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Calling all NC TO's and players


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
why am i not allowed to have an opinion?

behr continues to say brawl+ is terrible and so do others, why can't i just say that brawl sucks? just my opinion.

but it IS a fact that it was designed to have a very low skill curve and be a fun party game.

the massive community and their efforts have turned it into a decent competitive fighter... i personally don't see how it's fun, though.

Edit: stingers, $10 melee mm at herb2, if you decline you're a *****


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
what the ****?

you'd kick my *** at melee, i dont give a **** about that game. what's your point?

you don't need to rant about how brawl sucks and we shouldn't play it anymore, it's been done to death and nothing constructive comes from it.


Smash Hero
Oct 24, 2007
I never said Brawl+ sucks I just dont like it I still rather play Brawl.


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
what the ****?

you'd kick my *** at melee, i dont give a **** about that game. what's your point?

you don't need to rant about how brawl sucks and we shouldn't play it anymore, it's been done to death and nothing constructive comes from it.
obviously i was joking about the mm, i doubt i'd **** you in it though, everyone says that you're getting really good lately. probably better than me. if you really don't care about melee then that's sad, because you're one of the most improving nc players.

i wasn't starting a discussion, just putting my opinion out there like everyone else.

and three sentences does not a rant make.

also, does anyone actually find brawl exciting to play or adrenaline-inducing? just wanna see if anyone actually thinks so.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
indeed, i love playing brawl. it's the most fun i've ever had in a smash game. the fact you need to constantly be outthinking your opponents to win makes it fun for me.


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
indeed, i love playing brawl. it's the most fun i've ever had in a smash game. the fact you need to constantly be outthinking your opponents to win makes it fun for me.
is thinking really that exciting?

fun isn't excitement - i think brawl can be fun for people who enjoy what you said, but i was just pointing out that regardless of fun there really isn't any rush you get from playing it.

it's just a slower pace.

there are even some legendary competitive games like chess and go that can be fun but are incredibly slow and not exciting at all.


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
i have more fun playing brawl. that's all that matters to me

if something is faster paced, of course you're gonna get something like an adrenaline rush which I guess is what you mean by excitement. i dont see why that matters...unless you really like putting on a good show for people. then that's your thing and...have fun with it =)


Smash Lord
May 27, 2009
On Uncharted Lands
i have more fun playing brawl. that's all that matters to me

if something is faster paced, of course you're gonna get something like an adrenaline rush which I guess is what you mean by excitement. i dont see why that matters...unless you really like putting on a good show for people. then that's your thing and...have fun with it =)
I got no beef with that -- lay off him Foxy


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
i have more fun playing brawl. that's all that matters to me

if something is faster paced, of course you're gonna get something like an adrenaline rush which I guess is what you mean by excitement. i dont see why that matters...unless you really like putting on a good show for people. then that's your thing and...have fun with it =)
yeah, that's all i was pointing out. i prefer the adrenaline, and it's fine if you don't. i like feeling like i'm doing fancy and impressive technical stuff, because it seems like scrubs can look as good as i can in brawl, but it's all preference.

you're amazing at brawl anyways so you totally have a right to like it.

i'd say that melee has the same amount of mindgames involved with the spacing, but it really doesn't since so much more of the match is dependent on the followup from the hit, which is mostly muscle memory.

I got no beef with that -- lay off him Foxy
i'm not on him!


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
lawls i remember when people thought brawl had it, and still do

it can be kinda gay in melee, most of the time it's interesting to use though because it rewards quickly approaching from the edge or using it to edgeguard through otherwise impossible to penetrate recoveries

unless you meant edgehogging ledge time.

lord karn

Smash Master
Jun 18, 2004
Raleigh, NC
Brawl is exciting to me when it's down to the wire, but the lead up, not so much. Then again, I don't really get that excited when I play melee either, but that's probably just a peculiarity about me. For some reason I don't get nervous/excited/hyped very easily while I'm playing. However, I do get excited watching melee matches and almost never get excited watching brawl matches.


Smash Master
Dec 26, 2007
Charlotte NC :)
Beforehand, I'd just like to say I do enjoy all smash variations (yes, including B+)
also, does anyone actually find brawl exciting to play or adrenaline-inducing? just wanna see if anyone actually thinks so.
I don't think brawl is exciting to watch, but playing it gets me sooo hyped up. Just as much, if not more, than Melee.

is thinking really that exciting?

fun isn't excitement - i think brawl can be fun for people who enjoy what you said, but i was just pointing out that regardless of fun there really isn't any rush you get from playing it.

it's just a slower pace.

there are even some legendary competitive games like chess and go that can be fun but are incredibly slow and not exciting at all.
People say it's sooooooo slower paced, but IMO they really exaggerate. I'm not going to say it's as fast as Melee (B+ is sorta fast, but moreso choppy) But it's more than fast enough to get you pumped up if your playing a good match.

