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Bust a Move/Puzzle Bobble Mafia..... GAME OVER!

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Also: don't feel too down, tako made a uninformed newb leap apparently and it lead to mucho wifom / suspicion and in the end not much beyond alot of crap to read through


Smash Lord
Jun 29, 2009
Rochester, NY
Vote: Vinyl.

I'm not liking either Vinyl or 194 right now. A lot of fluff, almost no useful information, and they both seem quite opportunistic as far as their reads go. I'd like to see a lot more content from both of them, and less complaints about how "out of it" they are.

Vinyl's discussion of BSP in particular doesn't sit particularly well with me, which is why I chose to vote him, but I would be fine with lynching either of them. They'd make good vigilante targets too (*cough*BarDulL*cough*).

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
People should check clarity right when the game start, read your role PM, see something off ask about it.

I do not like people pushing on the mason claim like they did when PJB claimed.


Town Vampire
Mar 17, 2008
Austin, Texas
I'm not going to reread Joker, seems like a waste of time.

Currently want 194 dead. Will even shoot 194 in the event that he doesn't get his act together and give us content. No comment on Vinyl because wtf, I can't make heads or tails of the slot. BSP is in a similar boat. Toaster probably died IRL.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Wat are you doing ?
Turning a general open-ended question back towards the asker before sharing my own answer. Why? Do you disapprove?

Why do you care if I PM John? I could lie about it and tell him he confirmed anyway.

I'm going with Rake/Bardul scum right now, they are trying to get me to slip by not trusting my partner.

@Riddle: That's an awesome idea, I'll make a cypher to reveal later.
Bolded is grossly innaccurate but coupled with the hasty claim and confusion I still maintain that tako is town. I would like him to breadcrumb his partner in some way that they can confirm in the future so that he is forced to commit to it now, just in case, though. Encryption doesn't work, but the rule specifically states that it's not meant to disallow breadcrumbing within the visible text.

With how Red Ruy tried to get everyone off the case while still avoiding providing content has me really looking at him funny. I could see RR being behind this with a tako/RR scumteam, though I'm leaning tako town moreso. Either way, I want the breadcrumb to happen.

i'm almost tempted to call that scum read on me OMGUS but i think tako may actually believe we are scum despite the fact he hasn't answered any of our questions that he himself is unsure of.
I agree, this is much better Rake.

Vote: Joker
i can get behind this

Vote Joker

FoS: Red Ruy


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
It specifically says you can't hide things in your posts, or post in languages other than english, which includes codes and cyphers.

If you breadcrumb, you have to do it in plain sight. You could make up a riddle or something, but it needs to be something that people have a chance of figuring out by reading it.

I only mention this because, ya know, I read the rules and ****
Not true. Only impossible or purposely hard to read text is disallowed through this rule. Putting a hidden message within the visible text of your post is completely fine. Example: what I just did with the first letter of every sentence in this post.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Kantrip, I want you to realize you just expected us all to believe that you simotaneously felt the need to use a large font "WUT" to describe Tako's actions, yet will accept him as town. That makes no sense.

Kantrip, Tako, Joker scumteam: GG.
You are completely ********. I just thought you should know.

You know that little cousin who rolls around in the dirt with his bare foot in his mouth whilst screaming "YAYYYYYY FIRETRUCKS!"

That was tako. It warranted a "wut."

That doesn't mean I think my cousin is a serial killer.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
I see you viewing 194, give us thoughts / reads / scum picks / defend against bardulls case / etc


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
and if you're concerned over me not contributing my thoughts, I'll go ahead and mention this

I don't like Kantrip because of his backpedaling. (In fact, practically everyone in this game has thrown out some BS tactic/gambit at the start, and overall it's pretty frustrating trying to read any of it, because everyone is making it abundantly clear that nothing means anything, because everyone is lying all the time for no reason.) I single out Kantrip because I happened to find his BS the least believable, because he actually targeted a player with his shenanigan, then backdoor'd his way out when a wagon began forming on him for it.
I have points against you that you have not addressed. Shall I dig for them, restate them, or are you invested enough in this game to notice them on your own?

Kantrip I'll be straight with you: you can't blow off someone else's actions as "must have been looking for reactions he's a genius" without actually being them. You aren't them, you can't know that unless you have a QT with them, and right now that's very likely considering both of your overall scummy play.

And don't try to pretend this isn't what you were doing both here and with your opening read posts: hand waving something as "I planned it guys". That's how I get away with things as scum. We might swallow you yourself planning for a way out of RVS begrudgingly, but we're not going to sit here and let you walk someone else off on the assumption they know what they're doing before they explain it.
It's called learning to read intent. Why the **** would a player (and I'm not talking a newb here, I know how this game works) come in with an opening post like mine as scum? What's the scum intent to what I did? It's not there. Considering when you questioned me about it I specifically TOLD YOU to look deeper at my intent. Ask yourself "what is he trying to accomplish? What are the pros and cons to that post as either alignment and what motivated him to make it?" I'm not like Rake where I just throw out millions of posts without thinking (no offense to Rake, that's his style), so you can be sure that I thought about my opening posts before I made them. So why on earth would I put something so baseless in there? Oh, maybe he's trying to start discussion.

