Big events coming up are
ZEAL - December
Miles Warehouse 2 - January
SS6 - February
Buttonsmash - February
You forgot to mention:
KONG OFF 3 -Return of the King - Early 2015
I think we worked out Coasts (Sunny and Gold) vs Brisbane is pretty equal.
Should start doing it at tournys more often (when time permits).
Better to have crews with actual meaning instead of just A vs B.
Cal, Triss, Radiance, Rob, new kids, Woodly (If he wants to be Coast...makes sense?)
This post probably more belongs in the main QLD thread but since people were talking about crews here it made sense i thought.
People afraid of Floats still...What do you think this is!? BUSH WEEK!????
Oh yeah, the venue for this will be so good!
And so close to the fake beach/pool for after tourny wetness.
Get your DK out!