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Brawl+ - Official 5.0 RC1 Build is now online! (Re-Use Autoupdater, Snake bug fixed)

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Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
lol the Ness thing, im mixed, it helps but at the same time, makes his recovery less about skill and more about realizing that you can try again.

-upon using Ivy to find a weakness I found another buff. He can spam razor leaf like no 2morow. omg why?


Smash Ace
Feb 3, 2008
Hong Kong
Ivy's whip always have electric properties.
And Ness can only up b multiple times without launching himself. Otherwise he will go into special fall. Without this change he is gimped too easily; cancel out the pkt and ness is dead.


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
Ivy's whip always have electric properties.
And Ness can only up b multiple times without launching himself. Otherwise he will go into special fall. Without this change he is gimped too easily; cancel out the pkt and ness is dead.
yea ness' recovery is fine to me. ivysaur is the real gay looking stupid recovery that should go back to the way it is. my friend's a pt main in vbrawl and at times he could still recover, and now in b+ with recovery buffs, its like his ivysaur is on steroids now.


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
In that case, (this is a request btw) wwhy not make Lucas able to move after using PK Freeze in the air?


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
In that case, (this is a request btw) wwhy not make Lucas able to move after using PK Freeze in the air?
Yeah, this should be for both ness and lucas since zelda got it. Or at least make it so they can only use it once in the air, but don't go into freefall.


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
Its things like this that get overlooked >_> But then characters that dont need buffs get them (falco, ivy to some extent doesnt need multiple upB. Maybe if Ivy just didnt go into freefall and could still move, sorta like lucario's new upB. Can attack out of it but cant use it again. <--- consider?)


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
Its things like this that get overlooked >_> But then characters that dont need buffs get them (falco, ivy to some extent doesnt need multiple upB. Maybe if Ivy just didnt go into freefall and could still move, sorta like lucario's new upB. Can attack out of it but cant use it again. <--- consider?)
yeah i agree with this guy yet again. :laugh: i know ivysaur mains who use upb on stage and this would help because they'd still be able to follow up instead of remaining as vulnerable which ultimately slows the game down while people fast fall to punish ivy for using upb on stage. Just one mid air-no freefall up b is a good buff. But please, look at less characters that need a little umph. (nesstoonlinkz)


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
yeah i agree with this guy yet again. :laugh: i know ivysaur mains who use upb on stage and this would help because they'd still be able to follow up instead of remaining as vulnerable which ultimately slows the game down while people fast fall to punish ivy for using upb on stage. Just one mid air-no freefall up b is a good buff. But please, look at less characters that need a little umph. (nesstoonlinkz)
Lol I make the most sense when im sick, go figure eh?
Toon Link tho.....need to play him more to see if he really needs help.
Ness, right now to me is beyond helping without breaking something lol oh and Ness also needs to be able to move after using pk flash off-stage. IMO its not really that good of a move off-stage unless someone is silly enough to hold on to the ledge while Ness is floating away doing pk flash.


Smash Hero
May 28, 2004
Project MD
oh and Ness also needs to be able to move after using pk flash off-stage. IMO its not really that good of a move off-stage unless someone is silly enough to hold on to the ledge while Ness is floating away doing pk flash.
Why does it need to be? It's a dumb move and he shouldn't be using it offstage anyway.

Every move doesn't need to be useful. Just from the design of PK Flash, it will never be more than an extremely situational move at best. If Ness needs a buff, we should improve the moves he has that actually matter.


Smash Hero
Nov 17, 2005
I dont think toon link needs any help whatsoever, he seems to play great.

Yingyay, your idea about not multiple upB's is a lot easier said than done. Lucario's works because he has a built in mechanic in game to limit it to only 1 upB. We don't have the capability of introducing that mechanic as of yet.

Also, Ivy's >B is cancelable with a jab, and given his ease of gimping (hint: when he upB's there is more than enough lag to ledge drop bair instead of just trying to rehog), thats why they come out so fast right now.....


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
I think significant changes and gravity testing should be held off until after Beyond the Limit. I think it would be best for everyone if the set used at BtL was minimally changed from the 5-8 release (the one used at Apex).
Dont get that one. Get a later set so your grand finalists stop getting FD'd.

