Yeah, hopefully with them having it as a broadcast anyway, they can still have an E3 Nintendo Direct. To be fair, Nintendo is the only thing I usually look forward to at E3 anyway, so hopefully it's still on the docket for a presentation. Especially given the drought of full Nintendo Directs so far anyway. But we did have Smash, Pokemon, and Animal Crossing Directs already this year, so I don't think we can complain too much. But I do want to see what new titles and ports we might get. Still having my fingers crossed Banjo & Kazooie will get another chance to shine on the Switch somehow. Ty the Tasmanian Tiger is getting his first game re-released on the Switch in HD, and I'm so flipping excited! One of my favorite games for the Gamecube. If Crash, Spyro, and freaking Ty the Tasmanian Tiger can be on the Switch, so should Banjo. Hopefully Nintendo and Microsoft can work something out! Also hoping to see more of Breath of the Wild 2 this year.