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Bandana Dee, the Spear Master! (v(- ' ' -)>↑ ~ Dee wait is killing us...

Do you want Bandana Dee in SSB4?

  • Total voters


Floor Diver
Nov 2, 2013
We already have Sailor Dee. Maybe Top Hat Dee or Cowboy Dee?

Now that I think about it, Kirby and Dedede both have worn cowboy hats. :p
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stuck on a whole different plaaaanet
Jun 12, 2008
read what you just said to me and reevaluate your life
Why come into a support thread for a character you obviously don't support and sling insults? That's a rhetorical question btw as well as a sign to stop.
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Princess Toady

Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2014
Geez, you people are over-sensitive. It's kinda obvious he did that on purpose and expected such reactions from you, so he won in a way, lol.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 2, 2014
You guys ever wonder why Bandanna Waddle Dee is such a controversial character here? It's because of most of his supporters (not all) act like jerks whenever anyone gives a negative opinion on the character (I've seen death threats get thrown around by supporters on this thread - seriously). I myself have been mocked, since anyone who doesn't support a playable Waddle Dee are immediately "idiots" who know nothing of the Kirby franchise (protip - I've played and beaten them all except for TD!). Then they're bombarded with fan conjecture used as evidence to support Bandanna Waddle Dee while ignoring/dismissing facts that have been brought up against him. All while spouting off that he's a "shoe-in" for the game; Seriously, no other character fanbase thinks their character has such a high chance without very good reason and acknowledge when something has hurt said character's chances.

@KCCHIEFS27, xpnc, and everyone else who is against Bandana Dee:Allow me to point out ALL the differences between a Paragoomba, Waddle Dees, and Bandana Waddle Dee:
Paragoombas: Common enemy, turn into Goombas from one stomp, and then die in one hit from anything, with no importance to plot or anything.
Waddle Dees: Simple Common Enemies that just passively walk around, and occasionally wield Parasols (Paragoombas anyone?) and Spears (Which they aren't very good at wielding), and are never ever important to plot.
Bandana Waddle Dee: Has Greater endurance than others of his kind, is THE ONLY WADDLE DEE WITH A BANDANA, wields a spear far better than most of his kind, invented the Spear-Copter technique, Is King Dedede's Right-Hand man, has had importance in plot THRICE so far (Counting TD since it's already out in Japan and close to release over here in the US), has assisted Kirby, is able to speak (see: Kirby Super Star Ultra: Revenge of the King), has lived through a fight with Kirby (Show me another person who managed THAT hm? besides Dedede and Meta Knight), And most of all, can survive being inhaled by Kirby.

GEE, I WONDER IF YOU MIGHT ACTUALLY HAVE A POINT NOW. Oh wait, you DON'T, because I just disproved it.
I know I'll probably get another response about how Bandanna Waddle Dee is different because he wears a bandanna along with some fan conjecture on how he's much better/stronger/god-like compared to any other Waddle Dee because x and y, but here my response anyway:

A Waddle Dee (no bandanna, a regular run-of-mill honest to goodness Waddle Dee) was playable in Superstar (Ultra) as a helper and a fully playable character (along with Waddle Doo) in Canvas Curse. Spoiler - they were stronger than the Waddle Dees/Doos that were common enemies and killed them too! Video game logic; when a character is made playable they're usually stronger than the non-playable ones! Who knew?

A Waddle Dee (no bandanna, a regular run-of-mill honest to goodness Waddle Dee) was important to the plot as a support character in Kirby 64. He was also a playable character in the mini-games and was even planned to be playable in the story at one point.

I can name several re-occurring Kirby characters that have lived through a fight with Kirby: Zero, Waddle Dee (from Kirby 64), Adeleine, the Squeak Squad, Magolor, Whispy Woods, Kracko, Lololo and Lalala, Dark Matter, etc. What's your point? What does that have to do with a playable Waddle Dee in Smash Bros?

Bandanna Waddle Dee's name further points out that he's derivative. The naming scheme for variations of a character is always "Color/Clothes/Alignment" "Character's Name". Bandanna Waddle Dee and Sailor Waddle Dee are variations of Waddle Dee in very much the same way Blue Toad and Captain Toad are variations of Toad. If we got a playable Waddle Dee it's very likely the bandanna and sailor hat would be costumes and the original Waddle Dee design would be the default. Just like if we got a playable Toad, his original design would be the default while the Toad Brigade member's would be costumes. Just like the colored Yoshis (which are separate characters in the Yoshi games) are costumes to the default Yoshi design. That's not to say a derivative design couldn't get their own slot - see Dr. Mario, but the idea of Dr. Mario getting in over regular Mario is preposterous.