It's okay that you couldn't pick up on what I was doing, but the fact that you can't accept it after having it explained to you is just ignorant.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
actually i think about every single post i make ever.
But i take no offence because i know this style of play grates on people


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Kantrip Kantplay. It's that simple.

Be back at noon.
Town read on Tako fell apart.

Still need to read when I get power again.

Good game Joker/Red Ryu/Tako scum team. Joker was subtley defending tako while Red Ryu sets up for the bus. This is so telegraphed.

Kill them with fire.

Still reading, but I'm dead serious in wanting Tako/RR/Joker dead now. Joker first.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Meant to respond to that first quote, it's in there by accident.

Was gonna say "har har very funny mister 'over-9000-newbie-games' "

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
Ryu i know this is totally off topic but we should hydra sometime. i fee like we'd be so obv town no one would ever kill us ever.
and then we'd stab them in the back and take the game for scum


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
He did admit he was wrong. I don't know why he's still asserting that Rake may be chatterbox. Much like the first time, it doesn't really prove he's scum, it just proves he's dumb. The idea that he isn't smart should be fairly apparent at this point.

I don't think pursuing this idea of chatterbox being in the game is even the slightest bit worthwhile. Please don't encourage it.
This is an example of the subtle defending I'm talking about. The whole speaking for him and playing everything with tako off as a null tell (but not going so far as to call him town). He's trying to diffuse pressure without outright white-knighting him.

This is scummy of Joker regardless of tako's alignment. On tako town it allows him to say "look I was against calling him scum" and try to gain town points, but in the case tako is actually his scummate it still helps him to try to sneakily diffuse pressure.

I guess my point is

Vote Joker

#HBC | Red Ryu

Red Fox Warrior
Jun 15, 2008
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
@Rake I could dig it.

@Kantrip, if Tako gets a similar answer aka look at the wiki and points to them being town, then wat?


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
I don't know who your scummate is. BarDulL could be a possibility I guess, but there's literally nothing else to support that. You can sheep somebody without being teammates. I don't think you've made any significant connections to other players. Scum can certainly be smart enough to do that.
What happened to me being scum?

I'm Bob [Dragon], Town Mason

Tako can confirm me himself, since he's still alive.

I'm wary about using the hint he left because based on what John said earlier in the thread, it might be considered an illegal cipher. It doesn't technically require a "key" to read, but you do have no know what letters to pick out of the message, and there's a distinct pattern.

Since it isn't necessary, I'd rather pretend it isn't there in case using it is considered cheating. As it is, it's just a series of sentences that don't make sense in the context of this game.
Well, ****. This is what I get for not reading everything first, but whatever.

Joker, why didn't you make your defending more pronounced? What were you afraid of with calling tako town? Or is it something about not being confirmed alignments?

Not completely.

i'd like him to go into why he didn't defend his mason partner more
And then I see Rake having the same question.

I love you man.

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
yeah i tunneled them right into the ground on it before i bought in. in hindsight i may have been to aggro but tako's play compounded on top of joker's odd handling of it forced my hand

Shun Goku Satsu Rake

Oriwa Rake. Kaizo ko ni oriwa naru
May 8, 2012
and then rake saw J viewing this thread.


oh and 194 apparently left and or has gone private. Interesting developments are interesting

#HBC | Joker

Space Marine
Feb 2, 2012
St. Clair Shores, Michigan
I hated reading all of Kantrips outdated reads, but I also kind of like that he went through pointing out all the times where I defended Tako. For all you haters out there :p

I didn't want to be uber obvious about protecting Tako because this is a closed setup. Me and Tako claiming Masons doesn't necessarily clear us to the town, and it could have resulted in exactly all the **** that I had to deal with earlier with everybody not believing the claim and trying to pursue our lynch anyway. I thought it would be a better idea to just call everything like I saw it, without coloring the facts to make Tako look more townie. The fact that we ended up having to both claim was a freaking nightmare, and it was something I was trying to avoid if at all possible. So I had to defend Tako without it seeming like I had a solid town read on him for no reason, or you guys would've known something was up and immediately connected us.


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Was he? During all vote counts, he got three votes AT MOST (as far as I remember). With 12 players alive, 7 votes are required to cast a decision and lynch. Why were you so convinced that he would get lynched? Furthermore, why did you change your mind once you started to receive votes? Wouldn't have made more sense to derail attention from him without explicitly stating you were his buddy, if you didn't want to look as linked with him anyway?

This sounds fishy. Vote: Joker
194 =/= Joker from this post. I don't particularly like how 194 is jumping on the Joker wagon here at the point where I personally feel the wagon should be diminishing. Reasoning seems nonexistant or highly illogical.

