~IcyMoron’s Guide to Kill streaks~
Alright Kids, pretty self explanatory guide here. This will be your all-tell guide to Kill streaks for MW2! All 15 of them. From Care Package, to Pave Low, to EMP. Here we go…
1. UAV-3 Kill streak- Shows Enemies on your Radar for 30 Seconds. Extremely Useful perk at times, (I.E. Search and Destroy, when you’re the Last Man Standing against another Last man) 3 Kills isn’t very difficult to get, so this is good as a “Support” type of Kill streak. Great Combo is UAV+Airstrike. Shows you a good place to lay it down, racking up the kills. To counter it, if up against it, it can be shot down relatively easily. You don’t necessarily need a Stinger either. Any Standard gun should take it down in 1-2 clips. Cold-Blooded also sort of negates this streak, considering you won’t show up on the map. Overall, a decent Streak for a small price.
2. Care Package-4 Kill streak-Drops a random Kill streak or Ammo Case. This could be any kind of Kill streak (Even Chopper Gunner!) or a Resupply Crate. Now the Kill streak could be anything. Except the Nuke. D; EMP’s, AC130’s, Attack Helicopter, etc. Now this is random however, so don’t always expect to get something good. Resupply crates aren’t always a bad thing. If you’re one of those guys big on camping then a Resupply Crate could get you back to the kills. Unless of course, you have Scavenger on. But, I digress…Now don’t forget to watch where you throw it! If it lands out of the map, you’re screwed. No crate for you. And other teammates can snatch it if you forget to grab it! Enemies too! Just a tip, don’t leave your crate to the hungry scrubs on the other team. Always watch them. Lastly, make sure if doesn’t land on you. It will kill you. I would know…Yeah but honestly, not a bad idea if you’re not a giant streaker. Good all-purpose Kill streak and you get decent Experience from them too.
3. Counter UAV-4 Kills-Temporarily disables Enemy Radar. Alright, this basically works as a Reverse UAV. Blocks the Enemy’s Radar Map, makes it all fuzzy and Unusable. To be honest, I never use this. Another Support Streak IMO. Not bad though. Good if you’re one of those Sneak-Around people. Also good if the enemy throws up a UAV and you have this waiting. Good Setup could be Counter-UAV+ AC130. Wreak havoc from above while your buddy destroys the opposing team. Confusion +Explosives=Deadly Combo.
4. Sentry Gun-5 Kills-Airdrops a Sentry Gun, placable wherever you want. Not a bad kill streak at all. Depends where you use it, and how you use it. Much better if you kind of stick close to it. You wanna be moving it every 1-2 kills or so. Just to keep the Enemy on their toes, and catches them off guard. Now if you encounter one of your Opponents, the best thing to do would be flank completely, and knife from behind. Destroys it that quick. Another method could be to throw some Flash bangs/Stuns towards it. That’ll temporarily disable its Targeting System and you can sneak past him. Haul *** though, it’s only temporary.
5. Predator Missle-5 Kills-Guided Missile. Now this is a decent Kill streak. Rain down your Missile from above, and aim for the Red Squares. Great Kill streak, usually guarantees you at least 1-2 Kills. Keep in mind, enemies with Cold-Blooded will not show up as Red Squares, but can still be hit. Not really much to counter this with. Keep inside and away from Windows/doors to avoid the blast. Use the Right Trigger/R1 to speed up the Missile.
6. Precision Airstrike-6 Kills-Drops an Airstrike, available for placement anywhere on the map. Another good thing about this perk is the fact that you can change the angle it comes in from. Great if you’re trying to get the blast partially inside a certain building or area. Pretty good kill streak in my opinion. Though, there are better alternatives.
7. Harrier Strike-7 Kills-Airstrike Rains down, and a hovering Harrier will come and shoot as if it’s like a Giant floating Sentry Gun. A great kill streak in my opinion, and serves many purposes. Honestly, the Aftermath of the Harriers is greater than the starting Airstrike. Throw this down, there’s the Airstrike, then here comes the next guy in line. Only downside to this streak is the fact that it’s shot down relatively easily. I think one hit with a Stinger might bring it down. That shouldn’t stop you from using it though. He just hovers there and guns them down. I love this streak. One of the best in my opinion. You get a decent amount of kills, to lead up to another streak.
