Smash Lord
Hello Everyone, my name is Nicknyte on this boards (Elvis IRL) and I am a member of the Arizona Smash Crew. I usually don't visit these boards often, and honestly, I'm usually trolling some other place on the boards, wary under the eye of a moderator, but this time, I am going to speak to my heart to an event that greatly distressed me during a tournament that sent me to losers.
Now, I am not for banning stages. Each year, we whittle down the list of tournament legals until we usually end up with only 8 or 9, which is honestly crap, but we do this to have a respectable fighting environment fair to both players, even if some counterpicks are better for another person or character.
What I dislike, is a 100% performable glitch that a person can abuse in order to win. I don't mean like Super Wavedashing, or Moonwalking, or anything of the like. I'm talking about one that auto-KOs you. This glitch was discovererd during a tourney match with Bob$ and Raistiln. This is quoted from the youtube video in which this glitch is displayed.
The glitch was documented in the video boards (link above) almost more than a year ago, but I believe no serious discussion was set forth from it, so I inquire you, community, should this stage stay legal, knowing that a glitch like this exists on it, killing you at any percentage? Ultimately, should Brinstar stay legal? Thanks.
1: Axe ($60.00)
2: GG7 ($30.00)
3: Forward ($10.00)
4: Okami
5: Rubyiris
5: Tai
7: Super Serious Stoned Kyle
7: Angel
9: Shivknight
9: Girku
9: Falcoty
9: Tag
13: Rusty
13: Nicknyte*
13: Tipper
13: Lvl9
17: Sunnycide
17: Jane
17: Japsicant
17: Book
*last stock, last match, Nicknyte got ceiling glitch lava glitched down when pressing an advantage and hitting my Sheik on Brinstar; we asked opinions of people; most were just astonished; Forward said, "It's the stage, oh well,"; but due to Shiv's influence, we decided to play the match again on Brinstar and I won (though Elvis was a little weary of the lava)
Note: This happened again during a MM between Elvis and I.
Now, I am not for banning stages. Each year, we whittle down the list of tournament legals until we usually end up with only 8 or 9, which is honestly crap, but we do this to have a respectable fighting environment fair to both players, even if some counterpicks are better for another person or character.
What I dislike, is a 100% performable glitch that a person can abuse in order to win. I don't mean like Super Wavedashing, or Moonwalking, or anything of the like. I'm talking about one that auto-KOs you. This glitch was discovererd during a tourney match with Bob$ and Raistiln. This is quoted from the youtube video in which this glitch is displayed. our testing, it would seem that this Brinstar Lava Glitch is 100% cause-and-effect from doing the following: You have to hit an enemy shield while on the ground in such a way as to push off the ground (effectively limited to special B moves that can move your character, but ones like phantasm or falcon kick don't seem to do it). The spike flag gets reset if you hit anything else like their shield a second time (making it less likely for moves that hit multiple times from causing this), or if you land on (or are hit into) the ground, or grab an edge. As you can see in the last fox clip, doing other moves or getting hit doesn't reset the flag though. There are some other moves that are a bit trickier, like mario/doc/luigi's down-B I believe.
Raistlin had a tournament match with Bob$, the second match he counter-picked Brinstar, and on the last stock Bob$ was Marth, charging a neutral B on a sleeping jigglypuff, hit the shield, slid off, and got killed at 0% from the lava. Special thanks to Raistlin for describing the situation to me so I could explore this with others in our room at the Ramada (Shielding by HarrietTheGuy, and input from RockCrock, Rohins, DarkSonic, Raistlin, and UberIce).
The glitch was documented in the video boards (link above) almost more than a year ago, but I believe no serious discussion was set forth from it, so I inquire you, community, should this stage stay legal, knowing that a glitch like this exists on it, killing you at any percentage? Ultimately, should Brinstar stay legal? Thanks.