[just stating] Melee is the same way just faster! :laugh:
No. They are in the slightest of ways the same.

i have more fun playing brawl. that's all that matters to me

if something is faster paced, of course you're gonna get something like an adrenaline rush which I guess is what you mean by excitement. i dont see why that matters...unless you really like putting on a good show for people. then that's your thing and...have fun with it =)
^^^^^^And I think alot of people would enjoy it more if they would stop looking for bad things to say and play it better. Plus alot of people complain about the chaingrabs in brawl, but in Melee, they are just as damaging but just look slightly cooler.

yeah, that's all i was pointing out. i prefer the adrenaline, and it's fine if you don't. i like feeling like i'm doing fancy and impressive technical stuff, because it seems like scrubs can look as good as i can in brawl, but it's all preference.

you're amazing at brawl anyways so you totally have a right to like it.

i'd say that melee has the same amount of mindgames involved with the spacing, but it really doesn't since so much more of the match is dependent on the followup from the hit, which is mostly muscle memory.
I do agree that people can look good easily in brawl. And in Melee your more flashy in which a noob can't really do at a high level. But in the end in brawl it's alot more about how much smarter you were then your opponent.

Melee does have it's mindgames (alot of which I REALLY ENJOY) REALLY ENJOY) REEEAAALLLLYYYY ENJOY) But 80% of all the attacks in Melee just string together without giving your opponent the chance to react and in brawl you have to wait and be super smart and predict what your opponent is going to do to get the next hit.

In Melee you have to reach the apex of your jump!

Which makes air control CRUCIAL!!! While in Brawl not so much!
....Whut? Air control depends on the character and stage. In some matchups it's more crucial in others. It can't be related to inbetween the games.


Smash Lord
May 27, 2009
On Uncharted Lands
I'm the same way when I play...but I don't lean like Ally!

Brawl has auto-cling thats all...thats why I said that. Marth sometimes has an auto-cling issue!

Brawl = grab the ledge JUST about everytime - Stupid Marth and his auto-cling issue!

Melee = Judge your distance before recovering...

and the string of attacks sounds like a street fighter...somehow -- :chuckle:
I think the same way about watching Brawl, but playing is so much more fun!

Does Sheik have an infinite on Link in Melee -- chaingrab wise?

and MK ***** prediction!

In the end I agree!


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
the only thing that truly separates brawl and melee to me is the skill curve and skill gap.

a casual brawl player can easily get a good competitive brawl player down to 1 or 2 stocks, depending on the game. there's just not very much the good player can do that the casual hasn't learned about. now, the casual couldn't get stocks off of m2k or ally, but the decent competitive player (say, someone who is good but doesn't even win money at a local tournament) can certainly take a stock or two on a good game off of m2k or ally.

however, in melee, the best are just insane amounts better than other really great players. i've been playing melee since release and have played on average 2-5 hours a day in the last year, i'm power ranked in nc and have actually won money a number of times playing it. however, i can't touch m2k in a singles match. and it's not unbreakable combos he does by memory that beats me - it's just literally being so good and having put so much effort into climbing the massive skill curve to make the gap. when i played him i had to make my goal how much damage i could deal before i got 4-stocked, and that's just casual friendlies.

i suppose different skill curves and skill gaps are just facets of the games and there shouldn't be anything better or worse... but i like the idea of being able to put in tons of effort and still be improving visibly after years, rather than putting in a lot of work and playing with people for a few weeks and then being able to have a shot at making money in brawl singles or doubles and be able to get close to upsetting good players. starcraft, anyone?


