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Brawl model extractor

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Smash Apprentice
Aug 22, 2009
I have a bud who is really good at modeling, he has been working for years with several 3D programs now.
So, that wouldn't be the problem lol


Smash Journeyman
Jan 1, 2008
This is taken from a job site.
For model makers:
* Starting salaries can be around £19,000 a year.
* Experienced model makers can earn between £23,000 and £30,000 or more.

UK £19,000 = $31,182.8 U.S. dollars
UK £ 30 000 = $49,236 U.S. dollars


Smash Champion
Aug 5, 2008
=P That's how I feel too. I mean, look at PSA. It isn't EXTREMELY user friendly, and the amount of junk that has been posted is pretty little. Most of the popular postings are characters using creative changes with people who understand what is going on.

=[ I wanna be a trusted person though...cause I'd like some Mewtwo love ;O!
Pretty little? What about the bulk of faster, stronger, fiery characters who are running about? They aren't exactly junk, but it does get old fast seeing brawl characters, only buffed up a bit with an element added onto them.

Then again PSA is pretty recent.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
>_> Model Designers/creators/builders get paid different amounts depending on a whole lot of variables. The guys making major PS3 titles with several thousand polygons are probably making ~$100,000 a year.

Also, modeling isn't as simple as opening up paint or photoshop and scribbling on a texture file until it works, its hard work, and it takes a while to do.

If you only want to make a model for "fun", then you better get a zoids/gundam/airplane model because that's probably the best you'll be able to manage without having to actually put work into learning how to do anything and you can go back to your busy life after.



Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2008
Austin, Texas
>_> Model Designers/creators/builders get paid different amounts depending on a whole lot of variables. The guys making major PS3 titles with several thousand polygons are probably making ~$100,000 a year.

Also, modeling isn't as simple as opening up paint or photoshop and scribbling on a texture file until it works, its hard work, and it takes a while to do.

If you only want to make a model for "fun", then you better get a zoids/gundam/airplane model because that's probably the best you'll be able to manage without having to actually put work into learning how to do anything and you can go back to your busy life after.

I believe this (All of it not just the money part). I don't doubt that SOME make six figures. However I am almost positive that MOST do not make six figures (which is what the other guy said, sorry bad with names).


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
I believe this (All of it not just the money part). I don't doubt that SOME make six figures. However I am almost positive that MOST do not make six figures (which is what the other guy said, sorry bad with names).
Oh, of course not...but you have to admit they're on average closer to the six than they are to $50,000...especially putting the animation industry in there[Pixar]...it is a pretty well paying craft.



Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2008
Austin, Texas
Oh, of course not...but you have to admit they're on average closer to the six than they are to $50,000...especially putting the animation industry in there[Pixar]...it is a pretty well paying craft.

Oh god, Pixar. Pixar is rolling in the dough. Low budget films that gross huge numbers. Yeah, those animators will be very well off.

Kaye Cruiser

Waveshocker Sigma
Aug 11, 2009
Switch FC
You don't really seem to understand, Kusanagi. If you're NOT knowledgeable about certain things, there's only three things you can do.

1) Become knowledgeable and put the time in to make something worthwhile.

2) Become somewhat knowledgeable yet lazy and steal models under copyright, endangering this project (IMO) and producing something not worth downloading which will only lead to immense confusion for netplay, etc.. (AKA a dozen poorly-done Roys as mentioned earlier, instead of 1 good Roy)

3) Nothing.

There is no easy way to make a model, Kusanagi. People get paid nearly a hundred thousand dollars a year on average to make models. It's an occupation for most people who know how to do it. It's like complaining that it's too hard for the average person to get a medicine approved by the FDA; most people don't know how to make medicine.

