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Bizarre Beliefs

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Smash Rookie
Dec 3, 2009
Where everyone always wins.
Today in study hall, I had some time to kill, so I figured I'd look up weird religions on Google. The weirdest one I stumbled across was Nuwaubianism, by far. Why? Here are a few of their beliefs, copy and pasted from Wikipedia:

-Everyone is originally conceived as twins, but usually only one of the twins survives to be born.

-It is important to bury the afterbirth so that Satan does not use it to make a duplicate of the recently-born child.

-Furthermore, some aborted fetuses survive their abortion to live in the sewers, where they are being gathered and organized to take over the world

-People were once perfectly symmetrical and ambidextrous, but then a meteorite struck Earth and tilted its axis causing handedness and shifting the heart off-center in the chest.

-"When the Earth shifts, babies will stop being born and that day will come soon. Babies are not really being born anymore. They are being cloned."

-Edward Leedskalnin and Nikola Tesla were Venusians.

-The Caucasian has not been chosen to lead the world. They lack true emotions in their creation. We never intended them to be peaceful. They were bred to be killers, with low reproduction levels and a short life span. What you call Negroid was to live 1,000 years each and the other humans 120 years. But the warrior seed of Caucasians only 60 years. They were only created to fight other invading races, to protect the God race Negroids. But they went insane, lost control when they were left unattended. They were never to taste blood. They did, and their true nature came out.… Because their reproduction levels were cut short, their sexual organs were made the smallest so that the female of their race will want to breed with Negroids to breed themselves out of existence after 6,000 years. It took 600 years to breed them, part man and part beast.

Anyone else care to share some weird things people believe in?


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2007
I think you missed alot of the cool stuff that brand nubians believe in.

-The Illuminati have nurtured a child, Satan's son, who was born on 6 June 1966 at the Dakota House on 72nd Street in New York to Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis of the Rothschild/Kennedy families. The Pope was present at the birth and performed necromantic ceremonies. The child was raised by former U.S. president Richard Nixon and now lives in Belgium, where it is hooked up bodily to a computer called "The Beast 3M" or "3666.

- Disco was created by the devil to win the souls of the Nubians: "The evil one knows that he can control the music world as long as his agents are within the A & R (Artists and Repertoire, who are responsible for choosing who makes it in the music world) of the well known companies. He cannot evaluate Latin or Black music because he (the evil one) has no soul. He only duplicates it… He had to come up with something to win our souls through his means, and he did it with disco."[52]
# There is an underground road connecting New York and London. Furthermore, Alternative 3 is a fact, and Mars is being prepared for the evacuation of Earth’s intellectual and political

nuwaubianism had a pretty awesome influence on hip hop music back in the day though, I remember listening to music from the brand nubians the infamous god squad, didn't realize the connection until you just posted this though.

anyways cool thread, theres lots of crazy beliefs, like people who think margarine is better than butter.

or people that think the plural of walrus should be walruses,


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2007
Guess I'll be the first to say this...but how can we judge what other people believe in to be bizarre or weird. What I believe in could be completely bizarre to someone else , when I think it's perfectly logical and normal. It's all to do with subjectivity.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Seattle, WA
and faith....
And facts.

Mic_128 is right, honestly. My faith isn't blind faith. I've studied a good deal within the realms of history, science, and even language to come to what I believe (language as far as how it deals with the languages of the Bible). The problem we have today is that no one wants to say someone's belief is wrong. But the fact is, either one religion out there is right, or all of them are wrong. Almost every religion is exclusive--that means it excludes any other belief. If it's true, then it is completely true. It's not just "true for me" or "true for you"--it has to be either true or untrue. Since religions often exclude each other, then either the Jews have it right or the Christians have it right or the Sikhs, or Muslims, or Buddhists have it right. No other area in life do we so deliberate on as much as we do religion and morals. Everyone's afraid of treading on someone else's toes and rubbing someone the wrong way. What if we did that with mathematics? I think 2+2=4, but it could equal 5 for you if you want. Or science? I know you believe that the human heart is essential for providing blood for the rest of the body, but that's not true for me. These statements are all ridiculous. We need to come down to reality and realize that there is always a right and a wrong when we're arguing about whether or not something's right--who would have guessed?

