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Brawler's Brawl in Florida

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HRNUT (Honey Roasted)

Smash Master
May 19, 2008
Orlando Florida
Wow, you guys should calm down. I just find it funny that the Marth mains I know (besides Chazlie) call themselves Marth "mains" even though they tend to rarely use Marth. This all goes back to HRNUT telling me he wanted to be known for his Marth more than any other character. He's known for his Snake (or random characters) now, if anything, and not Marth (at least to me). Inui is a Marth "main," but I saw him using Snake and D3 more than his Marth. I just point out what I find funny. I'm not a Wario main anymore and I don't call myself one. I don't care what character people main or secondary or even use. It's just funny to say you main a character that isn't your "favorite tool" in most matchups. No johns. Get over yourselves. Reflex is a god among men. Everyone else "loves" everyone else.

ask any non snake/metaknight about my marth and see what you get, if you pay attention i only play him in gay matches, have you ever seen me play snake against a wario, falco, ike, lucario, or any other character, i always go in with my main if its a good matchup, if you played a character with several bad matchups you'd understand? oh yeah your a tier *****, and just because i don't use him in every unfair match (marth v mk) doesn't mean that he's not my favorite tool, don't you remember when i pulled him out in that house tourney vs. you, i believe it was a 2 stock 12% damage...so stop johning


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
point being, nick can use whoever he wants, and you or no one else has room to get mad at him for doing it. Especially when you were probably the earliest or 2nd earliest in all brawl tourney-goers to completely change mains (i think you changed after afro possibly). And im not mad at you or afro for doing it, but its pretty hypocritical to seem upset about it when others use different characters. So, why do you care so much?

maybe you only care when people who can beat you do it? I doubt you'd give a crap if some scrub you knew sucked changed mains to beat MKs. But someone who is almost even with you with their mains in a terrible matchup picks up a secondary to beat you, and all hell breaks loose. I just find it dumb that you personally keep bringing it up in completely different conversations (this is a thread about rock beating up phanna..and somehow you brought this up? >.> )

and word to the wise, i dont hate gmoney, nor do i bear any grudge against him. If i saw him in person right now, i'd probably still say the same stupid funny stuff i always say to him. It just ticks me off when people do stuff like this :laugh:


Smash Champion
Nov 24, 2006
Orlando, FL(UCF) truuuu
Gmoney stop being a hypocrite, you did the same thing. Hrnut has every right to do whatever the hell he feels like doing especially if he's winning as he does, you are in no position to dictate or criticize his actions when he picks a character in a tourney. If anything, he should get props for being able to use the amount of characters that he does (and win with them).


Smash Hero
Jan 6, 2005
Orlando, FL
ok peace.

wait your actually gonna play melee? good ****.
hrnut is actually a pretty good melee marth. I think he'd at least hold his own in a tourney (like, midway in the placings)

Gmoney stop being a hypocrite, you did the same thing. Hrnut has every right to do whatever the hell he feels like doing especially if he's winning as he does, you are in no position to dictate or criticize his actions when he picks a character in a tourney. If anything, he should get props for being able to use the amount of characters that he does (and win with them).

otruuuuuuuuuu coming thruuuuuuuuu with the truuuuuuuuuuuuuth

diddy kong approves this message


Smash Ace
Dec 19, 2007
Jacksonville, FL (UNF) Location: Tavares, FL
My original post was far more directed towards Inui than anyone else (thanks, HRNUT, for having a huge ego after making number 9). I saw him using Snake and D3 far more than his Marth at fast1. I simply find the situation funny. This has nothing to do with what character a person plays just the notion of a "main." People can and will play whoever. That's a given and totally respectable, but it's kinda silly to say you "main" a character that you don't primarily use (more towards Inui). It'd be like me calling myself a Wario main. I simply find it funny. Take **** less seriously, folks. Stop putting words in my mouth and garbaging up this thread. For every line of bull**** that I've posted here, you guys have posted c0ck-sized paragraphs.

