For Duo's Visitor message
From what I've seen people are more of the casual game here more so than any other place I've been to so far. Some want to be good but don't really put a serious effort to their thoughts while others train but don't really have an idea of HOW to improve.
Yeah playing constantly will get you slightly better, but not having the knowledge of what you should be doing to properly improve like reading and understanding match-ups, eliminating bad habits and learning the proper and most efficient way to block and punish things instead of blindly rolling or spot dodging, and knowing frame data on your character and actually KNOWING what that correlates to. For example knowing Snakes up tilt comes out 7 frames means nothing if you can't put two and two together with your characters frame data after dropping sheild to see what you can actually punish with at certain ranges.
Something as simple as knowing and understanding frame is one of the first steps other fighting game communities start to learn while improving their games, it's sad that it's pretty laughable that most of the top players don't even know the data on the top tier characters let alone their own sometimes, same with the melee.
But yeah off that subject there are other things people can learn like how to read your opponents reactions in various situations as well as how to better anticipation skills before someone even attacks. Going back to the frame data you can get even deeper into the game and learn how to force/bait whiffs and punish them
It gets as deep as you want to take it, but the question is who's willing to put the time in to make that steep jump?
That's the difference between Pro/Competitive and Casual/Decent players