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Black Knight for Brawl (SPOILERS AHEAD)


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
yah i want to play black knight and ike badly in brawl. i also want to see how ike's swordsplay transfers into brawl


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
Ike WILL be in Brawl i have no doubths about that... now the Black Knight...


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
My point exactly. But i can understand why he might not be in... no actually i don't, he should be in.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
I really don't think he'll be in because his name is "Black Knight" for crying out loud. Having said that, I have nothing against him personally.

Let's assume Marth returns (which isn't out of the question) and Ike gets in...how would BK be different? He also has a sword (I realize there are different ways to use it, but each character already has like 15 different sword attacks)...so how would he be different??

I actually get tired of so many sword-wielders...I really hope there aren't a ton...


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
Well I don't think BK will get in, and the only way he could ever get in, would be if they allow clones (Him being a clone of Ike). But although they share some of the same special moves, BK does have his own abilities such There is the warp powder, and his amour, which is supposed to block all normal weapons. (Could be used as a anti-projectile shield)

I think I'll try to make a moveset later. >:D


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
I really don't think he'll be in because his name is "Black Knight" for crying out loud.
...So what? There's nothing bad about a knight that wears black armour being called the "Black Knight", it's the freakin' colour of the armour he wears. It's infact far more racist to think that his name could in some way be racist. Just like how they stopped calling the blackboard "the blackboard" at school and is now instead "the chalkboard" to be more "politically correct", which is beyond ********.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
...So what? There's nothing bad about a knight that wears black armour being called the "Black Knight", it's the freakin' colour of the armour he wears. It's infact far more racist to think that his name could in some way be racist. Just like how they stopped calling the blackboard "the blackboard" at school and is now instead "the chalkboard" to be more "politically correct", which is beyond ********.
It's not like Bowser is called Spiked Turtle or Mario is called Italian Plummer or anything like that.

Besides, I said a lot more in my post, which you didn't respond to... -_-


Smash Ace
May 13, 2007
It's not like Bowser is called Spiked Turtle or Mario is called Italian Plummer or anything like that.

Besides, I said a lot more in my post, which you didn't respond to... -_-
That's because I wanted to address the stupidity of that point and make a pass at the lengths people go to try and enforce "political correctness" in general to the point where it no longer makes sense. I wasn't attempting to address the issue of sword-wielders that you brought up.

Still on topic here, the colour black is often used to infer evil and often a champion (of good) is known as a "white knight". The name "The Black Knight" therefore works perfectly to describe an armour-clad foe of unquestionable evil while the fact that he isn't named such as Bowser or Mario distances himself from any sort of emotions since it seems more cold and impersonal. It implies malevolence very effectively (although being a little cliche) in a way that it takes a very clever name (equally clever name you could say) to have the desired impact. "They call him...Bowser" just doesn't have the same OOMPH! as "They call him...the Black Knight".

On a slightly different note, the theme for Mario isn't exactly dark. The name of the main villain, while sounding slightly evil, doesn't really have to sound all that evil as it's unfitting to the cheery, colourful marioverse. Plus using more of a description than a name for a name for the main character isn't exactly a good move, however you do see more minor characters that seem to excel in certain areas being refered to merely by job description or what they are good at. The Matrix for example is full of them, "The Oracle" and "The Architect" and "The Keymaker", and it certainly has an effect of adding an element of mystery/mystique by not revealing an identity which you could connect to on a personal level, such as a name.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
That's because I wanted to address the stupidity of that point and make a pass at the lengths people go to try and enforce "political correctness" in general to the point where it no longer makes sense. I wasn't attempting to address the issue of sword-wielders that you brought up.
I said nothing about political correctness. I couldn't care less about that. I was just saying it wasn't really a name, more like a job description. It's not like Ganondorf is called "The Evil Wizard"...It was more of a side point than a real complaint.

I don't care...I don't need to know all that pointless info. It still says nothing about what he would be like as a character.

