Sorry for the delay--and double post, but Gates' interview has been finished! Also, keep those nominations going!
[collapse=The Interview]I was walking around Sesame Street and I saw a trashcan rattling randomly. I walked up to it, curious, and removed the lid. A young man stared up at me. “The ****?”, the man started. “There you are,” I laughed. I took out a pen and a notebook and started writing.
Riddle: Thanks for doing this interview with me Gates!
Gates: Oh shut up, you probably just wrote an intro that made me look terrible.
Riddle: Can you tell us a little about yourself, such as name, age, etc.?
Gates: My name is Ryan Gates, I go by Gates on SWF. I'm 22 years old and I currently live in an Eastern Michigan University dorm room in Ypsilanti, Michigan. I like long walks on the beach, romantic comedies, and spooning.
Riddle: Ypsilanti is an awesome town name!
Gates: Yeah, I think it's Native American or something. It's outside of Ann Arbor, like, right across the river.
Riddle: How did you find Smashboards?
Gates: I'm not completely sure actually. Sometime around 2006 or so I started wanting to get better at Smash because I think Brawl was announced around then. So I looked at SWF for some tips on how to be good. It kind of led to how I picked my Melee main too. I saw a tier list and I was very surprised because Peach was ranked 5th or so (at the time)
I liked Peach already for comedy value and because she's faptastic, so I decided to pick her up. Then around the time Brawl came out I started lurking more again. Then I eventually started running the Dedede Boards matchup thread and well here I am.
I blinked a couple times after seeing a few ******* in orange jumpsuits dash by. I continued.
Riddle: How did you discover the Poke Center in particular?
Gates: Well I had a passing interest in Pokemon from time to time largely because of nostalgia. Then one day the Dedede boards decided to have a 8-man Pokemon tourney, so I sought some help with it. Before the tourney I actually contacted SniperNightOwl who won some real life Pokemon tournaments in the RSE era to help me with a team. Looking back she was totally trolling me because she recommended **** like Curse Quagsire. But yeah, eventually she got annoyed with me asking her for advice and I got tired of talking to her so I started becoming more active in the PC. That was around the time HGSS was released in Japan.
Riddle: Can you give us a brief history of your involvement in the Poke Center? Like, once you joined the Poke Center, what did you do?
Gates: Troll. I pretty much just trolled up until now. Nah, but seriously, I entered some tournaments and scrubbed out of most of them until I got in my groove for Ubers Cup. I posted teams from time to time too and rated a couple teams and now I'm hosting Ubers Cup II which is going to be an amazing tournament that everyone should sign up for. But yeah, mostly I've just been a total ******* who hasn't contributed anything useful. At least that's what UltiMario wants me to say.
Riddle: I think you’re a good contributor. What's your favorite Pokemon?
Gates: I knew you were gonna ask me this question and I've been trying to think of one. But the thing is I really don't have one. There are Pokemon that I like and Pokemon that I use a lot but nothing really stands out.
Riddle: Do you have like some Pokemon that are definitely in the top 10?
Gates: For example, from a design perspective I think Poliwrath is perfect. And I like the ability Shadow Tag, so Wobbuffet, Wynaut, and Shandera are close to my heart. But in terms of what I use the most, I just realized the other day that Giratina-O is on all of my Uber teams. He's so great: spinblocks, STAB Dragon-type attacks, STAB Ghost-type priority physical attack; just the perfect things that anyone would ever want in Ubers. If I could pick one specific set that was the best set in Ubers for versatility, it would have to be standard Giratina-O as a mixed spin-blocker. Is there any other kind that's viable?
Riddle: Substitute Calm Mind maybe?
Gates: Yeah that's true. Substitute is really good, but the problem is you need a recovery move. But Giratina-O has no item. Pain Split fixes that I guess.
Riddle: What’s your favorite generation in terms of Pokemon/competitive/games themselves? That’s three different questions.
Big Bird danced by, singing the Alphabet Song backwards.