But if there is no God, no divine power, or nothing higher than us physical beings--then we have no right to dispute on either religion or morality. If there is no God then there is no right or wrong. Feeding the poor is just as right as **** is in that case. Because until that point we're just mere men arguing about what we should or shouldn't do. And since no man is greater than another man naturally, he cannot claim to know the real truth. And so morality would only be an obstacle to our desires.

However, if we have indeed received divine revelation--if God has actually sent one of His servants here to communicate to us: Then we'd best figure out who this prophet or Messiah was and follow whatever he or she said to the best of our ability. As was once said, and I honestly wish I could remember who said it, "Either there is a God or there isn't. Both possibilities are frightening."

I am a Christian and I believe there is more than sufficient evidence to support Christianity--but to avoid debate I'm not going to defend that here. I've done that enough on these forums. You can message me otherwise to talk to me about it if you want. However, the point is that I've come to my conclusion on the matter and have come to grips with what that means for my life. Have you?


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2006
jolly old england. hohoho.
But if there is no God, no divine power, or nothing higher than us physical beings--then we have no right to dispute on either religion or morality. If there is no God then there is no right or wrong. Feeding the poor is just as right as **** is in that case. Because until that point we're just mere men arguing about what we should or shouldn't do. And since no man is greater than another man naturally, he cannot claim to know the real truth. And so morality would only be an obstacle to our desires.
Personally, I've always found this belief bizarre.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Seattle, WA
Define morals that have no spiritual or divine consequence (I don't mean consequence as in only punishment, but in any effect). The best you get it "so society can function." What if I don't care about if a society functions? Then I'll be punished by that society. What if I don't care about punishment? Then I'm free to do as I choose. It's a harsh reality to face, but if there's a God or some spiritual or divine force, the entire idea of good and evil is possible. If there is no real truth in the universe, I find it complicated to explain why humans naturally believe in a right and a wrong--and why there isn't a three-part system of morality in some places. As it stands, one is struck not by the differences between the morals of cultures, but of the similarity. It lends itself to the idea of a real truth. I don't think that truth can exist without anything spiritual or divine--especially a God. Some people avoid saying that so they don't have to admit to a belief in a God, but I do believe that's what the term would be.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
Define morals that have no spiritual or divine consequence (I don't mean consequence as in only punishment, but in any effect). The best you get it "so society can function." What if I don't care about if a society functions? Then I'll be punished by that society. What if I don't care about punishment? Then I'm free to do as I choose. It's a harsh reality to face, but if there's a God or some spiritual or divine force, the entire idea of good and evil is possible. If there is no real truth in the universe, I find it complicated to explain why humans naturally believe in a right and a wrong--and why there isn't a three-part system of morality in some places. As it stands, one is struck not by the differences between the morals of cultures, but of the similarity. It lends itself to the idea of a real truth. I don't think that truth can exist without anything spiritual or divine--especially a God. Some people avoid saying that so they don't have to admit to a belief in a God, but I do believe that's what the term would be.
There is so much wrong with this that it's laughable.

First off, many tribes of natives have never even heard of the soul nor ghosts, much less gods. Yet, when outsiders enter, they aren't in a some perpetual state of Moral Anarchy but working quite well together.

Morals, to me, are something that keeps things in a balance that benefits me. If I ****, steal, or kill, then that gives someone else the moral right to reciprocate, which harms my quality of life. In this instance, SELFISHNESS dedicates my moral code. I don't do what I wouldn't done to me. This is not something I learned from study or anything, but something that makes sense to me, internally. Religion will not support this belief at all. If someone decides to step on my rights, I will reciprocate because of said moral code.

Next, I respect a person's right, as in naturally given right, to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These are inalienable rights that all people deserve. Considering these, morality just comes second hand. No god gave these rights, but man himself defined and discovered.

