Dear Havokk (with two k's):
It appears that we have the exact name with a minor difference. That minor difference was not intentional.
Be it as it may, we both live in SoCal. I still haven't met you in person and I hope to soon for the sake of playing for our name.
What's that? Don't want to come to San Diego? That's ok, I'll go to you! We can play a set of first-to-10-games to establish the identity of Havok (at least in Cali). I'll bring someone of course, so they can record/witness what has happened and can provide us with proof, a winner.
Fail to comply will just mean that you do not care too much about the name and can just hand the tag over. But if you wish to attempt to keep your name then I will be most happy to challenge you to a Name Match.
Havok (with one K)