edit: god I ****
[collapse=Me ****** in 4 turns]stingers135 sent out Azelf (lvl 100 Azelf)!
DeathStar(mie) sent out Thalassa (lvl 100 Swampert ?)!
Begin turn #1
Azelf used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around your foe's team!
Thalassa used Avalanche!
Azelf lost 87/291 (29%) of its health!
Begin turn #2
DeathStar(mie) withdrew Thalassa!
DeathStar(mie) sent out Erebos (lvl 100 Rotom-f)!
Pointed stones dug into Erebos!
Erebos lost 6/48 (12%) of its health!
Azelf used Shadow Ball!
It's super effective!
Erebos lost 29/48 (60%) of its health!
Erebos's Leftovers restored its health a little!
Erebos regained 3/48 (6%) of its health!
Begin turn #3
DeathStar(mie) withdrew Erebos!
DeathStar(mie) sent out Gaia (lvl 100 Blissey ?)!
Pointed stones dug into Gaia!
Gaia lost 6/48 (12%) of its health!
Azelf used Shadow Ball!
It doesn't affect Gaia...
Gaia's Leftovers restored its health a little!
Gaia regained 3/48 (6%) of its health!
Begin turn #4
Azelf used Explosion!
Azelf lost 204/291 (70%) of its health!
Azelf fainted!
Gaia lost 45/48 (93%) of its health!
Gaia fainted!
DeathStar(mie) sent out Thalassa (lvl 100 Swampert ?)!
Pointed stones dug into Thalassa!
Thalassa lost 3/48 (6%) of its health!
stingers135 sent out Rotom-c (lvl 100 Rotom-c)!
Begin turn #5
Rotom-c used Leaf Storm!
It's super effective!
Thalassa lost 45/48 (93%) of its health!
Thalassa fainted!
Rotom-c's special attack was harshly lowered!
stingers135 wins!