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Brawl Custom Music Hub: Archiving all the music in one place!


Banned via Warnings
Jun 14, 2010
If I was allowed to use all the money I had in my bank, and wasted it ALL on the site... we'd have enough to last us until.... 2043.

No seriously, at least 31 years.... but obviously I'm not going to do that....

Alaric Skywalker

Smash Ace
Nov 23, 2011
I've been wanting to say this for a long time,.

Alaric, if you wanted to say "we," you'd have to contribute to the site in someway.
TUK and I are in charge of adding songs to the queue.
I can upload logos.
Flame is just an active member (who I believe has mod powers).
Soneek made the backup of the site.
I know, but in terms of contribution, it's not necessarily defined. Also, my definition of "contribute" is "help out in any way possible." In other words, helping to keep us all together, providing suggestions for what could help make the site more functional,..., all of that was stuff that I helped bring up. Also, when times were tough, I made sure that the fans could be able to know what we were looking for when they couldn't access it. Also, the one thing that was a big contribution to the group,..., was allowing TUK to have another chance.

I could be wrong about the group's definition of "contribute" so if it differs than mine, feel free to let me in on the true definition.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 14, 2010
The point is, though, you're not REALLY part of "the group". You're just a random person on the planet Earth....

You have no say in whether I'm given chances. You can ask, or suggest it, BUT saying you "allowed" me a second chance? As I said, stop thinking you're part of the "group". The "group" is the biggest contributors and the staff. In most cases, the biggest contributors ARE the staff.

Alaric Skywalker

Smash Ace
Nov 23, 2011

I am aware of that, but this "random person on the planet Earth" did convince the other to give you another chance, didn't I? Anyhow, in due time, I will contribute something, though when it happens, I don't know just yet. However, I will update once I have figured out what to contribute. For now, I've got my hands full with College stuff, carrying out co-founder duties on a deviantART group, and working on a story for fanfiction.net with another member on that site.

Should we continue this conversation on the IRC?


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2010
New York
Between moose, Seg, TUK, Flame and I, we have 12355 BRSTMs on the site. The total amount on there now is between 18000 and 19000 IIRC, so we make up more than 65% of the total BRSTM contributions. :p


Banned via Warnings
Jun 14, 2010
There are 19,051 BRSTMs (at least that's what I have on my PC, but I don't know if there are any REALLY recent uploads, like within the last few minutes).


Banned via Warnings
Jun 14, 2010
A few of the Madworld videos failed, so I just added any that weren't added to the queue.
This will mean that the failed ones will be re-tried, however, there will be duplicates in the queue. Luckily, duplicates fail with the message "duplicate upload".


Banned via Warnings
Jun 14, 2010
The song must exist on the site (and therefore the game), AND the logo has to be uploaded.

Simplest way to tell if the logo is uploaded?
Look at the URL of the game you want (if it's on there).
It'll be something like http://www.brawlcustommusic.com/game/500

500 is the "game ID" if you wish.
Then, go to http://www.brawlcustommusic.com/music/logos/
And look for the file with that same number, e.g. 500.png
The same applies to any game. If the logo is there, then any song that's uploaded for that game, can be uploaded... unless it's already uploaded.


Smash Hero
Dec 1, 2009
And that's where I come in, supplying logos :p
I uploaded a boatload of them once Ijah gave me the needed info.


Smash Ace
Apr 15, 2010
New York
18754 songs currently on the site.

Maybe we have until midnight EST for the site, since the host is in Toronto. :p


Smash Cadet
Oct 1, 2011
Cresskill, NJ
The song must exist on the site (and therefore the game), AND the logo has to be uploaded.

Simplest way to tell if the logo is uploaded?
Look at the URL of the game you want (if it's on there).
It'll be something like http://www.brawlcustommusic.com/game/500

500 is the "game ID" if you wish.
Then, go to http://www.brawlcustommusic.com/music/logos/
And look for the file with that same number, e.g. 500.png
The same applies to any game. If the logo is there, then any song that's uploaded for that game, can be uploaded... unless it's already uploaded.
So technically if I finish the Ninja Gaiden 3 OST, then you guys will decide to upload the tracks?


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Seattle, WA
Between moose, Seg, TUK, Flame and I, we have 12355 BRSTMs on the site. The total amount on there now is between 18000 and 19000 IIRC, so we make up more than 65% of the total BRSTM contributions. :p
If I uploaded all of mine there, it'd be around 75% between the 5 of us, since I have close to 3000 made XD


Banned via Warnings
Jun 14, 2010
I'm confused... I have over 19000 but soneek says there are only 18700+. Unless there are over 200 that were deleted from the site, but still were on my PC. I know not ALL the BRSTMs that were deleted are kept, as obviously there's been WELL over 20000, just looking at the actual numbers of the files.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 14, 2010
Moosehunter has made 3075
Segtendo has made 3891
Soneek has made 1480
Flame has made 1661
Darksamus77 has uploaded 371 but has made over 3000 apparently
I have made 2251

So, if we just count ds77 as having made 3000, then all 6 of us together, have made 15358 BRSTMs +
Let's assume the total is just over 19000... that's a percentage of over 80% between us 6.

Segtendo, I believe has made the most BRSTMs out of everyone. He, alone has contributed over 20% :D


Banned via Warnings
Jun 14, 2010
Big BIG problem guys.

Alaric, keep your nose out.... don't think about getting autistic and annoying us with your autism...


