Juggles Fire
B-sticking also works well for specials that accept multiple inputs. Examples for down-B include Dr. Mario / Luigi tornado and for side-B include Marth / Lucina dancing blades. For me, I find that max height Dr. tornado now takes exactly half the effort than it did when I simply "mashed" the special button.
I second that you should take your time getting used to the control scheme with Bidou "off" first, then slowly work in some of the added tech when Bidou is "on." You have to be equally comfortable in and out of Bidou to use this tech effectively. Since part of smash is about your ability to mix up your techniques and remain unpredictable, I consider the switch to be a nice complement to my mixup game.This is definitely true. Bidou is not going to get you a huge jump in performance, especially in the short term. The thing is, bidou is a complete change in controls (and maybe controller), so the deeper you get into smash, the harder the change will be. I actually recommend setting bidou controls without using any bidou movement tricks at first and working on fundamentals with the new button layout.
It's a big time investment to change to bidou, so it's ok to discuss the specific techs as benefits/costs of bidou to decide whether it's even worth it to learn it for certain characters.