Finally completed all of the Spirit battles. I mean, I say finally, but I only started just recently. Not a fan of spirit mode myself, and since DLC characters are treated differently than base game characters, I had no interest in getting more into it. But I at least wanted to complete Banjo & Kazooie's spirit board. Was able to do all of them fairly easily, except for Gruntilda's. Keep in mind, though, I don't use spirits at all, and so all of them were level 1, except for Alucard who got up to level 43 with as many times I had to fight that Gruntilda battle.
Still, I don't get the Spirits at all. I really loved the Jiggy one, as well as the reference to the Golden Goliath in Mumbo's, but the rest didn't make much sense to me. Donkey Kong as Bottles disappearing made little sense, unless it was supposed to be him "going underground" or becoming a ghost. Invisible power up seems more applicable to a Klungo stand in, along with having an oversized one and multiple, if they were to do a Klungo battle.
King K Rool from the trailer made more sense as a Gruntilda stand-in in the trailer than Dedede was in the battle, unless it was some weird reference to King Jingaling. And the fact they went with remixing Klungo's boss battle music, rather than Final Battle, is even more bizarre now, given it's Gruntilda's spirit. I guess they wanted more Tooie tracks, but switching from Klungo to Final Battle, and adding at least one other boss track would have fixed that. Unless they wanted more and Microsoft was being exceptionally stingy (if so, SNK put Microsoft to shame). Still boggles me.
I don't want any of this to sound like complaining, though, just observations. Really love how they're represented in the game for the most part--their moveset is perfect, even if the subtle intricacies aren't up to competitor's standards, they went above and beyond with Spiral Mountain and modelling the characters, and the remixes are so good--and more remixes than everyone except for SNK.
Can't think of anything I'd change, except for how their spirits worked and changing a song around, which is a lot better than I had anticipated prior.