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Calling all NC TO's and players

Jul 5, 2007
Thats not exactly what it's supposed to be...but they are putting things in Brawl that has been in smash since 64 like L-Cancel, Techs, and Hit-Stun things that this current smash game lacks [even though there is nothing wrong with that], thats all

Plus as of now [because who knows what the future holds...] it evens out the competitiveness of the roster -- now the vBrawl low tiers can compete on the [just about] same level with the vBrawl high tiers

Example: DK can now really compete with a D3 or even a Marth [though it's still slightly harder due to character reach and speed] but it's even more so possible! :chuckle:
DK can beat a marth in regular brawl but in melee it was **** near impossible for DK to beat marth (well it depended on how well you spaced but still it was a **** near impossible matchup. Brawl+ to me will just be like melee. In melee the low tier was no match against the top tier and there isn't a melee+. I just feel that if you replaced brawl with brawl+ it's not going to be a lot of people playin smash anymore.


Smash Lord
May 27, 2009
On Uncharted Lands
DK can beat a marth in regular brawl but in melee it was **** near impossible for DK to beat marth (well it depended on how well you spaced but still it was a **** near impossible matchup. Brawl+ to me will just be like melee. In melee the low tier was no match against the top tier and there isn't a melee+. I just feel that if you replaced brawl with brawl+ it's not going to be a lot of people playin smash anymore.
So far Brawl+ has not shown that to be the case...But I agree with the non-replacement of Brawl as for now -- later down the line as we get more POV's on Brawl+ that might change...

[DK v Marth -- Melee Correct -- Brawl it's still hard just not as much as Melee]

What about the D3 match-up? [With and without the infinite]

[In Brawl like two Characters dominate the whole community -- In Melee it's like five] Brawl+ just allows much more [IMO] Brawl+ just like every other Smash [Brawl, Melee, 64] still just comes down to Player Skill

I don't want a dispute so Imma just leave this up to the Main Tournament Organizers
Jul 5, 2007
So far Brawl+ has not shown that to be the case...But I agree with the non-replacement of Brawl as for now -- later down the line as we get more POV's on Brawl+ that might change...

[DK v Marth -- Melee Correct -- Brawl it's still hard just not as much as Melee]

What about the D3 match-up? [With and without the infinite]

[In Brawl like two Characters dominate the whole community -- In Melee it's like five] Brawl+ just allows much more [IMO] Brawl+ just like every other Smash [Brawl, Melee, 64] still just comes down to Player Skill

I don't want a dispute so Imma just leave this up to the Main Tournament Organizers
dude i'm not going to flame you over smash man it's just "healthy conversation" LOL but i see what you mean but i don't think DK/Marth is not as hard in brawl as it was in melee. Dedede/DK isn't that hard i believe other than that infinite but pass that and it's a ok match-up. But unlike melee the two characters in brawl have counter characters that are mid and low tier like you can say dedede and dk do well against snake and yoshi,dk,kirby,and diddy kong can give metaknight a good matchup as opposed to melee where 5 characters reign supreme. But honestly i'm just going to play brawl+ first to see how it plays if i like it then i'll change my opinion but from the looks of it only thing i like about it is how you can change the color schemes on the characters like captain america, jesse from team rocket, roy, doc mario and others


Banned via Warnings
Feb 22, 2009
the sticky bottom, NC ©Dorsey combo
DK oans... rag we need to dk ditto in brawl.

i've pretty much never even played b+. if most of the people don't want it than that's a good enough reason to not make the switch, as well as if it were to decrease tournament attendance. I have fun playing brawl, just from what i hear b+ is more of my cup of tea. the b+ tier list also looks way more fun, imo.


Deal with it
Mar 18, 2008
wilmington, North Carolina
At the next Wilmington classic which should be in august.. or september.. Brawl will be replaced with brawl +

If I should do otherwise tell me. I only want to do what the players want.

Bill you should do an NC poll so we can get a gist of what the girth of players want.

I love my NC smashers! don't want to upset them.


