While stages are being discussed, AA, what about making standard some of those SSE hack stages? Geno's Forest Maze, Lucario vs MK duel, Tabuu Destination, Midair Stadium, Halberd Interior 1.5 battlefield, and Shadowbug levels all seem very balanced and might be that little something that sets BBrawl apart in people's minds, without changing the core game too much.
Two in particular add something interesting to the game:
MK vs Lucario (Which I would call Ice Top) is a viable Ice level, making for interesting approach options.
Halberd interior 5 platform is kind of interesting, since the lights flash on and off slowly.
Most of the other ones would just make nice extra neutrals.
And, while recoveries are being discussed, is anything being done with Zelda & Wolf's recovery's helplessness lag? Not asking about them them not becoming helpless after their recovery moves, just a reduction of the time that it takes for them to be able to be maneuvered.
Edit: Oh, one last thing, is anything being done to address that, in teams, MK 1-2 can cause a bit of lag working with all the blocks?