Someone once said that only characters that needed new lines recorded got new voice work done.
His evidence: Kirby's new copy abilities, Orbital Gate Assault conversations, Pit/Palutena's guidence conversations, etc.
Unless they plan on giving Wolf his own Orbital Gate Assault conversation, the need for a new voice isn't needed.
And before someone brings up "new final smash" the existing clip for his final smash is "We're gonna have fun with this thing!".
This is a
very ambiguous statement and can easily apply to a Wolfen
or the Demon Launcher or something else for a new final smash if they decide to make one.
The same can't be said for "LANDMASSTERRR" or "Personally, I prefer the air".
Another thing is that Lucas is still using his Brawl voice clips so there's that as well.
I also once read that
have recycled voice clips despite being newcomers.
Finally, reusing voice clips also saves time and money on the developers end which probably explains why 90% of the veterans still use their Brawl voices.
I'd say the chances of his Brawl voice returning is greater than not, but there are no guarantees.
tldr: There is little incentive to spend time and money on getting him a new voice when they can use an existing voice like they did with Lucas and accomplish the same goal, but there are no guarantees that they'll reuse the Brawl voice.