Saying god is the only creator of morality is just a technique to cast non-believers in god, particularly a Christian god, as hedonistic heathens who are incapable of understand what god is and discredits any rational assault on your god.


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
I'm not sure I would say that it is a bizarre belief, thought it might be to some, but I simply refuse to accept nihilism.


Smash Master
May 31, 2009
Atlanta, GA
There is so much wrong with this that it's laughable.

First off, many tribes of natives have never even heard of the soul nor ghosts, much less gods. Yet, when outsiders enter, they aren't in a some perpetual state of Moral Anarchy but working quite well together.

Morals, to me, are something that keeps things in a balance that benefits me. If I ****, steal, or kill, then that gives someone else the moral right to reciprocate, which harms my quality of life. In this instance, SELFISHNESS dedicates my moral code. I don't do what I wouldn't done to me. This is not something I learned from study or anything, but something that makes sense to me, internally. Religion will not support this belief at all. If someone decides to step on my rights, I will reciprocate because of said moral code.

Next, I respect a person's right, as in naturally given right, to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These are inalienable rights that all people deserve. Considering these, morality just comes second hand. No god gave these rights, but man himself defined and discovered.

Saying god is the only creator of morality is just a technique to cast non-believers in god, particularly a Christian god, as hedonistic heathens who are incapable of understand what god is and discredits any rational assault on your god.
You know, I could have spent three hours tearing proverbs out the Godfrey Daniel frame about this. Instead, CK basically just put what I could have said without the necessary tl;dr that would have followed mine.

Oh, and proverbs: If you want to know how morals can exist independently of a God (and even within the confines of evolutionary theory itself). Check out E.O. Wilson's take on the "genetic leash" or read Darwin's Dangerous Idea by Daniel Dennett. I just took a class on such topics, so it doesn't make me too particularly happy when I see the "Morals=Jebus" talk or anything close to it. Thanks. :)


And how!
Oct 14, 2002
Las Vegas
I totally forgot God's stance on animals, but even monkeys and colonies of other animals have their own set of basic rights that they follow. It's just something that comes naturally with instinct.


Smash Hero
Oct 27, 2008
Haiti Gonna Hait
I don't see that at all in other animals outside a select few primates. Dolphins are mother ****ing ruthless, heartless little *******s who will **** other animals, play with other creatures for fun until they die, and do anything to promote themselves, and dolphins are incredibly intelligent creatures. Chimpanzees are much the same way, with videos of them killing for no reason whatsoever other chimpanzees than enjoyment. Then when we get down to the lower thinking animals, some will go so far as to eat their young. Humans are ruthless as well, but my point isn't that humans are higher than these animals, but that I don't see any kind of moral code in the majority of animals.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2007
@ Proverbs.

I'm Catholic.

I understand your point of view, however, I don't think the notion of morality is exclusive to people who believe in God or follow religion. I believe you can have immoral religious, God believing people just as you can have moral atheists.

I know atheists who hold good morals. Do you think all atheists are intrinsically immoral because of their disbelief in the existence of God?


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
Chimpanzees are much the same way, with videos of them killing for no reason whatsoever other chimpanzees than enjoyment.
Funny, after a good search around, I can't find a single place that's credible to mention this in the slightest. There's a lot about how they may kill if others invade their territory, which is most likely what happened in this video with the false description that you've seen.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Seattle, WA
There is so much wrong with this that it's laughable.

First off, many tribes of natives have never even heard of the soul nor ghosts, much less gods. Yet, when outsiders enter, they aren't in a some perpetual state of Moral Anarchy but working quite well together.
I never said they would be. I said that there would be no morals if God didn't exist, not that if we didn't think He existed. I actually believe they have morals because as is said in Genesis 2, that we are created in God's image. Or as Paul writes in the beginning of Romans, that the Gentiles, who did not have the law, show that when they by nature do things required by the law, that they have the requirements of the law written on their hearts. He goes on to say they're judged by their consciences. This is only proof of that. Also, you should probably point out what tribes and where, and link me to several articles about both their religious beliefs and also the moral state of their society. You're making unsupported claims about very specific things. But even if it were true, it still doesn't harm my argument in the slightest, you only misinterpreted.

