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Well, we finally did it. We elected a Muslin President. An insult to the 43 Christian Men who came before.
Wait--it's insulting because he isn't of the same religion? That's bull ****.
Whether or not you liked past Presidents, you have to admire the fact that they were all Christian.
Not if you're not Christian... In fact even if you are, it doesn't mean we have to hate on anyone who isn't.
Not a Jew, not a Muslin, not an atheist. America is a CHRISTIAN NATION.
No, America is a FREE nation. Meaning someone from ANY race/religion has equal opportunity under the law to do as they please.
And the results are in; it appears many are NOT insulted that Obama isn't Christian.
Anything else is just downright insulting. If America still exists in 4 years, I have no doubt in my mind that Sarah Palin will defeat Joe Biden, and become President (I say Joe Biden because I expect that Obama will be impeached, resign, or assassinated by then), restoring good Christian faith to the White House/Oval Office.
No, what you are saying is downright insulting; you are saying Obama will not make a worthy president because he has different religious beliefs; he still has good morals; the separation of church and state removes religion from all this; it doesn't matter he's muslim, apparently our country feels he can do some good.
Never again will we elect a Muslin man to lead the greatest country for Christians.
You are pigheaded; this is not a country for Christians, it is a country for men and women and children. It is a country for everyone, not just Christians. Christians are not above anyone else, especially in America's legal system.
I have some ideas about how we can prevent this, but some have told me they are too radical. I disagree. I already firmly believe that everybody in the world is born as a Christian, but later in life choose to abandon it or pursue another "faith." Although I hate large amounts of government intervention, I think a law should be created that makes it official: every American is born a Christian.
Separation of church and state; forcing your religion unto others? No. If you believe everyone is born a christian, then that's all that matters; you don't have to "make it official".
Of course, later in life you can be allowed to convert to any "faith" or "religion" that you want, so there's really no difference in that regard.
There is a difference, in that you are forcing your views unto others, as evidence provides below:
However, it will have to be recorded, so it will be on public record, so everyone can see exactly when and at what age you decided to abandon Christ.
If this law existed, Obama would have been born Christian (assuming he was really born in Hawaii, like he says) and would have to convert to Islam later in life. Real Islamic terrorists in the middle east probably wouldn't want to associate with a Christian man, so his Christianity would keep Obama away from these terrorists he pals around with.
First off, why do you doubt he wasn't really born in Hawaii? I'm sure the government has ways of figuring out something like that, and they would have caught on by now.
Real Islamic terrorists might just associate with him anyways because he would have switched religions.
This was stupid. And blood-boiling.