Anth0ny, Pharrox is planning on hacking animations too if I remember correctly. So it doesn't have to be "Raiden as Sheik." It can be "Raiden as Raiden." It's up to Vile, really. I'm just saying don't limit your imagination.
1. Just Wave thank you. I'd like to think it's easier to type ¦D;

2. I'm not talking about making the models, I mean actually getting them into/working with the game. Of course modeling isn't easy. Everyone knows that. XD If it was, this wouldn't still be taking time. :3


Smash Ace
Feb 17, 2009
it seems like most people are into this project solely for the prospect of new characters.......but i hope at least someone would be willing to take on the job of remodeling existing characters that look kinda crappy as they are in brawl, such as;

1)Ganondorf, goes from muscular king of evil in melee to fat albert in brawl, and 2)Samus, the super metroid 8-feet-wide-hips look just doesnt cut it anymore (needs the Prime look).

sure wish i could model :(


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2007
Orange county, CA, USA
This is taken from a job site.
For model makers:
* Starting salaries can be around £19,000 a year.
* Experienced model makers can earn between £23,000 and £30,000 or more.

UK £19,000 = $31,182.8 U.S. dollars
UK £ 30 000 = $49,236 U.S. dollars
That's a pretty sad. :-/

LOL. They do NOT make that much on avereage. I know for a fact you either made that up or got it off an unceditable site.
Do you? And what makes you think you know that for a fact? If you know it for a fact, why don't you cite your sources? Mine? "The 8th Annual Game Developer Salary Survey." What's yours? The average salary for an artist/animator position is $69,532. Starting at about $45,985 and going up to about $105,536. In the state I live in, the average artist/animator salary is $76,115. Take into account inflation since last year and the continued growth of the game industry and it'll probably be higher this year. As for the "magic wand" comment, I've said it more than once because I've been responding to identical mistaken comments from multiple people since the beginning of this thread. Whether I'm right or not has nothing to do with how tired you are of how I talk.

Anyway look, I know I sound rude a lot of the time. But here and at my other modding communities I listen to the same mistaken assumptions repeated over and over. And at work I hear the same questions/complaints/mistaken assumptions over and over. I can either make 3-5 very joyful posts over the course of a day or two to make the corrections, or I can be blunt. Once you do this a dozen times, it gets really old really fast. I'm blunt to people I don't know, and usually only rude when people are rude to me. I'm only correcting people at all because I want what I think is best for the community.

Kusanagi: Converting a model from one game to another requires almost as many skills as actually making a new model. Someone who makes a model and someone who converts a model are pretty much just separated by persistence (and usually honor). And most games don't have 3D model importer/exporters like Pharrox has made; that's why what he's done is so amazing. Even with games that are made to be mod-friendly, the time it'd take you to learn their tools could be spent making your own model. In other words, no you probably can't take X model from Y game to put into Brawl very easily. You're better off from multiple standpoints making a model that fits with Brawl from scratch.

TheGuyYouMightKnow and other people: Sorry if I scared you. That wasn't my intention. But know that learning modeling isn't impossible. I actually helped train someone in making models who quickly surpassed me; he just took to the art/skillset very well. His site is down, but if someone REALLY wants I could probably track down some screenshots of his work somewhere. I suggest learning with Blender for 3D modeling/UVmapping/boning/weighting/animating and using GIMP for textures because they're free and good quality software. Don't worry about GIMP until you get the Blender stuff down. Just pick them up and do a tutorial or two for Blender. If you finish that, I'll show you a set of tutorials that I think will be helpful. If you finish all that, I'll give you as much specific help as I can (short of doing it for you). And I'll bet Vile would, too. In every community I've seen, modelers tend to support each other. Just take the first steps yourself.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2008
Austin, Texas
That's a pretty sad. :-/

Do you? And what makes you think you know that for a fact? If you know it for a fact, why don't you cite your sources? Mine? "The 8th Annual Game Developer Salary Survey." What's yours? The average salary for an artist/animator position is $69,532. Starting at about $45,985 and going up to about $105,536. In the state I live in, the average artist/animator salary is $76,115. Take into account inflation since last year and the continued growth of the game industry and it'll probably be higher this year. As for the "magic wand" comment, I've said it more than once because I've been responding to identical mistaken comments from multiple people since the beginning of this thread. Whether I'm right or not has nothing to do with how tired you are of how I talk.
I don't need to, you did it for me. According to your post most animators don't make six figures. I don't ifnd it hard to believe there are some out there. Personaly I can't wait to get started, I'm going to the Art Institute in October for animation.

