Axel / J is the most scummy player after X1. I don't have particular scum points on him, but I have a theory: Back when Inferno was still in play he mentioned Axel several times with some weak accusations, and suddenly... he replaced out. Given that I know now X1 (Inferno) is scum, I think there's a decent chance Inferno replaced out because their scum partners were being an *** with him. I know Zen is a cool guy, but I wouldn't be surprised if he wanted Inferno to play in a certain way and Inferno didn't agree. A little after Zen replaced out due to Red Ryu's policy lynch thing, and it is strange but if he was already frustrated with Inferno then it becomes more understandable. Welp this is a crazy theory but anyways I'm strongly considering it and I'll be specially looking at J. If other players reread Inferno interactions with Axel I think this theory will gain some credibility.