Will there be any work being done on the random factors on some characters?
GW's side-b, Peach's vegetable and DDD's side-b (especially GW's) are too random imo, maybe we should do something on them. I remember seeing a code which makes GW always use 9 for his side b. Maybe we can make him always use 6 (the fire one) or make every number usable but not too overpowered like the 9 one.
For peach she has a chance of picking up a turnip which deals 36%, which I think is too strong(that's a Falcon Punch), some treaks can be done to it.
DDD's is obvious... randomly throwing out Gordos is not good, at least imo. Maybe we can make he can choose to attack with gordos when he holds down B, but when he does it it has more winddown... I don't know if its even possible, but I GW's and Peach's can be worked on at this moment. We removed tripping and items, why not eliminate any randomness in brawl?
....What. Really? 9 isnt even overpowered. It doesnt kill 100% of the time either The chances of it coming out are 1 out of 9 to 1 out of 7.

Peach's stichface is hardcore pain, but first, you have to pluck it, and you have to actually HIT with it. If you miss, they CAN grab it and use it against you. Are you going to complain about Mr. Saturn which is THE shield breaker?

D3 gordo's are slow as hell, and do not kill every time, and they're reflectable.

-Sonic's Dsmash is still too spamable. sure he has no priority, but its too safe for a smash attack. And now that it has increased knockback from previous B+ sets its a little too good.
Not really that spammable. :/ It has 150% lag at the end.

There's just one thing that bothers me. Why the hell did you guys make it so Ness can do UpB multiple times? It is completely unnecessary and I hope it is one of the changes that gets removed.
He can only do PK1 multiple time. PKT2 only happens once. And you're a mario main, so I KNOW you know how easy it is for us to gimp ness.


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
I dont think toon link needs any help whatsoever, he seems to play great.

Yingyay, your idea about not multiple upB's is a lot easier said than done. Lucario's works because he has a built in mechanic in game to limit it to only 1 upB. We don't have the capability of introducing that mechanic as of yet.

Also, Ivy's >B is cancelable with a jab, and given his ease of gimping (hint: when he upB's there is more than enough lag to ledge drop bair instead of just trying to rehog), thats why they come out so fast right now.....
@the non-multiple upB, I thought you guys found a code that enabled that sorry bout that. But it was worth a try.
There are characters that can bair ivy safely and not risk destroying themselves (all of my mains surprisingly) then there are others that have to resort to just smacking the **** outta ivy to take em out.

@JCaesar007 Never said it needed a use. But maybe one can be found by adding this, you never know.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2003
Storrs, Connecticut
Yes it is easy to gimp Ness, but that's just the way it's always since every game. Not only that, but this doesn't really improve Ness's recovery, it just makes it take a lot longer to eventually edgeguard him and kill him. The only thing that will happen is that you'll just have to hit Ness a lot more times and it's time wasting and irritating. And now the only real way that Ness can die by edgeguarding is by knocking him at just far enough that you can edgehog him or making him hit the side death boundary. This doesn't even really help Ness's recovery, because all it does is instead of Ness being gimped at low percentages, it makes it so that he just keeps getting hit/edgeguarded/gimped off the stage until he gains enough damage to be killed.

So tell me once again, why is this necessary? Because no one knows how to play as Ness and are therefore whining about getting edgeguarded because they don't know how to avoid it?


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
Yes it is easy to gimp Ness, but that's just the way it's always since every game. Not only that, but this doesn't really improve Ness's recovery, it just makes it take a lot longer to eventually edgeguard him and kill him. The only thing that will happen is that you'll just have to hit Ness a lot more times and it's time wasting and irritating. And now the only real way that Ness can die by edgeguarding is by knocking him at just far enough that you can edgehog him or making him hit the side death boundary. This doesn't even really help Ness's recovery, because all it does is instead of Ness being gimped at low percentages, it makes it so that he just keeps getting hit/edgeguarded/gimped off the stage until he gains enough damage to be killed.

So tell me once again, why is this necessary? Because no one knows how to play as Ness and are therefore whining about getting edgeguarded because they don't know how to avoid it?
^ kinda has a point. If you really think about it.


Smash Lord
Oct 31, 2008
to say that ness/lucas should go into free fall because not every move needs to be useful while zelda's useful move (forward b) is MORE useful since it can be used in air multiple times while we ask for it to be used once is STUPID.


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
^ valid point as well.
Ness technically doesnt need more than one upB but at the same time why not have it?
If a move doesnt have a use, why not give it one anyway and make that move less of a burden?