Morals, to me, are something that keeps things in a balance that benefits me. If I ****, steal, or kill, then that gives someone else the moral right to reciprocate, which harms my quality of life.
I can understand this point of view. However, this means that if I stop caring about the quality of my life, then I can do whatever I want. Therefore, in your own words, there is nothing intrinsically wrong with ****, stealing, or murder. There is only something that doesn't benefit your own quality of life.

In this instance, SELFISHNESS dedicates my moral code. I don't do what I wouldn't done to me. This is not something I learned from study or anything, but something that makes sense to me, internally. Religion will not support this belief at all.
"So in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets" (Matthew 7:12 NIV). Religion doesn't support what, exactly? Jesus doesn't only support this view, He says it's the summation of the entire Old Testament.

If someone decides to step on my rights, I will reciprocate because of said moral code.
In case this is what you meant in saying that religion doesn't support this point of view, think again. "If anyone injures his neighbor, whatever he has done must be done to him: fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. As he has injured the other, so he is to be injured" (Leviticus 24:19, 20 NIV). This is actually the exact thing Jesus reforms in Matthew 5:38, saying that He came not to abolish the Law, but rather to fulfill it. I believe the reason God gave them this command at the beginning was to work as a judicial and legal system among them, and not as a moral code. Jesus later made this clear in The Sermon on the Mount.

Next, I respect a person's right, as in naturally given right, to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These are inalienable rights that all people deserve.
This is a philosophy and a point of view. Not a fact. If there is nothing of the divine in a human, we have just as much right to deprive him of life as we would an animal--nevermind liberty or pursuit of happiness. We have no problem enslaving animals to do our will--even to entertain us as pets. If we did this with humans, you'd be outraged. Well tell me this: What makes humans better than animals? Is it not that we are made in God's image? If not, tell me then, what makes it intrinsically right to treat a person with these rights and not animals? You provide no proof and make large, sweeping claims. I believe people have rights because we were made in God's image. You, however, have no proof. Look at your own source, the Declaration of Independence. It reads "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Did you catch that? It says that we are endowed with these rights by our Creator. If He didn't give us these rights, who did? And what makes them restricted to humans and not animals?

Considering these, morality just comes second hand. No god gave these rights, but man himself defined and discovered.
Again, not according to the Declaration, the source you quoted.

Saying god is the only creator of morality is just a technique to cast non-believers in god, particularly a Christian god, as hedonistic heathens who are incapable of understand what god is and discredits any rational assault on your god.
This is absolutely untrue. I believe that all people are created with a piece of the Divine in them. That's why we have those rights. I see every human being as possessing the potential of making peace with God and being saved. Believe it or not, that's why I'm arguing with you. Yes, that's right, CK, I hope my words will not only convince you--but everyone who reads them. I don't have my 'religion' so I can feel better about myself. I'm more critical of myself than of any other human being. I argue so strongly for God because I know full well what He's for my life--not to mention my soul. That's the reason I've given up everything. Not because I'm some great and awesome guy--No! It's because God is so great. I've turned from everything I thought was good and precious in this life and I consider them garbage that I might gain Christ.

It's true, most people do hold their religions to either help them sleep better at night or so they can feel like they're a better person than others. But I push myself harder for God than my body can physically or mentally take. I deprive myself of pleasure, sleep, and food on a regular basis that I might honor God with my life better. You think I do this so that I can feel like I'm a better person than other people? No! I do it so that people might see what I do in my life and see God's power in it all. Everything I do is for the glory of God, or for the benefit of people. Talk to anyone who knows me, my "religion" is far from exclusive. Often the problem people have with me is not that I shove them away and think they're not good enough to accept God--but rather that they can't get me to stop talking to them about God and trying to get them to come to church! Why would I do this? Only because I've come from some pretty dark places in my life and found God through it all.

