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Bandana Dee, the Spear Master! (v(- ' ' -)>↑ ~ Dee wait is killing us...

Do you want Bandana Dee in SSB4?

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Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
Why is this thread getting so much recent attention?
because we are a somewhat bigger fan base, its only natural there's discussion
along with waddle dee's appearing and king dedede's moveset, regardless of whatever it does its going to attract attention here
You guys dedicate your lives to proving Bandana Dee is not a generic Waddle Dee,
yet when a generic Waddle Dee is taken out of Dedede's moveset it helps his chances?
thanks for saying that we dedicate our lives when probably most of us got school, college, work, ect. you know that stuff doesn't matter when we spend an hour on here to help our/one of our favorite characters
and not really seeing how they are added to smash run, what we are more happy about is that he only throws gordos, meaning no waddle dees including bandana can no longer be part of that move
And getting "Bandana" into his official American name actually means something?
yes, it means he is an actual character now,
no can say he's just a regular/random waddle dee in a bandana, he official has a name
Ok, the reason I'm surprised is...
his chances are exactly the same as they were in 2013, nothing has changed.
one could say that, it doesn't really matter much since we all think differently.
others could see the gordo throw and his renaming as hints in smash, or others could say that they are subtle things that are not connected.
some think it helps, while others don't care and/or don't think so, we all think differently, nice to know which one you stand on
Smash Run doesn't hurt him, Toss doesn't help him, Name doesn't help him.
smash run doesn't
the toss helps, but doesn't increase his likeliness.
and the name could go separate ways, it all depends how you see it, some say it doesn't affect anything, while others say its basically his savor
Seems like some people are acting like he's inevitable now that a generic Dee is out of Dedede's moveset and has an official name.
Y'know who else has an official name?
99% of videogame characters.
So... Bandana Dee just joined that group of almost everybody... yay?
some people are, many think that this is hinting his inevitable appearance
and that is yay, before bandana dee was seen as part of the species as an whole, just another waddle dee, but now even if he is part of a species, an official name now separates him to being his own character, he can no longer be called waddle dee since he is now separated from his species
that is reason to say yay
Sorry, but I see so many posts her of:
"chances are basically none now..."
"wow, he's basically confirmed!"
some people just think that seeing a regular waddle dee basically deconfirmes bandana since he is an waddle dee in fact, stupid to say but they are free to think what they want, while others see the subtle little marks and think it practically confirms him, also majorly wrong, but again they are free to act how they think
I don't get it. There hasn't been a single update in Sakurai's posts that have helped or hurt him even slightly.
So what's all the fuss?
Sure, you can all just come here and talk about how cute he is, but... it just seems odd to me.
Eh... rant is done. Carry on.
sakurais post yes, the direct a bit, the waddle dee toss turning into the gordo toss, helps but not in a chance way.

the "fuss" that we are talking about is because sakurai and hal are destroying argument, things people have said to counter against bandana dee.
bandana dee like many other characters about have arguments of why he shouldn't be in or doesn't have a chance, most are posted on the OP,
two of these arguments were the "waddle dee toss" and the "generic enemy named waddle dee".
the first one was basically that the waddle dees king dedede throws would be replaced with waddle dees with bandana to celebrate his recent importance, or have him come out as a very rare low chance outcome of the move, now that the waddle dee toss changed to the gordo toss he can no longer become part of that move, that is where it helps him mate, it might not increase or decrease his chance, but it is something that helps him.
now the second one is just basically that he is an over glorified grunt that's named waddle dee, which means that he is just an another waddle dee and would be the equivalent of adding a gomba with a hat. now with an name this one is gone seeing how all the stuff bandana dee has done (a.k.a his importance) is now draft to a signal character rather than the whole species, and with the stuff he has done (super star ultra semi- important plot element, RTDL playable character, TD two important roles to help the player) puts him miles above any of his own species. the name helps him to recognized him as an character. something that was heavily argued about before, now that can lay to waste.

I know you think that nothing has happen to inflict his chance, but many people aren't you, they see things differently because we are all different people. in fact many of our members here actually believe he has no chance and only supporting him for spite because they want to believe. but there are also a good amount of supporters who believe he is practically confirmed. there's nothing you or anyone can do to sway what they think, we all take logic and evidence differently mate whether its correct or incorrect we all think differently. that what makes a community is when we all pull our thinking together to come up with different ideas that we would never thought up before. our community may be one ruffled up militia tied together by a single character. but we are still a noticeable fan base regardless.
it is nice to hear your thoughts, but there is no need to call us out because we think differently


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2014
In My World~
Sigh...I knew this was going to happen someday...

For once, can I see a support thread for one of my favourite characters that doesn't have haters, trolls, and people who disrespect other people's opinions? I think it's just pathetic.

If you don't support a character or absolutely hate that character, just don't even set foot into their support thread...gee.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, Bandana Dee, and I don't care what you guys say, still has a good chance. I won't give up until I see the full roster.