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2003
Storrs, Connecticut
Except that Ness's upB already has a use, and it's recovering. And I already told you how it doesn't even help Ness's recovery. Why bother adding in a huge change when it's completely unnecessary? If anything Ness needs a buff on his actual attacks, not his recovery.

Ness's recovery is always doomed to suck. Unless you're doing something like increasing the length of PKT2, leave Ness's upB alone.


Smash Lord
Nov 9, 2006
irvine, CA
i 100% agree with fireblaster. the upB change just holds the hands of bad players. when you choose a character, you need to work around their weaknesses. and ness' recovery is one them, and will be one of them forever. i've asked a ness main from vbrawl, and a few pro smash64 players and they all agree that the ness player deserves to die.

i would MUCH rather have ness' bat made stronger, or something. the upB buff doesn't help diversify ness, it just makes him live longer.. which, btw, is a very common theme among people who play characters that aren't as widely used as others. recovery buffs is the last thing you should be asking for in a game like brawl+, the game is about risk reward, and without that risk.. this game just becomes stale and boring.

plussery: please, listen. bad players will always complain about nerfs, and always cry for buffs for things they can't deal with. you just need to learn who to listen to and who not to. people here will complain about everything up and down, and you guys really need to put ur foot down and man up, and realize that some of these guys just don't know what they're talking about.


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
i 100% agree with fireblaster. the upB change just holds the hands of bad players. when you choose a character, you need to work around their weaknesses. and ness' recovery is one them, and will be one of them forever. i've asked a ness main from vbrawl, and a few pro smash64 players and they all agree that the ness player deserves to die.

i would MUCH rather have ness' bat made stronger, or something. the upB buff doesn't help diversify ness, it just makes him live longer.. which, btw, is a very common theme among people who play characters that aren't as widely used as others. recovery buffs is the last thing you should be asking for in a game like brawl+, the game is about risk reward, and without that risk.. this game just becomes stale and boring.

plussery: please, listen. bad players will always complain about nerfs, and always cry for buffs for things they can't deal with. you just need to learn who to listen to and who not to. people here will complain about everything up and down, and you guys really need to put ur foot down and man up, and realize that some of these guys just don't know what they're talking about.
Im convinvced, this person has convinced me to disagree with the Ness buff. A bat buff is more useful honestly. Yoshi's dont complain about being footstooled outta life. Its something that if they really want to use that character, they have to work around. Same should apply to Ness. Im still for the idea of using PK flash/freeze off-stage tho


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
So I had like 8 multiquotes lined up and realized it was excessive. I guess I'm the most vocal proponent of keeping Ness's multiple-upB IN. I really can't understand where all this negativity is coming from [but only because I'm a nice guy who doesn't see the value in calling people scrubs who can't learn to edgeguard properly or understand the fact that sometimes, things need to be a little challenging..you know, like using Ness at a high level >_>]

Some other points people may not think about:

-what if you're on teams with a Ness and you get hit into his PKT1? He should die for that?

-what if you're Ness and a Shy Guy or the Support Ghost comes out of nowhere eating your PKT? You should lose a stock and maybe a match because of ****ing stage elements just being there???

-what if...idunno, you're on Frigate and you couldn't avoid being offstage when the alarm goes off and you're forced to PKT right as it's about to flip...but the stage eats your PKT...shouldn't the Ness at least have the option to..you know...recover?!?!

-on Frigate still, you put yourself in a position where you know the stage won't take your upB as it transforms, but then the new transformation has a sliding platform that takes it out of nowhere. @#$@$%#$@%#!

I don't know about you but all of that's some infuriating and unfair ****. Call me a crybaby, I don't care. It's just not right and seriously don't give me that crap about it "requiring skill" to recover with Ness. Of COURSE it does. That doesn't change the fact that a) any of those scenarios that I listed above can happen to pros and scrubs, alike and b) a good player can judge the recovery pattern pretty easily [usually] and simply put themselves in a place where the PKT1 will hit them.

