fake results from X1 that could have been watched/tracked or any other manner of thing. We get way, way more information.

It isn't really something that's up for debate. You're just flat out wrong. This isn't an opinion question.

Lynch 1 scum + revealed cop != Lynch 1 scum + revealed cop + investigation results

Simple enough for you to comprehend?

But wait, lemme guess, the mafia have a million abilities to **** with the cop results somehow that should really only matter if X1 is scum?

You've got no legs to stand on on this one FF.

You can catch scum in other ways using your plan yes, but YOUR plan requires FAR more assumptions than my plan does. Your methods of catching scum requires all sorts of town power. We need a tracker to catch X1 misbehaving. We need a watcher to catch scum trying to RB/Kill him or his investigation targets, and even if we have that, it relies on those powers outguessing the scum. We need a doctor or jailer to possibly soak up a night kill, which again, requires scum to fall into the trap. NONE of that is guaranteed. You know what is far closer to guaranteed than ANY of those plans? Catching and lynching X1 as scum in the face of a CC IF someone does in fact CC. That's what I'm saying. My plan nets us scum far quicker, far more reliably, and with very little sacrifice.

Why is it very little sacrifice? I'll explain that in greater detail when I get to you whole spiel on how I'm "paranoid".
My way requires less assumptions.

If there IS a cop to CC, we need no other roles whatsoever. He just CCs later, and we get investigation results on top of it.

If there ISN'T, we do need more roles, and my plan of picking the people and directing the roles puts mafia in a poor position strategically. They have to guess. They don't know what our roles are any more than we know theirs.

And the kicker? If we have those other roles that would be so helpful, they're still helpful even if we have a cop that could CC. Our cop could not CC, X1 mafia could visit marshy instead of me/macman, claim a result on me/macman, and then a watcher/tracker/something could call X1 out and our cop would still be safe.

You're making assumptions on what roles exist. I'm telling you what is the most optimal play given what we know. The worst case scenario is that there is no other cop and X1 is mafia, in which case we wouldn't be lynching him and need those other roles anyway.

I don't know why you even said those first two sentences. The whole point of calling for a CC is WE DON'T KNOW WHETHER OR NOT HE IS REALLY COP. Last time I checked, we hadn't reached a consensus about whether or not we thought he was legit, and we really have no method of telling OTHER than just general reads. And regardless, even if we think he's the real cop now, and he's not, we're better off with a CC and nipping our wrongness in the bud before it gets out of hand. Again, NONE of your plans are anywhere CLOSE to netting us guaranteed scum as a DIRECT COP CC is. Having multiple cops in a game just straight up isn't likely. I think I may have played in ONE game in my entire mafia career that had more than one cop in it, and I couldn't even tell you what that was. It just straight up isn't likely at all. If you're going to accuse me of being paranoid for speculating about anti-cop PRs, you can absolutely **** off with this **** about "omg there might be two cops durr hurr".
Why are you so interested in killing the cop so quickly? We gain absolutely nothing from killing X1 today whether he's mafia or town.

"We're better with a cop CCing before it gets out of hand", what?

If X1-12 tomorrow said "I HAVE A GUILTY ON OVERSWARM", the real cop would CC and say "okay yeah right. Also I have an inno on (player)". We'd lynch X1 and get three clears in one go.

That's the most damage mafia can do with a fake cop claim if there's a real cop in the mix.

And again, if there's no cop to CC, we wouldn't lynch him anyway. But unless mafia has a safe claim they can't know that unless town idiotically tips their hand and tells mafia "YOUR CLAIM IS IN THE CLEAR! FEEL FREE TO USE THIS UNTIL END GAME, WE DON'T HAVE A COP."

And the "two cops" thing was making fun of you, FF. Your list of lawyers and redirectors and roleblockers and what have you. Both are just as likely.