Edit: They call Bowser "King Koopa," actually.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
La di da~

Neutral B: The BK charges up his sword, and gives a horizontal slash, sending a wave of energy forward. The initial build up to the shot is fairly long, as he stretches a bit back, before firing. The size is fairly large for a non-charged up projectile, being only a bit thinner than a fully charged shadow ball. It’s speed in air is fairly quick as well. It travels about as far as one of Samus’s uncharged shots. The damage and knock back are similar to Link’s bombs.

Forward B: This move’s animation is fairly similar to Zephiel’s spinning sword attack. The BK lowers his sword to the ground and slowly spins himself with the sword pointed out, backwards. Near the top of the rotation, The BK picks up speed, and then crashes his sword down into the ground, with a dark energy effect around it. The move is very powerful, but the spinning start means it is also very slow. In power and in speed, it rests in between the Falcon and Warlock punches. It can hit opponents above, but they won’t take much damage, not being in the explosion. (And there’s the fact that it will rarely happen do to the slowness)

Up B: The BK throws up a orb of warping powder, much like Yoshi throws an egg. At the top of the arc (as it doesn’t fall down like the egg) the powder will flash, and the BK will be teleported to its location. The recovery of this move is quite good, and the direction can be tilted somewhat. A problem for the BK though is that if the opponent gets anything else into the warp powder before it flashes, it will automatically cancel it out, leaving the BK to fall. If the opponent themselves gets into the warp powder, they will automatically be teleported into the air. (But they won’t suffer the side effects of the permanent fall)

Down B: Black Knight plants his sword into the ground, and his armor’s white lines start to glow brightly. This move functions like Ness’s down B move, converting projectile weapons into health, through the use of his blessed armor. It's a bit slower than Ness's but regains more health to compensate.

Final Smash: The Black Knight gains a copy of Ragnell, and along with Alondite, and sends two powerful energy waves out one after another. Both can be triggered by the player, but after one is used, the next has to be used within the next 6 or so seconds. The energy waves are both about three times the size of a charge shot, but move a bit slow. They are powerful though, and only one has the potential to KO someone over 50%. It should be noted that the first strike is triggered automatically when BK gets the Smash Ball, and only the second one can be held. The BK also can’t attack with any other attacks until he’s fired that second shot.


Smash Hero
May 12, 2007
I think the Black knight could be a luigified Ganondorf clone, If ganondorf has his sword in brawl.

If not, then just make him a slower heavyer Ike.


Smash Apprentice
May 29, 2007
YES! Ike is in Brawl! And it is no ordinary Ike... He has RAGNEL!!!!

Now you definitely need to bring Black Knight into the game. Not only because he is Ike's sworn-enemy, but because Alondite is Ragnel's sister-sword. There's no chance now that he won't be in the game!!!

I hope so at least...

Wiseguy!!! You posted before me! You must be very excited.

Here is a sign of things to come:


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
F'yeah its only a matter of time, with Ike, and marth probably staying, were BOUND to have a 3rd character, who better than Ikes arch nemesis, the black knight? Since Ike will appear in the next FE game, making him apepar in two games, JUST like black knight, BK is almost a shoe in IMO!!


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
BK is in trouble. ...Uh spoilers for those who havn't beaten FE10

A figure that looks a good deal like Zelgius can be seen in the background of the third picture. Now as you should know, The Black Knight is Zelgius, so this may be a problem. Then again, you can't be sure 100% The figure has Zelgiu's armor, and is posed in the same way as Zelg's official art, but you can't see the figure's head, nor does it have a cape like Zelg.


Smash Apprentice
May 29, 2007
Wow, I see what you mean Pieman. Still, I have to believe!!!!!

(Can someone link the other thread that they're talking about?)


Smash Master
May 17, 2002

IKE CONFIRMED!!!!!! Prepare yourselves, because the awesomeness that is the Black Knight will surely follow!
Maybe. Maybe. A dark knight would be awesome but I wouldn't like him as a clone. Though the words AT tap the back of my head.


Smash Champion
Mar 28, 2007
Saint John, New Brunswick, Canada (Proud
Wow, I see what you mean Pieman. Still, I have to believe!!!!!