EDIT: I'd like to apologize to the mods for my little rant, I have nothing against Waddle Dee being playable in Smash. It's just that some of the attitudes in this thread have started to get to me a bit.
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Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2013
Hey, what's been going on? Oh, I see the weather for today has a large chance of a hate storm... That's... cool... (but why did a repost of something we already know set it off?)


chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
The whole "You can't eat him" sounds suspicious. As if he's important.
Because he's an enemy. Duh, cx. You shouldn't be able to eat an enemy/ Charizard shouldn't be able to, at least. IMHO it's just showing one of Charizard's moves.
There are some serious fools here, huh. You guys see Red Toad get deconfirmed, and immediately go, "No, we have Blue Toad and Captain Toad!" And then a shot of normal Waddle Dees, with no bandana I might add, and everyone says, "Nope. Waddle Dee ain't got a shot anymore." Screw you.
toad isn't deconfirmed please don't say that he is because he isn't
They took away the randomness and left the stronger effect, or using less pikmins is worst for olimar in your opinion?
Sometimes less is more.

Even toad has a better chance than ridley at this point xD
I hope you're saying that because Toad really isn't deconfirmed.

Can we not support a character without being berated? Bandana Dee is clearly his own character, and is hardly comparable to a paragoomba (seriously?), or even Toad. Now, whether or not he is the 4th most important character in the Kirby series, or if said series even deserves 4 reps is entirely subjective; however, the fact is that he is one of, if not the most popular and requested Kirby newcomer.

Look, I don't think Bandana Dee will make it into this installment either, but I still support the character because I like him and think he has interesting move potential. If someone wants to call me childish names because of my opinion, or argue for the character's exclusion, then go right ahead. All I ask is for those people to at least educate themselves on the subject, because otherwise, I will ignore their remarks and they can kindly **** off.

^That goes for just about any character, actually.
I hope you're saying that because you don't know Toad is more iconic/recognizable.

So uh, Waddle Dees and such. My ambivalence towards this character drives my nuts. I want to hate him, I really do, but there's just not enough there for me to hate. Do I think he should be in Smash? Not particularly, but there are far worse choices *cough*pacmantoadmii*cough*. So I would like to be added to the list of people that don't really give a damn either way.
I hope you don't know I'm here. Perhaps you meant another character?

I want to throw my two cents in this discussion.

What's unique about Bandana Dee is that its really difficult to deconfirm him or for Sakurai to purposely tease/foreshadow him. He's not exactly stage hazard material (like Ridley) or Final Smash potential (like Brawl Palutena), but he's unique enough to separate himself from generic enemies/races in other character attacks (Peach's Toad, Zelda's Phantom, Brawl Dedede's Waddle Dee Toss)

The only thing that can really outright deconfirm him is showing him off as a trophy, Assist Trophy or waiting until launch. However, awesome as Bandana is, I feel that his chance of him even getting his own trophy is only slightly more likely than Blue and Yellow Toad's chances.

By the way, I love me some Bandana Dee, I want more polearm wielders, I just feel that being from a race of mooks hurts his chances.
THE Toad has look-a-likes. Two Toads that look exactly the same can co-exist.

Guys, can we please just stop arguing on how/what BD does and how important he is while dashing/looking down on other characters' chances?
I swear it's starting to be REALLY annoying
whenever I go to this topic and people are talking about how Toad is deconfirmed because "he's a move" or "generic"
but Waddle Dee/BD is basically in the same situation. He's an enemy, KINDA generic (but with Toad it's been noted that there's look a likes) and it's sickening how people think because BD has a simple bandana, and how Toad has lookalikes and is a move, and how BD is a move, that Toad is deconfirmed. I don't mean to be rude/off topic, but seriously. You don't have to talk about other characters BADLY for examples to use to defend the fact that "bandana dee has a higher chance than them", because if you wait to take your next step, he doesn't. Toad itself is a species of duplicates; he can still live on. BD if he is confirmed, can't live on as a playable character ANY other way.

Think about the things you say about the other characters. Study them over and over. It sounds rude when someone else, a fan of that character and BD comes in, doesn't it?


Anyways, I don't think a picture should've caused all of this.

KCCHIEFS27, you should know better. You shouldn't go into fan clubs and hate on that specific character.
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. If you still wanted to let your opinion out, you could've said it in a nicer way: Example being;
"I don't see what the difference is between a normal Dee and BD, no offence."
"He doesn't have as likely of a chance than you think he does, IMHO"
For the rest of the people, you shouldn't insult him/her just because he is expressing his opinion rudely. At least don't fire back; if someone shoves you do you shove them back but harder? No. Like fatmanonice said and Ndayday, you can always respectfully disagree, which you both could had been doing.

