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BC Melee Rankings: Late Fall 2012


Smash Master
Feb 20, 2006
Coquitlam (Vancouver), BC
yeah, like a mm. Though I think Tim would win, considering he ***** him and it was only one tourney. Lots of factors though. Evan has done well like this before, but he's done horrible too and will be this good and this bad in the future. With his experience he will have good tourneys and bad tourneys. Tim, on the other hand, doesn't have loads of experience and plays off of what he has and learns as he goes, making him play consistantly well.

So get Evan on a good day and he'll do better in a tourney than Tim but might still lose to Tim, get Evan on a bad day and he'll do worse in the tourney and will still lose to Tim, where Tims bad and good days aren't that drastically far from each other.
James, you're reading waaay too much into this.

Tim doesn't '**** me', I don't know where you got that from. He was beating me in friendlies, but I never used Jigglypuff (maybe once, but it was dumb lol). We only ever once played against each other in a tournament match and that was in doubles (we won our set in winners, they won in losers), but I was teaming with Matt, who sucks at teams.

Also you've only seen me once (so how would you know who is more consistent), and I've only seen Tim twice. As of now I have a better tournament record than Tim, so he'd better come here and prove that he's better. At Uvic I was saying Tim is better, but after TS2 I feel differently.

With his experience he will have good tourneys and bad tourneys.
What does that even mean? I have experience, so I'll do poorly? James you're not making a lot of sense.


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
At Uvic I was saying Tim is better, but after TS2 I feel differently.
That was pretty much the sum of it. You do well, you feel like you're better, you do worse, you feel like your worse. Natural, and because you've been playing and naturally doing this so much, it changes lots regarding where you fit in terms of a PR where Tim would be pretty accurately placed after 1 showing.

It's the knowledge of logic. I'm just putting into smash and ranking use for people to see. Quite simple really haha


Smash Lord
Oct 3, 2007
I guess it's understandable Evan being above me, I won't argue with that. He beat me last sfu, and in two events this tournament.. But a jiggz is just a jiggz, another obstacle for fox to conquer :evil:

And as for all the people suggesting players pushing me down on the PR (And theres a few out there) I'm not gonna easily give up my spot that I've spent 3 1/2 years playing to get to where I am, Maybe thats the case with other top B.C players who've stopped playing. But I'm way to dedicated.

All I gotta do is get my shiit together and step my game + stop drinking/smoking, ez pz right?

time tells all

Edit: One more thing, when you get to a certain point the road of improvement slows down substantially. So don't overestimate the rising young stars.


Smash Ace
Feb 19, 2007
Surrey, BC
until Tim comes and out-places and outplays tiep/roby/evan, its crazy talk saying hes above them already.

and imo roby > evan still, though the gap between them is smaller now.

1rd: me
2th: manuel
3nd: ryan and adam
4rd: ryan and adam
5th: tiep
6th: roby
7th: evan
8th: matt
9th: daltsy (i disagree with this though cause hes not active enough, might as well put fox machine and his friend and his little kid brother then)
10th: sion

roby + tiep are so close now its hard to tell

imo the only definite thing on this PR is me at 1st and manuel at 2nd lol

ROBY: smash? today? call my cell


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2008
Penticton's finest!
Daltsy's active, he's just not necessarily going to the lower mainland events. He's still in BC and he's still active, so that should be no problem.


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Delta B.C. Canada
Why does Sion go up, what did he place. I think I placed same as him, if not higher.
Just wondering what makes him have this jump?
Also, I agree with Tony in regaurds to Tim. Same thing about Eric leaving, etc. Eric is better, but not active.


Smash Hero
Feb 18, 2004
Richmond, B.C, Canada
1. Tony
2. Manuel
3. Adam/Ryan
4. Adam/Ryan
5. Tiep
6. Roby/Evan
7. Roby/Evan

....... after this, it gets retartedly difficult...

8-10 (will be debated thoroughly)

Candidates on my list:

Fox machine

*btw if u are not on this list of candidates and feel you should be, please bring this to my attention with examples to back up your reasoning. Thankyou.*



Smash Master
Feb 20, 2006
Coquitlam (Vancouver), BC
So he beat your secondaries while impaired?
In friendlies

God, why don't you people understand, I have NEVER played him in a tournament set. Friendlies shouldn't mean ANYTHING towards PR, that's why they're called FRIENDLIES. We're not playing to win, so why should it matter if I lose?


Smash Lord
Oct 3, 2007
Smash today for sure! I got a whole bunch of crap to do, So I'll be home around 5-6.. I can come out to your place Tony or maybe we'll try going to Adams when his off work (9?)

Evan ould have some serious matches if you want next time we see each other, doesn't have to be money matches but this way theres no johns like not trying or something.

We should do one Fox vs Jiggz 1 ban each, then do another without our mains? or whatever else is fine.