What does this have to do with anything? If X1 really is the cop, ALL of those good things you want to happen are likely to happen. Again, I DON'T want to lynch X1 if NO ONE CCs. But guess what happen if someone DOES CC? We lynch X1 and nail scum. Then, if scum still try to go after the real cop, ALL OF THOSE GOOD THINGS YOU TALKED ABOUT IN THE BOLD STILL HAPPEN. You're making it sound like if we lynch X1 as SCUM WHO ISN'T REALLY THE COP as a result of a CC, somehow none of that WIFOM business will go on with the CCer, who is the real cop. KILLING X1 AS A RESULT OF A CC IS NOT MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE WITH WIFOM BENEFITS (such as pulling constant RBer aggro, potentially stopping kills, watching scum try to RB or otherwise mess with the CCer, etc.). Why the **** do you think it is? Want to know what I think is better than everything you've suggested? Literally getting all the things in bold that you said you would love to have happen IN ADDITION to getting a free scum lynch D1.

Know what's even better? Getting all of that on D2 or D3 after we get investigation results from both X1 and the real cop.

Stop masturbating at the thought of catching scum Day one and start playing mafia. You don't win by catching one scum, you win by killing ALL of scum. Leaving X1-12 alive is superior in every way, regardless of his alignment.

If he's scum, we can kill him later.

You act like having X1 posts to read over if he is scum is our golden ticket to finding the rest of the scum. It's not. You're providing ZERO concrete benefit with that analysis. You're just saying that sifting through X1's posts will net us guaranteed scum. It won't. It just won't. It would be useful yes, I won't contest that, but not NEARLY as useful as literally lynch a free scum right away. Your future prospects that you espouse so dearly are reasonable, but no where even close to as concretely beneficial as a guaranteed scum lynch. You just can't make that argument. You can be wrong. I can be wrong. ANYONE can be mislead. Don't try to act like you will net guaranteed scum by following X1's potential paper trail if he's scum. There's no way to definitively quantify how much more likely we are to catch scum by leaving X1 around than we are likely to be fooled by him. Watch has far less room for error and doubt, is that is X1 gets CC'd, we're getting scum. It's far, far more likely and IMMEDIATELY beneficial.
You're right, having a ton of mafia posts to look through is just downright useless. -_-;;

Why are you assuming the "guaranteed scum lynch" will disappear?

I can't be wrong in this given the information we have.

You know a situation I could be wrong in? X1-12 claiming mafia hoping for the cop to claim, but then their roleblocker being killed by an indie SK and our cop being abducted by an Indie abductor. Or maybe X1-12 being the only mafia in the game, but he's actually a recruiter.

I'm not that paranoid. We work with what we know, and all we know is that X1-12 claimed cop. Someone else CCing cop can happen on ANY day, not just toDay, and it's not like we'd suddenly forget if we saw a cop flip from a night kill.

You really haven't thought this through.

By your definition, if X1 is the cop, he's already committed suicide. So literally, by having the cop CC, we're in the exact same position we think we are in now, but with a revealed scum. Obviously we don't know what exists in the game. So even if that argument is a wash, my argument still stands over yours in that I provide us with a very real concrete benefit with no loss relative to our current situation.
No, we'd be in the exact same position we're in now except with a revealed town.

If X1 is scum he has already written his own death sentence if there is another cop. That's not something that will ever change. Your suggestion does absolutely nothing but reveal the cop. It doesn't give us an extra scum lynch. It doesn't give us an advantage at all.