Gates: In terms of Pokemon, I'm not sure but definitely not Gen. V cause those Pokemon look like ****. I guess I'll go with Gen. I because of nostalgia? In terms of competitive, well I only started playing competitively with Gen. IV so I'll go with that since Gen. V has a laundry list of problems and if I were Mow I would go into them. In terms of the games themselves, Gen. I because there was none of this ridiculous breeding **** and getting IVs right for Hidden Power and all that nonsense. It was just a matter of teaching your Pokes the moves, leveling them up, and that's it. No overly complex breeding chains, no grinding for EVs and resetting when you accidentally kill the wrong thing, just pure power. To be honest that's why I quit Pokemon after Gen. II, I hated breeding.
Riddle: What’s your favorite type of team?
Gates: Well I always like Stall as a default since it can just randomly wreck stuff by having tons of entry hazards and paralysis hax, but it rarely works in an unknown meta and even in known meta there's a good chance it won't do so well. I guess you could say I like Bulky Aggro the most. At the very least I always put a really bulky supporting Pokemon on all my aggressive teams like Groudon. As far as gimmicky stuff goes like weather and Pass, I never can really do well with those kinds of teams. Or at least I couldn't until Gen. V when weather stopped being a joke and started being absurdly powerful. I rarely use weather in Ubers but I almost always use a weather user since you need one to compete in that tier.
Riddle: What makes a good Pokemon player?
Gates: Luck. Pure luck, that's all it is. Nah but for reals, prediction is important, teambuilding is important, knowing the metagame is important. I don’t know which is the most important, but I try to constantly improve myself in all 3 areas regardless.
Riddle: Why did you start playing Ubers/What made you start?
Gates: I don't remember exactly how. I think that something was happening in the PC that was Ubers related and I got into it because of that. And I got to where I am all on my own without any help from anyone. Because I'm amazing and there's nobody in the PC who's as good as me in Ubers.
Riddle: Which Pokemon is number 208?
Gates: STEELIX, haha. For my next avatar, I want a picture of Steelix's head coming out of Oscar The Grouch's trash can.
Riddle: Okay, on to non-Pokemon related questions. What is your favorite video game?
Gates: See, this is another question I can't really answer because there are so many that I like. But I'll run through a few quickly. I really love Super Mario Galaxy and its "sequel", they're probably my favorite 3D platformers of all time. Metal Gear Solid 3 is amazing because of the story, the tone, the setting, and the tense gameplay. Chrono Trigger and Final Fantasy VI are probably my favorite RPGs of all time. There's a lot more that I can't think of now. I like the Bioshock games but they have zero replay value unfortunately aside from multiplayer, which I don't play because I suck at FPS multiplayer. Oh, and Advance Wars. I loved the first 3 games. But they ****ed it up with Days of Ruin. You could say they...RUINED it. HAR HAR HAR.
Riddle: All of those games are awesome, but, that pun was not awesome.
Gates: You're not awesome. Oh, and Resident Evil 4. That was a great game.
Riddle: What’s your favorite movie?
Gates: See, this question I can actually answer within reason. Pulp Fiction. From a filmmaking standpoint, it does just about everything right. It had great acting, a good if somewhat derivative story, and great cinematography. You can find something absolutely incredible in almost every scene. Everyone should watch it.
Riddle; What is your favorite artist/musical group?
Gates: This is hard for me to answer because I don't listen to that much music, haha. I have a bunch of artists I like though. Obviously I like Lady Gaga given that I just had an avy related to her not long ago. She's probably my favorite pop artist out now, but I hate pop music so that's not saying much. I used to like classic rock a lot, particularly The Rolling Stones and The Who. I'm a bit more into classic metal now, I've been listening to Iron Maiden, Ozzie, and especially Metallica. In terms of rap, I like the Wu-Tang's old albums like 36 Chambers and also their mid-2000s stuff like Iron Flag and The W. Their last album I didn't like though because every other track was just The RZA talking about the Nation of Islam. And I'm also a sucker for cheesy songs from the 80s. Journey, Bon Jovi, etc. I also listen to the BlazBlue soundtrack quite a bit because I'm a huge nerd.
