I don't like the philosophy the WBR has therefore I decided to post my feelings because I feel it should be done my way. Despite the fact that I don't go to tourneys and don't see how these changes effect anything, I feel that I am right in saying we should remove stuff that some characters need because I don't like it. Basically, I feel the WBR is wrong in their decisions and I should be heard.
Is that what you're saying? Yeah, that's what it sounds like you're saying.
Meta Knight wasn't nerfed a "smidge". When you combine ALL the nerfs to him, it really amounts to a lot. First off, the Shuttle Loop nerf hurts him being able to kill with a quick and easy move that combos in the air. Dsmash being nerfed forces him to actually use a much slower kill move and forces him to actually
space where as before he could just sit there and Dsmash all day, no skill at all, EZ mode. Next, his Dtilt nerf hurts a bit of his pressure game and his Dthrow nerf stops easy techchases PLUS hurts his options from throws, it was a really good throw that needed to lose most of its easy pass techchases.
What else did we do... there's a lot more than that. Oh yeah the 'nado nerf stops him from constantly using 'nado and getting away with it AND his specials are now actually punishable when he goes into fall special! All of these things lump into one giant thing and are
the best nerfs to give him
without making him feel like he isn't himself. MK actually has to work for his kills, gimp, use Fsmash! He can't simply spam SL or Dsmash all day.
If you think this isn't enough for MK, then what you want is him to be crippled to the point where he is not who he is supposed to be. And that is the
wrong way to balance a character.
Complaining about Ganondorf down B reset and Yoshi Side B reset? They fix what their problem is, predictable recoveries, it doesn't completely rid them of ****ty recoveries! It just varies them a bit, especially considering that without down B reset Ganondorf doesn't get much benefit from the Up B momentum code, if any at all.
Some characters need help in recovery, Ness is someone with a terrible recovery, we addressed that for awhile then realized we could do something better without completely removing a weakness to his Up B. Although the infinite PKT1 was
very good, so are the current changes to what he can do to recover back to the stage, again
more variance.
We nerfed Marth but at the same time buffed him in other ways to promote a style that doesn't make him way 2gud in certain match-ups but in others he may do better than he did before. Fox, we technically nerfed him by giving him more depth at the cost of an easy pass Dair. Meta Knight, we got rid of his potent KO moves and toned down a move that
distorted match-ups pretty **** well (meaning they were centered around the tornado). One of those match-ups being DK, who can get constantly trapped in it if the MK follows his DI. We nerfed Wario's Dthrow, getting rid of his CG, we nerfed Pikachu, getting of his Dthrow CG... that's
already most of the top 10 characters people consider top 10! And you think that, we're going overboard with buffs?
There's a point where you shouldn't nerf a character where they do not feel right. MK has gotten well a good deal amount of nerfs. Because of that quantity, there is a stigma against playing him! So there's no real way to know if he's top or if he's second (though of course we believe he is still top due to combos and such but, that's a different discussion). The point is, we basically agreed a long time ago that we would not nerf MK to the point where we would
have to reduce the range of his moves (which is probably what you want us to do) or remove his transcendent priority (which in a way could actually buff him, because that would allow him to clank with projectiles... which is a current weakness to MK).
You don't understand why we do things like this, which is why you feel this way. I am severely annoyed with you right now for thinking that MK hasn't gotten enough nerfs. He was the
very first character we ever did
anything to with frame speed mod and hitbox property mod and you
still think he needs nerfing?
Matt2358 said:
You're only agreeing with him because you want Lucas Zair and hate all the Zelda changes. You annoy me with your constant Lucas needing **** and I'm tired of it. It makes me want to support Lucas Zair less and less. I'm actually OKAY with it FYI but, if you're going to continue to whine and moan about not getting what you want then you may as well not get it at all. You're not even giving distinct reasons why he needs it or what match-ups it helps him in, no evidence
at all to push for it.
Severely annoying but, I responded anyway.