And I seriously can't believe you actually think a cop is ALWAYS the best role for mafia to target. That's just straight up wrong. The strength of power roles in a setup is always relative to what else is in the setup, and with regard to the cop, largely dependent on what tools the mafia has to deal with it. If the mafia has a lawyer/tailor/GF/framer, cop easily moves from being an incredibly useful info gathering role to an incredibly dangerous misinformation spreading role. And all that ASSUMES the cop is sane, which isn't guaranteed. I'm not saying it's more likely that the cop isn't sane than it being sane, but what I am saying, is that that possibility in conjunction with the very real and reasonable possibility that scum have tools to deal with or even manipulate the cop (which are far more prevalent than most other scum roles that are meant to "deal" with other town PRs btw. I'm pretty sure you'd have a hard time coming up with a bigger list of roles that are all specifically devoted to dealing with a single town PR, than the list of roles that exist that specifically mess with the cop), means that cops just straight up are not that reliable, and thus, NOT that powerful relative to other roles in the situation we are in now (i.e., we know virtually nothing about the setup). I could agree with you that in certain circumstances where you can reasonably establish probably sanity and are confident that there exist no roles in the game that could manipulate cop results, that cop is a ****ing fantastic role. I might even agree with you that's the best. But to say it is flat out the best in this situation is ****ing delusional dude, it really is.

IMO, I think this early in the game, watchers, trackers and voyeurs are all far more powerful than the cop, because they can net us greater amounts of information with greater reliability, since straight up fewer roles exist that can mess with them, thus, their propensity of being messed with is lower since we know nothing of the setup. This is especially true if we follow your mantra and don't try to meta the mod, since then all we can go on is the sheer numerical capacity for mishaps to occur, which simply doesn't fall in cop's favor.

Stop being paranoid. You're guessing at what is more prevalent, what is more common. Guessing guessing guessing.

The cop tells us who we can trust. If his role is ****ed, we'll find it out later in the game and can deal with it from there. If a watcher says "Person X visited Person Y", we don't say "BUT MAYBE THAT PERSON ALWAYS VISITS EVERY PLAYER". Or maybe he's a paranoid watcher, and he sees a random role visit that player? I've made that role. Those roles exist, but it's ****ing stupid to even take it into consideration without more evidence.

The cop is the best role in the game, bar none. It tells you alignment which you can normally only infer or get after they're dead. The stipulations you bring up about the cop "possibly not being as good" exist solely because the cop is that powerful. Thing is, you don't know if those stipulations exist or not. You can't assume they exist without further information. That's called being paranoid.

Again, what does this have to do with anything? Now you're trying to put words in my mouth. I never said anything about what we should do if a cop gets any given result. All I'm saying is cop results straight up AREN'T RELIABLE if you know nothing about the setup. I'm with you on Occam's razor. Without reason to believe otherwise, I'd probably be ok with accepting a claimed inno as an inno. That doesn't mean I won't always be wary of the likelihood that that result just straight up isn't anywhere close to guaranteed to be true. You're literally trying to rope me into arguing we should completely disregard cop results when I never, ever said anything like that. Want to stop debating dirty anytime soon?
Saying "cop results aren't reliable if you know nothing about the setup", more paranoia. And by the way, that is telling us what we should do with the cop results: ignore them.

You think we don't all know that roles that can mess with the cop exist? You think you're enlightening us? We already all know they exist. Its just no one should care they exist without further information. If they exist, we'll figure it out down the line.

Again, never said we should "play a guessing game" or just throw cop investigations out like they're meaningless. I'm just trying to bring your inflated sense of how good cop investigation are back to ****ing reality. Want to substantiate that 9 time out of 10 statistic? That'd be a ****ing joke. You seriously can't be this naive about how easy it is for scum manipulate cop investigations even if the cop is sane.
You sure do seem to know a lot about what roles that mafia have.

This is you:

FF said:
You are NOT representing this accurately at all. You're painting a BEST CASE SCENARIO BASED ON ASSUMPTIONS WE HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO ROOM TO MAKE AT THIS JUNCTURE. Why in the world would we assume early game cop investigations are legit without knowing exactly what we're up against?
You are literally telling us to that cop investigations are worthless until proven worthwhile.

That's not how it works.

Cop results are valid until you prove otherwise.

FF said:
You have the balls to say I'm grasping at straws and then give counter examples like paranoid watcher, ******* mod beacon doctor, and instant win for scum town princess? You have got to be ****ting me.
I'm making fun of you, FF.

