Bjay's Shoutouts
Kulla - Hey Simon, thanks for coming to pick Stu and me up that night with Ben, appreciate it lots. You've improved in Smash so much, lolz at you still though always rotating your mains and ditching them

It's not a bad thing though, cause look at how well you play with all the characters you use. Thanks for revealing this secret ability you have as well to cause something bad to happen in Smash

Also, I told you that you would wake me up, lolol.
ComboTurtle - lol Tom you're full of lolz, always a crack up, we were on the same boat this time as well in terms of opinion, in my opinion anyway.

You've improved at Smash a lot too, and so has your hate for Peach

It's good now that you've adapted yourself to handling the scenarios against characters like Sheik better, since that was your aim last time. Let's spar more at Revo. Sorry about knocking over your drink again.
Berimbau - "MY NAME IS BERIMBAUUUUU LOLOLOL" Hey Pat? How are you? Happy Birthday once again

You've become so uber in Smash that I think in only the few times I have played you, you've pretty much owned me to bits. True story. Too bad you didn't at this tournament like you hoped, you have a great chance at Revo but.
Jaz - WASSSAAAAAA JULLAAAAAAAA! - lol you brought it upon yourself that that name would come back to haunt you.

Thanks for the subway at the tourney, sorry for irritating you so much with "Julla!" though

But I'm sure you secretly liked the hassle anyway xD Bahh Jaz even if I pick other characters I can't keep up with you, you're too fast lol, I wish I had that speed hey? Glad I surprised you though, hopefully I'll have another card up my sleeve i can surprise you with.

I guess we'll find out at Revo! JULLA!
Dedu - It's good to be back home, after through everything that we had to put up with on the way for getting back home lol. Thanks for teaming up with me though, I didn't have a team mate at the time xD I don't think we played each other at Smash at all did we? lol nope we didn't. lol at the random team name you gave us though, I have no idea what that was about, except it was really random to me. Have a good one in England.
Sloth - OOo I didn't get to talk to you much did I? Apart from introducing myself that night at Juggy's, showing you who ComboTurtle was, and playing against your Marth (lol) at Juggy's on the last day. I was hoping to vs your Ice Climbers lol, maybe some time in the future aye!
Dino - Thanks for 'housing' me at Bob's lol. It was good talking to you and we had pretty much close matches in Smash too, you're really good, and I think our matches were quite funny too haha. Keep at it, I wanna vs you next time :D Improve that already impressive Yoshi eh? Buff up Luigi too, I don't wanna get owned by one character only
Redact - REEEEDDDACTT. lol Phil. It was good chatting to you and hanging out with ya, we didn't play Smash much though, that's alright, one match will have to suffice + random matches for locking the game LOLLL that was full of lolz, especially with the ******* multi-man melee knocking me out with like 11 seconds to go. Ahh I wanted to see your true DDR skills, I guess I'll have to wait in the future, along with vsing you at Smash as well. I assumed you and Kas went back to his place, as you guys randomly vanished. Remember, when you're eating...HUSTLE! =D
Mikul - Dude, apart from you owning m in the second match with Marth, we had a really close match with the Falcon Vs Peach thing. I didn't really get to talk to you, but I'm glad I had the opportunity to vs you at Smash, I liked those matches and hah it's good you also picked up on Bleach naturally.

Sorry for not really explaining, I'm like all bleh when it comes to teaching and explaining.

lol@you for being so lazy and making Jaz carry your luggage, that was funny.

I'll have to talk to you and vs you soon k? As well as in other various DS games.
CAOTIC - Ahh it was good being able to talk to you a bit more this time round

Not much but more next time lol! As well as more Smash, if you're up for it. Knowing me though, I was quite lazy for Smash this time around, thanks for taking pictures and just generally creating lolz, I'll see you in Sydney soon.
Mystwalker - Hey Sam, I didn't know you had a gambling problem! Glad you agreed with me on the fact that Sizzler had a crap steak as for my having a crap burger, it was good to talk to you whilst dining with everyone at Sizzler, you're a pretty funny person

If you don't come to Revo, it's all good as I'd understand you'd be busy hosting Boss, nonetheless though I hope to see you soon, maybe we can play some Poker yeah? =)
Jei Jei - Ahhhh I didn't get to talk to you much mate, but your Yoshi impressed me so much. I don't think I've played so defensively before, you predicted well with Yoshi too. I see you didn't like your steak either

I hope I get to see you next time and we can talk and play Smash more, k?
King Kong - omg Josh, you've got an awesome TV that owned the little TV in the car, as well as being crafty and taking the remote with you so the TV wouldn't work at Ben's house.

Mannn you've also got a very very impressive Donkey Kong, I was watching your matches with him when I passed, and it's just insane, vsing it was even more insane it's nuts lol.

You play well with other characters too, I can't remember any others apart from Sheik cause I was just so impressed with Donkey Kong. Don't worry about the placing though, you know that's not true, also, hope you feel better from food poisoning. Food poisoning sucks.
D.J. Cat - Hey Bob! Apologies for all the confusion on Friday night about who was picking who up, and also thanks very much for housing Stu and myself. Appreciate it heaps! Sorry for being a boring nut that didn't want to watch movies, I didn't really played Smash either, rather I just fell asleep on the couch lol, thanks for offering lifts and what not as well. I hope to see you again soon, you're pretty cool

I'll try not to be so boring next time though ok? lol. (Hard to change a boring person though)
Scrubs - Ahh Ben! Thank you so much for housing me! Apologies for the confusion with the housing, I'll make sure Pat doesn't speak on behalf of everyone again

I didn't get to play you much at Smash once again, but nonetheless you're a very awesome smasher, that even with the little amounts of Smash, it was still pretty great. Sorry for all the hassle again Friday night, if you ever come to Sydney, if you like sleeping on the floor like I did, I'll be happy to house ya.
Sirias - LOLLLLLL you're really funny Kas

Sorry I'm such a quiet and lost person though who fell asleep often, I'm very boring ain't I? Nonetheless though I appreciate your company and I'm glad you liked my tongue tricks, thanks for taking Phil, Stu and myself out to the city, and for pointing me in the right direction home, appreciate it heaps. I didn't get to say bye to you though, you just vanished like that. I found free credits at Street Fighter, I couldn't say no to that.

Hopefully we can hang out sometime in the future, at least you'll be prepared for my boringness this time around *does tongue trick and falls asleep*. Glad you find winks sexy
Juggy - Hey bro! lol thanks for going out to the city to pick at Stu and myself, sorry about the confusion though, but it was cool you came out anyway, I hope you had fun celebrating. I didn't get to really talk/hang out/play smash much wtih ya but hopefully more next time, and you can say every move you do in Smash lol

Also, I just remembered now, we randomly bumped into AN online chat didn't we?
Toai - Omg I wanted to team up with you but I heard you were sick dude. Feel better soon, we'll team up, at least you know I was in Queensland.

Take care!
Well that's all the people I can remember to give shoutouts for, I'm sleep deprived, hungry, and dehydrated, but that's all fading away now lol.