I was deeply depressed and suicidal before I found God. I escaped by dating lots of women, to make myself feel loved--and sometimes one woman at a time wasn't enough. My other friend, Eduardo, who was converted nine months ago used to be a violent man. He used to gain people's respect through fear. Now he's one of the most caring individuals I know. My roommate from last year, Chad, decided to try to find God after his dad committed suicide when Chad was just 15. When he came to Emerson, he was converted in just a few months. Right now his mother can't work, and he needs to support both her and his two younger sisters--all in the middle of this he's getting hardly any help from the government, no settlement after his mother was hit by a car, and is in the process of being evicted--and yet he still wants to get connected with the church out in California since he moved back there. You want more? I can give you more. Almost all of our ministers used to be complete and total womanizers and who got drunk almost as often as they could. The minister of the church I'm at now left his church when he was 16 because of the serious corruption he saw going on in it. Later on his brother converted him after finding out what the Bible was really all about--Needless to say, we don't think we're better than anyone. We're some of the worst of people. The thing is we've just realized it and God's used our lives as a testimony to His power by changing them radically. So don't you even for a second think that my grace means nothing. It is literally the only reason I didn't kill myself almost four years ago.

My beliefs aren't bizarre; they're true and reasonable.


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2007
Funny, after a good search around, I can't find a single place that's credible to mention this in the slightest. There's a lot about how they may kill if others invade their territory, which is most likely what happened in this video with the false description that you've seen.

Mic I saw a video last year in anthropology of a primate mother who stole and killed numerous other primate babies in front of their mother after her own baby had died. and also a video on a pack of weaker primates that were systematically hunted and killed by a stronger pack for reasons other than defense or anything related to survival, so yes primates do commit terrible acts of violence.

there would be no morals if God didn't exist

what do you mean by God? Intelligence?

If there is no God then there is no right or wrong.

how do you reach that conclusion, right and wrong exist because awareness of pain, and compassion exist, the existence of God is irrelevant.

If something causes you pain and you don't like feeling that pain, than you know(or should know) not to cause pain to anyone else or yourself,

that's where morals and right and wrong emerges, not from god or any book or strange superstition but from awareness of reality.

Also, Christian teaching are just a primitive form of Buddhism.


Smash Cadet
Dec 15, 2009
I honestly cant think of anything witty to say about this. I thought my 8 year old neighbor had strange beliefs...the time cube website is kinda creepy >_> seems like its written by someone feeling very violent.
Really though, I would think intelligence would make one more willing to cooperate rather than doing mean things for fun..at least thats how i feel :|


Smash Master
Jul 27, 2006
Sunshine State of Mind
-The Caucasian has not been chosen to lead the world. They lack true emotions in their creation. We never intended them to be peaceful. They were bred to be killers, with low reproduction levels and a short life span. What you call Negroid was to live 1,000 years each and the other humans 120 years. But the warrior seed of Caucasians only 60 years. They were only created to fight other invading races, to protect the God race Negroids. But they went insane, lost control when they were left unattended. They were never to taste blood. They did, and their true nature came out.… Because their reproduction levels were cut short, their sexual organs were made the smallest so that the female of their race will want to breed with Negroids to breed themselves out of existence after 6,000 years. It took 600 years to breed them, part man and part beast.
That seems about right.

Crimson King

I am become death
Jan 14, 2002
There is absolutely no point in even replying to Proverbs reply. He created the prefect spot to where your wrong because you don't understand god or he's right because he does by stating that if there was no god there would be no morals. This hypothetical hinges on the fact there MUST be a god, despite there being no real proof to back that up. So in essence, I cannot state how morals can exist in the absence of god because he is too set in the concept that god is real.

In other words, I'm too tired to refute his latest, ridiculous post.


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2007
I believe that all people are created with a piece of the Divine in them. That's why we have those rights. I see every human being as possessing the potential of making peace with God and being saved. Believe it or not, that's why I'm arguing with you. Yes, that's right, CK, I hope my words will not only convince you--but everyone who reads them. I don't have my 'religion' so I can feel better about myself. I'm more critical of myself than of any other human being. I argue so strongly for God because I know full well what He's for my life--not to mention my soul. That's the reason I've given up everything. Not because I'm some great and awesome guy--No! It's because God is so great. I've turned from everything I thought was good and precious in this life and I consider them garbage that I might gain Christ.