I know you're just trying to make me look ridiculous by acting as if those comparisons are anywhere even close to my examples of tailor/framer/lawyer/GF.
Oh hey, you caught on! You're half a step above Kantrip.

I think everyone in this game knows that those roles I just listed are very real, common, and reasonable roles to expect to be in a game. Your roles on the other hand are ****ing way beyond the realm of reasonable. Possible? Yes. Reasonable to expect? Hell no.
Says who? I've discussed setups with Gorf before, and I'll daresay my setups have had some unique roles that have given some ideas to other mods. There haven't been that many games over the past few months without some sort of completely unique role.

The roles either exist or they don't. I'm not going to meta the mod and I'm not going to pull a frozen flame and count on my fingers and toes to see how many roles can mess with cop results only to come to the conclusion "we shouldn't trust the cop".

Just because the options are limitless doesn't mean we can't make reasonable predictions about what's in the game. I think its is VERY reasonable to assume that one or more roles in this game exist that can **** with the cop's reliability, even if we assume the cop is sane. If you are calling me paranoid for being simply wary of these types of roles and weighing their reasonable likelihood of existence against the reliability of a cop's power, you're completely out of your mind. That's not being paranoid, that's called being being reasonably aware.
No, being reasonably aware would be saying "let's keep an eye out, guys". Being paranoid is telling town that they shouldn't trust the cop's results because of all of the possibilities mafia has at their disposal. Being stupid is saying our cop should counterclaim and leave himself at the mercy of all these roles before his investigations go off clean.

X1-12 really can't win with you unless he's mafia. If he's town cop, his results are worthless and untrustworthy until we know every role in the game. If he's mafia, his team gets a free kill on the cop and gets to mess with the town cop as much as they want with all those roles you're so scared about.

Do you honestly think X1-12 claimed cop as mafia without a mafia cop safe claim? You can posture about how good or bad of a mod G would be with a mafia cop safe claim all day, but it doesn't change the fact that if he has a mafia safe claim there's no going to be a cop to CC him.

Know what that means?

That means the only way you get a cop to CC at all is if X1-12 is mafia and he straight up claimed cop just to get the cop to counter claim.

You would be playing directly into his hands.

Your choices are only advantageous to mafia.

No, I'm not stuck on lynching X1. I ****ing unvoted him.
Unvoting him and then saying "COP CC. COP CC SO WE CAN LYNCH X1" is being stuck on lynching X1. -_-;;

FF said:
But yes, I amm stuck on cop investigation not being reliable, because they ****ing aren't without more information about the setup. Again with you strawmanning me. I never said cop was a bad role. I said it wasn't the BEST role like you've be saying. I think most people in this game would agree with me on that stance. Saying cop is always the best role, end of story is completely ****ing delusional dude, it really is. I seriously can't believe you actually believe that. It just empirically is NOT true. Unless of course you have some completely ****ing absurd definition of "standard" roles.
More paranoia. You have absolutely no evidence that there are any stipulations to the cop being in this game. None. You want to look out for those? Be my guest.

Oh wait, I already did. If they have a RBer, our watcher could catch the RBer. That'd be cool.

Stuff like that. If/then statements. Not concrete, but we don't even know if they have those abilities to begin with.

The cop has always been the most powerful role here. There hasn't been a game on DGames where a cop claim hasn't been a huge focal point, this one included.

I don't want to throw any weapon out of the airlock. I'm saying if there is a cop, they should CC X1. X1 could be the real cop. If he is, no one will CC and this won't matter. But if he isn't, it's better for us to know NOW.

I NEVER assumed X1 had a kickass scum ability. I said he might. And if he gets CC'd and we lynch him, we DIRECTLY benefit from his removal with bonus points if he DOES have a kickass scum role.
Keep in mind the above quote of yours when you're replying, because if you're not assuming X1 has some kickass scum ability I really, really, REALLY want to know why it's better to reveal our cop to kill one random scum now when we could just kill him later in addition to having investigate results.

