In this situation, I would say you could define skill by the player who wins the first game. Pretty much everyone seems fine with the way the first stage is chosen (strike until there's one stage; whether you are striking from 19 stages or 7). To best display skill, we should choose a ruleset where the winner of game 1 has an almost equal chance of winning game 2. Obviously if we had 3 stages that were 100% fair for all matchups, there would be no debate. People would play those three stages and whoever wins 2 out of 3 advances. The problem we are having comes to the second stage. Allowing the loser of game 1 to choose a highly advantageous stage where the favor is tipped greatly is anti-competition. It is the ultimate form of catering to the lesser-skilled. The only reason this system has stayed in place so long is Melee is such an amazing game that the skill gap is huge which means most players win 2-0 against their seeded opponents even with having to play on a janky stage. That, and the fact that if someone does get gayed on a counterpick, it doesn't matter cause they just counterpick them to a different unfair stage that gives them a stupid advantage.
So yeah, hate to sound like a broken record, but it's stupid to have one fair stage that accurately depicts the skill level of each player, and then have two stages which are ridiculously biased towards one of the players based on their character choice.
Well counterpicking made sense when we were still doing random for game 1.
Right now CP's are just an artifact of an old system. It's not the worst thing, but as has been said several times they're just not necessary anymore.
Also, the stage striking system falls apart if you have more than 9 stages, I think.
Example: There are 11 stages available, 5 are neutral
Player A plays character X
Player B plays character Y
Character X has a disadvantage vs character Y on every stage that isn't neutral
By the end, player A bans 5 counterpick stages and player B bans 5 neutral stages. They play on a counterpick stage and player A is automatically at a disadvantage.
Even if player A prioritizes first banning stages he has the highest disadvantage on he will still end up at a disadvantage every time versus player B.
Also if there are 9 stages, 5 neutrals and it's the same scenario otherwise, then that means that basically player B gets to choose which neutral they feel they have the highest advantage on. With 7 stages it's not too bad.
Of course, this isn't a perfect model. This assumes that every counterpick is bad for only one player, which is a bold claim.
It's just game theory
So you want to NOT discuss this intelligently, and instead do a mindless poll without people stating the reasons for their vote, because you look down on the people of this community as stubborn people whose minds can't be changed? Wow. Just wow.
I try to avoid thinking the worst of people and jumping to drastic conclusions about their personal character before I get to know them. I'd appreciate it if from now on you did the same, thanks.
dont condescend my post if you cant attack every point.
if anything your arguing personal freedoms because you are allowing a decision from a another player based on impluse to change the layout of a game thats been played for a decade. im not saying hax doesnt have weight to his argement but if its not broken (fighting game humor) then dont try to fix it. otherwise this game will degrade into
"fox only, no items, final destination" can you not see the slope?
Yeah I wasn't trying to be condescending. Also, it wasn't that I
couldn't attack every point, it's that I didn't
want to. I'm content to agree to disagree on this one.
You're begging the question at the end, btw.