I'm sorry to act like a mother, but really? Flaming over one person? Over a post Sakurai basically made about Toad? Really? Just ignore that person; or you could had silently reported him. Stating an opposing opinion in a normal, nice way is fine; but starting a war about it is 100x as worse. This is the Bandana Dee discussion, about how we think he could get in, what he's done, etc. Not the "Flame War Discussion: Where we look down negatively at SO much characters".

Really, I'm just really sorry for making this post and in a way modding, if that's against the rules, but I just think it had to be put out there. There wasn't a need for a war to happen.

Also see RankoChan's post; she hit it on the nail SO hard.

EDIT: I also forgot to put how I'm actually REALLY sorry for the rant too. It just had to be said
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Smash Apprentice
Jan 24, 2014
I don't support Bandana Dee, even though Kirby is my favorite Nintendo franchise. I'd love to support a fourth Kirby rep, but I think none of the other characters are important enough to warrant it. Maybe Prince Fluff if he ever shows up again...

That said, Bandana Dee is clearly an individual character just like Toad is an individual character from a species. He's an important Kirby character. So, he's not "just a waddle dee with a bandana on". It's not like...wanting Goomba's Shoe Goomba in the game. It is a real character request.

I like hanging around this topic because I'm a huge Kirby fan...
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Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
THE Toad has look-a-likes. Two Toads that look exactly the same can co-exist.

Guys, can we please just stop arguing on how/what BD does and how important he is while dashing/looking down on other characters' chances?
I swear it's starting to be REALLY annoying
whenever I go to this topic and people are talking about how Toad is deconfirmed because "he's a move" or "generic"
but Waddle Dee/BD is basically in the same situation. He's an enemy, KINDA generic (but with Toad it's been noted that there's look a likes) and it's sickening how people think because BD has a simple bandana, and how Toad has lookalikes and is a move, and how BD is a move, that Toad is deconfirmed. I don't mean to be rude/off topic, but seriously. You don't have to talk about other characters BADLY for examples to use to defend the fact that "bandana dee has a higher chance than them", because if you wait to take your next step, he doesn't. Toad itself is a species of duplicates; he can still live on. BD if he is confirmed, can't live on as a playable character ANY other way.

Think about the things you say about the other characters. Study them over and over. It sounds rude when someone else, a fan of that character and BD comes in, doesn't it?
Whoa, calm down. I wasn't trying to mock you or rub salt in the wounds over whether Toad is playable or not, I was simply trying to talk about the difficulty of deconfirming Waddle Dee.

If I wanted to tell you why I don't think Toad is playable, I would go over the Toad thread myself, present my argument, and listen to rebuttals to prove me wrong. But as of now, Toad's in the same boat as Phantom, Bandana Dee, Gordo, and a whole mess of "generic enemy/race" characters.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 21, 2013
I hope you're saying that because you don't know Toad is more iconic/recognizable.
I never implied anything of the sort. What I meant was that he is more distinguishable from his respective species than the other characters that I mentioned are to theirs.


Smash Ace
Feb 27, 2014
Wondering when I was an edgelord.
@ RankoChan RankoChan :I haven't played any Kirby game predating Kirby 64. The Kirby games I've played are:
Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland
Kirby and the Amazing Mirror
Kirby 64 the Crystal Shards
Kirby Air Ride
Kirby Super Star Ultra
That's it. I don't know who Dark Matter and Zero are, I just know they don't appear in the Kirby games I've played save for Kirby 64 and because of that I do not know everything about all those characters I probably should.

And Bandana Dee's endurance isn't just in Return to Dreamland. He was a mini-boss enemy character in Super Star Ultra and had far more HP than a normal Waddle Dee. the characters you mentioned in Kirby 64, minus Dark Matter, (and possibly 02) don't exactly count, as Kirby is friends with them. Plus Adoleine didn't actually fight herself unless I'm forgetting something. The Waddle Dee in that game survived because 1: he couldn't be inhaled, and 2: he was controlled by Dark Matter, and it is reasonable to presume that Dark Matter wouldn't take over frail creatures like Waddle Dees and humans without buffing them in some way/shape/form.

I know all about Kirby's Return to Dreamland from watching a playthrough of it.

I'm naturally defensive of characters I like/support.

Otherwise I accept that you have greater knowledge than me on the current subject.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 2, 2014
@ RankoChan RankoChan :I haven't played any Kirby game predating Kirby 64. The Kirby games I've played are:
Kirby Nightmare in Dreamland
Kirby and the Amazing Mirror
Kirby 64 the Crystal Shards
Kirby Air Ride
Kirby Super Star Ultra
That's it. I don't know who Dark Matter and Zero are, I just know they don't appear in the Kirby games I've played save for Kirby 64 and because of that I do not know everything about all those characters I probably should.