And I'm not trying to downplay the work/patience/dedication it probably takes to make models. I havent done it yet, but I'm more than willing to learn. I recently got Autodesk's programs and am looking into tutorials for these. And I am very aware I will probably begin making traffic cones or cake at firts :laugh:, but I am sure will I work my way up to characters eventually.


Smash Apprentice
Jul 25, 2009
The Gap Between Dimensions
What's all this talk about "user friendliness"? I thought for sure the DAE->PAC converter would just be a drag-file-onto-program thing like the PAC->DAE converter. ._.

Also, if it does have a GUI, remember the really old BRSTM converter? That thing was extremely user-unfriendly, and there was a lot of crap that came out of that (no loop-points, mono, etc) because it was so. Something to keep in mind if you still want to make the DAE->PAC converter hard to use.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 26, 2007
Belleville, MI
There are too many options for it just to be drag and drop. I am working on the GUI now (learning MFC as I go :urg:). It won't be too hard to use, but you will need a basic understanding of modeling and how Brawl's file are stored and communicate.

However, as they have said, this isn't something that you're just going to be able to throw models into and get them to work. They will need to be properly rigged and configured to work the way they're suppose to. I am considering a private beta before I release it.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2008
Austin, Texas
There are too many options for it just to be drag and drop. I am working on the GUI now (learning MFC as I go :urg:). It won't be too hard to use, but you will need a basic understanding of modeling and how Brawl's file are stored and communicate.

However, as they have said, this isn't something that you're just going to be able to throw models into and get them to work. They will need to be properly rigged and configured to work the way they're suppose to. I am considering a private beta before I release it.
If I were you I would have a private beta. Give it to the people who have shown to have a basic understanding of the things you mentioned. I'm sure everyone could wait, I can. XD
I'm just excited that you've have figured it out and you're going to sharte when you're/it's ready.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 5, 2009
Also, Tiberious, the guy who made ASH, CUPASH and Stage ASH (Forgot his name, I apologize) made an extractor that can extract any model. That's how I got Bowser Jr. like ThatGuyYouMightKnow said.
Ok, here's what's going on:

I'm trying to get ahold of the Red, Yellow and Blue Alloy models from Brawl. The latest AiS (1.1.3, unless Pharrox has released a newer one) crashes when attempting to convert them. I've spoken with him before, and he told me that it's because they use a certain polygon type that isn't quite normal. Because Green Alloy converted properly, I can only guess that the polygons that are crashing the converter are in the stomach section (where the purple 'core' is at).

Now, if you have elrefugio's extractor, please let me know what the name of it is, or send a link to it. I'm willing to give it a shot if it might work.

Do you need to ISO hack your Wii to extract models from any game?
That won't be necessary. I have the Brawl ISO, and can extract the files from that.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
There are too many options for it just to be drag and drop. I am working on the GUI now (learning MFC as I go :urg:). It won't be too hard to use, but you will need a basic understanding of modeling and how Brawl's file are stored and communicate.

However, as they have said, this isn't something that you're just going to be able to throw models into and get them to work. They will need to be properly rigged and configured to work the way they're suppose to. I am considering a private beta before I release it.
=D I don't mind giving it a shot. Mewtwo needs love.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 5, 2009
There are too many options for it just to be drag and drop. I am working on the GUI now (learning MFC as I go :urg:). It won't be too hard to use, but you will need a basic understanding of modeling and how Brawl's file are stored and communicate.
As long as this thing will dump from ZakoBoy, ZakoGirl and ZakoChild, I'll give it a try.