Smash Master
Dec 26, 2007
Charlotte NC :)
the only thing that truly separates brawl and melee to me is the skill curve and skill gap.

a casual brawl player can easily get a good competitive brawl player down to 1 or 2 stocks, depending on the game. there's just not very much the good player can do that the casual hasn't learned about. now, the casual couldn't get stocks off of m2k or ally, but the decent competitive player (say, someone who is good but doesn't even win money at a local tournament) can certainly take a stock or two on a good game off of m2k or ally.

however, in melee, the best are just insane amounts better than other really great players. i've been playing melee since release and have played on average 2-5 hours a day in the last year, i'm power ranked in nc and have actually won money a number of times playing it. however, i can't touch m2k in a singles match. and it's not unbreakable combos he does by memory that beats me - it's just literally being so good and having put so much effort into climbing the massive skill curve to make the gap. when i played him i had to make my goal how much damage i could deal before i got 4-stocked, and that's just casual friendlies.

i suppose different skill curves and skill gaps are just facets of the games and there shouldn't be anything better or worse... but i like the idea of being able to put in tons of effort and still be improving visibly after years, rather than putting in a lot of work and playing with people for a few weeks and then being able to have a shot at making money in brawl singles or doubles and be able to get close to upsetting good players. starcraft, anyone?
I have no arguments there. Except the fact the M2K and Ally would still win. To me, stocks don't matter. It's either you win or lose. Lol Sorry, I don't play starcraft.


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I have no arguments there. Except the fact the M2K and Ally would still win. To me, stocks don't matter. It's either you win or lose. Lol Sorry, I don't play starcraft.
they would, but then, as the decent player gets better, say, to a level where they're power ranked in their state, they are certainly capable of winning a match in a set against m2k or ally with a bit of luck and a good day for their skill. so, it does matter as you keep going along the skill levels.

haha, as an obvious example

stingers beat chu in a match and also did really well against him in the whole set.

stingers is obviously really good, not saying it's a fluke, but it's a part of brawl's low skill curve.

if, say, mask or karn were to play jman or hungrybox or scar in a tournament match in melee, they certainly wouldn't have a close set at all, despite being really excellent players.


Smash Master
Dec 26, 2007
Charlotte NC :)
they would, but then, as the decent player gets better, say, to a level where they're power ranked in their state, they are certainly capable of winning a match in a set against m2k or ally with a bit of luck and a good day for their skill. so, it does matter as you keep going along the skill levels.

haha, as an obvious example

stingers beat chu in a match and also did really well against him in the whole set.

stingers is obviously really good, not saying it's a fluke, but it's a part of brawl's low skill curve.

if, say, mask or karn were to play jman or hungrybox or scar in a tournament match in melee, they certainly wouldn't have a close set at all, despite being really excellent players.
Well, Anyone can play a character good. It takes a certain person to play a character great.

Fortune Cookies rule.


( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
I'm just having a difficult time wondering how a product edited by the user can become part of the competitive community. There's several things that need to be done in order to even have a copy of this Brawl+, and to me that seems like too much work to make it a viable thing. I need to see if this sort of thing has happened in the past............

That's just me. I also think it's funny that Brawl had to be changed by the user in order to make it something.... more appropriate, I guess the right term could be.

Don't mind me. Just posting some thoughts.


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
I'm just having a difficult time wondering how a product edited by the user can become part of the competitive community. There's several things that need to be done in order to even have a copy of this Brawl+, and to me that seems like too much work to make it a viable thing. I need to see if this sort of thing has happened in the past............

That's just me. I also think it's funny that Brawl had to be changed by the user in order to make it something.... more appropriate, I guess the right term could be.

Don't mind me. Just posting some thoughts.
I agree, but it's already part of the competitive community. NC has had a surprising amount of tournaments for it (at least 5 with 3 or more tournament series now hosting them), with actually a majority of players in support and a number of people actually creating a skill curve.

At the moment, it's good, but not quite finished enough to be considered to have jumped from a fanmod to a full game. In that respect, I agree with you that it really isn't a contender to be at the level of Melee and Brawl themselves. But it has gained a lot of support and it always getting more stable and more complete and more balanced, with a finalized "gold" version coming ever closer, with only minimal patching in the future of it.



( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Sep 14, 2006
With such support, I can see it gaining ground, but what about overall? I mean - 'round the country?

And even then - I must say, nothing can every be truly finished when it comes to a game such as smash bros. Whoever has chosen to burden themselves with constant testing and patching will find that to be a project that will last forever. :laugh: But at least they'll find themselves some great recognition, won't they? :laugh:


Smash Master
Jul 28, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Yep. Right now it even has admirable regional support, with the only flaw being the lack of support from really great players.

Mew2King just blatantly trashed the game by saying that it was worthless because all you had to do was drill-utilt with Fox to 0-death, which probably was only viable in an old version.

However, it does make sense why pros would dislike it - when they've mastered perfect execution in games that are at least created to have no really gamebreaking combos, playing a work-in-progress mod must seem REALLY STUPID, because with their perfection if they find a powerful combo they can do it constantly and consistently if they're really playing to win.

Sad, but eventually it will be no longer like that and it will be balanced enough for pros to show us what they can do with it.
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