Edit: Lol evan don't worry about it, everyone knows friendlys don't mean anything. ;]


Smash Master
Feb 20, 2006
Coquitlam (Vancouver), BC
Smash today for sure! I got a whole bunch of crap to do, So I'll be home around 5-6.. I can come out to your place Tony or maybe we'll try going to Adams when his off work (9?)

Evan ould have some serious matches if you want next time we see each other, doesn't have to be money matches but this way theres no johns like not trying or something.

We should do one Fox vs Jiggz 1 ban each, then do another without our mains? or whatever else is fine.

Edit: Lol evan don't worry about it, everyone knows friendlys don't mean anything. ;]
Yeah, that sounds good. Let's just do a bunch of small money matches, or maybe just 'no johns' sets where we actually try to win.


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2008
Penticton's finest!
I don't think Tim should be ranked lesser just because he hasn't played you in a tournament set, Evan.

I also disagree that Tiep is that high. Roby is better than him imo, and I could easily argue that Evan and Tim are as well. He hasn't been preforming well at tournaments lately. At Satau, Tim beat him 2-0. Evan also beat him just at TS2 (was the set 2-0 or 2-1?). Roby has been preforming quite well at tournaments himself.

More to come later. Gotta go for now.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2007
yakal should be on pr because he beat me in a tourney set.

and then he loses to my gannon lol wtf yakal

edit: actually i'm not sure if i should be on pr, i'm terribly inconsistent.


Smash Ace
Jan 2, 2007
Oh god, don't remind me. Who was it I played the first match against again? I was 3/4-stocking him with dk in friendlies literally minutes before and then in the crew battle I 1-stocked him. At least I took of a stock the next match.

And your icies are made out of metal or something, because it seems my electric knee is magnetically attracted to them.


Smash Ace
Mar 6, 2008
Penticton's finest!
what makes you think roby > tiep? Really I'm just curious as to where you get this idea from.
I've never seen any recent matches between Roby and Tiep, but I'm just going on performances.

Going by TS2 since they both attended and it's the most recent event, both lost two Meta and some top players (False Falco beat Roby and Tiep lost to Manli). However, while winning, Roby beat twice as many people in brackets, most of which had more prestige than who Tiep beat. (Liverymen, bwmat (current rank 7), Genesis (contender (he's Fox Machine, right?) for PR) and Superboom (3rd in Alberta) lost to Roby while Sion (contender for PR) and AIDS (10th on PR) lost to Tiep.

As much as I like Tiep as a smasher, he hasn't been improving as fast as the rest of the province so he's been slipping.

Meta, Daltsy, and Roby have all been doing exception for where they're at, and while the top 5 were previously unbreakable, I think a few have broken through now.



Smash Journeyman
Jan 17, 2007
Washington, Vancouver, BC,DC
I've never seen any recent matches between Roby and Tiep, but I'm just going on performances.

Going by TS2 since they both attended and it's the most recent event, both lost two Meta and some top players (False Falco beat Roby and Tiep lost to Manli). However, while winning, Roby beat twice as many people in brackets, most of which had more prestige than who Tiep beat. (Liverymen, bwmat (current rank 7), Genesis (contender (he's Fox Machine, right?) for PR) and Superboom (3rd in Alberta) lost to Roby while Sion (contender for PR) and AIDS (10th on PR) lost to Tiep.

As much as I like Tiep as a smasher, he hasn't been improving as fast as the rest of the province so he's been slipping.

Meta, Daltsy, and Roby have all been doing exception for where they're at, and while the top 5 were previously unbreakable, I think a few have broken through now.


sorry buddy. your a ******! :bee:


Smash Lord
May 30, 2006
Delta B.C. Canada
1. Tony
2. Manuel
3. Adam/Ryan
4. Adam/Ryan
5. Tiep
6. Roby/Evan
7. Roby/Evan

....... after this, it gets retartedly difficult...

8-10 (will be debated thoroughly)

Candidates on my list:

Fox machine

*btw if u are not on this list of candidates and feel you should be, please bring this to my attention with examples to back up your reasoning. Thankyou.*

Maybe Supertramp aswell?
I don't know his placing but he seemed to be pretty good at the game.


Smash Cadet
Jun 15, 2007
Behind you.
tournament draws bone me.
thank you for the rep aids.

I promote a point ranking system based around tournament play. If one could be made that also deals with the issue of oos smashers, inactive ones and ones that are unable to attend specific tournaments. If such a system could be created there would be no need for debate.


Smash Master
Feb 20, 2006
Coquitlam (Vancouver), BC
daamn. step it up.

there are a ****load of other ways to win. <3
Of course there are, that's why I do them in friendlies. I don't lose all of my friendlies, lol.

But when I'm playing seriously, I want to play as efficiently as possible. That usually involves playing Jigglypuff like a homo, cause that's how I've been most successful.


