How is this gun bad
Intervention is the worst sniper due to not being able to spam it
More input on snipers:
W2000 and M21 EBR make for the best ghost snipers due to high fire rate (silencer equipped and CB since Stopping Power does not affect these guns)
and Barrett is for 1 shot kills. it's like a superior intervention all around with higher fire rate and mag size.
tl;dr, lol at people who use intervention
That's funny. But seriously, if you need to use more then one bullet per person so often that you need to rely on a semi-automatic sniper rifle and spam bullets to get kills means that you're really nothing but a pathetic sniper. Some good snipers like the .50 cal and do well with it, but I don't respect the skill of spammy snipers. (I'm not saying you suck, I've never seen you play.)
Bolt-actions suck for ghost sniping, that goes without saying. M21 EBR >>>>>> W2000. I said that it's inferior because it's completely outclassed by the M21 in terms of ghost sniping, and can't even compare with the Intervention or .50cal in terms of one-shots.
I will agree that the Barrett .50cal > Intervention. But I don't like the gun, because I dislike semi-automatic Sniper Rifles. It feels like a joke when I use it. It takes actual SKILL to use a bolt-action and compete with the semi-auto users.
Anyone who disagrees with me on what I just said isn't my friend anymore. =)
EDIT: MLG's ruleset is stupid, even though they own this amazing website.