I'm glad that Pharrox used ColladaMax for his exporter/importer. basically 3dsmax gains a new version each year.. now up to max2010 O_O its actually more like the 20th version of max out there.
here's the main issue about that, each time a new max comes out, it releases a new SDK. plugins are then created around that specific "version" of 3dsmax. the developers of 3dsmax don't supply older SDK's (dev kits) because they want you to upgrade to the never version. its all about a money grab.. etc..
this is a problem because now, you MUST purchase a new version of 3dsmax, or like others are mentioning pirating (which you SHOULD NOT DO).
so Pharrox was cleaver in the sense he used a 3rdparty plugin "colladaMax" it's not commercially maintained, but it runs from max7, 8,2k8,9,2k9..etc
if he had used the commercial plugin from 3dsmax2010, that would suck because I've been growing my 3dsmax8 with expansion plugins, scripts etc... if I had to upgrade to 2010 well that would put a boot in my workflow. either way ColladaMax will widely beneifit MAX users..