Riddle: That’s a pretty diverse selection of music you got there.
Gates: Blood Pain is a great song and it's pretty damn badass, I like Nu's theme because she's my main, and of course I love the Bang Install music because how can you not? BANG BANG BANG BANG BAAAAANG. BANGUU DAMASHII.
Gates slammed the lid of the trashcan multiple times for major emphasis points.
Riddle: That brings me to my next question: What other games do you/have you played competitively?
Gates: In terms of going to tournaments and stuff, currently I play none because I don't have a car and can't go to tournaments. But I used to play Brawl until I got tired of losing to Falco as Dedede. And I tried to get a Smash64 scene going in Michigan but it never really picked up because there was a split between those who wanted to use N64 and those who wanted to use Wii Virtual Console.
Riddle: What games would you play competitively if you had a car?
Gates: If I had a car, I would play Super Street Fighter IV, BlazBlue Continuum Shift, and especially Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 when it comes out. Not having a car or knowing people I can play within walking distance and having a ****ty Internet connection in your dorm is like the perfect storm for being too lazy to practice any games competitively. Oh, and I also like Street Fighter II HD Remix. I just kinda mess around in that game though.
Riddle: What is your favorite non Panty and Stocking anime?
Gates: I actually am such a nerd, I organize my favorite anime by decade. 1980s - Fist of the North Star. Think of every Shonen show you've ever loved. They ripped off Fist of the North Star in some way. This anime has everything a Shonen series would want - amazing fight scenes, a badass main character who is essentially undefeatable, and a plot that makes no sense and is only there to get from one fight to the next. 1990s - Cowboy Bebop. I've often told people that anime as a whole genre sucks and that they shouldn't bother with any of it...except Cowboy Bebop. This series is almost perfect in every way. There is not a single thing that I can think of in the whole series that is bad. It's just that good. 2000s - Azumanga Daioh. You know how everyone loves K-On! now and before that everyone loved Lucky Star? Both of those blatantly ripped off the character archetypes in Azumangah Daioh down to the letter. Azumanga was a brilliant original comedy series at the time that bucked a lot of the trends most comedy series had when it came out. It was a step forward in the comedy genre. So obviously people ripped it off by remaking it only with otaku, musicians, and moeblobs. If you liked Lucky Star or K-On! but hated the moeblob waifu bull****, you'll love Azumanga Daioh. 2010s - Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt. For starters, it's the only series so far this decade that I've watched to completion. For a second thing, it's ****ing incredible. In a rare moment of clarity and drunkenness (and I'm not kidding about the drunkenness, seriously look it up) Gainax made an anime that had the best elements of FLCL and Gurren Lagann while being able to simultaneously parody magical girl anime, American animation, and a bunch of other things. The plot, the premise, the characters, the jokes, and the series as a whole are outstandingly funny and after the cliffhanger ending I can't wait for season 2. Out of those 4 though, I'd have to say Cowboy Bebop is my favorite.
Riddle: I'm not really an anime fan, but maybe I'll have to check some of those out. Now for the grand finale: What do you think of the new Steelix avatars?
Gates: Haha, I love them. I hate to sound like I'm johning, but Ubers is one of those formats where random things can wreck you if you don't prepare for them. And of course you won't prepare for them because they're random. I think some scrub whose name started with an “R” once got really high on the Ubers ladder with Rock Polish Aggron. That kind of shows you how Ubers can be.
Riddle: Wait, actually I lied. Describe yourself in 9 words and 42 letters exactly. THAT’S the last question.
Gates: Steelix the steely Steelix on the shiny Steelix. Wait, that's 8 words. ************. Steelix the steely Steelix on top of the Steelix. SHAZAM.
Riddle: That is not 42 letters haha. Oh well. Thanks for the interview!
Gates: YES IT IS.
As I thanked Gates for the interview, I heard a rumbling noise from behind. Lo and behold, a Steelix towered above me. With an ear-splitting roar, the Steelix slammed me through a few buildings with an Iron Tail.
And then I woke up.[/collapse]