So, how about that RockCrock version of this splendid tale of brawlery?

C@sH Mooney

Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
Probably playing TF2.
hrnut is actually a pretty good melee marth. I think he'd at least hold his own in a tourney (like, midway in the placings)
Yeah hes good he just needs to practice more and he'd be a beast at melee too. I teamed with him in some friendlies and wrecked. HE JUST KILLS HIS TEAM MATES TOO MUCH AMIRTE HRNUT

why does everyone want to hear rocks side of the story? honestly, it's really none of any of our concerns.

So, how about that RockCrock version of this splendid tale of brawlery?
Its none of our concerns and never will be. Just because phanna posted this doesn't make it our business.

HRNUT (Honey Roasted)

Smash Master
May 19, 2008
Orlando Florida
Yeah hes good he just needs to practice more and he'd be a beast at melee too. I teamed with him in some friendlies and wrecked. HE JUST KILLS HIS TEAM MATES TOO MUCH AMIRTE HRNUT

Its none of our concerns and never will be. Just because phanna posted this doesn't make it our business.
yeah, thats cuz i got brawl-itis, he's so technical doesn't exist anymore lol, now its ****, i tried to l canceled or ****, wavedash lol

HRNUT (Honey Roasted)

Smash Master
May 19, 2008
Orlando Florida
Gmoney sucks...now get mad so we can all laugh...lol, its alright g$ you lost this arguement and why the hell are you worried about inui he lives in jersey, you can try to bs and say that it wasn't directed towards me but your argument would be really dumb if you're talking about him since he lives so far away, and i could care less about the PRs now, your the one that takes everything said seriously, u keep bringing up the PRs and how i am acting cocky when you of all people are one of the cockiest in the community, okay gmoney can press a reb button well now he's considered pro, funny how since everyone has found a way around that tornado you've been placing a steady 9th/13th place, except when you get a garbanzo bracket. And after looking at the bracket from last saturdays tourney you said that polmex didn't beat anyone noteable except fearless...just who did you beat that was noteable with your god tier character....oh yeah, no one, you got wrecked by tommy G and Lambchops two people who are lower on the PRs than you lol (see what i did) :laugh:


Smash Lord
Apr 13, 2008
Miami, FL
It just ticks me off when people do stuff like this :laugh:
That's funny, I find it more embarrassing than anything.

I personally believe that at this stage in the games competitive development (at least) that people are going to nearly NEED secondary characters for match ups. So, HRnut, keep on keepin' on.

Geoff, seriously, close the tab for like, a day. Don't make me hate seeing you this weekend.

HRNUT (Honey Roasted)

Smash Master
May 19, 2008
Orlando Florida
That's funny, I find it more embarrassing than anything.

I personally believe that at this stage in the games competitive development (at least) that people are going to nearly NEED secondary characters for match ups. So, HRnut, keep on keepin' on.
Geoff, seriously, close the tab for like, a day. Don't make me hate seeing you this weekend.
thanks for that ginger...


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec

This thread is fvckin ******** gratz idiots on somehow turning this thread into complete garbage, arguing about something as fvckin stupid as what character someone mains.

C@sH Mooney

Smash Master
Apr 4, 2007
Probably playing TF2.
106 other people are going for brawl at evo this year including myself.

Notable players include ken, justinwong, manacloud, Wes(samus wes), and sk62(best falco in CA). I'm just now finding out only top two make it out of pools, which is ********.

wish me luck? ;>_>


Smash Master
May 18, 2008
Cave of Olmec
Yay for a completely ******** tournament no one gives a fvck about, in a thread thats been driven so far off topic its pathetic.

Close this thread someone.

HRNUT (Honey Roasted)

Smash Master
May 19, 2008
Orlando Florida
that wasn't directed towards you only, the sad face was for you and the :laugh: was for a hilarious person...you know who you are...florida is really good (top tier) at ruining threads, sorry fro thats just what we do in florida ;)
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