Yes we do, because for all we know, our cop is already in danger now, so the real cop CCing doesn't change our perceived scenario other than NETTING US FREE SCUM. So if the real cop CCs, if X1 ISN'T the real cop, then it's STILL a gamble for mafia to try and mess with the real one who is now taking X1's place of being in danger. All the tools you're assuming we should have to catch X1 slipping up as a scum faking claiming cop in the future, can similarly be used to catch scum trying to mess with our real cop IF he CC's.
It changes our scenario in that it reveals our cop.

You're using faulty logic.

"Well if X1 is town, our cop is revealed. So if X1 is actually mafia, our cop should reveal because then we'd be in the same position +1 scum!"

That's middle schooler logic. I thought you could think in logical terms, FF. I'm disappointed in you.

If X1 is scum, our situation isn't "our cop is in danger". Our PERCEIVED situation is that our cop is in danger.

The actual situation is "mafia claimed cop".

Our cop claiming makes our perceived situation a reality. Him not CCing and waiting until a better time means we get the same advantages we would get today AND we get investigation results.

Not to mention our cop might not even have to CC; we could just straight up catch X1-12 another way. Focus is on him, after all.

If our real cop doesn't claim, he gets to use his abilities unopposed. There's no gambling. No wondering about roleblocking. 1/(17-N) chance of roleblocking or redirecting the cop, where N is teh number of known scum from the team with the ability that can RB or whatever to mess with the cop.

If our real cop does claim, that is then a 100% chance. We don't KNOW if we have a watcher, so I'm not going to take that chance.

OS said:
Because leaving the cop hidden is the smarter, safer option.
FF said:
Yeah because just saying that makes it true.
Would you like to explain to me how an exposed cop in a game with no other exposed role (meaning you don't know what is possible) is safer than a hidden cop?

I'm curious on this one.

But that's just wrong. If we actually have a tracker or watcher, we can catch their roleblocker or whatever role they're using to try and mess with the CCer, ON TOP OF having already LYNCHED A SCUM (X1) THAT GOT CC'd. We wouldn't have lynched the town cop! Where the hell did you get that from! Again, the whole point of this is we would only lynch X1 now if he gets CC'd!
But why would the cop CC now? What advantage does that give? A scum lynch on D1 or D2 are the same unless there is a special ability they have.

Saying "well do you have a better idea" does not a good argument make. It doesn't matter if I do or not. All I'm saying is that you don't get to make the call just because you think you know what's best. If the town happens to agree with you, that's fine, we'll go with those picks. What I'm trying to communicate to whoever the cop is, X1 or not, is that decisions like these shouldn't be made unilaterally without discourse or affirmation. That's just asking to be manipulated unchecked.
I didn't say "do you have a better idea". I said "do you have better players". My idea is awesome.

And I do get to make the call, because I already made it. X1 gets to follow it through. You think I'm scum, rally against me. If you don't evidence or a case that I'm scum, shut up and watch me work.

haha so fahnny joke

If we have a watcher, I'm also ok with creating a scenario where mafia risks getting seen targeting the cop (whether it be X1 or the CCer if one comes forward). If we have a doctor, I want to create a scenario where mafia risks that "3 man swing" by trying to outguess the doc. I've said all of this consistently. You aren't damaging my case at all, you're actually agreeing with it.
Except you want to force that situation to exist when there's no guarantee those protective roles exist. I want to avoid it.

We don't know if the scum has an RBer. Who cares? All I was explaining is that if they do, worst case, we don't have a means of seeing them block our cop and our cop gets shut down. Oh well. All of our other powers are working behind the scenes without hindrance. We're really only in a terrible position if we have neither watcher nor a protective role, in which case there's nothing we can do any way to stop the scum from killing the cop regardless so all of this is moot.
I care. I'd rather our cop not get shut down. If X1-12 is the cop we can't stop that directly. If X1-12 isn't, we can stop that by not having our cop announce his presence.