It's true, most people do hold their religions to either help them sleep better at night or so they can feel like they're a better person than others. But I push myself harder for God than my body can physically or mentally take. I deprive myself of pleasure, sleep, and food on a regular basis that I might honor God with my life better. You think I do this so that I can feel like I'm a better person than other people? No! I do it so that people might see what I do in my life and see God's power in it all. Everything I do is for the glory of God, or for the benefit of people. Talk to anyone who knows me, my "religion" is far from exclusive. Often the problem people have with me is not that I shove them away and think they're not good enough to accept God--but rather that they can't get me to stop talking to them about God and trying to get them to come to church! Why would I do this? Only because I've come from some pretty dark places in my life and found God through it all.

I was deeply depressed and suicidal before I found God. I escaped by dating lots of women, to make myself feel loved--and sometimes one woman at a time wasn't enough. My other friend, Eduardo, who was converted nine months ago used to be a violent man. He used to gain people's respect through fear. Now he's one of the most caring individuals I know. My roommate from last year, Chad, decided to try to find God after his dad committed suicide when Chad was just 15. When he came to Emerson, he was converted in just a few months. Right now his mother can't work, and he needs to support both her and his two younger sisters--all in the middle of this he's getting hardly any help from the government, no settlement after his mother was hit by a car, and is in the process of being evicted--and yet he still wants to get connected with the church out in California since he moved back there. You want more? I can give you more. Almost all of our ministers used to be complete and total womanizers and who got drunk almost as often as they could. The minister of the church I'm at now left his church when he was 16 because of the serious corruption he saw going on in it. Later on his brother converted him after finding out what the Bible was really all about--Needless to say, we don't think we're better than anyone. We're some of the worst of people. The thing is we've just realized it and God's used our lives as a testimony to His power by changing them radically. So don't you even for a second think that my grace means nothing. It is literally the only reason I didn't kill myself almost four years ago.

My beliefs aren't bizarre; they're true and reasonable.

when you say stuff like Gods used our lives as a testimony to his power, don't you think thats a little crazy. I mean couldn't God in this instance be a number of things like positive energy, love, Human Will Power the combination of (water, sunlight, food, oxygen) zero point energy, the gravitational pull from a flock of falcons circling in the mountains that were flying with enough velocity with enough matter in just the right pattern to change the spin of the electron in your neuro-synapses so that you were able to get over your suicidal depression

Basically I'm saying that a you might be just attributing these great things with God simply because you've happened to read the Bible

I mean if you had never been introduced to the Bible never even heard of it

and youd just been reading Dwight York, wouldn't you be saying that your lives were a testimony of the power of Dwight York. I mean Books and language just distort reality, its just a metaphor for truth rather than the truth.

certain people believe that when the weather is unfavorable god is unhappy with something, some people believe that you can transform your body into a rainbow when you die(minus finger/toenails and hair)

these beliefs may not be entirely wrong or entirely right, its just there way of describing reality

something you mentioned earlier is simply not correct you said that all religions are exclusive, , well in the Qu'ran there is a passage that reads

"there are as many paths to God as there are souls"

I really wish christians believed something like that cause they whole jesus is the only way thing I simply don't understand

everything you know about jesus has come from human language, from humans, humans are stupid,,
even if you think the bible is the word of the God, that very concept that the bible is the word of God came from humans too, so basically there is an impassable curtain of human thought and human language between you and god

don't believe anything humans say unless you can verify it for yourself.


Smash Lord
Feb 21, 2008
Seattle, WA
There is absolutely no point in even replying to Proverbs reply. He created the prefect spot to where your wrong because you don't understand god or he's right because he does by stating that if there was no god there would be no morals. This hypothetical hinges on the fact there MUST be a god, despite there being no real proof to back that up. So in essence, I cannot state how morals can exist in the absence of god because he is too set in the concept that god is real.

