I would just like to take the time to say something that we really don't see at all from all of the Workshop regulars.
Thank you so much for this project, what it has done for us in the Smash community, the hacking community, and for the hours of fun this game has given me since I first picked up Brawl+.
I've been following Brawl+ since the Melee airdodge code first came out. I was here when Smashboards created the Workshop just for us, and I'm still here and faithful. Now I'm not going to look through the about 750 posts of mine, but I've probably only said thank you once; for all I know I never said thank you. Quite frankly, when I realize this it kind of disgusts me. I feel horrible for how much we have taken for granted.
We see so much talk about buffs and nerfs to every sort of character that we forget the point of Brawl+. Viability is not being great, and being able to beat characters that can abuse your natural weaknesses. Viability is being able to use a character in a tournament setting if enough effort is put into that character. Just because your character has poor range and characters like Marth, MK and G&W can abuse the lack of range doesn't mean the character needs nerfs or buffs, especially when your character performs very well once they find an opening. (yeah I do have a specific character in mind there) Maybe you would be better off with a secondary like Snake who has long range, and amazing defenses against those types of characters. Tiers will always exist no matter what. Just accept the fact that you may be stuck with a lower end character, and know that other characters may have an easier time than you. It's just a fact of fighting games. At the very least, give matchups a time to develop before going crazy about your character needing anything.
Let's look at this thread alone. Over 550 pages, and almost 8300 posts. Again, I'm not going to bother looking through so much content, but most of it is probably fairly similar comments. By that I mean stuff like "The WBR is ******** for these changes! I don't realize this is all for test purposes, and instead of posting constructive criticism I will just ***** and moan about it. Why the hell would they even put this in here? These changes have not been thought out in the least bit! I'm not going to give the change any time to settle in, nor am I going to learn how to play with it. Change is bad, I'm right, so change it now. Character X needs buffs! Character Y needs nerfs! Oh, and by the way, once you do something to Character X and Character Y I will just ***** and moan about those changes too!"
Maybe I got a little off topic from what I really wanted to say (okay, not maybe... I did) so I'm going to just get back to that. To everyone working behind the scenes to make Brawl+ the best project it can be, I give you my sincerest thanks.
The coders who made the project possible in the first place, Phantom Wings, Spunit, Almas, Paprika Killer, Y.S, and anyone that may have slipped my mind: without all of your combined drive to see how far hacking Brawl could reach we wouldn't be here today. Everything from the hitstun codes, character specific changes, default settings, move modifiers, file replacement, etc. have driven this game to be by far the most hacked console game out there. That's not a small achievement by any standard.
The WBR who actually took the time to learn how these codes work, and put their free time into trying to please a stubborn community: many, many thanks. A lot of us here sit and complain about changes, and how things should be done, codes that should be made and so on and so forth. I'm sure most of those people don't realize that it isn't so easy. You guys have to sit down and find move data, then find the perfect values for the moves. I know myself that if I sat down with the codes that I would be lost. I can change the KB angle of a move, maybe the damage it does, if I really wanted to challenge myself I could do simple frame data but nothing on the scale those in the WBR had to do. It's one of those things where you have to say "okay, do it yourself if you know better" to see where the WBR is coming from. They have a big number of people to please, and they have to deal with a whole lot of crap from the very people they try to appease. Put yourself in their shoes before you *****, and imagine the stress we put them under.
I have had so much fun playing this game, and it is all thanks to the WBR and their work with the Plussery. Everyone in the WBR and the coders who gave us the tools to make this game deserves a huge pat on the back, because they outdid themselves. We may not agree with every decision the WBR makes, but I know we can be more civilized about our criticism. They certainly have earned the right to constructive criticism instead of the rather harsh tone many of us give.