8. Attack Helicopter-7 Kills-Sends a Chopper in to wreak havoc. A good kill streak, comes in, guns down anyone in its path. It’s not as good as the Pave Low, keep in mind. I actually like this kill streak pretty well. It’s pretty good on outdoor maps…But I still recommend the Harrier more. Personal Preference I guess. This can also be shot down by Singer, Javelin, AT4, etc.
9. Emergency Airdrop-8 Kills-4 Random Crates of Kill streak or Ammo. Definitely a good Kill streak to have. Here come 4 Crates falling from the sky. I’ll be brief on this one so, it’s essentially the same thing as a Care Package. Same rules apply, it can be stolen, fall out of the map, etc.
10. Pave Low-9 Kills-Sends a GIANT Helicopter to ravage the enemy. A wonderful Kill Streak. It throws out Flares too, so it can last somewhat longer in a match. I love the Pave Low. It’s a great reward to have on your list too. Same as the Attack Helicopter, just more durable and whatnot. Great, great combo is Predator>Harriers>Pave Low. Predator makes the Harriers a little more obtainable, and with both in the sky at the same time, your enemies will be scared to come out of their cave. I call that Streak “Aerial Dominance”. I highly recommend using this.
11. Stealth Bomber-9 Kills-Here’s a Massive Bomber Plane overhead. Why can’t I see it on the Radar? Or right…Stealth. This is a Massive Carpet bomb on any designated area you choose. Works the same as Precision Airstrike, but a much bigger explosion. I really like this as a Kill streak because of the amount of kills you can get with it. And the enemy will never see it coming (on radar of course)! I was in a match once, and suddenly saw one approaching me. Needless to say, I didn’t last much longer. Overall, a very good kill streak to say the least.
12. Chopper Gunner-11 Kills-Lets you become the Gunner of a Helicopter. This could be one of the best streaks in the game. Endless Firing from a “Bird’s Eye View” let’s you rack up the kills. Like the Predator, the enemies will show up as Red Squares, but better yet, when you shoot at them, they get sort of “Locked on” to your enemy. Great method for pushing you towards the Infamous Tactical Nuke. But that comes later.
13. AC130-11 Kills-Rain down Terror from an AC130 Gunship. Another Great kill streak, this one similar to the Chopper Gunner. Call of Duty 4 Players will remember this well. In this one, you have 3 Choice of Guns to shoot from. A large, bigger explosion (Only one, then reload), A smaller series of shots (then reload) and finally, a machine gun sort of gun (shorter reload). My tip would be to sort of…cycle through the guns. That way, you’ll constantly be shooting (and getting kills). Remember, enemies glow white hot unless they’re using Cold Blooded, so be wary. And this lasts for 30 Seconds alone, so make the most of it.
14. EMP-15 Kills-EMP!! GET DOOOOWN GET DOWWWWN! EMP is an amazing Kill Streak if you can manage to get it. Disables all enemy electronics. That includes any kind of Plane in the air, UAV, Counter UAV, etc. Even AC130’s. Use in dire situations if you have one (I.E. AC130 Above, Chopper Gunner, etc. This also stops enemies Red-Dot Sights, Holographic, and the like. Basically, anything electronical is dead for the time being.
15. Ah. Last, but not least. The Infamous Tactical Nuke. A Whopping 25 Kills are needed for this bad boy. Only the best, and the brightest for this (Or Nuke Boosters…). It ends the game as soon as it drops. Great if you’re losing a match (I.E. Domination Match) since it’s an Automatic win. Not much else to say really. Its Nerve racking achieving it though. My first one, I was shaking, my hands were sweating…I mean its 25 Kills! Very difficult to accomplish. The Best combo you could use is Harriers>Chopper Gunner/AC130>Tactical Nuke. If you get one, Kudos to you. But it’s a long, difficult challenge.
Alright Kids, that should be it. I hope you guys think this is useful, and I wish you all the best.
Your Friend, Bro, and Refrigerator Roommate, Icy.
List of Useful Kill streak Combos.
1. UAV>Precision Airstrike>Pave Low
2. UAV>Counter UAV>Sentry Gun
3. Counter UAV>Harriers>AC130/Chopper Gunner
4. Predator>Harriers>Pave Low
5. Predator>Harriers>Chopper Gunner/AC130
6. Predator>Harriers>Emergency Airdrop
7. Harriers>Chopper Gunner>EMP
8. Harriers>AC130/Chopper Gunner>Tactical Nuke