In other words, I'm too tired to refute his latest, ridiculous post.
It's not that you're too lazy, you simply can't. You keep morals only so the world functions well, so it doesn't end up hurting you. But by that logic, if anyone stops caring about the world or how it affects them, they can feel free to be as 'immoral' as they'd like. That is your morality. Are you ready to own up to the fact that you think there is nothing intrinsically wrong with ****?

You guys should really read the first few chapters of Mere Christianity by C. S. Lewis. Before he even gets to the subject of Christianity he outlines the idea of a moral law and how it necessitates a divine power. I'll respond to the other posts a bit later. Waiting for my teacher to arrive at my class.


Wake up...
Jun 19, 2002
Are you ready to own up to the fact that you think there is nothing intrinsically wrong with ****?
Where the hell did you pull that bull**** from? No, don't answer that, I don't really want to see your thought processes.


Pikaville returns 10 years later.
Feb 16, 2006
Kinsale, Ireland
Morals exist not because a god does.but because human interaction and intelligence culminated and reached a conclusive standpoint at some point in time.

This standpoint was that there were actions no matter how small that benefit the society as a whole,and actions that hurt society.Also known as right and wrong.

People had to be taught right and wrong so that society could maximise its prosperity.People obviously realised that the guy taking all the apples from the cart wasn't doing anything but hurting others.

I believe it was around this same time that the idea of a "god" was created.

I mean what's a more perfect way of convincing people to act as you want?

If you tell a child that if he earns a good living and obeys the law he will be provided with everlasting life,what is the child going to do?

Yeah he is going to listen because everything you say to him is taken as the 100% truth.

People obtain their morals directly from environment and circumstance.(where and how they are raised basically)I DARE anyone to challenge me on this.

On top of that the same argument applies to all religions.

Various tribes intertwined their culture and morals with stories about a "god" which governed how their people acted.

Religion=Various stories created to optimise how people should act in order to prosper.
Morals=the inevitable creation spawned from intelligence and interaction.
God=an imaginary enforcer of morals created by "VERY SMART PEOPLE" to trick their children into living exactly how they want.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2007
@ jugfingers everything you said about Christianity you can apply to Islam. The issue of Jesus being the only way, Islam does also claim to be the only way.

everything you know about jesus has come from human language, from humans, humans are stupid,,
you can say the same with Mohammed

even if you think the bible is the word of the God, that very concept that the bible is the word of God came from humans too, so basically there is an impassable curtain of human thought and human language between you and god
you can say the same with the Qu'ran.


Smash Apprentice
May 24, 2009
@ Proverbs

Most people realize that if they do something that harms other people, people will do something that harms them. This enforces morality.

The whole "God enforces morality to those even that doubt his existence" is garbage, you think the reason why people have morals is because god just gives them to people even though it says in your bible God gave man free will.

Also there are people that do things with without morals people like Charles Manson (and countless others that are pointless to list) its just that there is not many of them because people realize that if they do bad others will do bad to them. People will not just let someone senselessly ****** and killing other people roam around because they may be killed or ***** next. People also have empathy if they see someone in some sort of pain they feel sorrow because they know they would feel pain if they were in the others condition, I don't see how you feel there must be the existence of a god to make that possible. There are other people though who don't care about any of this and still **** and murder how come Gods morality did not reach them? Some people would go on a crazy killing spree if they no longer valued there life its been done, other people would not feel right about that and just commit suicide. People have different morals some people have no morals something this basic does not need God as an explanation.

Also doesn't this "If anyone injures his neighbor, whatever he has done must be done to him: fracture for fracture, eye for eye, tooth for tooth. As he has injured the other, so he is to be injured" (Leviticus 24:19, 20 NIV) contradict this “But I tell you, Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also” Matthew 5:39 there the bible goes contracting itself again, looks like the resource you preach disproves itself.


Smash Master
Aug 9, 2007
Leviticus is Old Testament. What Jesus taught in Matthew is New Testament and is what we should try to live by.
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