Smash Lord
If they're bashing us, why should we humor them by sticking to their terminology?I have read so much bashing on smash from those communities for the entire day, and you're right. what a shame though. something as radical as competitive smash, especially with bans, cannot be accepted by those communities.
but i guess i'm still overly conscious of what they think of us. i'll be happy as long as i am able to discourage people from using the term "hurtbox" before it spreads like a virus. can I at least do this one thing for the community?
We run the risk of taking ourselves too seriously anyway. It's important to have some self-deprecating humor. Otherwise you fall into the Tekken trap. Everyone who plays Tekken takes it way serious, and everyone who doesn't play Tekken... laughs at them.
If they accepted that their game was a button masher, and that when people talk about 'button mashers' they're almost always implying tekken, life would be much easier. We can accept that our game is a party game. It happens to be deep fighting game, but the fact that it's also a party game is actually what's so awesome about it.
Also, that Brawl players came up with 'hurtbox' means nothing. Good for them I guess. It's a sensible term.