I've mained Ness on a pro/semi-pro level in Melee and played him enough in Brawl though I didn't bother maining him in Brawl when I saw his recovery was actually worse than before [specifically his PKT2 being shortened dramatically as a "reward" for hitting someone with it just because it kills at such low damage] so I'd like to think I have some credibility.

edit: PK Flash/Freeze should stay the way they are...or at least maybe they can only use it once but they don't go into freefall...but really, you should know better than to put yourself in a position where you'd be off stage doing Flash/Freeze


Smash Rookie
May 13, 2009
is it possible to put links super jump into brawl? i now its not a competitive move its just something fun i enjoyed from melee


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
So I had like 8 multiquotes lined up and realized it was excessive. I guess I'm the most vocal proponent of keeping Ness's multiple-upB IN. I really can't understand where all this negativity is coming from [but only because I'm a nice guy who doesn't see the value in calling people scrubs who can't learn to edgeguard properly or understand the fact that sometimes, things need to be a little challenging..you know, like using Ness at a high level >_>]

Some other points people may not think about:

-what if you're on teams with a Ness and you get hit into his PKT1? He should die for that?

-what if you're Ness and a Shy Guy or the Support Ghost comes out of nowhere eating your PKT? You should lose a stock and maybe a match because of ****ing stage elements just being there???

-what if...idunno, you're on Frigate and you couldn't avoid being offstage when the alarm goes off and you're forced to PKT right as it's about to flip...but the stage eats your PKT...shouldn't the Ness at least have the option to..you know...recover?!?!

-on Frigate still, you put yourself in a position where you know the stage won't take your upB as it transforms, but then the new transformation has a sliding platform that takes it out of nowhere. @#$@$%#$@%#!

I don't know about you but all of that's some infuriating and unfair ****. Call me a crybaby, I don't care. It's just not right and seriously don't give me that crap about it "requiring skill" to recover with Ness. Of COURSE it does. That doesn't change the fact that a) any of those scenarios that I listed above can happen to pros and scrubs, alike and b) a good player can judge the recovery pattern pretty easily [usually] and simply put themselves in a place where the PKT1 will hit them.

I've mained Ness on a pro/semi-pro level in Melee and played him enough in Brawl though I didn't bother maining him in Brawl when I saw his recovery was actually worse than before [specifically his PKT2 being shortened dramatically as a "reward" for hitting someone with it just because it kills at such low damage] so I'd like to think I have some credibility.

edit: PK Flash/Freeze should stay the way they are...or at least maybe they can only use it once but they don't go into freefall...but really, you should know better than to put yourself in a position where you'd be off stage doing Flash/Freeze
Check it out tho, if youre under frigate and the stage eats your pkt1, the only way you could recover again is if you move away from the stage while falling down to your doom, by then if your opponent is paying attention, they wouldve thought of a way to gimp you.
-the shy guy thing.....yea i happens it sucks kinda why i stay away from the stage at times.
-Team matches always will have that wtf factor in it. Its you and your team-mates job to make sure that you dont gimp each other. Ike cant just go around thrown fsmashes out because his partner might get thrown into it.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 9, 2008
i 100% agree with fireblaster. the upB change just holds the hands of bad players. when you choose a character, you need to work around their weaknesses.
I think that's a valid point. However, the plussery keeps buffing some character weakness. Like Lucario's recovery, Zelda's recovery or Yoshi's shield.

Yep, I'm not claiming they should be removed, but I seems rather funny to me to see "it's a character weekness" used as an excuse.

Also, I don't think Ness needs multiple upB. Pointless IMHO if it is as punishable as it is now.
Zelda's sideB not going into freefall it's also unneeded. You won't be using this attack too much if you're offstage anyways, and if you jump and kill urself because of a bad timed sideB, that's your fault.


Smash Ace
Feb 3, 2008
Hong Kong
PK Flash/Freeze should stay the way they are...or at least maybe they can only use it once but they don't go into freefall...but really, you should know better than to put yourself in a position where you'd be off stage doing Flash/Freeze
I thought that it was changed because it is not a recovery move at all, so they shouldn't enter freefall for using that attack in the air. Same case for DK punch. With this change they have one more option while off stage. While adding a option for them is necessary or not is another story, I really don't think they should go into freefall when the move doesn't help their recovery, unless the move will become too good when used off stage.


Smash Lord
Nov 9, 2006
irvine, CA
what i am concerned about is that the sense of risk reward is maintained. every recovery we buff makes the game that much more watered down. think about it. if you are off stage, you put yourself in a very, very dangerous position.. and it should show. every character deals with off stage situations differently, and everytime you make recovering easier you not only lower the risk factor of the character, matches will last longer, but you are babying the player. you aren't promoting thoughtful playing, but you are planting the seed of "hey, i just got screwed over here; maybe i can go on the forums and ask for my recovery to be buffed."

and that's always fun.