Smash Hero
Mar 19, 2008
Vile has basically said this since he participated in this thread.

He's still posting with the rest of us so I think he's man enough for rageboys. =V


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2009
I dont understand why people want the melee characters back in so much. Melee wasnt all that for me, i mean i loved the game, but i wouldnt want to make brawl melee 1.5.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 5, 2009
I dont understand why people want the melee characters back in so much. Melee wasnt all that for me, i mean i loved the game, but i wouldnt want to make brawl melee 1.5.
Rep this man! I never understood the 'let's make Brawl into Melee 2.0' mindset, to the point where the ruleset was made 'flat stages, no items' on March 8th, 2008 (i.e. even before the game was even out).

Have to remember that Brawl is a completely different game from Melee, and they can't be played in the same way. It's like trying to play Street Fighter IV like it's 3rd Strike. That stuff just doesn't work.


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2009
I dont understand why people want the melee characters back in so much. Melee wasnt all that for me, i mean i loved the game, but i wouldnt want to make brawl melee 1.5.
*angelic choir sings*
Oh my god, someone else gets it! <3 Brawl is NOT Melee 2.0, was never MEANT to be Melee 2.0, and should never BE Melee 2.0. If you want to play Melee that badly, then... go play it, instead of screwing with Brawl.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 19, 2007
Orange county, CA, USA
"Nooo! Don't give people their mains back! NOOOOOO!" *Earth explodes*

Melee returns aren't top of my list, but for some people they are. If only Toon Link made it to Brawl, I'd want Link back.

I would enjoy Vile's Raiden more than Doctor Mario coming back, but for some people that's not the case.


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2009
But that doesn't mean we cannot have the melee characters, re-textured to fit in SSBB. I personally only care about the Doc and Mewtwo but I do have more plans than just Melee characters.

Edit: Pharrox, if you read this , may you please remove one of your private messages, unless they are too important, or send me a message telling me how I can contact you? I tried sending you a private message but your box is full.


Smash Apprentice
Apr 21, 2009
all I want is mewtwo and roy.

I played pokemon on the good old gameboy, heck do i know what all these new pokemon are, screw lucario. I think there up to 1000 pokemon now O_o wtf screw lucario

and roy was the classic rival to marth, blue vs red. in melee the tip of marths sword would deal more damage, as the tip of roys sword would deal lessor damage. there 2 sides of a coin.
I thought that was always cool in melee, and Ike just didn't have the same feeling.

and btw, when people make mods, it doesn't mean "you" must add them to your brawl. tailer your brawl to your liking, that's what the tools for. I don't see the point in people trolling, since I'm not going to hold a gun to your head to make you play as mewtwo in brawl


Smash Lord
Jan 19, 2009

There are only 493 Pokemon, not 1000. Plus, I actually like Lucario. I prefer Mewtwo, yes, but Lucario isn't bad either. Your Roy thing didn't really make sense, but that's maybe because I do not care about him. As for your last statement, if someone makes a ******** model, it would actually piss me off a little bit, as it is pointless to do such thing with a wonderful program that took a while to make. It is like spitting on it, to be honest. Even if I would not use that model, I would still be pissed off.


Smash Champion
Dec 19, 2007
Who cares about mewtwo? Dont limit yourselves with melee, make something good.

Aside from being my Melee main,[ and my most wanted character in Brawl out of expectation that he would preform better] Mewtwo is my starting project.

I don't need to justify why I'm making it, and I'm not limiting myself. I'm just starting simple and working up.

I plan on "making something good" after. Like Blaziken or something. Maybe I'll make an Original content character.



Smash Champion
Mar 31, 2004
150km north of nowhere, Canada
can someone sum up the last 70 pages for me in like 2 sentences?

is this thread working on adding completely new models into the game? as in, is the end goal to add characters (such as mewtwo)?
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