So.... why wouldn't we just have our cop CC later? Why is D1 better than D2?

You're literally just saying that it's ok to leave X1 alive un CC'd because you think we can just assume we have the powers to check to make sure he's using his role like we want him to, and if he doesn't we lynch him. That's a BIG assumption. We basically NEED a tracker for that to definitely keep him in check. We can half reliably check him if we have a watcher or a voyeur. That's about it.

Of course we can kill him the moment we want to. We can almost always kill someone the moment we want to, exceptions being unlynchables and whatnot.

What I'm saying is that we can KNOW DEFINITIVELY RIGHT NOW WITHIN REASON whether or not X1 is lying, and if he his, we kill him. That's what the CC does, and we're basically just doing what you want to do (lynch him when we catch him as scum), but earlier. We don't lose much at all by doing this, because all of your alleged benefits of dealing with him later don't stand up like you think they do.
What changes about this on D2?

Absolutely everything you're asking for still exists on a Day 2 CC. There is NO ADVANTAGE to catching scum earlier.

Dealing with it later gives us a whole slew of potential options.

You say that scum will be killing the way we want them to because they'll have to kill our clears. Not necessarily true. If X1 is scum, no need. If they have a framer/tailor/lawyer, no need. If they have a GF in the pair, no need. If they have a ****ING ROLEBLOCKER they don't give a **** about who we want X1 or the CCer to clear, HE WON'T GET ANY RESULTS. Hell, if they have reason to believe he isn't sane, no need. Scum are by no means bound to go after our investigation pairs.

You are, again, assuming what roles mafia has.

If only there was some way to determine what roles they had...

Oh wait, I know. Direct their roles into an optimal location that can be easily observed. If only some smart, handsome, charming mafia player had presented a scenario in which town gets the optimal amount of information about hidden mafia roles on the assumption that X1 was mafia, while still allowing an X1 mafia lynch down the road in addition to getting investigation results.

If only.

And by all this logic, there's no reason for us to assume that X1 or the real cop who CCs him will have the magical list of clears in the future. Again, this is all predicated on these investigations going off without a hitch AND the mafia not having tools to deal with it. BIG assumptions.

What reasoning do you have to tell us to not trust cop clears?

But us nailing X1 as scum if someone CC's him ISN'T a big assumption at all. It's near guaranteed.
Unlike a cop CC on day 2 or day 3. That'd be totally murky.

None of your long term benefits that you claim are unique to keeping X1 alive AND not having a potential real cop CC him even if he [X1] isn't the real cop are actually anywhere close to as real as you claim them to be. All of benefits we gain from my plan, both short term and long term from having the real cop CC X1, if he exists absolutely stand up, and your concurring analysis of the mafia WIFOM resulting from us having an outed cop going into future nights shows that pretty clearly.
This isn't true.

Overswarm is apparently the only person in this conversation that can think more than one phase ahead. There are 17 players in this game, and if we're going to win we're not going to win by mafia randomly getting put to L-1 for no reason or ****ing up by CLAIMING ROLES WITHOUT A SAFE CLAIM.

If X1-12 is mafia and claimed cop, he claimed it because he wants us to tell mafia who the real cop is.

Or did you not think from mafia's perspective?

People need to be reading this and understanding this analysis. It isn't that complicated. We need to encourage the real cop, if it isn't X1, to make the right play an CC. OS, for whatever reason, is literally encouraging far from optimal play.
Getting investigative results, setting up multiple WIFOM scenarios for scum, and guaranteeing the same amount of scum lynches as your idea with the possibility of more all without making our cop a prime target N1 is the optimal play.

Your plan is "sacrifice our cop to kill a scum".

My plan is "set traps and, if need be, sacrifice our cop later to kill the same scum, except this time with investigative results".

