because its boring twitch.
i support huge stagelists. just without ****ing pokemon stadium 2.
Boring is not a legit stage argument. Competition can be exciting with FD only for different yet still entirely legit reasons than the entire select screem being exciting.
craig, when will you learn that nobody in nc cares about your opinions...
I value Craig's opinions, bt that dude is def not thinkin what I am usually LOL. MD/VA stuff not even close to my stuff.
i don't understand.
a neutral is supposed to be a stage where everyone is equal on and where people go to decide who's truly better than the other.
but you guys have all these stages with gimmicks that certain characters can use to make the stage work to their advantage.
also i don't see why how much fun a stage list is should matter in an argument. if that's you're only reason then wtf.
Definition of a "neutral" is always said to be impossible to define. All characters can't be "equal" on any stage because of the depth of the game/characters/stages themselves. I think a neutral definition could be easily agreed upon, but people always blow it off as impossible or unlikely so no one ever really makes strides towards establishing a possibly universal definition.
CPs exist to give advnatges to certain characters to create depth within smash, but how far we allow these advantages to go is what creates rifts within the community.
agreed at the last line. good stuff alex. =)
^ yeah that is legit (@tko)
as long as eldin still isnt legal that stage is balls rofl
but like...
shadow moses?
lets do it...
(also japes should be brought back...js)
TWITCH you're looking at this from a different viewpoint...not necessarily a wrong one, but a different one.
basically there are two groups.
one thinks "what stages should be left legal?"
and the other thinks "what stages should be banned?"
the former selects stages that should be legal, which they then give harsher criteria for
the latter selects stages that should be banned, which are only those with broken strategies.
What the two groups SHOULD be saying is
"we want a less varied enviroment so we can focus on player vs player metagame."
"we want an environment where players must learn to deal with stages as long as they only give reasonable advantages to any given character, and treat stage adaptation as a broadening of overall smash skill."
I pull for the first group.
of course you're unbiased craig. everyone is unbiased
everyone is biased, yeah. I agree. Can't argue without each side being biased pretty much. That's what creates sides lmao.
isn't it called a neutral stage for a reason?
what if I think Lylat is neutral? =)
****ing a girl lol and wating for a turney i can go to so i can **** all u nc *****s up agen lol
why don't you have a fone...
Edit: Keith wanted me to say he's really good.
He's really being hilarious and awesome <3