"Re: copyright claim
sure just send me the link to the video if you can, i need it for the retraction of the claim"

From RealFaction

The problem? The "video" in question, doesn't exist.

NO! Alaric, this does not have anything to do with "OMG will my illegal addiction to drugs... I mean the site, be affected?" So don't start with all that "OMG group meeting, RAWR! I'm in charge, everyone listen to me" stuff.


❤ ~
Dec 5, 2008
Under your skirt
Switch FC
SW 3264 5694 6605
Moosehunter has made 3075
Segtendo has made 3891
Soneek has made 1480
Flame has made 1661
Darksamus77 has uploaded 371 but has made over 3000 apparently
I have made 2251

So, if we just count ds77 as having made 3000, then all 6 of us together, have made 15358 BRSTMs +
Let's assume the total is just over 19000... that's a percentage of over 80% between us 6.

Segtendo, I believe has made the most BRSTMs out of everyone. He, alone has contributed over 20% :D
I only have like 30 (and not everyone has been uploaded to BCM) lol
Great job guys, you're the kind of people whose work is highly appreciated.

As for that copyright claim, how is that even possible?


Banned via Warnings
Jun 14, 2010
How is what possible? Also, Seg? If you can find any... would you be able to upload any logos for any of these games?
  • Ecco the Dolphin (673) -- Genesis version
  • Game Boy Camera (221)
  • Game Boy Gallery (524) -- The European/Australian-exclusive game, of which the sequel was simply known appropriately as Game Boy Gallery 2, but in US and Europe was simply known as Game & Watch Gallery, and more confusingly Game Boy Gallery in Japan
  • Goldeneye: Source (557) -- IF there's a specific logo for that, that is
  • Jet Force Gemini (662) -- Why not?
  • Mario Golf (218) -- Nintendo 64 version
  • Micro Machines '96 (826)
  • Micro Machines 1 and 2: Twin Turbo (532)
  • Micro Machines 2 (764) -- Game Gear version
  • Micro Machines 2 (827) -- Genesis version
  • Micro Machines 64 Turbo (198)
  • Micro Machines Military (825)
  • Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 (576)
  • Street Fighter II Turbo (548)
  • Tetris DX (210)
  • The Lion King (749) -- Genesis version
  • Top Gear 2 (101)
  • Wario Ware, Inc (413)
  • Yoshi (540) -- Specifically the Game Boy version -- this game was released as Mario & Yoshi in Europe, and Yoshi's Egg in Japan, IIRC

The numbers in brackets are the actual game #, e.g. Top Gear 2 should be 101.png


Banned via Warnings
Jun 14, 2010
The ONLY thing left about the video, is:
Video ID: lH0EsBh_WVw

Should 'lH0EsBh_WVw' be enough?

And thus, the link to the video WOULD be this:

Unfortunately, it says "This video has been removed by the user"
However, if we hadn't have deleted it, it would have said "This video blah blah copyright claim by RealFactionMusic"

It's all YOUR fault *points to random stuffed teddy* :(

Also, like Segtendo said...
While I'm too busy, can SOMEONE for the love of God, actually do something with Pending Songs?

I don't really have time to go through all of them at the moment... but I don't see why NONE of you, except maybe Seg and I, have even BOTHERED with this...
Seriously, has anyone of you BCM mods actually LOOKED at the pending list?

Alaric Skywalker

Smash Ace
Nov 23, 2011
Big BIG problem guys.

Alaric, keep your nose out.... don't think about getting autistic and annoying us with your autism...


"Re: copyright claim
sure just send me the link to the video if you can, i need it for the retraction of the claim"

From RealFaction

The problem? The "video" in question, doesn't exist.

NO! Alaric, this does not have anything to do with "OMG will my illegal addiction to drugs... I mean the site, be affected?" So don't start with all that "OMG group meeting, RAWR! I'm in charge, everyone listen to me" stuff.
TUK, what's wrong with trying to help out whenever the opportunity comes? Also, for your last statement,..., do you know how hard it is for me to keep myself from laughing uncontrollably from that? I mean,..., really? However, if this is what you're normally like in a good mood, I'd worry about the possible nightmares that'd come if I were to face your bad mood.


Banned via Warnings
Jun 14, 2010
I know you mean well, but really, it just seems like when I ever I mention anything at all, you seem to jump on it as if everything is to do with BrawlCustomMusic

When I said I have to pay to get my MediaFire account back to PRO, you were like "What does this mean in terms of getting the site back?" Or whenever I say there's a problem, you assume it affects the site. You assume everything is to do with the site.

You also need to understand. You are not part of "the group". You are just some person on the internet, like Cake (except you can eat him, muahaha!). Seriously... the whole "group meeting" things and "we" thing..... it should stop really. Also, not to be mean, but how do you know that you've actually contributed towards anything? How do you know it was YOU that convinced the others to give me another chance? What if they were planning on doing it anyway?

Also, try and keep to simple English. For example, if I said "You should make some BRSTMs", you should just say "I will, when I get better at it", or "I will when I have time".
You don't need to say "I will, when the opportunity for such task is of an obtainable position, but, until such time, contributions from myself, shall be not of existance" ... or whatever.

Also, it might be just me, but most of your time "helping" was basically "OMG back up the BRSTMs TUK! If you backed them up earlier, we wouldn't be in this mess! OMG TUK'S keeping the BRSTMs and not letting anyone else upload it. Please upload lots of files, even though it'll take ages, because I have no idea of the concept of how large over 65 GB is"
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