If the cop CCs, he's an idiot.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
J said:
Another note about the cop and I'm done talking about it tbh. X1 will decide on his cop picks for investigation on his own. This game has goodness knows what in the background of Mafia PRs and the like so directing the cop is a no-go for me. Giving suggestions are fine but literally telling him who to investigate is a nuisance. X1's decision is final for that.
Directing X1-12 is the only way to assure his scum actions go where we want them.

If he's town, mafia is going to **** with him anyway, probably kill him. Who he investigates matters much less there.

If he's scum, I don't want him to be able to visit anyone he pleases and say "I investigated this guy".

No, if he's scum he has to give an alignment for me or macman tonight. Someone else tomorrow. He doesn't get to make plans and pick and choose who we ignore or lynch. He doesn't get to use his mafia abilities on someone else, have our tracker or watcher claim X1 didn't follow the plan, and then go off scott free.

He doesn't follow the plan, he gets lynched.

The only exception to the above is if there is a doc and a cop and we can just play "follow the cop", in which case it wouldn't even matter who he investigated because the game would already be over and we'd have won.

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
@KevinM, J, and X1: What do you think of Vandy's case on Chaco? Would you join us on Kantrip? : 3

Vote: Kanty
can you guys gimme more on why you want kantrip to die?

Cop debate:

I really find this debate to be rather silly when your posts could be better used for other things. I'm looking at OS for causing this terrible debate between FF/Macman/OS because it is just distracting from actually looking for a lynch toDay and moreso just looking at people being meh around "What do, Copper?" when in reality it is the cop's decision to do as they please if they were to CC, however, at this point in time there is nothing to suggest that anyone is going to CC so this debate has yeilded nothing for us other than opinions on a hypothetical situation.

Another note about the cop and I'm done talking about it tbh. X1 will decide on his cop picks for investigation on his own. This game has goodness knows what in the background of Mafia PRs and the like so directing the cop is a no-go for me. Giving suggestions are fine but literally telling him who to investigate is a nuisance. X1's decision is final for that.

I find it amusing I got ninja'd by OS. xD

Speaking of that particular person, he's moved down to null also I'm moving FF to replace him in my town list. Idk about Macman cuz he's a curious one because I don't really ever recall reading a game where he was this active, and had so much to say. However, I'd like it better if his posts were more directed towards scum-hunting instead of this cop debacle. Trying to decide which one of Macman/Marshy I like more. I like Marshy's train of thought, dislike his lack of substance. Macman has substance but not towards scum-hunting yet his train of thought is like that of Marshy's. *shrug* Reads for another time.
for me, it's not just about the cop. I think OS's plan makes him scummy which is why he needs to explain his faulty reasoning. Not just because the plan is ****ty though. I'll give a condensed version of what I was getting at below:

I think it's scummy primarily because he chose himself as a target. If he knew he was town, this wouldn't make sense because him being a target would mean he got his own town investigation. This gives town less info, and gives him less info. It's scummy because the reason he would do this is to make himself appear town because he's willing to get investigated. He comes to the false conclusion that the only reason it would make sense to choose himself was if he was a GF or if he was town. This is wrong because if he was scum and his plan was followed he'd only have a 50% chance of getting investigated. BUt he also knows that it's even more likely that town won't agree to his plan, so his risk of him actually getting investigated is much lower. Si instead the plan is just a way for him to create the false feeling in town tht he's town. He wants to appear town more than he wants to help town. -- I know he's pulled this **** before too and when I reread i'll point it out (so that might never happen lawl)

I think it's scummy because he wants a potential real cop and fakecop-x1 to investigate the same people. This is scummy because it doesn't make any sense and it's scummy because it's completely limiting the power of the two cops. And ofc this is only in scum favor.

I'm not even getting into the fact that he's tryna direct cops investigation and doesn't leave it up to a vote.

Feel me?

Do you think this makes OS scummy?

The only way OS doesn't feel scummy to me, is if I can believe that he was truly ignorant to the faultiness of his ****ty plan and really thought it was good. The thing is that he's smart so it's unlikely that this is the case.
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