I've been making a setup to counter Knifers (people who do that crouch sprinting and knifing people) and I want your guys opinions on it so that I can improve it. Typically, they use a pistol with tac knife, Marathon, Lightweight, and Commando (sometimes Ninja but most of the time it's Commando). Here is my counter knife setup:
Primary: Any AR with a Grenade Launcher (ACR is my rifle for this setup)
Secondary: Shotgun with Grip (M1014 with Grip for my setup)
Equipment: Semtex, Flash Grenades
Deathstreak: Martydom
Perk 1: Slight of Hand Pro
Perk 2: Danger Close Pro
Perk 3: Sit Rep Pro
- The AR with Grenade Launcher is meant for medium to long range combat and a DC empowered Grenade can do some heavy damage to them as well as any enemies near him, that way you don't have to worry about them plus the Knifer coming at you. Normally most Knifers don't carry Blast Shields (or at least with my experience with them, so a DC Grenade Launcher should come in handy. I don't use the Heartbeat Sensor on my ARs on this setup since they run so fast that the Sensor wouldn't be fast enough to track them. That and sometimes instead of Commando, they will use Ninja (but usually they use Commando).
-The shotgun is for close to medium range combat, which I'm sure you're gonna end up doing most of the time when combating Knifers. It should take 1 to 2 shots to kill them unless they have Painkiller on (which they usually have for their deathstreak).
-I chose the Semtex grenades over Claymores because chances are that they'll run past them before they explode and won't get hurt by them. With Semtex, you can stick them or stick a wall or something close to you or them in case they get too close. C4 may be handy if you shoot at them instead of using the trigger since they'll probably evade it before the detonator sets off the C4. Flash Grenades are there to blind them. Stun Grenades can work too.
-I use Martydom as my deathstreak since Painkiller is useless against them, as is Final Stand. I refuse to use Copycat on them since I think that the Knife setup is a cheaper tactic than Noob Tubing. So I use Martydom as it will be stronger thanks to DC, and if the Knifer is going up against other people when my Martydom nade is nearby then chances are it will kill him or at least do some damage to him.
-Slight of Hand Pro is there for quick reloads and aiming and you're gonna need that for sure. Sit Rep Pro (Hey, it finally has a purpose now!) is there cuz since they carry Lightweight+Marathon, their footsteps will be different from the usual footsteps and you'll know that they're nearby, giving you a chance to camp out and wait for them to pop up and BOOM! Shotgun the crap outta them. Danger Close has kinda been explained already.
So far, this setup has helped me in killing several Knifers, they still get the jump on me sometimes, or have teammates with them, or sometimes I will run into them when they have painkiller on and they knife me. But most of the time, I win when going up against them with this setup.