And Bandana Dee's endurance isn't just in Return to Dreamland. He was a mini-boss enemy character in Super Star Ultra and had far more HP than a normal Waddle Dee. the characters you mentioned in Kirby 64, minus Dark Matter, (and possibly 02) don't exactly count, as Kirby is friends with them. Plus Adoleine didn't actually fight herself unless I'm forgetting something. The Waddle Dee in that game survived because 1: he couldn't be inhaled, and 2: he was controlled by Dark Matter, and it is reasonable to presume that Dark Matter wouldn't take over frail creatures like Waddle Dees and humans without buffing them in some way/shape/form.

I know all about Kirby's Return to Dreamland from watching a playthrough of it.

I'm naturally defensive of characters I like/support.

Otherwise I accept that you have greater knowledge than me on the current subject.
Ah, I see. Zero was the final boss of Kirby's Dreamland 3 and was the ruler of the Dark Matter. After being defeated he returned as the final boss again in Kirby 64 as 02 (Zero 2), showing the damage he had abstained from Kirby in the previous game. The "Dark Matter Trilogy" games as they're called by the fandom are my favorite Kirby titles.

As for Bandanna Dee being a mini-boss in the Superstar Ultra remake; He actually replaced a regular Waddle Dee that was in the original Superstar on SNES that also had a larger than normal amount of HP in the arena.

It's cool you're a fan of Bandanna Waddle Dee. Like I said earlier, it's not the character himself I was upset with just some of the comments that were being made.
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Smash Apprentice
Feb 20, 2014
You guys ever wonder why Bandanna Waddle Dee is such a controversial character here? It's because of most of his supporters (not all) act like jerks whenever anyone gives a negative opinion on the character (I've seen death threats get thrown around by supporters on this thread - seriously). I myself have been mocked, since anyone who doesn't support a playable Waddle Dee are immediately "idiots" who know nothing of the Kirby franchise (protip - I've played and beaten them all except for TD!). Then they're bombarded with fan conjecture used as evidence to support Bandanna Waddle Dee while ignoring/dismissing facts that have been brought up against him. All while spouting off that he's a "shoe-in" for the game; Seriously, no other character fanbase thinks their character has such a high chance without very good reason and acknowledge when something has hurt said character's chances.

I know I'll probably get another response about how Bandanna Waddle Dee is different because he wears a bandanna along with some fan conjecture on how he's much better/stronger/god-like compared to any other Waddle Dee because x and y, but here my response anyway:

A Waddle Dee (no bandanna, a regular run-of-mill honest to goodness Waddle Dee) was playable in Superstar (Ultra) as a helper and a fully playable character (along with Waddle Doo) in Canvas Curse. Spoiler - they were stronger than the Waddle Dees/Doos that were common enemies and killed them too! Video game logic; when a character is made playable they're usually stronger than the non-playable ones! Who knew?

A Waddle Dee (no bandanna, a regular run-of-mill honest to goodness Waddle Dee) was important to the plot as a support character in Kirby 64. He was also a playable character in the mini-games and was even planned to be playable in the story at one point.

I can name several re-occurring Kirby characters that have lived through a fight with Kirby: Zero, Waddle Dee (from Kirby 64), Adeleine, the Squeak Squad, Magolor, Whispy Woods, Kracko, Lololo and Lalala, Dark Matter, etc. What's your point? What does that have to do with a playable Waddle Dee in Smash Bros?

Bandanna Waddle Dee's name further points out that he's derivative. The naming scheme for variations of a character is always "Color/Clothes/Alignment" "Character's Name". Bandanna Waddle Dee and Sailor Waddle Dee are variations of Waddle Dee in very much the same way Blue Toad and Captain Toad are variations of Toad. If we got a playable Waddle Dee it's very likely the bandanna and sailor hat would be costumes and the original Waddle Dee design would be the default. Just like if we got a playable Toad, his original design would be the default while the Toad Brigade member's would be costumes. Just like the colored Yoshis (which are separate characters in the Yoshi games) are costumes to the default Yoshi design. That's not to say a derivative design couldn't get their own slot - see Dr. Mario, but the idea of Dr. Mario getting in over regular Mario is preposterous.

EDIT: I'd like to apologize to the mods for my little rant, I have nothing against Waddle Dee being playable in Smash. It's just that some of the attitudes in this thread have started to get to me a bit.
I would say that the majority of threads on this sub-forum are filled with fan conjecture. Tons of people post comments in order to defend their favored character. (But death threats, really?) Still, there are good reasons to be against Bandana Dee's inclusion as a playable character (as you bring them out in your post) but a lot of the previous comments weren't even trying for an argument - hell, they didn't even put in any sort of evidence.