The Joker/Tako mason thing explains everything that irked me, unfortunately (unfortunately because it dissolves my scum leads for the most part). If they're scum they are scum with each other, but that's not on the top of my list anymore....

I'm trying to take all of this in.

I'm thinking over all of the possible intents Joker could've had with his play from a town perspective, and a scum perspective since scum mason is a possibility. I'll give my thoughts in a second. We do need to hear more about this plan.

Joker, sorry if you already answered this, but did you ever tell Tako to drop the whole chatterbox thing? If you knew it was such a bad idea, you should've told him to drop it. His last post still shows that he considers Rake having chatterbox.

I like how Rake is trying to get information out, so I trust him atm.

We definitely need more from the people you pointed out though. No matter what happens guys, don't end this day before we get more input.
I like this. Town lean for BSP.

This ****'s uncanny.

Red Ruy - Null. Hasn't posted much. Want more from him. Asked for the second mason to claim which is ok. Want to hear who he think needs to go.

Bardull - Godly Town. YOU CAN'T HANDLE THIS.

ToasterBrains - Null. Hasn't posted much. Expecting a big post from this guy regarding everything that has happened. Considering him for being shot.

PrivateJoker-Brown - Oh dear. Terrible mason play if he's Town, but his bub/bob claim is keeping him from the noose for the time being. See my thoughts on Tako.

194 - Don't like this slot and would be ok seeing it go. Has been mostly playing around in the shadows with some sideline commentary here and there. Don't see a lot of meat.

Vinyl. - I don't even know what to say about Vinyl. Comes in and says "HEY BARDULL WE SHOULD BE LIKE BATMAN AND ROBIN," his straightforward public buddying is downright hilarious. He also felt "something was off" during the Rake/PJB exchange regarding PJB's mason play. H-i-l-a-r-i-o-u-s. Definitely worthy of the NPH smug. Then he seemingly sheeps my play. HAHA. Would like Vinyl to not so much sheep me and to give me some meat to work with.

Kantrip - Kantrip's fine for now, he's not the play toDay.

BSP - BSP has been playing mostly sidelines and hasn't gotten himself into the meat of the business yet. Sitting in the same boat as 194, except he's up a slight notch. Would also like to see him show off his observational skill and out who he thinks should be the one to go.

JDietz43 - I liked JD's approach to the game, although I feel he's still clinging onto surface material rather than going more in-depth with stuff (i.e. his push on Kantrip for Kantrip's RVS vote on Vinyl seemed somewhat opportunistic.) I had this problem with him in Utrick'd when I felt he was being opportunistic scum with the Rake slot and was being black and white, but JD's grabbing of the pink elephant is something TownJD would do. Eh. Nullish for now, wouldn't be surprised by TownJD.

Riddle - Town lean. Love his questions and his reads, his thought process also matches my own. Didn't like his first post of the game, but he's thoroughly improved throughout the day phase and I'm pretty comfortable with him.

SneakyTako - LOL. The only thing saving him at this point is the wtfdumb card alongside his mason claim. His thought process does NOT make any sense regarding his push on Rake. It's just...oh dear. Dumb vs. scum, he reads as dumb for a few reasons. He is still insisting on his chatterbox theory, and then there's his general reactions to everything, i.e. his reaction to my insistence of checking his partner's alignment as me trying to "trick" him. LOOOL. I'm also feeling inclined to agree with Riddle that the flavor claim of Bub/Bob is somewhat compelling considering Bub/Bob are the main heroes of the Puzzle Bobble series. Something tells me that John(MOD) wouldn't make these characters the scum team of the game, albeit I'll concede it's possible.

Anomandaris_Rake - Fine for now, don't want him getting pooped on anytime soon because he's brought out a lot of information. Definitely giving him a pass. If Rake makes any blatantly obvious mistakes however, keel heem.
I like your reads for serious.

Haven't decided how I'm going to use the shot yet. Need more content.

Sorry Rake, wary BarDulL is wary. You've got the free pass however, ride the reigns of destiny.
If you're not gonna use it on 194, feel free to shoot Toaster.

Vote: 194

@194: You have to shoot between Toaster, Red Ryu, and Vinyl. Then you have to vote one of the survivors and keep your vote there, though this doesn't necessarily mean they get lynched. Only one escapes your wrath. What do you do? (Hypothetical, of course)


Jul 11, 2010
B.C. Canada
Will not lynch toDay: Tako, Joker, Bardull, Rake
Only if absolutely necessary, but would prefer them not to be the play: Jdietz, Riddle, BSP
Would not be sad to see go: Toaster, Vinyl., people who I can't remember
Would love to see dead: 194, Red Ryu


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Since this has gotten me FoS'd before and tunneled, let me explain this now.

Bardull just asked me if I still think Joker is scum

I've never even given a scum read on Joker this far.

I'm wondering where he got this from.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
I'm not playing that **** this time. Show me where I gave a scum lean on Joker.
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