Thank you.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 13, 2013
Camp Half Blood.
I"m hoping for both. They were already up there in my wish list for Brawl (not Bandana Dee, but Waddle Dee in general).
what would his moveset even be??!!
and it would be a waste of space when we could have tails or someone better!
NO toad.
no offence but not gonna happen and TO MANY MARIO CHARACTERS!
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Smash Champion
Jan 27, 2014
Planet Omicron Persei 8
Yes please, Kirby series is one of the main four. [Well, at least Kirby himself is. Melee opening, 64 opening[[I mean, Link and Pikachu were the first in the last scene of characters kicking each other, Mario and Kirby the largest part of that scene.]] Brawl trailer, yeah, Mario, Kirby, Link, and Pikachu are the main four.] and 4 characters isn't ridiculous for one of the 4 main series.


Super Pac-Fan
Jun 7, 2013
US (Mountain Time, -7 Hours)
what would his moveset even be??!!
and it would be a waste of space when we could have tails or someone better!
NO toad.
no offence but not gonna happen and TO MANY MARIO CHARACTERS!
A: This is not the Toad thread.
B: How is the single most iconic character left in Nintendo's repertoire be a waste?
C: This is not the Toad thread.
D: Tails?
E: This is not the Toad thread.
F: Saying something offensive and saying "no offense" doesn't make it better.
G: This is not the Toad Thread.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 13, 2013
Camp Half Blood.
A: This is not the Toad thread.
B: How is the single most iconic character left in Nintendo's repertoire be a waste?
C: This is not the Toad thread.
D: Tails?
E: This is not the Toad thread.
F: Saying something offensive and saying "no offense" doesn't make it better.
G: This is not the Toad Thread.
A: Lol like I care if its the Toad thread" or not.
B: Tails I meant any other character he just came to my head first.
C: And I said or someone better so whatever.
D: You really only had four reasons no need to say "This is not the toad thread" 3 times DUH!
E: How long did it take you to write that?


Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
what would his moveset even be??!!
and it would be a waste of space when we could have tails or someone better!
NO toad.
no offence but not gonna happen and TO MANY MARIO CHARACTERS!
well that certainly is the way to go to piss off about half of the people who come here.
there certainly was not a nicer way you could of said that you believe that toad will not make it. and there really no way you could of set of a gigantic bomb off in a place where its not even needed.
going to go bash toad mate do it in his thread.
where im positive all his supporters will strangle you for that post


Smash Apprentice
Dec 13, 2013
Camp Half Blood.
well that certainly is the way to go to piss off about half of the people who come here.
there certainly was not a nicer way you could of said that you believe that toad will not make it. and there really no way you could of set of a gigantic bomb off in a place where its not even needed.
going to go bash toad mate do it in his thread.
where im positive all his supporters will strangle you for that post
lol ok mmhhmm yup sure definitely :rolleyes:
dunno why everyones hating me for that post i said what i thought GET OVER IT:glare:
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Lazy Lonely Lurker☕
Oct 8, 2013
Somewhere with Coffee
lol ok mmhhmm yup sure definitely :rolleyes:
dunno why everyones hating me for that post i said what i thought GET OVER IT:glare:
this is the internet mate. whatever you say sticks with you the rest of your life. and everyone reminds you of it.
in other words no one will get over it until you give in.
take that as a warning til the major toad fans get here


Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2013
A: Lol like I care if its the Toad thread" or not.
B: Tails I meant any other character he just came to my head first.
C: And I said or someone better so whatever.
D: You really only had four reasons no need to say "This is not the toad thread" 3 times DUH!
E: How long did it take you to write that?
1: Tails is even worse than Toad, so you should feel bad for suggesting him in the first place.
2. Tails is still not better, and saying 'he just came to my head first' isn't an excuse.
3. It's a BANDANA DEE thread, not a TOAD thread, so you obviously don't talk about arguments against Toad outside of the TOAD thread, 'DUH!'
4. The time between posts is 7 minutes, and he obviously wasn't on when you posted it at first.
5. You're a complete dumbass for complaining that people are 'hating' on your opinion, when it was posted on a PUBLIC thread, in the WRONG SECTION, and you were being a complete **** about it.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 13, 2013
Camp Half Blood.
Warning Received
I'm already here. I'm just don't find him worth the time to argue with.
"worth the time to argue with", "him" has a name you can call me ike or gohan or natsu
hey fatassbear you cannot make me feel bad and i wont feel bad so shut up about that and calm down idiot and i was replying to someone who brought it up so get your facts right first dumbas and stop swearing like an idiot
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Smash Lord
Jun 16, 2013
"worth the time to argue with", "him" has a name you can call me ike or gohan or natsu
hey fatassbear you cannot make me feel bad and i wont feel bad so shut up about that and calm down idiot and i was replying to someone who brought it up so get your facts right first dumbass and stop swearing like an idiot
Lol. "swearing like an idiot" "fatassbear" "dumbass" He curses twice and censors it so you get on to him by cursing twice and not censoring it.

Princess Toady

Smash Ace
Jan 3, 2014
I'm already here. I'm just don't find him worth the time to argue with.
Same here. Not worth the time OR the effort.