(Can someone link the other thread that they're talking about?)
Sure thing:


It's a pretty good thread. ;)

Maybe. Maybe. A dark knight would be awesome but I wouldn't like him as a clone. Though the words AT tap the back of my head.
Sssssshhhhhh.... don't even talk like that. We must BELIEVE that Black Knight is a playable character. He's too perfect not to be included in the Brawl roster.


Smash Cadet
Jul 31, 2007
New Jersey
I would love for Black Knight to be a character in brawl! But I don't think he will make the roster because they already have a Fire Emblem character, plus they already have 2 swordsman. BUT, Black Knight would be an awsome character for brawl!



Smash Journeyman
Jul 18, 2007
Look behind you...
I think there might be one of these for him, but no matter, he deserves the publicity. I'd say I want three or four FE characters in brawl: Black Knight, Lyn, Marth, main character who isnt a swordsman.

P.S. does he ever get a name, or does he remain "the black knight" I cant seem to remember.
Yea, he has a name, you learn it in the tenth game.(lol that rhymed) His name is
Zelgius, he's the general of Begnion

I say the Black Knight is a shoe-in for one reason: They're putting in bad guys for almost every major series in Brawl. Examples: Bowser, Metaknight, Mewtwo, Ganandorf.Ridley and King Dedede have practically zero chance of NOT being in Brawl, So I figure a not-so-nice-but-still-completely-awesome character from Fire Emblem might promote Fire Emblem well.

"None shall pass." Genius Taunt, right there.

DP's Mario

Smash Ace
Feb 15, 2007
Columbus, GA
I have a good feeling that the Black Knight could be in Brawl. It's sorta obvious to me, but check this out: The sword that Ike currently has in his hands (The two-handed golden holy blade) was a weapon Ike had to use in order to destroy the Black Knight. So, what? You think Ike would equip such a legendary weapon for Brawl for a reason, eh? Hehe...Ike may have to destroy the Black Knight once again...:)


Smash Journeyman
Jul 10, 2006
Tijuana, BC, MEX
I have a good feeling that the Black Knight could be in Brawl. It's sorta obvious to me, but check this out: The sword that Ike currently has in his hands (The two-handed golden holy blade) was a weapon Ike had to use in order to destroy the Black Knight. So, what? You think Ike would equip such a legendary weapon for Brawl for a reason, eh? Hehe...Ike may have to destroy the Black Knight once again...:)
Amen brother... amen

BTW, sorry for being too late to the fiesta people, im in a non-technology place... my grandfather's house -_-


Smash Apprentice
May 29, 2007
A common complaint against the Black Knight is that there are too many swordsmen in Smash. But consider this:

-Link is returning
-Suppose Young Link is taken out which is very likely, and add in MetaKnight
-Suppose Roy is taken out, again very likely, and add in Ike
-Suppose Marth is taken out, which imo is also very likely (sorry to disappoint Marth fans, but Ike is now the star of the show), then add in Black Knight

And there you have it. The exact number of swordsmen from Melee remains intact in Brawl. For this reason you can argue that maybe they can add another, Ganondorf most likely, but I predict they will make him a character that uses very short-range magic.

Other than all the characters I mentioned, there really isn't another swordsman that represent a Nintendo franchise that I can think of that stands a chance of being a playable character in Brawl.

I would like to hear what you guys think! (Except from the Marth's supporters. Until confirmed, I have my mind stubbornly set that he is not coming back. Sorry guys!)


Smash Lord
Mar 17, 2007
well i hear sigurd has good chances, but i could see him switching between lance and short sword. and i am really hoping for ephraim


Smash Apprentice
Nov 25, 2006
Brisbane, Australia
He's got some chances due to being in Sakurai's poll, but preferably he won't make it, too many Fire Emblem characters.
Ike. There I counted one so far. One "too many"?

Oh and don't assume Marth and Roy are making it back in. They both fail where Ike succeeds. They don't look like pansies.
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