Dec 18, 2003
Olympia, WA
Couldn't some minor recovery buffs (Mainly just gimp resistors) be considered compensation for characters with already poor recoveries that were affected by the gravity changes?

Just saying.


Smash Hero
Nov 3, 2006
Norfolk/Virginia Beach, VA - IT'S SOVA, BABY! &lt;
Am I taking crazy pills?!?!?

It's pretty clear that I'm the only person in this argument who even knows how to use Ness.

LMAO wow @ "teams always has that wtf factor" and the Ike example...yeah I can't just go around off stage spamming my horrible recovery as I please >_>

I don't want to throw insults around this thread because I don't know any of you and I don't really follow people's "reputations".

I'm just kindly asking that people trust me when I say that I have the knowledge and experience to be a credible analyst of this property. Call it pointless because you can't seem to find the value in it, but there are a LOT of players out there who do.


Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2008
Due to the way the game is and how the characters were made, buffing recoveries does go towards the less skilled players. One examples from my opinion.

Before Buff- grabing the edge on time is one thing. there you successfully gimped ivysaur. If the Ivysaur was good then they would wait for the opponent to grab the edge first then attack causing a stage spike or making the opponent flee from the edge, now its free.
After Buff: You've succesfully knocked Ivy off, the Ivy spams upB till you get off or get stage spiked.

@Toasty. ok maybe the team example i gave wasnt the best, but still. Ness's recovery has always been that way, why change it now? Plus for your information I used to play Ness in melee and a bit in vBrawl so I know how hard it is to recover with Ness, which is why you avoid that situation as much as possible.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2003
Storrs, Connecticut
Am I taking crazy pills?!?!?

It's pretty clear that I'm the only person in this argument who even knows how to use Ness.

LMAO wow @ "teams always has that wtf factor" and the Ike example...yeah I can't just go around off stage spamming my horrible recovery as I please >_>

I don't want to throw insults around this thread because I don't know any of you and I don't really follow people's "reputations".

I'm just kindly asking that people trust me when I say that I have the knowledge and experience to be a credible analyst of this property. Call it pointless because you can't seem to find the value in it, but there are a LOT of players out there who do.
Analyze this. In SSB64 Ness had one of, if not the, worst recoveries in the game. In that game, Ness off the stage TRULY meant Ness was dead. And yet, most people consider him middle to high tier (ignore the ssb64 tier list, it's incredibly outdated). And samus, who most players consider the worst character in ssb64, has a far better recovery than Ness.

You might also want to keep in mind that the situations you described are very situational. Frigate screws over a lot of characters and players, not just your precious Ness. And even then, it's called "My characters sucks on this stage". It happens, that's why there such things called COUNTERPICKS, and they've existed since SSB64. Brawl+ is no exception.

Oh, and the teammate example is a terrible example. If you're constantly worried that your crappy teammate is gonna screw up your recovery, chances are there are worse problems with your team.

And so far, you haven't given any examples how this is different than what happened in Melee or SSB64. Yeah, people jump and block Ness's PKT1 by getting hit by it. Because that's how it was ****ing programmed into the game. Either accept it, or pick a new character.


Sega Stockholm Syndrome.
Aug 13, 2007
Before Buff- grabing the edge on time is one thing. there you successfully gimped ivysaur. If the Ivysaur was good then they would wait for the opponent to grab the edge first then attack causing a stage spike or making the opponent flee from the edge, now its free.
After Buff: You've succesfully knocked Ivy off, the Ivy spams upB till you get off or get stage spiked.
Which is why you use that insane amount of after-lag to time a ledge hop, or just drop down and smack Ivy away during lag. DURP DURP.

And dont forget to tech. If you're on the ledge and you can see the up B coming. Tech. If you're off the ledge, ivy will recover and so can you.

@Toasty. ok maybe the team example i gave wasnt the best, but still. Ness's recovery has always been that way, why change it now? Plus for your information I used to play Ness in melee and a bit in vBrawl so I know how hard it is to recover with Ness, which is why you avoid that situation as much as possible.
Are you using the "This character has been that way, why change it" arguement? You do realize we've changed how characters play now right? Not completely, but enough for you to notice a difference.

And how are you going to avoid getting knocked of a stage when your opponent is just as good or better than you? You dont. It's going to happen.

I'm not against or for the Ness Up B, but man. You've got some holes in your statements.


Smash Ace
Feb 3, 2008
Hong Kong
Actually, even when Ness doesn't go into special fall after pkt1, he will still likely be gimped if his PKT1 is blocked due to his horrible recovery.