Did we speak of Bandana Dee's special ? Up B is a given, but what would be the rest of his three special attacks ? Perhaps Megaton Punch for the Down B but people seem to prefer this alternative as a final smash.
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Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
@ FalKoopa FalKoopa Now your signature looks 100% better :D XD

Wow guys, thank you so much for defending Bandana Dee, you are true supporters.
I still remember when this thread had like 120 posts and it was like in the last page :')


Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2013
"worth the time to argue with", "him" has a name you can call me ike or gohan or natsu
hey fatassbear you cannot make me feel bad and i wont feel bad so shut up about that and calm down idiot and i was replying to someone who brought it up so get your facts right first dumbas and stop swearing like an idiot
"I don't have arguments
here's my 'witty' retort"
This is pretty much your post in a nutshell.

@ Chandeelure Chandeelure
This is probably the most likely candidate, or one of 'em by now.
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chugga chugga
Mar 3, 2014
Moo Moo Meadows
Switch FC
what would his moveset even be??!!
and it would be a waste of space when we could have tails or someone better!
NO toad.
no offence but not gonna happen and TO MANY MARIO CHARACTERS!
just go
if you're going to hate on any character
He could use powerups!
Not a waste of a spot when Tails won't get in! lul haha you do that i do this
Like lol Tails has like a 1%, 2nd 3rd party rep? You're not sakurai; therefore you can't deconfirm Toad.

no offence but what you said was 100% dumb okay? being 100% honest here, because I just made a post about that
like i'm not even going to try to sugarcoat it okay? what you said was just dumb to be 100% honest

I know he probably stopped, but still; I just made a post about this.
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Bandana Brigade Captain
Aug 13, 2013
(v(- ' ' -)>↑
just go
if you're going to hate on any character
He could use powerups!
Not a waste of a spot when Tails won't get in! lul haha you do that i do this
Like lol Tails has like a 1%, 2nd 3rd party rep? You're not sakurai; therefore you can't deconfirm Toad.

no offence but what you said was 100% dumb okay? being 100% honest here, because I just made a post about that
like i'm not even going to try to sugarcoat it okay? what you said was just dumb to be 100% honest

I know he probably stopped, but still; I just made a post about this.
This is not the Toad thread.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 13, 2013
Camp Half Blood.
just go
if you're going to hate on any character
He could use powerups!
Not a waste of a spot when Tails won't get in! lul haha you do that i do this
Like lol Tails has like a 1%, 2nd 3rd party rep? You're not sakurai; therefore you can't deconfirm Toad.

no offence but what you said was 100% dumb okay? being 100% honest here, because I just made a post about that
like i'm not even going to try to sugarcoat it okay? what you said was just dumb to be 100% honest

I know he probably stopped, but still; I just made a post about this.
your right sorry but that was my opinion so its ok I don't care wat u think u don't care wat I think cool right? 100% fine with me bro oh and saying no offence doesn't make it better
er hi morbid?
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Smash Master
Mar 30, 2014
Alright, I'll play ball, and pretend as though Dee has a chance.

The fact that Dedede no longer tosses Waddle Dees could serve to foreshadow Bandana, as having identical albeit bandanaless Waddle Dees swarming the field would be particularly unfair to Bandana players.

There's also the fact that Bandana Dee's weapon of choice is a spear. The only other significant Nintendo characters to wield a polearm is Pig Ganon and whatever Fire Emblem characters there are. Unlike Blue/Yellow Toad, Bandana Dee in Return to Dreamland has an established moveset to differentiate him from Kirby, Meta Knight, and Dedede without making him generic.

The incorporation of the Ultra Sword into Kirby's new Final Smash also helps Bandana's case, as even though Super Star Ultra was when he debuted, Return to Dreamland was his first playable appearance.

Add in the fact that Kirby is Sakurai's favorite franchise and...


...Dammit, I think I just convinced myself that Bandana Dee will be a playable character.

I'm not holding my breath, though, I'm saving oxygen for Ridley. Good luck, people!
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Smash Journeyman
Aug 28, 2013
Alright, I'll play ball, and pretend as though Dee has a chance.

The fact that Dedede no longer tosses Waddle Dees could serve to foreshadow Bandana, as having identical albeit bandanaless Waddle Dees swarming the field would be particularly unfair to Bandana players.

There's also the fact that Bandana Dee's weapon of choice is a spear. The only other significant Nintendo characters to wield a polearm is Pig Ganon and whatever Fire Emblem characters there are. Unlike Blue/Yellow Toad, Bandana Dee in Return to Dreamland has an established moveset to differentiate him from Kirby, Meta Knight, and Dedede without making him generic.

The incorporation of the Ultra Sword into Kirby's new Final Smash also helps Bandana's case, as even though Super Star Ultra was when he debuted, Return to Dreamland was his first playable appearance.

Add in the fact that Kirby is Sakurai's favorite franchise and...


...Dammit, I think I just convinced myself that Bandana Dee will be a playable character.

I'm not holding my breath, though, I'm saving oxygen for Ridley. Good luck, people!
You might wanna give some more to Bandana Dee, I heard he doesn't have a mouth...
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