Bandana Dee definitely isn't a shoe-in (I wouldn't be at all surprise if we didn't get another Kirby rep or the fourth rep is Magolor) but I support since I like Kirby.
EDIT: Forgot to say that I dislike the comparisons with Toad. Toad is more relevant in the Mario series than BWD is in the Kirby series so I don't really think it is a fair match-up.
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You can do it!
Jul 22, 2013
Wuhu Island
It's cool you're a fan of Bandanna Waddle Dee. Like I said earlier, it's not the character himself I was upset with just some of the comments that were being made.
I'm not here to hurt you, but I think it must be said that your rant was very attacking. I don't condone any sort of mocking and I'm sorry for what you had to go through. However, there is a ton of **** we Bandana Dee supports have to go through as well.

I'll forgive you, especially since you said that you are ok with Bandana Dee fans. Though, I think the both of us should look deeper into both sides.

IF you want to discuss it more with someone who will promise not to mock you, then you can talk to me privately. I swear I won't bite. :)

I sent you the PM already anyway.


chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
I never implied anything of the sort. What I meant was that he is more distinguishable from his respective species than the other characters that I mentioned are to theirs.
Whoa, calm down. I wasn't trying to mock you or rub salt in the wounds over whether Toad is playable or not, I was simply trying to talk about the difficulty of deconfirming Waddle Dee.

If I wanted to tell you why I don't think Toad is playable, I would go over the Toad thread myself, present my argument, and listen to rebuttals to prove me wrong. But as of now, Toad's in the same boat as Phantom, Bandana Dee, Gordo, and a whole mess of "generic enemy/race" characters.
sorry! i went on a rampage
Honestly, I didn't mean to sound so rude, but the flame war + all of the other things just put me in a bad mood. I know that they're just your opinions, and I respect them, but I just didn't like the outplurge of "well bd has this toad doesnt blah blah" that started in the war, and it was even BEFORE it.

Still, now I feel really bad now, cx. SO Sorry for the rant, though, but I just couldn't hold it in, cx! The war itself really didn't upset me too much, like RankoChan, it was just the posts that were in it.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 21, 2013
sorry! i went on a rampage
Honestly, I didn't mean to sound so rude, but the flame war + all of the other things just put me in a bad mood. I know that they're just your opinions, and I respect them, but I just didn't like the outplurge of "well bd has this toad doesnt blah blah" that started in the war, and it was even BEFORE it.

Still, now I feel really bad now, cx. SO Sorry for the rant, though, but I just couldn't hold it in, cx! The war itself really didn't upset me too much, like RankoChan, it was just the posts that were in it.
It's okay dude. It's not that I dislike Toad or anything, and I know that he has positive reinforcement in more areas than Bandana Dee does.


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2014
I can't believe I've yet to show my support for Bandana Dee. I actually would like to see him, as I find the Kirby series deserving to have 4 characters and I think he fits the ticket. Behind Paper Mario and King K. Rool. He's my next most wanted. I think he has a good chance as well.
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chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
I can't believe I've yet to show my support for Bandana Dee. I actually would like to see him, as I find the Kirby series deserving to have 4 characters and I think he fits the ticket. Behind Paper Mario and King K. Rool. He's my next most wanted. I think he has a good chance as well.
Is your avatar actually real? Like I never though he confirmed an alt for Villager :O
He'd kinda be like the 2nd "wacky" new character, after WFT. He just has that "surprise" feeling on him, you know? cx


Smash Champion
Feb 13, 2014
Is your avatar actually real? Like I never though he confirmed an alt for Villager :O
He'd kinda be like the 2nd "wacky" new character, after WFT. He just has that "surprise" feeling on him, you know? cx
Nah I Photoshopped an image :p
I think he'd be a surprise to many, but personally I think he has a decent shot.


Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2013
...I can see why everyone hates the Bandana Dee fanbase. I personaly like it (and am a part of it) I could easily see an outsider disliking us. For the record, I think Bandana Dee has a 55% chance to make it in. I by no means think he is a shoo in. As for the Toad vs. Bandana Dee war, I absolutely despise it. They are only similar in the fact that they are the supirior version of a genaric species, much like Yoshi. While I do know that Toad is unlikely, I know that he is not deconfirmed. I am sorry for any bandana deetractors in the thread that get attacked for it, you should probably be ready for it. Comming here and hating on Bandana Dee is much like going to a motorcycle gang and hating on motorcycles. You're going to get disrespect and possibly a beating. That concludes this message.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2013
sorry! i went on a rampage
Honestly, I didn't mean to sound so rude, but the flame war + all of the other things just put me in a bad mood. I know that they're just your opinions, and I respect them, but I just didn't like the outplurge of "well bd has this toad doesnt blah blah" that started in the war, and it was even BEFORE it.