Smash Ace
Sep 30, 2007
Coquitlam, B.C. Canada
1. Tony
2. Manuel
3. Adam/Ryan
4. Adam/Ryan
5. Tiep
6. Roby/Evan
7. Roby/Evan

....... after this, it gets retartedly difficult...

8-10 (will be debated thoroughly)

Candidates on my list:

Fox machine

*btw if u are not on this list of candidates and feel you should be, please bring this to my attention with examples to back up your reasoning. Thankyou.*

I think you completely overlooked me, adam. I've been doing quite well for myself lately and I think I at least deserve some recognition in this candidates list, I've shown you how well I can actually perform, although I lost to keith in tournament doesn't mean I lost badly, It was a 2-1 set and I believe the main reason I lost is because I took a big gamble and lost it by not going with a character I'm comfortable with (stupidsamus). Not only that but I've beat you in MM which should count to something towards your judgment on who you consider good enough for PR. I've also beaten matt in tourney as he said. and came very very close to beating evan in a tourney set as well


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
Even I know that could/should be narrowed down quite a bit, Adamdorf.

Nathan isn't at that level, sorry Nathan lol.

Daltsy is at least a step better than Kuriko and Kuriko is very innactive.

That takes Nathan and Howard out of the picture.

I watched a decent amount of Keith and Matt and they're both good but others on the list could certainly be better. They would be the next in line. Maybe it's just ups and downs in friendlies where I saw them play some of the same people and not do as well in those matches but they're close. They're candidates.

This leaves Sion, Tim, FoxMachine, Kaelen, Yakal and Me.

Tim is inactive even though he's good enough to compete with the top 6 by all means. So he's off.

Kaelen is like a better version of Genesis but isn't active outside of the Okanagan so he's off.

I come to 2 things a year, pretty much the most inactive active person so I'm out.

Sion was mentioned by a few quite a bit about being a top 10 in the short time I was in Van (Adam especially lol) so that's all I know as far as him. As long as he's active cause I heard he wasn't very active.

I don't know anything about Fox Machine but I'm gonna guess he's a Fox lol

Yakal could be mentioned but he's not there yet. Sorry Yakal. :\

This leaves Matt and Keith with possibly Sion and Fox Machine, depending how active they are. There are 3 spots among the 4 of them so I'd like to see a round robin best of 5s mini PR MM thingy between them, Yakal and Nathan to decide the final 3 spots.

I'm adding the tags just incase I mixed someone up, like the rob/mat/somethings.

1. Tony(dieslow)
2. Manuel(manli)
3. Adam/Ryan(noobking/cowear)
4. Adam/Ryan(noobking/cowear)
5. Roby/Tiep/Evan(extreem/patooty/meta)
6. Roby/Tiep/Evan(extreem/patooty/meta)
7. Roby/Tiep/Evan(extreem/patooty/meta)
8. Keith/Gary/Sion/Matt(aids/foxmachine/sion/bwmatt)
9. Keith/Gary/Sion/Matt(aids/foxmachine/sion/bwmatt)
10. Keith/Gary/Sion/Matt(aids/foxmachine/sion/bwmatt)

Possible Contenders Too

Leave Out

That's my opinion. Don't know much but that's all I know. :\


Smash Lord
Dec 20, 2005
Burnaby, BC
I think that you definitely overlooked Yakal, Adam.

First, I should be off the list.

Next, I think Adam above Ryan.
Next, I think sextreme and tiep are very very close. In terms of performance, I think Roby has been performing better for some time. Correct me empirically if you think otherwise.
Evan vs Tim is hard. It is my opinion that Tim is slightly better, and that once people get used to a good jiggs, performance on Evan's end might be more difficult, BUT I haven't seen Tim since CAST, and few people saw him play there. All I know is that Evan ***** in doubles with Adam, and did very well in Singles, at least until he decided to play Jigglypuff against me. 4th place, and beating someone who is ranked 5th in our current ranking has to say something.

I have not seen Sion play very much, although I did see him do well in doubles. Yakal is quite good. Keith is (imo) no doubt on the PR, anyone who's played matches with him will tell you. In fact, why not ask Tiep, since he is a panelist and played him in tournament? Matt and Nathan have always been good, they just choke like dogs on golden meatballs. Unfortunately, according to the front page, tournament performance is part of it.

1) Tony
2) Adam
3) Ryan
4) Roby
5) Tiep
6) Evan
7) Tim
8) Matt
9) Keith
10) Sion/Yakal/Nathan

Only, it doesn't make a bit of difference guys. Eric's GONE remember? The PR is inert.


Smash Champion
Mar 25, 2008
BC, Canaaaanada
Only, it doesn't make a bit of difference guys. Eric's GONE remember? The PR is inert.
lol where have I heard/seen this before? too good! ;D

this should be said after every post in this thread until he returns.

Manuel, thanks/take care. ^_^

Also, is Tim active enough to be on the PR even? :\
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