A few quick tips for speed snapping, If you're having a lot of trouble with it, or even if you're not, it may be a good idea to try using an option select.
When doing the input for the ledge snap while running offstage, tap the jump button at the end of the circular motion, one of three things will happen in this case.
1. You got the timing correct and snap the ledge.
2. You timed it too early and short hop away from the ledge.
3. You timed it too late and you double jump back to the stage right away.
This way, you'll never have to react to what happens when you mess up, because you're automatically doing something about it, now it may be better in some cases to not use this O.S since if you're always jumping back when you miss, your opponent may catch on and start making reads.
There's also another OS, that you can try which makes the timing way easier for speed snapping, but it might make you a bit slower, although that can have advantages in some cases, like when the opponent tries to delay the ledge snap and they aren't producing a hitbox. This option select is pretty much the same as the first where you still do the speed snap input, but instead of a jump at the end, you perform a side b. This pretty much just takes advantage of the edge cancel klaw that @
brought up a while back, but it actually makes the timing much easier to perform and you have more control this way, so it's a bit faster than just running off the side and using only the side b. You could also use this method to stay close to the ledge while throwing out a hitbox if you want to try a stage-spike snapback with Fair, or possibly even a Bowsercide if you're feeling bold, happen to be a stock up, and the opponent can't recover.
On a different note, I'm actually working on an O.S for edgeguarding at the ledge which takes advantage of the new mechanic that allows you to perform smash attacks by pressing A+B. The way it works is when you are near the ledge and you read the opponent using an option, you time a jab 1 by holding down the jab button, hold down after the jab comes out, then press the b button. If you time this right, then you will jab 1 followed by a Dsmash. Make sure not to press the special button too early, or you'll just do a jab 2. Anyway, as long as you time the jab 1 properly, if the opponent does a ledge jump or a ledge attack, you should jab them out of it and the game automatically performs jab 2 on hit. However, if they do a stand up, or a ledge roll, jab 1 whiffs, and your down smash will come out, and it should hit both the stand up and the roll as long as you're spaced correctly.
I've been testing this out vs a level 7 and 8 CPUs since that's a high enough level for them to actually mix-up their ledge options, but not level 9 where they'll cheat and roll or powershield everything.(Which can be frustrating for actually trying to get them offstage.) I've been recently labbing up the Shiek match-up, so she's who I've been testing on so far. I'd like to try this out on a player, but that won't be possible until I have regular access again, so if anyone wants to lab this up in the meantime, that'd be great. The main problems I see with this is that it may be difficult to time the first jab against certain options, especially against Shiek, but it could be easier against characters with slower options, and/or characters who can be jabbed off the ledge when they aren't invulnerable, like Yoshi and Pikachu. I don't know how effective this will be vs ledge-hopping, because i'm not able to test that yet, but if someone else would like to look into that in the meantime, that'd be awesome.
I'll continue labbing it up while I'm away, there are a few other things I'm working on as well, hopefully at least some of it will be useful!
Hope this helps!