Still, now I feel really bad now, cx. SO Sorry for the rant, though, but I just couldn't hold it in, cx! The war itself really didn't upset me too much, like RankoChan, it was just the posts that were in it.
In my eyes, Toad is more important, whereas Bandana Dee has more moveset potential.


Floor Diver
Nov 2, 2013
Toad has a legacy behind him, where Bandana Dee is still gaining popularity. If there ever is a Mario/Kirby crossover, those two would make a pretty awesome team. :p

Little Mac was my most wanted newcomer. But, Dee and Takamaru are tied for 2nd. Things are really looking up, so let's keep supporting!


Smash Apprentice
Apr 11, 2014
Kame House
Here's what I think and I hope you take a little time to read it:

Bandana Dee it's not a character that cause a great impact in Nintendo by himself, but he is now an important character in the Kirby series, and Kirby is a franchise that one of the most important Nintendo franchises. He is now the fourth most important character. And if Kirby gets another representative he is the best one to have this opportunity.

Comparing him to the likes of Toad or any other generic character doesn't change that because those characters are from different games and have different roles.

Also comparing him to another Wadle Dees doesn't have any sense, he is his own character and you can't deny it and if you think you can, you need to investigate a little about Kirby's history (just visit the page from Triple Deluxe). And comparing him to the Wadlee Dee from Kirby 64 to deny the importance of Bandana Dee also doesn't make sense because he wasn't important at the time but now he is, it's normal that a non important characters wins some importance in future games. He is now an important character.

He has a potential original moveset and we all know that is something that Sakurai loves.

And the Wadle Dees from smash run doesn't mean he is deconfirmed. He isn't deconfirmed until we saw him as an assist trophy or a trophy or if Sakurai says so; it's like R.O.B., he was a playable character even if there was R.O.B.'s that were enemies in SSE.

I'm not saying he's in, I'm just saying why I think he can be and I hope he is announced as a playable character beacause I would love the idea of playing with Bandana Dee in a Smash Bros game.

And that's my opinion.


Floor Diver
Nov 2, 2013
If Bandana Dee is playable, I hope they confirmed or deny he's the Waddle Dee in 64. Then they can officially add that game to his portfolio. One of the greatest mysteries in the series will be solved. :p

Neo Zero

Banned via Administration
Jun 24, 2012
While things are calmed down, I'd just like to say a little something.

Whether you love the idea of the character or hate it, everyone should remember ultimately no amount of support, large or small, really matters in the end as the final decision rests with Sakurai and the various studios that want to promote their character as the big new thing (Greninja for example). Now I'm sure everyone here has a character they might not like in the series, for example I still hate the idea of WFT. Does that mean I should go into her thread calling her stupid and that she's a waste of a spot? Of course not, that's my opinion, and the people who's opinion is this is a great original character who do use that forum don't need or want to hear about it. Same thing with a character candidate, I may not agree with seeing everyone that's suggested, but I don't go into threads trying to rile people up saying "This idea is awful" because even if it's "bad" on paper, Sakurai has been showing great work already and I'm confident he could take the most mudane of things and turn it into a fun competitive character.

Is it a lot of trolling? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but so what if someone comes into your thread and says "hey this idea sucks, you're all dumb". We can just ignore him, as his opinion doesn't mean we have to stop enjoying this thread and supporting a character we like and enjoy. Doesn't matter if it's Bandana Dee, Chorus Men, Chrom, Shulk, or the Tetris L-Block, every character thread should be a place where fans can get together and talk about and enjoy that character being in Sm4sh. They're not in Sm4sh? Guess what, some might be disappointed, but at the end of the day we'll all be happy to have the game.

To those that hate Bandana Dee, my advice is to just go to a thread you do like and post there, as trying to make people mad over this isn't worth it, and you can spend your time much better in a positive way. Think he's stealing the spot of Toad or Marx or anyone else? Guess what, he's not, this isn't some cut throat competition, a humble hard working Japanese director is working on this, he's not going "Oh Rosalina is a much better idea than Bowser Jr, guess he's cut". He's going "Rosalina, how can I best make this character stand out and be truly fun" or How can I best represent the Ninja and Water attributes of Greninja". At the end of the day opinions are objective, but one opinion is shared amongst us all, we love Smash Bros, otherwise we wouldn't be here so let's support each other and each others idea from now, till the game comes out, till the next games revealed, and do it all over again.


Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
While things are calmed down, I'd just like to say a little something.

