Tha L@wl
Smash Journeyman
PM me please....I'll battle you L@wl. whats your fc? mine is 5026-1856-2828
its in the sig btw...
Edit: Just thought I'd share a little story with can't post it like yoshi did but here is basically what happend.
I send out my Aerodactyl while he sends out Ninjask. I was thinking man...too bad my secondary team has no Phazer. He obviously Subs and i place stones so he cant bring in jask again. He swaggers and continues to stat boost. My aerodactly only hits itself once and he passes with more than half life. And im think noo..he has me beat...he passes to a gross and kills me with Tpunch.
I sent out dusknoir he misses metor mash and i kill him with EQ + Shadow Sneak...he had bullet punch (saw from previous battle) but didn't use He then sends out gallade and kills me with a night slash.
I sent out is where it gets interesting. He goes first and i use DD. I survive with life to spare. I kill him with Fire Punch. He goes and switches to Ninjask and swaggers my Dnite...little did he know it had lum berry. I sweep his entire team with Fire Punch/Thunder was great....i set up sunny day somewhere in there....
sorry for the WoT if anyone cares....