And then nominations were open again!
[collapse=Interview with Articanus]
Way down in Texas Georgia, I was looking around for someone on a street plaza. A young man approached, dressed in a Marill costume. Shocked, I realized this was Articanus. We exchanged greetings and he drove me to a neat little apartment. Once inside, and settled with a cup of tea, I began.
Terywj: Alright, Articanus. Thanks for doing this interview. Could you tell us about yourself? The basics like name, age, stuff like that.
Articanus: My name is Branden. Branden. Branden. My last name is Zipperer. I live in Savannah, Georgia. I'm 19 years old, in my first year of college. Currently a mathematics major, soon to be changing to an education one.
Terywj: So let's jump right into it: How did you discover Smashboards and / or competitive Smash in general?
Articanus: Actually I kinda fell into Smashboards by mistake. I remember I used to do a lot around Newgrounds in middle school, and somewhere in the forums someone posted Shined Blind. It basically taught me to shine spike. And when I played my friend in seventh grade for the first time, I did it to him, and then we found SWF, and we learned more. And now he *****, he being Druggedfox. I still suck at Smash. Working on that, though.
Terywj: Where did you start posting, and which forums / subforums did you come to frequent?
Articanus: Well originally I posted just around the Melee Discussion forums, completely sucking. I mained Samus at the time, which would eventually go to Mario and then to Falco. I remained a Falco main for years to come, and recently (last year or so) I've mained Marth. All of this in Melee. For the PokeCenter it was a different story: I was a pretty big battler back in Advance, but really didn't try too hard. Rather, I found it more stimulating and fun to just take people by surprise with gimmick sets, especially my Hidden Power Ground Skarmory and SubSalac Magneton. When DP came out, I started posting in the PokeCenter where big names such as Leafgreen365 or whatever took the spotlight at the time. As time went on we had people like Wii4Mii join the ranks as well as 0rly, and I believe this is the era dawned as the "golden age" of the PokeCenter where we also had Umbreonmow and JesiahTEG posting around as well. I remember my name became more well-known in that particular forum after I 6-0ed wii4mii with my Calm Mind Misdreavus. Time came, I posted on Smogon a lot, I got better at Gen. IV as a whole, and I did something I have regretted since: I supported and actually got voting rights to vote against Garchomp being in OU. And well, everything after that was history.
Terywj: What happened when Brawl rolled around? And Pokemon Black and White?
Articanus: I played Brawl for a month and quit with Druggedfox to play more Melee. The Brawl variants, especially Brawl Minus were more interesting. As for BW, I've been keeping tabs on it and looking into it because I feel it has the potential to have a great metagame to it. Nothing so far, though.
Terywj: Why is Sami in the Melee Back Room but you're stuck here doing interviews in the PokeCenter?
Articanus: Because Sami's cool and I suck. If Pink Reaper asked me that question in a room with him, Bin Laden, and Hitler, and all I had was a gun with two bullets...I'd shoot Pink Reaper three times. Nah I don't really care, though. Sami has put more effort into Melee in general, which is why he's in the Back Room and better than me.
Terywj: What is your favorite Pokemon?
Articanus: As you know, it would have been Azumarill. Nowadays I want a baby Dratini.
Terywj: You brought up how you are a member on Smogon University's forums. Exactly how involved have you been / are you over there?
Articanus: Nowadays I post never; I used to be an official tutor over there for the DPP metagame, and had inside access to most parts of the forum. I even continued to have it after the removal of my badge through some glitch haha! But I posted somewhere for lawls and they took that away.
Terywj: Why don't you post more awesome warstories?
Articanus: Because I never get any awesome battles.Why post a sucky warstory on a sucky battle? I only write those on matches that make me shake, and I haven't had one in all of Gen. V.
Terywj: Would you participate in another PokeCenter podcast should one arise?
Articanus: I would if I could but I hate Skype so much.
Terywj: Other than Pokemon and Smash, what are some other video games you enjoy?
Articanus: I play Starcraft 2 and Magic the Gathering, mostly. I'm trying to get pro at those as well, but being good at four games is hard. I'm not even good at one yet.
Terywj: Why do you play Standard?
Articanus: I actually prefer Legacy myself; Standard requires too much investment of time and money to keep up with and Vintage is meh because I don't like the degree of brokeness in it. Personally, I think there should be a tier below Legacy that we should play, where the speed of the game is brought to an even lower degree for more viable strategies and fun and stuff. Basically that's me hating ANT for being able to kill me on T1 so much and forcing me to want to use FoW or have an even faster deck to beat it.
Terywj: Video games aside, what are some of your hobbies and interests?
Articanus straightened rigidly.
Articanus: Does not compute. Jokes aside, I have a girlfriend I've been going out with for about 3 years now. You've spoken to her; she mentioned Mudkips, heh. But yeah nothing much asides. God I'm a loser.
Terywj: Do you listen to music? What genres or artists?
Articanus: I listen to everything at this point. I had like a random month where all I did was listen to music and look for artists; I'm especially partial to Greek techno.
Terywj: If you could pick the next interviewee, who would you pick and why?
Articanus: I dunno. You because I'd like to see you work that at both angles, haha.
Terywj: You're having lunch with four people from the PokeCenter tomorrow. Who are they.
Articanus: Gates, Pink Reaper, Ultimario, and any of the Moderators. Sit back and watch the chaos.
Terywj: I like that answer. Where do you see the United States in 50 years?
Articanus: I give a ****?
Terywj: Another good answer. If you saw Kirbyraeg in person, how hard would you blow him?
Articanus: I'd blow him
this hard.
At this point, a girl entered the room. Extremely confused, she asked Articanus, "Branden, why is some random Asian kid in my house?" Articanus and I exchanged stares.
Terywj: Why are we in your girlfriend's house again?
Articanus: Because I'm always here. And I invite all my friends here.
Terywj: Have you really been far as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
Articanus: I am so confused by the question, I don't know how to explain it.
Terywj: Thanks for doing the interview, Articanus!
Articanus: No problem!
Realizing the interview was over, Articanus' girlfriend kicked me out of the house. I laughed, and left.[/collapse]