the problem is being a good player doesnt nessacaraly mean you are smart, or can make good decisions that are good for hte community.
actually thats not THE problem, thats one of a very very long list of problems.
is there REALLY a need for unifacation though?
the scene thrived for a long time without it, why do you need it so bad?
and is there anything left to unify? brawls fallen to **** in just about every state and is dying, melee seems to still be going strong, and they get by fine without needing a unify'd list right?
I mean sure unifaction would be nice, but this is just going to boil down to a few idiots argueing with each other, and ignoring what everyone else is saying just so they can call each other dumb and try to inflate their ego (and let me tell you, I know a thing or two about that)
and then after all the fighting has happened, we'll be back at square one.
so really I think the problem is that our community is too conflicted (and full of silly people)
perhaps the way to go is letting each state decide their own rules and keeping their states happy, and focusing on running quality tournaments and expanding their respective scenes
players may be deterred from traveling to interstate tournaments, but that is their loss. part of playing in another region is the experience of playing by that region's rules. in 07 when we went to adelaide we discovered that *shock!* battlefield was banned! this tournament was a great experience for all melbourners involved, we remembered the players and the matches and the skill of their scene, not the absence of battlefield.
however even if players still don't travel to interstate 'majors', this is fine. remember when we only had 1, perhaps 2 'majors' per year? perhaps it's time to go back to when the only true 'major' of the year was in melbourne, towards the end of the year. the fact that this was such a rarity made it all the more special and all the more likely that all top players from around the country were to attend. it meant there wouldn't be such flops as the time mango was supposedly visiting qld before coming down to melbourne, then that plan went haywire and qld attendance at bam was dismal. a 'major' for a state shouldn't be primarily about celebrating what we have, some great aus talent, but using it as a launching pad for growing the local scene.
the only thing we'd lose by not conforming to 1 ruleset would be... a few attendees at a few interstate tournaments? australia's skill level not rising as quick as could? well that's up for debate, but it doesn't matter anyway. melbourne looks like it would have mk unbanned and a fairly strict stagelist anyway, meaning that one special major each year wouldn't be spoiled for some by denying them their main or having them get gayed by frigate.
just seems like a waste of time, since in the end states will ignore the 'aus unity ruleset' and choose what they think is the most logical decision. vic seems to think banning mk is a bad idea. sa have already banned mk, and probably think it would be a bad idea to now go ahead and unban him. if the scene within in a state is happy with the way things are, why should a TO upset them by implementing this unity ruleset with the explanation that they were outvoted by the rest of the country?
they won't.
All good posts.
To weigh in, democratically deciding what is best for the scene is good. In democracy however, the people vote for the people who they decide know better than themselves what is best for them and their country.
I think the opinion of everyone from inexperienced newbies to the top level players is important to heed and not discard. It's downright disrespectful not to. They must be taken into consideration, otherwise you get a situation like the URC, which although I respect since they've just gone ahead and done something where others feared to tread, seems to have been assembled in the wrong kind of way.
The pre-requisite of being a major and influential TO was unwise to begin with in retrospect. It's about the players, not the people who seem to have an opinion just because they like the game enough to want to run tournaments for it.
However, I also think smashers are lazy and smug enough that they believe they can also tell TOs to run tournaments their way to the exclusion of every other. TOs deserve to do things however the heck they want, but the good ones heed the responsibility the comes with it, and likely heed the fact that a unified ruleset sounds like a good idea. Which brings us full circle as to why the URC was formed as it did.
TOs hold the power because nobody else can be bothered to/has the balls to run tournaments that challenge the status quo. I sure as hell can't, especially because I myself am indebted to AD3PT and Kaion for their turns at the reins in QLD and I can at the very least let them call the shots in the tournaments they run.
So, whilst we are striving towards an 'ideal' ruleset, I'd say that there are a lot more dynamics to consider past the actual rules themselves.
I am happy to moderate/weigh in on whatever, and I've always had strong opinions on conventional and non-conventional rulesets (although, usually my posts have been in the General Brawl sections and not here, because I cbf arguing here).
My personal opinion is either:
MK banned + No LGL or
MK Legal with 3 stages + 10 minutes or
MK Legal, ban stages like Brinstar/Delfino/Rainbow Cruise and no prize money EDIT: Not sure about LGL here. Leaning no.