Hey guys I wrote a blog about my SKTAR experience. Here is the link if you have time to read it.
Hope you enjoy it and it helps you out in your smash career.
Seriously, you had one hell of an amazing run, and you were the only player from NC (not counting ESAM) to make it to bracket. Good ****.
Whenever I watch "bad character" maestros like you play, as well as high/top-level play in general, I get the feeling that player MUs matter much more than character MUs. You keep on seeing the supposed "loser" of the MU win whenever he or she is in the hands of a capable player who makes the right reads. I'm not trying to say that MUs even out completely at the top level, but they definitely do become less extreme when players have excellent skill with their characters, as well as skill at the game in general.
It's shocking, really. I've never seen players like you or Will switch off your mains, even in their most ridiculous MUs. It makes me wonder if I could do the same thing with Bowser.........
Needless to say, dude, you got a lot of low-tier players thinking, talking, and getting inspired, myself included.