Smash Lord
Jan 16, 2009
In space
Jiang, I can use that risk-reward argument against you.

Previously, there was NO risk in gimping Ness, all you had to do was fall into the PK thunder, and that was it. With this buff, there is now an actual risk in trying to gimp Ness. Instead of hitting the thunder, you have to hit HIM, and risk eating a PKT2, which could kill you. There's now an actual risk involved in trying to egdeguard Ness.

This buff wasn't meant to stop people from eating the PKT1 with fireballs, at least I don't think it was. It was meant to stop stupid **** from happening to it, like a stage randomly eating it, or someone FALLING INTO IT. It's for the latter reason tha Ike's side-b was also buffed, I believed.

As for Ness buffs, if the Up-B buff is to be taken away, I DEMAND that something be done about Ness's on-stage game. The fact that Lucas, a ground-based fighter, has better aerial mobility than Ness, an Aerial based fighter, irks me to no end. And so that I don't sound like I'm talking out of my ***, here are some suggestions.

Faster running speed (facilitates techchasing and helps ground game)
More momentum in jumps (better aerial movement)
Make fair useful, possibly increase damage (improves aerial game, especially with momentum)
lower shorthop to a point where sh dair AC's (improves shff game, preserves techchase game)
Make the bat more useful (improves ground game with DC fsmash)


Dec 18, 2003
Olympia, WA
Analyze this. In SSB64 Ness had one of, if not the, worst recoveries in the game.
Link says "Hi."

On a couple of stages, (Hyrule Castle) Ness's recovery was tolerable. Easily gimpable, but in a lot of situations, you could get low enough below the stage to make it not as easy to gimp you.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2003
Storrs, Connecticut
Link says "Hi."

On a couple of stages, (Hyrule Castle) Ness's recovery was tolerable. Easily gimpable, but in a lot of situations, you could get low enough below the stage to make it not as easy to gimp you.
Ness is far easier to gimp at 0% than Link. Not only that, but you can't just get "low enough" with Ness, you will eat a smash attack or get edgehogged.

Come back when you've played SSB64 against good players.


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2003
Storrs, Connecticut
Are you using the "This character has been that way, why change it" arguement? You do realize we've changed how characters play now right? Not completely, but enough for you to notice a difference.
Except that this is huge change that barely manages to accomplish anything. Ness was fine the way he was in EVERY SINGLE SMASH GAME BEFORE THIS. Who are you to decide that Ness needed this change?

And how are you going to avoid getting knocked of a stage when your opponent is just as good or better than you? You dont. It's going to happen.
Then you just try your hardest to stay at the center of the stage and not get thrown off. If you get thrown, then you just get edgeguarded and die, that's how Ness is played. If you think Ness's combat ability is not good enough to make up for his terrible recovery, then buff him in combat. Don't just give him an arbitrary recovery buff that doesn't even help his recovery against edgeguarders.


Smash Ace
Mar 21, 2008
Winter Park, FL
Analyze this...
Even as a Ness main, I'd have to agree that we shouldn't necessarily buff the upB *in that manner* just because it's his weakness. Are there not characters easier to gimp? Does Ness even need a buff in the first place? I personally think the Ness gimp is a unique way for people to strategize against him, and it's that kind of unique character distinction that should be preserved. Besides, I've seen a lot of people get killed trying to absorb the PKT, and there are less riskier gimps in the game already.

There are other ways to buff it if and only if Ness is in need of such a thing. Make it pass through projectiles and platforms, to prevent no-risk gimps and stage gimps respectively. That's just a thought off the top.

Having said that, a question about Lucario: I've heard is upB buff is the shiznit. It allows you to attack out of the end of it? How fast can this be done? Any vids?

And what is so ******** about Ivy's upB buff? I heard that was unecessary...


Smash Lord
Sep 17, 2003
Storrs, Connecticut
I love how toasty just puts up a flawed argument to why Ness needs this buff and then we show him why ness doesn't need it, he just ignores it and goes "lol u guys r dumb".


Smash Lord
Jan 16, 2009
In space
Sketch, name one character who can be gimped by you falling into their attack, causing them to die. Don't mention Ike, because his side-B was fixed.

And Ness is quite deserving of buffs, as he is a mediocre character compared to everyone else.

Also, toasty, what do you think of the buffs I suggested?

Also, Fireblaster, what is your rebuttal against my argument?
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