Dirty camper
True, a poll for something like this might be a little extreme, especially given how some people will very likely not give up the terms they've been using regardless of what happens. I couldn't agree more in that people are going to call things what they want to call them.Hrrrrm, I mostly agree with leafgreen, but I think polling for name-acceptance would be a terrible idea. Then again, I think when this list of "official names" goes public, it will be the laughing stock of SWF.
Like, back when I played pokemon, I consistently referred to some things as their original japanese translations because I thought the english names were stupid. People knew what I meant (usually), and when they didn't, it didn't take long to explain it. People had already been using these names to refer to things for several months before the release of the 4th gen games (diamond and pearl), and it did take some time for most people to adjust to the english translations.
Basically, we're going to need to realize that regardless of what we appoint as the names, some people will still use what they've been using. We can encourage people to use our terms over the old ones, but it isn't necessarily going to happen. For something like the running/dashing usmash problem, making them both "official" terms will suffice, and it's also more likely that more people would switch over from the "hyphen smash" term to one of these rather than had we only instated one (actually, probably not, but I still think giving people the choice between two equally good terms is the best plan of action). Although I don't know why people like the "hyphen smash" term to begin with >_>
A compendium is going to need to include the old terms as well, regardless of whether the new ones are accepted or not. Sure, they would say "an outdated term meaning blah blah blah, for which the proper term is now <blank>," but they would still need to be included.
Anyway, since we're revisiting the DACUS sitation again, I guess I'll state that I do support leaving the DACUS as the DACUS, but not the DLXHC as the DLXHC. And although DACUS technically encompasses this term as well, a distinguishing term such as DAHCUS would be useful (not so much for conversation irl, though, so perhaps something else would be better). Perhaps something like a "full connect DACUS," or further abbreviated to "FC DACUS" could be used for the DLXHC. Just throwing out ideas, here.
Actually, now that I think about it, I've also seen the DLXHC called the "gatling combo," a term I believe was taken from more traditional fighters for something very similar - canceling one move mid animation into another.
And I completely agree with colin about the DI/AC thing. Honestly, I hadn't even heard the term "air control" until a few months ago due to most smashers calling it DI by habit. Getting people to switch over to "drift" is definitely something that will help clarity immensely in the future.