Whether you love the idea of the character or hate it, everyone should remember ultimately no amount of support, large or small, really matters in the end as the final decision rests with Sakurai and the various studios that want to promote their character as the big new thing (Greninja for example). Now I'm sure everyone here has a character they might not like in the series, for example I still hate the idea of WFT. Does that mean I should go into her thread calling her stupid and that she's a waste of a spot? Of course not, that's my opinion, and the people who's opinion is this is a great original character who do use that forum don't need or want to hear about it. Same thing with a character candidate, I may not agree with seeing everyone that's suggested, but I don't go into threads trying to rile people up saying "This idea is awful" because even if it's "bad" on paper, Sakurai has been showing great work already and I'm confident he could take the most mudane of things and turn it into a fun competitive character.

Is it a lot of trolling? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but so what if someone comes into your thread and says "hey this idea sucks, you're all dumb". We can just ignore him, as his opinion doesn't mean we have to stop enjoying this thread and supporting a character we like and enjoy. Doesn't matter if it's Bandana Dee, Chorus Men, Chrom, Shulk, or the Tetris L-Block, every character thread should be a place where fans can get together and talk about and enjoy that character being in Sm4sh. They're not in Sm4sh? Guess what, some might be disappointed, but at the end of the day we'll all be happy to have the game.

To those that hate Bandana Dee, my advice is to just go to a thread you do like and post there, as trying to make people mad over this isn't worth it, and you can spend your time much better in a positive way. Think he's stealing the spot of Toad or Marx or anyone else? Guess what, he's not, this isn't some cut throat competition, a humble hard working Japanese director is working on this, he's not going "Oh Rosalina is a much better idea than Bowser Jr, guess he's cut". He's going "Rosalina, how can I best make this character stand out and be truly fun" or How can I best represent the Ninja and Water attributes of Greninja". At the end of the day opinions are objective, but one opinion is shared amongst us all, we love Smash Bros, otherwise we wouldn't be here so let's support each other and each others idea from now, till the game comes out, till the next games revealed, and do it all over again.

post of the day right here mates, listen well

does anyone else notice that we are actually less than 5 votes away from having 200 supporters or is that just me?
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Smash Journeyman
Feb 26, 2014
Solitude, Skyrim
Things sure did escalate quickly.

While things are calmed down, I'd just like to say a little something.

Whether you love the idea of the character or hate it, everyone should remember ultimately no amount of support, large or small, really matters in the end as the final decision rests with Sakurai and the various studios that want to promote their character as the big new thing (Greninja for example). Now I'm sure everyone here has a character they might not like in the series, for example I still hate the idea of WFT. Does that mean I should go into her thread calling her stupid and that she's a waste of a spot? Of course not, that's my opinion, and the people who's opinion is this is a great original character who do use that forum don't need or want to hear about it. Same thing with a character candidate, I may not agree with seeing everyone that's suggested, but I don't go into threads trying to rile people up saying "This idea is awful" because even if it's "bad" on paper, Sakurai has been showing great work already and I'm confident he could take the most mudane of things and turn it into a fun competitive character.

Is it a lot of trolling? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but so what if someone comes into your thread and says "hey this idea sucks, you're all dumb". We can just ignore him, as his opinion doesn't mean we have to stop enjoying this thread and supporting a character we like and enjoy. Doesn't matter if it's Bandana Dee, Chorus Men, Chrom, Shulk, or the Tetris L-Block, every character thread should be a place where fans can get together and talk about and enjoy that character being in Sm4sh. They're not in Sm4sh? Guess what, some might be disappointed, but at the end of the day we'll all be happy to have the game.

To those that hate Bandana Dee, my advice is to just go to a thread you do like and post there, as trying to make people mad over this isn't worth it, and you can spend your time much better in a positive way. Think he's stealing the spot of Toad or Marx or anyone else? Guess what, he's not, this isn't some cut throat competition, a humble hard working Japanese director is working on this, he's not going "Oh Rosalina is a much better idea than Bowser Jr, guess he's cut". He's going "Rosalina, how can I best make this character stand out and be truly fun" or How can I best represent the Ninja and Water attributes of Greninja". At the end of the day opinions are objective, but one opinion is shared amongst us all, we love Smash Bros, otherwise we wouldn't be here so let's support each other and each others idea from now, till the game comes out, till the next games revealed, and do it all over again.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 13, 2013
Camp Half Blood.
WADDLE DEE! WADDLE DEE! WADDLE DEE! three cheers for the man with the plan my friend, waddle dee!
also he started from the bottom nows hes here!
wait how did you get those signiture mr. seven?
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Smash Master
Dec 22, 2013
Gusty garden galaxy
Why is this thread getting so much recent attention?

You guys dedicate your lives to proving Bandana Dee is not a generic Waddle Dee,
yet when a generic Waddle Dee is taken out of Dedede's moveset it helps his chances?

And getting "Bandana" into his official American name actually means something?