Smash Lord
Jan 28, 2006
Chapel Hill, NC
I have had a bit of a change of heart. I still want to support brawl+ but I am not abandoning brawl. Bill-fests will likely be two day events from now on with melee, brawl, and brawl+ on the agenda. Thats the goal, we will get back to you when the time comes.


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I agree with that choice.

I think more tournaments should hold B+... but we can't realistically shift completely yet.

I'm glad so many will begin to hold it, however.


Smash Lord
May 27, 2009
On Uncharted Lands
I agree with that choice.

I think more tournaments should hold B+... but we can't realistically shift completely yet.

I'm glad so many will begin to hold it, however.
I can agree with that and a Brawl+ poll -- and for people who have Brawl+, show friends who don't and see if they like it...nothing beats a failure but a try :chuckle:

Like I said before vBrawl is not ready to be tossed yet...at least until we have a Gold version of it and we have [possibly] another poll to make that decision


Smash Lord
May 27, 2009
On Uncharted Lands
that's a good idea that will in my opinion give some people who haven't played brawl+ a chance to actually see which one they like more.
I know right!

I didn't like Brawl+ either but I realized I'm hating something I haven't even played -- then a Crew-mate of mine showed me it -- and it auotmactically grew on me!

So thats what makes it a good Idea the only way to determine whether or not [you] like it, it has to be played first lolz


Smash Master
Dec 26, 2007
Charlotte NC :)
He isn't broken, but he is definatley still the best. He really isn't that broken IMO because everyone else was made better.


Smash Lord
May 27, 2009
On Uncharted Lands
He isn't broken, but he is definatley still the best. He really isn't that broken IMO because everyone else was made better.
MK has been slightly nerfed [all around]...but still a good character

Now just about any character can handle MK and with the Huge nado nerf -- he now can have legitimate CP's


Jun 7, 2009
What do you guys think about Balanced Brawl... It feels just like normal and pretty much is, but with minor nerfs and buffs and no infinites.


Jun 7, 2009
Seeing as it is personal, it's totally fine...
but did you read the comment by Smashfino:

"I like how the scrubs come in and b**** about this...

You see how high of a percent he was at? Also, when you factor in that his infinites and CG's in general are taken away, a situational soft spike doesn't make DDD super good.

It's not even a factor of don't get grabbed... but don't get grabbed by the ledge. Seriously... think before you talk

*sighs* "

Anyway BBrawl is really good...


Smash Journeyman
Jun 8, 2008
At my computer, making you lose The Game
Seeing as it is personal, it's totally fine...
but did you read the comment by Smashfino:

"I like how the scrubs come in and b**** about this...

You see how high of a percent he was at? Also, when you factor in that his infinites and CG's in general are taken away, a situational soft spike doesn't make DDD super good.

It's not even a factor of don't get grabbed... but don't get grabbed by the ledge. Seriously... think before you talk

*sighs* "

Anyway BBrawl is really good...
If that Fino is the Fino I think it is, that guy hates me. lawl [/random]

In the video, it's not really the easily avoided spike that irritates me, it's how DDD and Pikachu kill the point of Uthrows. Granted, with the codesets back then, they couldn't do anything about that. However, if I recall correctly, throw modifications are working, so that can be fixed.

There are also other parts of the way they fixed it that I don't like. Buffing arrows won't fix Link's recovery if people get around his projectiles anyway. Ganondorf is definitely one of the characters that needed buffs, but I doubt he needed that many. Speaking of throw modifications, what about the other character that has a troublesome grab game?

If I feel like playing a balanced deviation of Brawl, I play Brawl+. If I wanna play with Brawl's physics, I play Brawl. That's how I feel.


Smash Lord
May 27, 2009
On Uncharted Lands
We are trying to escape vBrawl physics...so thats why so many like Brawl+ slightly more thats all....

BBRawl is a possibility but still slow -- [IMO] non-entertaining to watch sadly [IMO only]

Except Sonic -- he's fast as hell lolz

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
So, is anyone going to post a conclusive decision on how tournaments(hi TOs) will run now?

All I've seen are GGs jokes and other non-relevant posts.
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