Ok, the reason I'm surprised is...
his chances are exactly the same as they were in 2013, nothing has changed.

Smash Run doesn't hurt him, Toss doesn't help him, Name doesn't help him.

Seems like some people are acting like he's inevitable now that a generic Dee is out of Dedede's moveset and has an official name.
Y'know who else has an official name?
99% of videogame characters.
So... Bandana Dee just joined that group of almost everybody... yay?

Sorry, but I see so many posts her of:
"chances are basically none now..."
"wow, he's basically confirmed!"

I don't get it. There hasn't been a single update in Sakurai's posts that have helped or hurt him even slightly.
So what's all the fuss?
Sure, you can all just come here and talk about how cute he is, but... it just seems odd to me.
Eh... rant is done. Carry on.


Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2013
Why is this thread getting so much recent attention?

You guys dedicate your lives to proving Bandana Dee is not a generic Waddle Dee,
yet when a generic Waddle Dee is taken out of Dedede's moveset it helps his chances?

And getting "Bandana" into his official American name actually means something?

Ok, the reason I'm surprised is...
his chances are exactly the same as they were in 2013, nothing has changed.

Smash Run doesn't hurt him, Toss doesn't help him, Name doesn't help him.

Seems like some people are acting like he's inevitable now that a generic Dee is out of Dedede's moveset and has an official name.
Y'know who else has an official name?
99% of videogame characters.
So... Bandana Dee just joined that group of almost everybody... yay?

Sorry, but I see so many posts her of:
"chances are basically none now..."
"wow, he's basically confirmed!"

I don't get it. There hasn't been a single update in Sakurai's posts that have helped or hurt him even slightly.
So what's all the fuss?
Sure, you can all just come here and talk about how cute he is, but... it just seems odd to me.
Eh... rant is done. Carry on.
...We don't think the removal of a genaric waddle dee will help his chances. Many of us thought he specifically would be in the move as a more rare enemy than the gordo. Now that can't happen. About the name, about half of the people said that his chances were unafected, but were happy that they were listening to fans and gave him the name the fans gave him.


Rainbow Waifu
Dec 16, 2012
Switch FC
While things are calmed down, I'd just like to say a little something.

Whether you love the idea of the character or hate it, everyone should remember ultimately no amount of support, large or small, really matters in the end as the final decision rests with Sakurai and the various studios that want to promote their character as the big new thing (Greninja for example). Now I'm sure everyone here has a character they might not like in the series, for example I still hate the idea of WFT. Does that mean I should go into her thread calling her stupid and that she's a waste of a spot? Of course not, that's my opinion, and the people who's opinion is this is a great original character who do use that forum don't need or want to hear about it. Same thing with a character candidate, I may not agree with seeing everyone that's suggested, but I don't go into threads trying to rile people up saying "This idea is awful" because even if it's "bad" on paper, Sakurai has been showing great work already and I'm confident he could take the most mudane of things and turn it into a fun competitive character.

Is it a lot of trolling? Maybe it is, maybe it isn't, but so what if someone comes into your thread and says "hey this idea sucks, you're all dumb". We can just ignore him, as his opinion doesn't mean we have to stop enjoying this thread and supporting a character we like and enjoy. Doesn't matter if it's Bandana Dee, Chorus Men, Chrom, Shulk, or the Tetris L-Block, every character thread should be a place where fans can get together and talk about and enjoy that character being in Sm4sh. They're not in Sm4sh? Guess what, some might be disappointed, but at the end of the day we'll all be happy to have the game.

To those that hate Bandana Dee, my advice is to just go to a thread you do like and post there, as trying to make people mad over this isn't worth it, and you can spend your time much better in a positive way. Think he's stealing the spot of Toad or Marx or anyone else? Guess what, he's not, this isn't some cut throat competition, a humble hard working Japanese director is working on this, he's not going "Oh Rosalina is a much better idea than Bowser Jr, guess he's cut". He's going "Rosalina, how can I best make this character stand out and be truly fun" or How can I best represent the Ninja and Water attributes of Greninja". At the end of the day opinions are objective, but one opinion is shared amongst us all, we love Smash Bros, otherwise we wouldn't be here so let's support each other and each others idea from now, till the game comes out, till the next games revealed, and do it all over again.
Great post. I wholeheartedly agree. While it is okay to treat other newcomer candidates as rivals, treating them as enemies and trolling their support threads is a big no-no.

Anyways, I added Bandana Dee to my signature. Better late than never, I guess.


Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2013
Great post. I wholeheartedly agree. While it is okay to treat other newcomer candidates as rivals, treating them as enemies and trolling their support threads is a big no-no.

Anyways, I added Bandana Dee to my signature. Better late than never, I guess.
I remember a time when the Bandana Dee and Toad fanbase were united...
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